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My lil first round mock draft


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I'm on vac and I'm bored a bit. So here's 16 possible picks in an upcoming VHL draft. 



1.  :la: C- Pistil Stamen @DMaximus


For me, it's a no brainer. LA has a defensive and goaltending youth on lock. However, forwards is not. It's just not going to be enough with Pines and they will need bolster that position. Here comes Pistil Stamen, a player who comes from a well known agency of DMaximus. It already produced a good defenseman before, Charlie Paddywagon. Max is also a GM of a minors team Philadelphia Reapers. I think that's a match made in heaven situation right here. 


2. :ldn:  D - Jolly Greene Giant @DoktorFunk


Another VHLM GM who already has a history of creating a good player. For truly competing London needs some fine forwards, but I don't think Wolf is planning to go all in and instead closes his 4th defenseman hole with Giant. Gonna be a fine pick for sure. 


3.  :dav:   G - Kunibuni UnGuri @Berocka


I was thinkinging for a bit about what Davos even needs, but UnGuri makes sense. First off, Berocka is an AGM of Davos. Also, their current goalie Bruden is slowly becoming older and will start face the problems with regression soon. In this case, this youngster will be ready to take over while Bruden just going to backup position. 


4.  :chi:   D - L @gorlab


One thing's for sure. Gorlab won't get his one wish and be the first overall. What he will get is playing with his buddy Kylrad in same team. Pretty much sure this is the reason why Jeff decided to sell his S76 first for having another lotto pick in this draft. Only Matty Socks is considered as the future defensive stud of Chicago so taking two more to almost close this position, I think that should be very good for this team. They will always have seconds/thirds etc to get good forwards anyways. 


5.  :nya:  LW - Cabe McJake @RedSus


I was thinking about putting him lower, but one of Sus' answers in his today press conference made me think Bird already set his sights on this very promising Irish forward. It may seem a reach, but it's not really a reach considering his booming activity so far and I'm sure his LR presence will be wonderful as well. Something that NY will for sure appreciate. 


6.  :chi:  D - R @Kylrad


I don't think I need to explain why this particular player goes sixth overall. 


7. :rig:  D - Ove Dyrdahl @GRZ


I may be known as a guy who can fall asleep right before the draft. But I also like to make some out of the reach picks if I feel like I want to do that. Although this may not be the case. That pick could basically signalizing that I'm ready to fix a mistake I made in one of expansion drafts when I left him unprotected. Well, GRZ has no regrets about that tough. He's a certified DC legend now.


8. :rig:  LW - Dolant Fertitta @Dolant


I picked a IRL Latvian a pick before. Well, let's pick a IRL Lithuanian as well. What could be better than Braluikas connection in Riga, especially when Dolant is earning 14 TPE each week and never slowing down. What a shame there is no Estonian member in this draft class. 


9. :dav: C - Taro Tsujimoto @GustavMattias


Self explanatory. GM player pick. 


10. :rig:  G - Sirkants Kalmasteris @watch him, he's about to fell asleep at Monday, 7:50 PM EST


Self explanatory. GM player pick.


11. :war:  D - Muffbeav @.sniffuM


Self explanatory. GM player pick.


12. :que:  D - Scotty Kaberle @fromtheinside


One thing is for sure, Beaviss loves to pick first gens unless it's a very proven veteran with a couple of HoF players on his resume. Knowing champs' potential problem with a defense position, Beav will go with Kaberle. Yes, he is like 30-40 TPE behind some other players in this draft, but I feel he is more active on boards and that's exactly what 'Couver GM wants. 


13. :tor:  D - Chicken Wing @chikn


Another team that really needs a defense. Peace nicely set up his forward core, but I can't say the same about the blue liners. Chicken is a bit less active on boards, but still earns a good chunk of TPE and Toronto will go for it. 


14.  :que:  G - Thadius Sales @thadthrasher


I'm sure Beav would've been interested to pick someone else like McLaren, but his forward core is so set on place he won't go for that. I think he's just going to pick the activity once again. But what about Emerson who literally blew off right after the last draft? Well I guess is going to be a dog fight between him and Sales then after Spyro is gone due to a retirement. 


15.  :hel:  D - Gustav Hjalmarsson @McLovin


Well yeah, there are more interesting draftees left, but knowing how productive Lovin's and Jubo partnership was during Hafkey's career. I think both could be happy with restoring this in this draft. And also, some guys like Summers and Bolonee are becoming old so this team will need some young blue liners soon. 


16. :mos: G - Rara Rasputin @Victor


Self explanatory. GM player pick.



So there it is, my lil first round mock draft. Now, there could be a question - did I forget 5th and 7th ranked draftees, RJ Thatcher and Joe Kelly? And the answer is, no I didn't. I just couldn't really fit them in the first round properly despite of their superior TPE number. 4 GM player picks, some very active members and previous relationship factor seemed to be important enough for me to make that mock how it is. Anyways, even if that indeed happens, their lowest draft overall will be 17th and 18th. I think both NY and LA will be more than happy to take them at that stage of this draft. 


Ok, I'm too lazy to make more rounds and I'm not in VSN anyways. That's it and I'm out. Draft hype!


not claiming TPE because I already have an article to claim. just for draft hype purposes. 


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