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Merrick rant..again


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John Merrick is at a crossroad in his career. Looking at the recent events that lead to him being traded, one has to think what is going on. Well there are several layers to the VHL. Merrick is here to be on a team and do well as a player and team. Then there is a whole other camp that uses this league as a social club and player/team performance isn't top priority. Those would be the ones bragging about getting a goal when the team lost. Those are the ones that have never payed attention to how games are played and what went right or wrong. They are sheep that follow the Shepard no matter what. Merrick on the other hand reads the game play, looks at lines, looks at what could be better or changed and has the balls to bring up his opinion in the locker room. Not that anything Merrick thinks is right or wrong is correct or has to be addressed, just comments of an observation nature. This is where Merrick gets frowns from the sheep. Team mates have turned on him because they don't like someone questioning the situation.


The trade from Toronto was written on the wall. The GM needed to bolster the defense from last season but instead loaded up on forwards that wanted ice time. Well there went anything positive we built from the previous season. Merrick voiced his opinion and in the end the trade happened. He has played for a few other Gms that found him “difficult” to work with. I find this to be false but the failure of the Gms to understand that Merrick or even LeGrande wasn't in the league to hear drama or create it. A hockey sim league that labels a player that wants to succeed as a team and a player seems wrong. Well back to the daily grind and I have hopes that LA will be a team working to be better moving forward. Merrick will continue to ask questions and report what he sees, like what any invested player would do. If it rubs the locker room the wrong way then that's on them. Team success and watching after their own player should be top priority with any member or just go join a social forum and hold hands.

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Nah, I got that you wanted both.. also understood a part of the frustration.. you wanted one much more than the other though which is whatever and part of it too.. just not what we wanted to build off (same as TOR Id imagine... and the other sheep shephard, NYA).. how many cups you win in Seattle? I think it was 2? Lots don’t win 1, But you were not really happy because your player hovered around a PPG (which is decent). You were always one of the better players consistently.. You had numerous good seasons but all you were was upset by how many times your player underperformed in individual sims. Didn’t you complain in the season where you scored the most points in the entire league? That’s the word on the street anyway. 

Im sure on a weaker team where you can be the centrepiece of anything and everything, you’ll find happiness. Honestly hope you do! That’s what this league is about and if yours is individual success > team success, find it.  I didn’t have much of an overall dig against you or nothing personal. You just complained most sims about your player sucking and apparently the atmosphere was in other organization too.. We stood by you for a long time and tried to help you figure things out. I guess shitting on the team and everyone that tried to help is a good way to go though. Lol 

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17 minutes ago, Steve said:

"They are sheep that follow the Shepard no matter what. Merrick on the other hand reads the game play, looks at lines, looks at what could be better or changed and has the balls to bring up his opinion in the locker room. Not that anything Merrick thinks is right or wrong is correct or has to be addressed, just comments of an observation nature. This is where Merrick gets frowns from the sheep. Team mates have turned on him because they don't like someone questioning the situation."


"He has played for a few other Gms that found him “difficult” to work with. I find this to be false but the failure of the Gms to understand that Merrick or even LeGrande wasn't in the league to hear drama or create it."


"If it rubs the locker room the wrong way then that's on them."


I mean, calling your own teammates sheep and saying what you say is what you say even if, "it rubs the locker-room the wrong way that's on them" is pretty much creating drama, no? 🤔


I wish you the best LA, but if you truly believe in team success and performance you should keep in mind that morale and a good atmosphere is apart of that, outside of just pure simming performance.

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15 minutes ago, Juice said:


I mean, calling your own teammates sheep and saying what you say is what you say even if, "it rubs the locker-room the wrong way that's on them" is pretty much creating drama, no? 🤔


I wish you the best LA, but if you truly believe in team success and performance you should keep in mind that morale and a good atmosphere is apart of that, outside of just pure simming performance.

It’s both. Seattle won and had an amazing time together in the LR doing it. Steve is being dramatic saying that you guys and others only care about making friends on here and being buddies when we all know that’s not the case. Seattle wanted to win and the guys in that locker room at times sacrificed to do so.. they all had consistently good careers too when I do believe league scoring was lower..  We all want to win. It’s very evident in Toronto and these personal “friendly and buddy” things are what help a team do that.. look at the loyalty always in Seattle... or Vancouver.. Toronto.. Chicago... Moscow.. Malmo.. not quite LA yet hehe We all want to have our players perform properly. The community - how strong and accepting it is, that’s another great feature for the league. Who gives a shit if people are here with the additional perk of enjoyment from the community? Just an excuse to cry. 

Edited by Banackock
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6 minutes ago, Juice said:


I mean, calling your own teammates sheep and saying what you say is what you say even if, "it rubs the locker-room the wrong way that's on them" is pretty much creating drama, no? 🤔


I wish you the best LA, but if you truly believe in team success and performance you should keep in mind that morale and a good atmosphere is apart of that, outside of just pure simming performance.

Wrong drama. I didn't call anyone sheep while I was in any locker room. It was a way to show a differences in players and what is important to them. I could have used a different analogy. Best of luck to you as well. 

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3 minutes ago, Steve said:

Wrong drama. I didn't call anyone sheep while I was in any locker room. It was a way to show a differences in players and what is important to them. I could have used a different analogy. Best of luck to you as well. 

You got moved primarily for the negativity, and it's pretty evident that it would get even worse seeing as you're calling us sheep now and even commented to the recent Toronto PC just bad mouthing Toronto and even @'ing Peace at he end of it just to throw it in his face. Everyone wants to succeed, but the players left in Toronto aren't going to throw each other under the boat to get that extra push. Team Success leads to Individual Success. Hopefully you can find that in LA.



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4 minutes ago, Banackock said:

It’s both. Seattle won and had an amazing time together in the LR doing it. Steve is being dramatic saying that you guys and others only care about making friends on here and being buddies when we all know that’s not the case. Seattle wanted to win and the guys in that locker room at times sacrificed to do so.. they all had consistently good careers too when I do believe league scoring was lower..  We all want to win. It’s very evident in Toronto and these personal “friendly and buddy” things are what help a team do that.. look at the loyalty always in Seattle... or Vancouver.. Toronto.. Chicago... Moscow.. Malmo.. not quite LA yet hehe We all want to have our players perform properly. The community - how strong and accepting it is, that’s another great feature for the league. Who gives a shit if people are here with the additionally enjoyment of the community? Just an excuse to cry. 

While I won't bash my time in Seattle, you were the biggest drama queen I have ever seen in this league. You are also the best GM I have ever played for. So you put up with some things you don't like and enjoy the good parts. Being friendly in the locker room is a great thing, being thought of as difficult for pointing out things a player sees is just wrong and taken in the wrong way. You were open to suggestions, just not certain ones. It's all good. I have my opinion that isn't popular with most of the members. I do things that I think are the right way, even if they might not be. 

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1 minute ago, Juice said:

You got moved primarily for the negativity, and it's pretty evident that it would get even worse seeing as you're calling us sheep now and even commented to the recent Toronto PC just bad mouthing Toronto and even @'ing Peace at he end of it just to throw it in his face. Everyone wants to succeed, but the players left in Toronto aren't going to throw each other under the boat to get that extra push. Team Success leads to Individual Success. Hopefully you can find that in LA.



Yes, was intended to vent. You are taking this negative PC after the fact and out of context. I was told my comments about lines and how we were playing was rubbing the players the wrong way. How is voicing an opinion and trying to get us winning a bad thing? Apparently it is. I said trade me and now I have another locker room that doesn't seem so thin skinned. Best to you

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4 minutes ago, Steve said:

While I won't bash my time in Seattle, you were the biggest drama queen I have ever seen in this league. You are also the best GM I have ever played for. So you put up with some things you don't like and enjoy the good parts. Being friendly in the locker room is a great thing, being thought of as difficult for pointing out things a player sees is just wrong and taken in the wrong way. You were open to suggestions, just not certain ones. It's all good. I have my opinion that isn't popular with most of the members. I do things that I think are the right way, even if they might not be. 

Like I said and I still say, you’re a good person. We enjoyed having you in Seattle. You were part of the core that spoke on decisions - trades, lines and all of that you were trusted with. There definitely was some drama. I think a lot of the league was going through a “dramatic” period back then. I’m also more “out there”. 

I don’t think you’re wrong either. I tried to bring that up. You wanting to be good - there’s nothing wrong with it. You also had good points and observations and many times we listened to yours and everyone’s suggestions for lines, builds and even as mentioned - rosters, trades etc. 

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1 hour ago, Steve said:

Yes, was intended to vent. You are taking this negative PC after the fact and out of context. I was told my comments about lines and how we were playing was rubbing the players the wrong way. How is voicing an opinion and trying to get us winning a bad thing? Apparently it is. I said trade me and now I have another locker room that doesn't seem so thin skinned. Best to you

How is taking a negative PC out of context when it was done an hour ago after being posted quite awhile (over a week) after you've been traded specifically for this type of reason? If anything, it validates it completely. You wanted more ice time over rookies on the third line so you could perform better, so you can frame it as a "I just wanted to help our team win!", but if anything it comes across as you wanting individual success over anything. I'm glad LA is a better fit for you even though you're at the same amount of Ice Time, but your framing of the situation is definitely not how it went down.

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43 minutes ago, Juice said:

How is taking a negative PC out of context when it was done an hour ago after being posted quite awhile (over a week) after you've been traded specifically for this type of reason? If anything, it validates it completely. You wanted more ice time over rookies on the third line so you could perform better, so you can frame it as a "I just wanted to help our team win!", but if anything it comes across as you wanting individual success over anything. I'm glad LA is a better fit for you even though you're at the same amount of Ice Time, but your framing of the situation is definitely not how it went down.

lol. Comical. Let's see. Limited ice over a player, leading league scorer, over rookies is a good thing? I want to win games and also have player success. Learn how lines work and come back and have a real conversation. LA is a better fit, Merrick might not be in the top 10 in the end but they know ice times and what needs to happen. It will be a much more rewarding season knowing the team has winning as a thing on the to do list. I wasn't negative in Toronto's locker room. I was commenting. If you have a player that played well you wouldn't be human if you didn't want success for that player. Winning is the goal but if you can't win don't hinder players with bad line choices to please a couple of friends with ice time. The funny part about it is that I really didn't hear about any of these teammate feelings about what I was saying until your GM told me. If you have balls you would have just commented back to see where I was coming from. Not a peep from the team, but behind my back and to the GM I was being negative. Sorry, I am used to more direct discussion and don't pussy foot around if I  have a point to make. If you disagreed, post your opinion and that starts a dialog. That didn't happen. So my feelings for the team went way down and I really only cared about not getting screwed over with poor line choices. Don't get me wrong, I can be a prick but only when pushed to that point. I just want to win and have a great career. Just like every other player in the league should want. Time to let it go.

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17 minutes ago, Steve said:

lol. Comical. Let's see. Limited ice over a player, leading league scorer, over rookies is a good thing? I want to win games and also have player success. Learn how lines work and come back and have a real conversation. LA is a better fit, Merrick might not be in the top 10 in the end but they know ice times and what needs to happen. It will be a much more rewarding season knowing the team has winning as a thing on the to do list. I wasn't negative in Toronto's locker room. I was commenting. If you have a player that played well you wouldn't be human if you didn't want success for that player. Winning is the goal but if you can't win don't hinder players with bad line choices to please a couple of friends with ice time. The funny part about it is that I really didn't hear about any of these teammate feelings about what I was saying until your GM told me. If you have balls you would have just commented back to see where I was coming from. Not a peep from the team, but behind my back and to the GM I was being negative. Sorry, I am used to more direct discussion and don't pussy foot around if I  have a point to make. If you disagreed, post your opinion and that starts a dialog. That didn't happen. So my feelings for the team went way down and I really only cared about not getting screwed over with poor line choices. Don't get me wrong, I can be a prick but only when pushed to that point. I just want to win and have a great career. Just like every other player in the league should want. Time to let it go.

This whole rant is case and point regarding your negativity. What did you want us to say in the locker room? "Hey Steve, don't cry that you didn't put up a point in a 8 goal victory over the other team."? No, we don't stoop to your level of salt and putting down teammates. You might not have been directly negative to anyone (which is why no one said anything to your face as you request), but the atmosphere you make when you whine about ice-time and the lack of your own player success is pathetic.




Also I may not have been here long, but how lines work are pretty obvious and the stats above don't lie. What did you want? 90% for 1st line? 100%? Well, seems like the increased ice-time is what you got and you aren't making the most of it.

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4 minutes ago, Juice said:

This whole rant is case and point regarding your negativity. What did you want us to say in the locker room? "Hey Steve, don't cry that you didn't put up a point in a 8 goal victory over the other team."? No, we don't stoop to your level of salt and putting down teammates. You might not have been directly negative to anyone (which is why no one said anything to your face as you request), but the atmosphere you make when you whine about ice-time and the lack of your own player success is pathetic.




Also I may not have been here long, but how lines work are pretty obvious and the stats above don't lie. What did you want? 90% for 1st line? 100%? Well, seems like the increased ice-time is what you got and you aren't making the most of it.

I bet I didn't put the team down for winning. I have never said anything like that when we won even when my player didn't do much. Keep proving me right. Like I said. If there was a huge negative vibe coming from me, grow a pair and say something. Whine about running 3 lines while the last seasons top line suffered? You are clueless and "Sheep" applies to you. So hop along son and let this thread die. 

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8 minutes ago, Steve said:

I bet I didn't put the team down for winning. I have never said anything like that when we won even when my player didn't do much. Keep proving me right. Like I said. If there was a huge negative vibe coming from me, grow a pair and say something. Whine about running 3 lines while the last seasons top line suffered? You are clueless and "Sheep" applies to you. So hop along son and let this thread die. 

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11 minutes ago, Steve said:

Whine about running 3 lines while the last seasons top line suffered? You are clueless and "Sheep" applies to you. So hop along son and let this thread die. 

 Just pointing it out that you got 107 points and led the entire VHL in points, 8th in assists, 2nd in goals, 3rd in shots, 5th in minutes played and average time on ice per game and 1st for power play points for last season. 

If that’s the first line suffering, baby sign me up, haha. I got 16 points in 23 GP (SOS) this season. 😭

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3 minutes ago, Banackock said:

 Just pointing it out that you got 107 points and led the entire VHL in points, 8th in assists, 2nd in goals, 3rd in shots, 5th in minutes played and average time on ice per game and 1st for power play points for last season. 

If that’s the first line suffering, baby sign me up, haha. I got 16 points in 23 GP (SOS) this season. 😭

Bana, that was last season, not this season. I would agree with you if that was the case but we ran a real line rotation last season. If we had a effort to make us play better as a team and used our best players in a normal way and Merrick was sucking, that's not on the team, that's either my build or the sim engine not liking what I am doing. This is a different issue. It's done and gone now. I needed a task and made this rant for 2 Alex..

Edited by Steve
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1 minute ago, Steve said:

Bana, that was last season, not this season. I would agree with you if that was the case but we ran a real line rotation last season. 

Oh yeah. I thought you meant last season it suffered based off how you worded it. For Seattle, we’re plump full roster-wise. We want to win and the lower guys (TPE) and myself discussed their roles and they knew they’d get minutes but reduced. In today’s VHL, you gotta earn them mins and development takes time. They rotate between line 3/4 but my big guys are still seeing their minutes and are being doubled on my lines + PP etc time. We all want to win. Even the small guys and they’re excellent guys in the LR still too! 

Everyone playing is important too! That’s what the league is about but I definitely see both sides. Again, you are you and your experience and what you want out of this site doesn’t have a specific rubric you have to follow. LA may be the team for you then which is good for you! As you know, I disagree with some things and am always team first and want to build my team a certain way (as do other GM’s but that doesn’t make anyone truly right or wrong), but you do you and what makes you happy here. 

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57 minutes ago, Steve said:

The funny part about it is that I really didn't hear about any of these teammate feelings about what I was saying until your GM told me.

Not all that true. Gregreg called you out and chirped back at you multiple times since I got here.


58 minutes ago, Steve said:

not getting screwed over with poor line choices

Your stats show that lines have changed nothing if not made it worse. P/20 is down, SB/G is down, G/G is down, your Power Play has been ass. +/- is up but that's a team stat, assists are up but are subject to your teammates. Your stats had nothing to do with lines, you complained when we opened and you had 22 mins instead of 26-28 and just ignored me at first when I explained it's just STHS and PP/PK time. When I explained further at least you acknowledged it and seemed to understand.


At the end of the day this sim league is built around camaraderie and having fun. The stats and games bring us together for a common goal but it's far from the end all and be all that you want it to be. I mostly enjoyed when you were on Seattle, not sure what changed with you. Maybe it was just Bana and the Bears didn't take shit from anyone or maybe it was the crazy success we had but you aren't as nice or as easy to deal with as you were back then. I was asked pre draft if you would be a problem and I said no because my main job is to deal with assholes, but I will say I'm glad to have you off the team as you made what is supposed to be a fun environment into a toxic/disheartening one every sim. Which is saying something since you only managed 3 sims before being traded.


Again this league is for fun. We all want to have a good time and cheer each other on! There's no good place for someone whos being all about me me me when the league is about everyone. Hopefully you'll come back around to that sometime.

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21 minutes ago, Rayzor_7 said:

At the end of the day this sim league is built around camaraderie and having fun. The stats and games bring us together for a common goal but it's far from the end all and be all that you want it to be. I mostly enjoyed when you were on Seattle, not sure what changed with you. Maybe it was just Bana and the Bears didn't take shit from anyone or maybe it was the crazy success we had but you aren't as nice or as easy to deal with as you were back then. I was asked pre draft if you would be a problem and I said no because my main job is to deal with assholes, but I will say I'm glad to have you off the team as you made what is supposed to be a fun environment into a toxic/disheartening one every sim. Which is saying something since you only managed 3 sims before being traded.

Wow, how triggered can you get? You don't even know why I left the Bears and retired. Nothing wrong with my last season either. You think I am here to make buddies and have a social life with people like you? I am here to play hockey and win games. I have said that since day one 2 yrs ago. I am sorry you need to  have a feeling of power to give your stamp of approval to a player. Doesn't mean a thing to me. I max earn and that's all any team should care about. So go peddle your BS to some kid coming into the league and leave my post alone.

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14 minutes ago, Steve said:

Wow, how triggered can you get? You don't even know why I left the Bears and retired. Nothing wrong with my last season either. You think I am here to make buddies and have a social life with people like you? I am here to play hockey and win games. I have said that since day one 2 yrs ago. I am sorry you need to  have a feeling of power to give your stamp of approval to a player. Doesn't mean a thing to me. I max earn and that's all any team should care about. So go peddle your BS to some kid coming into the league and leave my post alone.

Oh I'm not triggered at all lol

When you're peddling bullshit I'm going to call it out just like Bana does. I never mentioned your retirement so why bring it up? I also said nothing about your last season so again, why bring it up?

You're very clearly here for a reason that most of this league isn't. If you don't like me saying that then 1. You can ignore it. Or 2. You can leave. 

I don't give a shit how your player does, if he wins big then great! If he's ass then that sucks and better luck on the next one (genuinely).

Max earning is one aspect of what a GM drafts, personality and how a player meshes is highly important to GM's. 

You hate that you're being called out for how you treat other members or you like the attention, not sure which or maybe it's both.


I'm as active in VHL LR's as I am in my own LR so I'll peddle my bullshit to whoever I want 😁

All I'm saying is don't be a fucking dick to everyone. You brought moods down when others were succeeding and you weren't, jealousy or an ego complex. People here want to have fun and enjoy the environment with other players. If you don't like that then stay out of the spotlight and stay quiet in locker rooms and maybe you won't have people coming after your comments. 

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hey, that's Steve!

But talking about this, sadly steve you have earned your reputation about being a whiny sheep, that sheppards don't want you in their teams. Even last season I was really entertained by your drama with Strauss, but yeah in these last 2 seasons you have been really whinny an crying about everything.

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