The proof that it's accounted is that I'm currently not in. Maybe it's a bad comparaison, but that's also why Roger Clemens isn't in the Hall of Fame or Terrel Owens isn't either. The cheating comparaison (Roger Clemens) isn't really perfect as the whole argument between the integrity of his achievements are in play, but just to put that in perspective, just put my accolades (my contribution to the site and my commitment) and say that Mister X did those, that guy would not only be in as a builder, but he would be praised and maybe even overqualified for it. I'm not tooting my own horn here, I'm just saying that some people have a very selective memory and they either undervalue my contribution, or they put their ego 1st and they are pity about it (which is the most likely).
Again, the longer I'm out of the HoF as a builder, it just solidifies my initial theory.