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Munk last won the day on September 22 2016

Munk had the most liked content!

About Munk

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  1. Remember that time you were in SHL free agency - and told every individual team who asked you were signing with them, then signed with none and retired lol

    1. Enorama


      Do birds shit in the sky bird boy?

    2. Victor


      that wasn't munk lol

    3. solas


      yeah I think that was Jack Crasher

  2. Thanks for the mention @JardyB10 & @Doomsday. it was a nice 2 minute listen. Hope you both are doing well If you're curious as to where I am these days, please like, follow, and subscribe: https://onlyfans.com/munk
  3. new fone who dis

  4. Oye I've got me I on u Funker

  5. You disgust me

    1. JardyB10


      I don't give a fuck what you think, you stupid sexy brown Jesus (which is just actual Jesus).

    2. Frank


      This is the content I'm here for. 

  6. no u get preggy dis tym 

    1. Will


      we need a misinformation flag like twitter 

  7. I just realized Munk's rank is Munkception - is that a custom thing? 

    1. Gustav


      I mean your rank is chatfan036 so you had to have edited that yourself at some point recently.


      Account Settings --> Edit Profile --> Member Title

  8. I'm just so confused... Why are people choking on toilet paper? Am I using it wrong?
  9. 65* y r u nwer proud of us
  10. Paid $20, taking two Doubles, a free and 5 TPE Transaction ID: 96X02F0323040 dont sue me thx
  11. wow is dis cite a yoke to u?
  12. take me back vicky sry is this 2 bublic? 

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