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Everything posted by leafsman

  1. 1. What are your thoughts on Riga winning the cup? I am happy for them and dont have any connection to them and they are not a rival so was good to see em win 3. What are your thoughts on the Draft? Did anything surprise you? I didnt really follow it, happy to see we got a goalie for the future 4. What are your thoughts on the Bears drafting @MexicanCow123? Was happy to see us get a goalie as we will need one soon. I don't really know him but he seems great. 6. What are your plans for the upcoming weekend? Go to my parents place for a swim. Wanted to do that last weekend but we got a big storm that day. 8. If your player had to swap professional sports, what else would they play and why? As a brit it would definitely be soccer or as he would call it football. If he was a physical player rugby would be an option but hes too weak for that. 9. Does your player have any superstitions? No he doesn't believe in that stuff, my last player was Italian and he would have.
  2. Uhtred has had a good offseason this year. He signed an extension with the Seattle Bears and had a great performance in the World cup for Western Europe. Uhtred signed a 2 year contract extension with the bears after the expansion draft thats worth 5 million. “I was extremely happy to sign the extension with the Bears, I love playing for Seattle. This deal gives me some long term security I need. I hope to pay the team back with a great season after the last one was a big disappointment.” Last year Uhtred scored 16 goals and 17 assist which was much less than his totals in his rookie season and will look to improve those totals this season. Uhtred had a great perfmance in the World Cup and will look to build upon that when the VHL resumes play. Uhtred played in his first World Cup this offseason after making the Western Europe roster. Uhtred has had some success on the international stage as he won a gold medal with Europe in the World Juniors. After such a terrible season last year Uhtred nearly scored half his point total from a season ago in the World Cup. Uhtred sat atop the world cup round robin leaderboard with Kyl Oferson of the Mercenaries with 15 points. Uhtred however had one less goal so the round robin scoring leader went to Oferson. Last season Uhtred scored just 33 points in 72 games so the world cup performance was almost half of his production from the year before. Although he had a great performance in the round robin the world cup still left a bitter taste for Uhtred as Western Europe was knocked out in round 1 of the playoffs. “It sucks to have lost in the opening playoff round again after being eliminated with the Bears in round one this past season. I really wanted to win a gold medal and book my place in the triple gold club. I am still at the beginning of my career so there's hope that I can join that exclusive club in the next world cup. I put up great numbers in the round robin but I would trade that for a gold medal in a heartbeat. With the completion of the World Cup, Uhtred is now training hard for the upcoming season. “One of the weaknesses of my game is my ability to pass the puck and that was the focus of my offseason training plan. Last season I turned way too many pucks over because I was not able to hit my open teammates with a pass. I setup a training plan that involved various passing drills and I really think it has improved my passing skills. I hope that being a better passer will make me a much more effective player this season. We have a great team here in Seattle and I am looking forward to hitting the ice with the boys at training camp this week. We had a much longer offseason than we wanted and I think that we will be well rested and ready to make a deep playoff run this season.” The bears have a tendency to start slow out the gate in recent years and then hit their stride about halfway through the season. It will be interesting to see if that remains to be the case this season.
  3. When I was 13 everyone thought the world was gonna be In chaos with y2k. Seems like they were off by 20 years for the chaos part. I was thirteen when the bills lost in the music city miracle game, terrible day and it was forward pass.
  4. 27. Who should Seattle leave unprotected? Name one. Why? Wouldn't want to throw any teammates under the bus but since we lost Markus Nygren i'll go with him. 28. Who would you protect? Name one. Why? Uhtred because he wants to stay in Seattle. 29. What did you do yesterday? Worked 30. What do you plan to do today? Working again, enjoying working from home 31. What do you want to do tomorrow? Working during the day (wish i didnt have to ) and then watching the TFC game tomorrow night, they better kick Montreal ass after the terrible opening game. 34. GM Bana gifts you a cub (lil bear) for Xmas. What do you name it? Why? Brownie in honour of our young cub joining us this season.
  5. 21. What do you think of our L in Round 1? It was very disappointing but you cant win every year. I think we just didnt get the lucky breaks you need when teams are evenly matched. 22. Expectations for next season? That we will be contenders again next season. We have a solid group here of younger players and Vets. We will use this unfortunate longer offseason to rest and kick ass next season. 23. riga or calgary? Riga are now the champs but they wouldve been my answer as i'd rather a european team win than one of our north american rivals. 26. ARE YOU READY FOR TIMOTHY BROWN? Yes. He will help us avenge our round one exit next season. 36. Beaviss and a chocolate bar are dangling from a cliff and you can only save one. What kind of Chocolate bar was it and how good did it taste? It would be Coffee Crisp and it would be delicious. Or should I go with my favourite British chocolate bar in honour of Uhtred, Flake. 32. What are you doing this coming weekend? Going over to my parents house to use the pool. I miss having a pool as I grew up with one, next house we buy needs one. Probably finish season 4 of the last kingdom as well.
  6. Uhtred second season as a bear was much less successful than his rookie campaign from both a team and a personal standpoint and can be classified as a failure. Uhtred production saw a big drop from the season before and the defending Champs were knocked out in the first round. Uhtred's offensive numbers were down all across the board in his second season. He scored 6 less goals and 9 less assists this past season. He also took 53 less shots than a year ago which can help to account for probably alot of the decrease in his point total. If Uhtred had another 53 shots on goal to match last year's total, with his shooting percentage that would translate to 4.5 more goals. If he had more shots on goal then his assist total would probably increase slightly if one of those shots resulted in a teammate banging home the rebound. Uhtred's ice time went up this season and as a result a bunch of defensive stats increased in his second season. He blocked almost 3 times as many shots as he did as a rookie. Uhtred's hits almost double rising to 52 from the 31 he had as rookie. The increased ice time and the increase in hits are likely the reasons why Uhtred's penalty minutes double to 32 this season. Uhtred's playoff numbers were better than his cup winning game rookie season. In the cup winning season Uhtred had a goal and 6 assists in the 17 games it took the Bears to win the cup. This season Uhtred almost matched his playoff total from last season in just the 5 games it took for the bears to be eliminated from the playoffs. He scored a goal and 4 assists this season and was a minus 2 this season (equal to last year's playoff total). Although his personal stats per game are better this season Uhtred doesn't care about that at all and would trade in his personal stats for a cup win. It feel good to put up a point a game in the playoffs this year but we lost and that overshadows all those stats. At the end of the day winning is the only thing that matters to me. If I am putting up good numbers but we aren't winning then those numbers don't mean much. I would rather score less like last season and help us win the cup in other ways like last season rather than putting up better numbers only to have us lose. Because we were eliminated so quickly this year this season was an absolute bust in my eyes. Not only did I produce less during the regular but we lost and that's what stings the most. Uhtred is now back in England training for his third season in the VHL. Uhtred hopes to be back in Seattle next season but that may not be a guarantee with the upcoming expansion draft. Uhtred hopes to be one of the players the bears protect as he loves playing in Seattle. "I want to stay in Seattleans I want to emphasize that but if I were to be selected in the expansion draft I hope it would be with London. If I have to leave Seattle I would want to be able to play in my home country but if it were up to me I'd be a bear again nest season.
  7. I'm applying. Seems like a good job for an accountant
  8. What do you think about the choice of Captains this season? The choices were perfect and this group will lead us to another cup. Who will be our point leader at the end of the year? Scott Greene will win and would've been my answer earlier in the year. Who is our best Forward? Scott Greene is our best forward based on the numbers but Stark is not far behind Who is the best on D? Thats a tough one as Hogan and Sundqvist have been great this season. Berocka has had a great season but will give the edge to Hogan as he also hits a lot Can we get a 4th cup? For sure we are definitely a threat to win it all again this season Why do you think Seattle has had so much success recently is it cause of Bana or just sheer dumb luck? Its because of Bana, he has drafted well and it shows in that we have a solid group of young players and Vets.
  9. 9. Predict who wins the continental cup? How many games? Who scores the winner? The Bears in 6 games scored by Scott Greene 10. How was your day today? What did you do? I worked from home so it couldve been better. It will suck to have to actually go back to the office one day. Working for a company that owns office towers people knowing that they can work from home is probably not good for us long term. 11. What is something that you miss that currently isn't a part of the "Covid-19 world" right now? Sports for sure. As it is soccer season i miss going to Toronto FC games at this time. What a difference a year makes, was at the raptors parade a year ago yesterday with millions of people. 12. What are your plans for this summer? No plans. Pre covid we thought about travelling to Europe but now we have no plans. 13. What are you having for supper today (or what did you have?) Pasta with some home made tomato sauce 14. What are your predictions for your player this season? He is playing better lately but its been a disappointment so far. He will need to catch fire to get to 20 goals that I was hoping for, would need a goal every other game. In the last 15 games hoping for like 5 goals and 5 assist.
  10. Uhtred is not having a great sophomore season but his team is still winning games this year. Through 54 games this season he has scored 10 goals and 11 assists which is just under half his totals from a season ago. In order to match last year's totals he will have to score 12 goals and 16 assists in the final 18 games of the season which is gonna be nearly impossible. As the year is not over yet we will see what his production is like on a per game basis. Last season he scored 0.305 goals and 0.361 assists per game compared to 0.185 goals and 0.203 assist per game. At first glance we can see that this is a pretty big drop. We will look at three factors to see if we can figure out the possible reasons for his decreased production. We will examine his powerplay production, his shooting stats and his overall ice time. Powerplay When looking at his stats the biggest thing that jumps out at you is that his success season was a result of the powerplay. In his rookie campaign, Uhtred scored 7 times and had 14 assists for a 21 point total. This season Uhtred has no power play goals and 6 assists. One factor contributing to Uhtred's lack of success is that he is shooting the puck a lot less on the powerplay this season with 30 shots compared to 65 a season ago. The decrease in powerplay points is not a result of a lack of power play time as Uhtred is averaging 3.74 minutes per game this season while he was on the powerplay for 3.69 minutes per game last year. The bears' powerplay is even better than it was a season ago. The bears scored 61 goals on the powerplay last season with an 18.89% success rate. This season the Bears already have 57 goals with a 22.62% success rate. As the powerplay is still very successful for the bears, Uhtred must be doing something right that doesn't show up on the scoresheet. His 15 points less than a year ago this is a major part of his decreased production. Shooting The next area to examine is the frequency and accuracy of Uhtred's Shots. Last season Uhtred shot the puck 240 times which is about 3.3 per game and this season he has 137 shots which is about 2.5 shots per game. This is about a 25% decrease in shots and could be a big factor in his decreased production. When looking at shooting percentage Uhtred had a 9.17% rate last year while this year he is shooting a 7.3%. Ice TIme As we saw at the looks at his powerplay usage that has increased slightly over a season ago but its not much of a difference to prove anything. When we look at his overall ice time he is actually playing significant more this season. Last season Uhtred averaged 20.06 minutes per game while this year he has played 25.09 per game. With ice time going up we can rule this out as a reason for his decreased production From examining the stats we can conclude that the Uhtred’s drop in production is mainly a result of shooting the puck less and when he does shoot it is at a much lower success rate then last season. He is powerplay production is alot lower but the decreased shots is a major contributor. His overall ice time is up and his powerplay time is relatively the same as the year before. The bears powerplay is even better than last year so thats not a factor at all. If I were to pick on reason for his decreased production it would definitely be his shooting this season. Ofcourse Uhtred scores a powerplay goal after posting this
  11. 1. What are your thoughts on the Bears so far this season? This is only my second year so I don't know for sure but seems like last year. Slow start and then we hit our form and rise in the standings 2. What are your thoughts on the Bears winning last season? It was amazing way to start me bears career. Winning is everything so hope to get more cups in my career. The only downside of winning in the rookie season is that if we don't win every year it's a downfall lol. 4. Who is the Bears MVP so far? Ray funk he's been great back there and we can win every game thanks to him. When we suck he pulls us up 5. Who is the leagues MVP so far? Funk again. We are the defending Champs and we are having a great season so far and since he's our MVP he should he league MVP too. 6. Who will finish 1st in the league? Da bearz. We are playing great right now and I can't name another team unless as we had no shot at winning and since that's not the case Seattle baby.
  12. As I thought about what to write about for the theme week I figured why not learn about some future teammate careers by seeing how some bears prospects are doing so far. With the major expansion needs next year who knows if Uhtred or any of these prospects will still be here next year but excited to get to know them if we are. The bears currently have 4 prospects listed on the roster. They are two season 71 prospects defensemen Bo Burrows and Erik Hjalmarsson. The two prospects from season 72 are forwards Conor tanner and Timothy brown. The two players with the brightest future are are brown and Burrows. Here is how the bears prospects rank. Timothy Brown RW Season 72 12th overall @a_Ferk Brown definitely tops the bears prospect pool and looks to have a bright future in Seattle. So far this season Brown has scored 39 goals and 39 assists in 46 games for the Saskatoon Wild. His phenomenonal play has pushed the wild into second in the VHLM. Brown is a feisty player who is not afraid to through his body around despite being on the smaller side at 5'11 and 165 pounds. Brown sits 4th in scoring but leafs the league in hits showing that he is not afraid of the physical side of the game. Brown has also accumulated a great deal of TPE which should allow him to have a successful transition into the VHL next season. He will add some extra depth and make up for whoever the bears may lose in this offseason expansion draft. The bears have had some good performances from rookies with Uhtred and Vikingstad last season and Randy marsh this year. With the retirement if guy Legrande there is at least his post open on the roster plus whatever happens in the expansion draft. Brown will be in the VHL next year. Bo Burrows D season 71 19th overall @Walter Fizz Bo Burrows is a hulking 6'5 225 lb defenseman who plays in Mississauga. Burrows has had a solid campaign this season scoring 12 goals and 23 assists. Burrows sits sixth in the league with 147 hits. The strength of Burrows game is his size and ability to defend. The bears currently have 4 dmen under contract next season and may only make an impact if one of them is traded or lost in the expansion draft in the offseason. He has slowed down in earning TPE lately but is still earning practice tpe the past few weeks. Connor Tanner C season 72 33 overall @Keygan Conor tanner is a giant center at 6'8 but is more like a genital giant. Tanner has just 66 hits despite his monstrous size and is the total opposite of brown in the physical aspect of the game. Tanner has posted 5 goals and 17 assists for Vegas this season. His strength of his game is his defense and he could become a good defensive forward if he can develop a bite to his game. At this time tanner looks to be a longshot to make the Bears as he hasn't earner much TPE lately and hasn't updated since mid may. Erik Hjalmarsson D season 71 45 overall @Erik Hjarmarlson is a teammate of Brown with the wild. Erik is 6'2 and has 14 assists this season. Hjalmarsson has an impressive plus 52 rating on the season. He hasn't developed enough so far in his shirt career and appears destined to be a career VHLM player. He has been getting practice level TPE but at his current rate he will not become a bear in the future. From the bears prospect pool I can see two players make the roster in the next season or two. Brown looks like he willbe an impact player for the bears while Burrows seems to have bottom pair potential at this stage of his career.
  13. Uhtred finally ended his goal drought drought this past week scoring 3 after going blanking the week before. Uhtred now has 5 goals on the season which puts him on pass for 10 goals or about half the total in his rookie season. The season hasn't being going well for him personally but all he cares about is winning. "I wish I was scoring more but we are winning and that's what matters most." The bears have been playing well lately after their usual slow start out of the gate. For some reason the bears seem to take it easy the first week of Sims before ramping it up. The bears sit first in the VHL, one point ahead of division rival Calgary. The strength of the bears so far this season is thier special teams. They are leading the league in penalty kill and rank third in the powerplay. There is the old adage that your goaltender is your best penalty killer and the bears are no exception. Ray funk leads the league in save percentage when excluding guys who have played less than 10 games. The strength of the bears powerplay comes from the blue line as berocka sundqvist and hulk hogan have 6 goals each to go along with forward Scott Greene's 8th. The bears play of late has shown that they are a threat to defending thier title
  14. Transaction ID: 6DE948963D464414B Confirmed. -sterling (up to $1000)
  15. Last week I talked about the sophomore slump and if Uhtred has avoided it. What a difference a week makes. Last week it appeared that Uhtred was on track to eqeual last year's performance but a week later the slump appears to be real. There is the chance that he is getting unlucky with his shooting. Since the last article Uhtred has gone goaless and has manged just 4 assists in his past 12 games. He is now on pace for 8 goals and 24 assists which is about a third of his goal total last season with a similar assist total. I would say he is definitely in the midst of the dreaded sophome slump. One factor in his goal production being down is that he is taking half a shot less per game but that will only account for a portion of the decrease. The biggest factor is his large shooting percentage decrease. Last season he had about a 9 which is around league average. This season that has plummeted to 3.85% which indicates Uhtred is taking terrible low percentage shots or he is getting unlucky. If being unlucky is the reason he should see his goal totals increase start to rise soon as the luck should change over the long term. If he is taking to many low percentage shots than it probably won't rise that quickly. After another week of games we should have a better picture of his shooting percentage and the impact on the sophomore slump. Teammate Ola Vikingstad who is also a sophomore has the exact same shooting percentage as Uhtred which is rather strange. This makes you wonder if the sim wants there to be a sophomore slump.
  16. Uhtred now enters his second season in the VHL and will look to avoid the dreaded sophomore slump. Its hard to prove that a sophomore slump is actually a thing as it depends on how successful a rookie campaign is. If you have a mediocre rookie season it would not be as difficult to maintain that level of play. If you have a player with a wildly successful first season then people will take notice of that and follow that player more closely next season. If you rank high among the scoring leaders theres more room for a failure and when you do people will notice. Many people usually remember the loses more than wins (especially when I gamble or play fantasy sports) unless that win is a championship and same should apply to player performance Even if Uhtred manages to avoid the sophomore slump it will be hard to top his rookie season in terms of team success. Uhtred was a two time champion in his rookie campaign winning the Continental Cup with the Seattle Bears and the Gold Medal with Team Europe. As Uhtred is no longer Junior eligible this season won’t be as successful as last season even if the bears defend their continental cup. Last season Uhtred had 22 goals and 26 points as a rookie and will look to at least maintain that level of production this season. So far this season he has 2 goals and 2 assists in 6 games. Although its way to small of a sample size this puts him on pace for 24 goals and 24 points which would match last seasons point totals and avoid the sophomore slump.
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