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Hey graphics people,

I just started with the VHL last week and it has been a blast so far! I am looking forward to working on my graphic design skills, especially since I haven't used much Photoshop since college. I found great templates from Sportstemplates.com. I will start with the retro mask for the VHLM and once I get acquainted with the templates, move onto their jersey template. Ideally, the jerseys will have design elements from the masks but we will see if that is possible. 



Anyways, I present the San Diego Marlins:


Edited by GreenGato
Original image was lost in migration. Added it to the new template.
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Smart idea to get a line of these going, you'll earn points and I'm sure each team would dig it, jerseys too.


Mask looks clean, not a thing wrong with it! As long as you keep coming up with creative designs this'll be a must see each week. Maybe choose a different background, border design or shape the image if you understand that, takes nothing away from this though and I actually like how well the team colours match.


Can't really see "Marlins" in the background, yeah I know what it says but it bugs me. Also the image template logo and text could have been cut out, thought you put it there until I zoomed in. That's the only things I'd consider fixing, nothing huge.


Nice job, I'll give it a 8.5/10. Hope to see more of these in the future!!

Edited by ZP16
  • 2 weeks later...

Update 10/19:
I was trying to go in alphabetical order after the Marlins but my idea for the Wild is going to take a lot of time. I had been thinking about a split color mask and the Kings immediately stuck out. This has a nod to the Jocelyn Thibaut's chicago masks.   Huge shoutout to @ZP16 for the critiques on the last post. The whole background template has changed and I am much happier with this moving forward. I kept the Sport Template logo as recognition for the free template and will continue to do so until I pay for their jersey template. C&C Please!



Edited by GreenGato
Fixing Link
  • 2 weeks later...

Update 10/30

I wanted to emphasize a design element on this next mask and the life preserver in the Halifax logos reminded me of the Marquette stripe. I struggled with the width of the stripe but this was what I was happiest with. C&C welcome as always!




Edited by GreenGato
Reloaded Image

Retro masks....great concept.  As a former member of the Mexico City Kings, I really like the mask.  I particularly like its vibrancy.  You certainly capture the spirit of Mexico!!  Very nice left to right counterbalance.  An artist at work !!!  10/10

Update 11/6:

The Houston Bulls mask took inspiration from the workmark at the top of the logo. The flames seemed like an easy place to start but I wanted to focused on something that would meld with a jersey concept. I think a flames dominate design would look tacky. I still wanted to add some edge with the element around the eyes. C&C welcome as always!



Update 11/8:

For the Storm, I wanted to emphasize the lighting bolt and keep it simple. There isn't much more to say about this one. I attempted to outlie the bolt in grey but the simplest look won out. C&C as always!


  • 2 weeks later...

Update 11/16:

I swear I was not on anything when I came up with this design. I decided to go with the Rush as my next design after they drafted Vick. I was trying to figure out how to best capture the elements of the logo and give a sense of a rush. While this may result in rushing to the bathroom to vomit, I count it as a win. C&C as always!



Edited by GreenGato
  • 2 weeks later...

Update 11/25:
I wanted to give the Lynx some elements from their logo, but I had a lot of trouble not making them look like the Ottawa Rabbits, so I turned to the actual lynx for some inspiration. The leopard pattern is actually very similar to lynx fur, and they are known for the triangular definition of their ears and below their cheeks. C&C welcome! Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow 'mericans.




I dig it. Kind of a blanket review for all of them. It's a cool concept and design. Always appreciate the vintage stuff. If I had any criticism it's that it's all the same mask. I mean, there were different types of the old school mask. Otherwise solid paste and color stuff here. 7.5/10 for me.

Oh holy shit these are cool, I can't believe I've missed the weekly reveals! My favs are the Bulls (the eye markings just look so badass) and the Storm (big scary scar makes them look TUFF). Can't wait to see your Miami one. Keep it up!!

Update: 12/1

I appreciate the comments on the series! It's always cool to get some feedback. This week I wanted to use the double stripe made famous by Winnipeg. When I was going through the teams, I couldn't get the idea of using the houndstooth pattern with the Hounds' mask out of my head, so I combined the ideas. I attempted to use the stripes horizontally, like they will be on the jersey, but it never came out right. I am pretty stoked with the end result. C&C is welcome as always!



  • 2 weeks later...

Update: 12/11

First off, a huge thanks to Sonnet for the high-res logos. Without them, I doubt this series would exist. This week I present the mask for the Reapers. I wanted to bring the triangular elements of the logo into the mask. I have been trying to shy away from gradients because they can get gimmicky, but hopefully it looks like the goalie is the hooded figure in the logo.  C&C as always and Happy Holidays!


Update 12/18:

Miami and neon go together like peanut butter and chocolate. I wanted to add more elements than just the logo and the palm trees gave it more balance and color. This is also a bit of tribute to the Gary Simmons' cobra mask that inspired the series. C&C as always!




Try to switch it up next time with a different graphic, rather than do the same edit every week. It's best to put forward experimentation and new ideas to show that you're improving and trying new things, rather than throwing together the same thing each week.

  On 12/19/2020 at 8:36 AM, DollarAndADream said:


Try to switch it up next time with a different graphic, rather than do the same edit every week. It's best to put forward experimentation and new ideas to show that you're improving and trying new things, rather than throwing together the same thing each week.


I disagree somewhat.  I like the consistency so that eventually you would have the whole collection.

  On 12/19/2020 at 8:36 AM, DollarAndADream said:


Try to switch it up next time with a different graphic, rather than do the same edit every week. It's best to put forward experimentation and new ideas to show that you're improving and trying new things, rather than throwing together the same thing each week.


Fair enough. My goal was to get a series of these going while getting my skills back up to snuff and get to a jersey collection afterwards. I only have 2 teams left before I set this collection to rest but I can take a break from this for a week or 2 to mix it up.


I somewhat disagree with the "same edit...same thing" comment as people do signatures every week and I think that argument would hold true for people that do those all the time. Each mask is distinct from each other one with design elements that are not shared between any one of them. I can assure you that even if I end up going with my initial design, I spend at least hour on these modifying and trying multiple drafts if the effort involved was in question.


That being said, after 10 of these, I am a bit tired of them as well, so a small break is due. 

  On 12/19/2020 at 5:08 PM, GreenGato said:

Fair enough. My goal was to get a series of these going while getting my skills back up to snuff and get to a jersey collection afterwards. I only have 2 teams left before I set this collection to rest but I can take a break from this for a week or 2 to mix it up.


I somewhat disagree with the "same edit...same thing" comment as people do signatures every week and I think that argument would hold true for people that do those all the time. Each mask is distinct from each other one with design elements that are not shared between any one of them. I can assure you that even if I end up going with my initial design, I spend at least hour on these modifying and trying multiple drafts if the effort involved was in question.


That being said, after 10 of these, I am a bit tired of them as well, so a small break is due. 



I definitely love the concept and they look great.

  • 5 weeks later...

Well, it's been almost a month since my last mask, so without further ado, I present the penultimate mask before this thread disappears into the ether: @Spartan Your Las Vegas Aces are up! I am super pleased with how the mask came out. I wanted to use an Air Force theme, and the base patch for Chief Master Sergeant rank and above utilizes the five swooping lines below three chevrons, which would be the basis for the striping on their jersey. The patch ended up feeling similar to the Mad Max masks, which was the perfect "happy accident." The gold shower at the top and bottom further brings home the Las Vegas nature and gives some depth. C&C as always.



Update 1/23:

My first ever graphic series is coming to a close. It is crazy to look back at my work from 3 months ago and see how it has changed in such a short period. I am so grateful to have found the VHL. It such a great community, and these PTE tasks have renewed my passion for graphics and sport aesthetics. I can't wait to start on my jersey concepts and see what other projects I can create for the forums.


Now on to the mask. I was going to make a Sasky mask as my second concept, but my idea was beyond my skill level at that point, and I couldn't be happier that I saved it for last. The mask brings together the 80's style face-hugger mask, with the late '90s to early '00s open mouth animal logo and the now required city skyline. The logo got a little cartoon in the proportions, and I think it's for best. C&C as always, and see you all in the next thread!




I love it! This was a really cool series, and Sasky's mask came out absolutely awesomely as well! Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for your next series!

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