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    SidTheKid87 reacted to Exlaxchronicles in Playing By Example   
      Now I'm gonna give you members the low down on whom I think are some of the non top players making their mark on each club. Feel free to leave a comment on what you think of my write up. 
    BTW, I'm trying out a new writing app called Pure Writer. I've replaced it with Writer Plus, which I thoroughly enjoyed but the bitch who made the app wanted access to all phone records, SD card, files etc. My written files would disappear when I denied access, so fuck the coder and fuck his app right up the shitter man.
    OK, here we go.....
                                                               CALGARY WRANGLERS

        OK, lots of talent on a club that I dislike. Now if my ass had to pick an all around depth player to have on my team from Calgary it would probably be Evan Lawson @diamond_ace
     This guy by today's standards isnt big by all means but he plays larger than his size of 5' 10" 196. Ya gotta love a player who's willing go give it his all game in and game out. Players like this are the ones who are willing to go into the dirty areas of the ice and do battle for the puck and take one for the team. Every club needs a spark plug type of player like Lawson to fire up their team mates.
    He's steadily improved his offensive numbers since he's joined the Wranglers. Last season he put up a respectable 30g and 40a in 72gp and Lawson is on pace for another point per game as well.
    His hit totals could get close to 250 which has almost tripled from last years play and he should surpass last seasons shot block totals as well. What has dropped however is his GW, PPG and SHG due to getting less time on specialty team play but that's no fault of his own.
    Skill wise nothing particularly stands out in his attributes but Lawson has an all around solid game. If you were to pick positives in the guys' play I'd say his skating and scoring would be his strong suits.
    Its the little things these players do that make them valuable to a club. Where you get the high profile players who get all points and accolades, these guys' are the front line soldiers that do all the dirty shit and really don't get noticed. All hail Evan Lawson!
                                                                                                                   HC DAVOS

        OK, pickins are slim on a club that's seen a number of changes this past season. Its like at the end of the night at a bar and all that's left are the women that no one wants to go home with. Ya just wanna  tap some ass but there's not much to choose from so you look for the one that seems to have the most potential.
    So here goes.... This guy is Jacob Smith @jacobaa19. Yes, him. In only his second year with Davos he is on pace to almost double the offensive output from his inaugural season.
    For Smiths 6' 180 lb size he enjoys laying the hits on opposing players. He is also adept at shot blocking which helps his goalie out when the netminder is down and out of the play. Jacob is a solid if unspectacular defence man on the blue line and he can be counted upon  at even strength and on special teams play. The only shit stain on his resume is his +/- but its indicative of the whole team in this department. I think Smith can only get better as he gains more experience and maturity. 
    This would be the girl that you would leave with at the end of the night and luck out with as she'd surprise you by shaggin your your hammer and beans raw and you'd be surprised how adept she was in the sack.
    The defence man that you don't notice on the ice but does all the little things right = Jacob Smith.
                                                                                              HELSINKI TITANS
       For my choice on the Titans I have to pick  Sidney Crosby @SidTheKid87I like this kid more than that other Crosby in the NHL.  Anyways this kid has good size and a set of good wheels for the weight he carries. He's also strong carrying and dishing the puck off to teammates.
     Crosby is very mature defensively for a first year pro and I love the fact that he keeps opposing players on their toes as he plays an aggressive style of game. Sid's also a man amongst men when it comes to shot blocking. In this area he's on pace for about 300 which is a crazy amount if you ask me. I like this rough and tumble young player and I believe the sky's the limit for this bugger. At the pace he is on he could reach 50 - 55 points this year. Expect more from this scrappy bastard. 
    As far as potential goes Sid The Kid's ceiling is high as a kite. Smoke that ganja.
                                                              NEW YORK AMERICANS

        Actually for a team that's lacking any depth what so ever, I think the players on this club all have potential to be to be first line talent if they so apply themselves. We'll see how they turn out in the future.
    Right now I'm reviewing this guy... defence man Joseph McWolf @McWolf. The first year player has made a good impression on NY with 5g and 31pts in 38 games this season.
    The bonus to this guy's game is that he hits opponents as much as Floyd Mayweather hits his women around. The only difference is McWolf doesn't get domestic assault charges against him.
    And this kid is also pretty good at blocking shot in from of his own net. He also has a bit of a mean streak to him as well.
    McWolf plays the game unlike a lot of the VHL's sissy Euro style players. Watching him is like seeing a flashback of a  70 - 80's player. Ya gotta dig that throwback old school type of game.
    All he needs to do is take his protein and creatine powder and juice up on the PEDS to add bulk to that 6' 2" lanky frame to be more effective. The skies the limit for McWolf. Reach for it.
                                                                                    QUEBEC CITY MEUTE

        Next up on my non top dog player who's stock is rising on his perspective club is  Mr. Samuel Gate @streetThis third year player for the Meute is a defensive juggernaut who can pretty much do it all on the blue line.
    Gate is strong like an adolescent bull and he charges like one on the ice, striking fear in opposing players. The only knock on him is he isn't one to use his fists even though he has all the abilities to be a pugilist.
    The guy can also skate fast for his size and has elite puck handling and defensive skills. He should make a few voting ballots down the road for future all star games.
    I think Gate can be put in all situations on his team and any club would be lucky to have such a strong talent in their perspective organization.
    IMO, if Gate were to work on his scoring touch and fisticuffs he would be an all star defence man.
                                                                                            TORONTO LEGION
        I'm picking my former teammate Adam Warlock @Green from Toronto. I think with the amount of defensive talent this club has he's worthy and deserves some of the accolades. Plus, I'll pick whomever I want cuz its my article. Now I can't recall if he's been a defence man his whole career or he switched. Then again why am I bringing this up? I don't fuckin know. Whatever.
    What I do think is that he doesn't get the recognition he so deserves serving the back end. Wait, that came out wrong but I'm gonna leave it.
    Anyhooz, Warlock definitely has solid attritubes but nothing outstanding. Yet he plays like he's an over achiever and there nothing wrong with that shit.
    Also what I like about Adam is that he's pretty steady offensively averaging around 35 - 40pts a season. The guys is also steady in the hits and shot blocking departments. He's not very noticeable out there but that's not a bad thing. He reminds me of the NHL's defence man Rob Ramage of the 80's.
    Going into midway through the schedule Warlock's at almost a point per game pace so he could beat his previous high points of 65. Personally I hope he does. He's a great guy on and off the ice and it was a pleasure to be his former teammate.
    Doesn't get the cred he so deserves...he's a solid MoFo.
                                                                                                          RIGA REIGN                                                                  
        This organization is stacked with offensive talent so it was hard ( That's what she said ) to pick a player from the group. With that though my choice will be Leph Twinger @DollarAndADream 
    Its back to reality for the guy this year, considering what he achieved in his first VHL season. Then again most of his teammates that played above and beyond have also dropped off. The reason I chose Twinger is due to he's still young and can only see improvement if he keeps training. And I think he'll bounce back eventually. He has too many skilled guys' to play with and that'll help his game.
    As for his skill level he  already has elite scoring and defensive abilities. He kinda reminds me of a poor mans McAllister right now. If I was to say the areas he needs to improve on they would be getting stronger and definitely  Leph needs some work on his passing skill.
    I also  like that he lays out the big hits on any and everyone. I can see Twinger hovering around the 90 point mark for the rest of his career.  
    I have to say that his parents were probably fuct up on crack or some other shit to name their kid Leph Twinger. Definitely a talented shit.
                                                                                           SEATTLE BEARS
        First off even though I'm on this club the logo fuckin smokes the pipe till she comes home. Let's get that Atari styled gfx changed man.
    Lastly the guy I'm gonna write up about here is my teammate and sometimes line mate with another fuct up name in Mountain Thunderfist(fcuk) @AdamEss
    Now  why would I pick this behemoth of a guy to comment on? Well he's big as they come and still raw with a lot of potential.

    As it is now Fist is strong in his checking skills and he treats others like they're his little bitches. This player is the anti - cuck alpha male that has nothing to prove. Thunder likes to fight like his smaller teammate Kiaskov and together they both add grit and intensity to the team. The only difference is most don't wanna drop the glove with Mountain, unlike Kiaskov.
    Thunderfist leads the team in PM and is third in hits on the club, so you know he's not a soft player. Opposing forwards are fully aware of Thunder so they'd better keep their heads up or be open to a 1990's  Scott Stevens  hit on Eric Lindros scenario.
    Leading the bottom of the pack with 5 points he'll only improve upon that if he keeps working on his all around game. At this point Thunderfist plays like his name and is an integral part of the Seattle Bears with the shittiest logo in the VHL.
    Every team in the VHL and VHLM all have their stars and depth players. I could have chosen other members of  each team that are deserving but(sex) I felt these guys' were deserving of some accolades. 
    Its always the high profile popular players that tend to get all the attention. Sometimes the quiet fly on the wall players need the acknowledgment.
    You need to have a mix of skill to find that measure of success.  And the depth players are just as important as the star players. 
    So that's it for this short filled media spot on VHL members deserving of recognition in their value to their perspective clubs. Its a wrap.
    Word count minus these ones: 2043
    Claiming for the weeks of Nov 11, 18, 25 and Dec 2.


  2. Like
    SidTheKid87 got a reaction from BladeMaiden in Pepper Goalie Mask Concept [1/2]   
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    SidTheKid87 got a reaction from McWolf in HSK/RIG: S63   
    It was gettin lonely back there. Now I wont be the only one to blame for all of the shots getting peppered at the keeper.  ?
  4. Like
    SidTheKid87 got a reaction from McWolf in Helsinki Titans Press Conference   
    1. I think it is for sure a possibility. We have performed at a higher standard than we were expecting coming into the season so anything is possible.
    2. I am really into sports and working out. I spend a regrettable amount of time researching the randomest of things on any and all sports(besides baseball because that is barely a sport)
    3. Maybe an option to buy one stat to upgrade to 99 for the season and it is protected from regression at the end of the season. So you would come back next year with the same stat you started this year with. if that makes sense lol
    4. I would go to Las Vegas. I went there once and it was wild. I could only imagine what it is like to be at the exclusive backroom parties.
    5. Whenever I wasn't playing hockey I was playing soccer.
    6. I had an agreement with my defensive pair to dress up like a horse but it was super awkward when I was the horse head with no bottom. With the new addition we can have a complete pair and maybe next year have a stellar costume.
  5. Like
    SidTheKid87 reacted to BarzalGoat in S63 VHL All-Star Game   
    Omg try being on a team of two for a whole season during a transition period, then getting this influx of youth, it’s exciting
  6. Like
    SidTheKid87 got a reaction from ShawnGlade in S63 WJC Team USA Roster   
    Go Team Go!!!!
  7. Like
    SidTheKid87 reacted to Quik in An early look at the S63 Rookies [1/2]   
    Posting this now because it is "time-sensitive," as a 1/3 mark piece but will claim for weeks ending: Nov 11 / 18 / 25, Dec 02.
    >2600 words
    A look at the S63 Rookie Class: The deepest ever?
    This past off-season, the VHL saw possibly its deepest draft since S2, when the league was still a fledgling sim league, looking to establish itself as what it is now, one of the best sim leagues out there right now. Coupled with another fairly deep draft in S62, that saw many players return to their VHLM clubs after their draft, the S63 VHL Rookie class is one of the deepest its ever seen, with a whopping 21 rookies having skated in the VHL thus far! As we approach the 1/3 mark (with all teams, barring New York and Seattle [22], having played 23 games to this point) we are here to take a look at some of the names making waves in this early portion of the schedule. 
    Before taking a look at the top individual seasons by rookies so far this season, let's take a look at the grand scheme of rookies in the VHL, and the impacts they are making on their own teams:
    Calgary Wranglers  
    D - Baxter, Lando - 0G 11A 11P +3 31HIT 32SB @Elhandon
    C - Revchenko, Oleksiy - 5G 7A 12P +6 9HIT 4SB @AndrewWarren13
    D - Saint, Cayden - 2G 9A 11P +28 13HIT 37SB @Symmetrik
    LW - von Moltke, Karl - 5G 7A 12P +5 23HIT 8SB @alecbama
    With the Calgary Wranglers looking to defend their S62 Continental Cup victory, they went into the off-season looking to bolster their depth in anticipation of a stronger field of competition. Following a bit of a hangover to start the season, the Wranglers have gone 9-1-0 in their last 10 games to claim the top spot in the league, as of this morning's standings. Much of that is thanks to possessing one of the most dynamic duos in the league, in Jasper Canmore and defender Mats Johnsson, but the depth added in these rookies has helped to create a much deeper roster than the Alberta squad featured last season. With a decent start, each of the 4 young men playing at, or near, 0.5PPG, the quartet, coincidentally taken in 4-consecutive picks in the S62 2nd Round, looks to continue improving, and will be heavily relied upon come playoff time, where their experience during this regular season will prepare them for what should be a dog-fight to the finish!
    HC Davos Dynamo  
    The Dynamo are in the first season of another rebuild; the previous rebuild was lead successfully by GM Tyler Owens, culminating in a S61 Continental Cup victory. This season, they are the lone team without any rookies on their roster. Currently, in a transition period, with a top 3 pick all but guaranteed, and some very solid prospects in their pipeline, their S64 roster should feature a heavy dose of rookies leading the charge, on their route back to contention.
    Helsinki Titans  
    LW - Borwinn, Julian - 12G 11A 23P -4 23HIT 25SB @Jubo07
    D - Crosby, Sidney - 4G 19A 23P -15 107HIT 98SB @SidTheKid87
    RW - Odinsson, Vaydar - 15G 15A 30P -14 20HIT 47SB @BOOM™
    G - Pepper, Alexander - 10-9-4 .914SV% 3.46GAA 0SO @Sonnet
    After a season that saw the Titans win only 9 games, in S62, and earn only 25 points, this season's version has already bested their win total from a season ago, with 10, and are 1 point back of their point total, with 24. While some of the older players are playing a large part in that, the rookies have come to play, for the Titans, as they look to prepare for a future where the Continental Cup shall hopefully return to the land of Finns. The skaters have all played at a Point-per-Game pace, with Odinsson tied for the team lead in goals, and point, with 15 and 30, respectively. In the nets, Pepper has put up a respectable .914 SV%; unfortunately, with a team as raw in skill as the Titans, their defensive play, as a group, has been lacking, and the young netminder has faced upwards of 40 shots a night, which has resulted in a GAA of nearly 3.5. Despite the defensive issues, big things are happening in Helsinki, and the Titans will be a team on the rise, as soon as S64!
    New York Americans  
    RW - King, Roctrion - 6G 10A 16P -20 22HIT 19SB @Romaris
    D - McWolf, Joseph - 3G 13A 16P -23 88HIT 76SB @McWolf
    C - Shawinganen, Scott - 7G 7A 14P -23 23HIT 11SB @Cornflakers
    RW - Wilinsky, Dan - 8G 7A 15P -22 40HIT 10SB @oilmandan
    Another team in the midst of a rebuild, the New York Americans roster features an even heavier focus on rookies than that of the Helsinki Titans. With just one veteran skater (defender Mathieu Bourdon), and sophomore goaltender Ismond Kingfisher, the remainder of the Americans roster is a list of rookies, getting their first taste of VHL action! Given their lack of support, the Americans first-year players are doing well enough on the offensive end, scoring, for the most part, at about a .75 PPG pace. However, they face a similar issue as Helsinki, in their lack of defensive discipline, as they have forced Kingfisher to face over 47 shots per game, something that will desperately need to be shored up as they look to make their way up the standings in seasons moving forward.
    Quebec Meute  
    LW - Gonzalez, Jose - 0G 2A 2P +9 0HIT 1SB @Jose Gonzalez
    Sometimes, the numbers game goes against you. In Quebec, where the Meute are looking to avenge their 7-game defeat at the hands of the Calgary Wranglers in the Continental Cup Final, there are 6 forwards above young Jose Gonzalez on the team's depth chart. Exacerbated by the fact the young winger has only shown up for 9 practice hours since the season has begun, Gonzalez has produced less than many in Quebec City were hoping for out of the 1st Round Draft pick. The young forward still has plenty of time to turn things around, being a true rookie - playing in the VHL straight out of his draft, but things will have to change in a hurry, lest he become buried behind other young players, looking to make a name for themselves in his stead.
    Riga Reign  
    LW - Crimson, Ryuu - 5G 3A 8P +8 29HIT 2SB @SlapshotDragon
    D - Glade, Shawn - 4G 13A 17P +21 31HIT 42SB @ShawnGlade
    D - Kastelic, Ryan - 4G 9A 13P -9 28HIT 37SB @Enorama
    G - Kriketers, Kallis - 15-5-2 .913SV% 2.33GAA 3SO @hedgehog337
    D - Nano, Paulo - 1G 4A 5P +4 20HIT 8SB @leafsman
    D - Nguyen, Dylan - 1G 12A 13P -8 26HIT 30SB @Dtayl
    The Reign are an interesting thought experiment this season, with the largest roster in the league, and the most rookies being iced! Known as a franchise that can usually squeeze every last drop of offensive potential out of its players (just ask one Dragon McDragon about his S62 season), things are going a bit differently in the Latvian capital this season. Of course, they are still being lead by their top players, as Edwin Preencarnacion, Podrick Cast, and newly acquired Joseph Bassolino do their thing, but they have a newfound depth that shows no signs of letting up, as they also have a pair of top prospects currently dominating the VHLM. What that depth has shown, so far, is that there is only 1 puck and so much ice time available to spread around, so players can only net so many points when they are sharing with others. It has lead to a strong Riga squad, as the Reign currently sit in a tie for first place, with Calgary, but has put a dampener on their rookies ability to truly shine as leaders. Goalie Kallis Kriketers has been a shining star in net, with 3 shutouts already, but the first-year skaters have had mixed results thus far, showing less offense than most around the league expected. The Riga Rookies will grow to have fine careers, but the trade-off of beginning their journeys on such a stacked roster could end up costing them individual success in the early goings of their forays in the VHL.
    Seattle Bears  
    D - Thunderfist, Mountain - 0G 1A 1P +10 65HIT 25SB @AdamEss
    Another team that is looking to punch through to another Continental Cup victory this season is the Seattle Bears. With a more condensed roster than the Reign, they still manage to pack a punch, leading the league in offense with 83 goals scored in 22 games. Again, we see a similar result of there only being 1 puck, as Thunderfist is 4th among D on the Bears depth chart, and has only managed a single assist thus far. However, the rough and tumble defender is not known for his offense, and has done admirably as a punishing shut-down defender, helping the Bears keep opponents to a league-low 48 Goals Against, thus far.
    Toronto Legion  
    D - Tzuyu - 4G 12A 16P +5 2HIT 27SB @tfong
    The final team on our list is the Toronto Legion, and they are the third straight interesting case to look at! A team many thought to be in the early stages of a rebuild, in the off-season new GM Devise shocked the league by acquiring a host of veteran players, and so far, it has paid off. Sitting 1 point out of the league lead, the Legion are comfortably in a playoff position, looking to accomplish their goal of staying out of the Draft Lottery, while strengthening their pick, acquired from Helsinki, by keeping the Titans as a bottom 3 team. Unfortunately, for Tzuyu, this has lead to a bit of a stifling of the young defender's offense, as she sits 5th in team scoring, 11 points behind defensive team-leader Adam Warlock, who has scored 27 points thus far. Still, the Taiwanese pop-star has done an impressive job, scoring at a solid clip (if not what she expected when she hit the VHL), and has been positionally sound when on the ice.
    Leading RotY Candidates
    Forward - Vaydar Odinsson (HEL)
    15G 15A 30P -14 20HIT 47SB
    In the most recent batch of games, Odinsson has found himself in the top 10 in league-wide scoring! Taken with the 11th Overall pick in the S63 Draft, it was not a given that he would even play this season in the VHL, as he had the ability to hold off and return to the VHLM for one more season. Instead, he has found fast chemistry with veteran Ivan Morozov, as the pair share identical stat lines of 15/15/30 to lead the Titans, and are both on pace for over 45 goals and 90 points, respectively. As a scoring option who has shown no signs of slowing down, in the early going, there is no evidence to suggest that Odinsson will not continue his lead among the rookie scorers, as he currently sits 7 points ahead of teammates Julian Borwinn and Sidney Crosby, both tied for 2nd in rookie scoring!
    Forward Runner-Up - Julian Borwinn (HEL)
    12G 11A 23P -4 23HIT 25SB
    The 3rd Overall pick in the S63 Draft, after Helsinki moved down one slot to obtain the 10th Overall pick in a trade with New York, Borwinn has been a fixture on the Titans' top line from the start, alongside 2nd year forwards Dan Montgomery and Konstantin Mulligan. While he sits 7 points back of teammate Odinsson, Borwinn is the only other forward to play at a Point-per-Game pace thus far in the season, and all signs point to him only getting stronger as he gains experience, and his chemistry with his linemates grows.
    Defense - Sidney Crosby (HEL)
    4G 19A 23P -15 107HIT 98SB
    With the Titans handing the keys to their young players, while insulating them with a couple of veteran players, it is no shock that their rookies are shining this season. Crosby, the lone defender on the Titans roster, is no exception, as he plays at a Point-per-Game pace while being a physical beast on the ice. No other rookie defender is within 5 points of Crosby, and he leads the entire VHL in Shots Blocked with 98, 22 more than 2nd place Joseph McWolf, and 37 more than 3rd place Alvaro Jokinen. Indeed, if it wasn't for the -15 rating, Crosby would be a surefire bet to win the Jack Wylde award as the league's top defensive defenceman; as it stands, he is more in the conversation than the stand-out leader.
    Defense Runner-Up - Shawn Glade (RIG)
    4G 13A 17P +21 31HIT 42SB
    When the season started, there was another rookie defenseman who most thought would be the star this season, as expectations were abound on Ryan Kastelic - the highly rated 1st Overall pick. However, as he has been adapting to life in Latvia, it's been Shawn Glade taking the reigns as Riga's top defender. With fantastic play on both sides of the puck, a case could possibly be made that he's rivaled Crosby's season thus far, given the difference in team depth and quality. The young defender appears to be a future star, and the 11th Overall pick looks to become, perhaps, a good omen for future prospects!
    Goaltender - Kallis Kriketers (RIG)
    15-5-2 .913SV% 2.33GAA 3SO
    While sitting 2nd in rookie goalie Save Percentage, Kriketers is tops among the two rookie goalies in Wins, GAA and Shutouts, sitting 2nd (tied), 2nd (tied), and 1st (tied), respectively, league-wide in those categories. If the young Latvian netminder can continue this pace, playing for a team looking to potentially win both the Victory Cup and Continental Cup, it would not be a far cry to see him in the conversation as not only the Stolzschweiger Trophy winner, but also the Aiden Shaw Trophy as the league's top goalie!
    Goaltender Runner-Up - Alexander Pepper (HEL)
    10-9-4 .914SV% 3.46GAA 0SO
    A victim of circumstance, if you were to swap Pepper and Kriketers, it is very likely the American would be the one leading the Stolzschweiger race, and being in the conversation for the Shaw. Unfortunately for him, he is a part of the rebuilding Titans, and while he has played admirably, it is unlikely he will have a shot at either award this season. The good news for the Nevada product, however, is that the Titans have a young group that is continuing to get better every day, and by this time next season, things will likely be much different in Finland. While the accolades may not come this season, look for him to bully his way into the conversation very shortly!
    The VHL has had years where it's struggled to have enough rookies to nominate for the Christian Stolzschweiger Trophy, as recently as S58, there was only 7 rookies who qualified for the award, with only one player hitting the 50 point plateau (Aksel McKnight scored 50 points that season). That season was followed by a S59 rookie class whose top scoring players tied with 42 points (David Kiaskov and Kriztoff Mueller). The fact that, not only is the league spoiled for choice on who could end up claiming this season's Stolzy, with 3 equally great choices at the moment, it has enough rookies to fill out an entire VHL roster, and then some, is an extremely positive note for the league going forward, and would not be possible if not for the efforts of the league's recruitment crew, run by @Beaviss, @Spade18, and @Tagger, with all their fantastic effort put in to making this league stronger than ever! As previously mentioned, there are currently 21 rookies in the VHL, and all look to feature as stars in the league in the not-too-distant future! If this is not the deepest rookie class the league has seen in years, it certainly serves as a fantastic launching point for its future, and where the league is heading!
  8. Like
    SidTheKid87 got a reaction from Exlaxchronicles in Who is Kastelic?   
    you want it you got it (old school but still cool)
  9. Like
    SidTheKid87 reacted to McWolf in Crosby vs McWolf (vs Owens)   
    The last draft was one for the ages that saw a ton of impact players join good teams, that hope they can help them reach glory, and bad teams, that will need them for their whole 8-season career. Two of the players drafted near the top of the board are having very similar start to their season. Joseph McWolf (2nd overall, New York) and Sidney Crosby (4th overall, Helsinki) are both solid defensive defensemen that will inevitably work to round their two way game in future seasons. Despite their skillset suggesting they should be having a bigger defensive impact on their respective teams, both rookie defensemen are currently enjoying their time as their teams' blueline leader. While McWolf is paired with Bourdon on the first Americans pair, Crosby actually has to share the ice most of his shifts with HSK D1 (and HSK D2, and HSK D3, he's the only real dman on the team). In both cases, this means they have a whole lot of opporunities to perform and rack stats.
    Sidney Crosby (HSK). 17 GP, 0 G, 13 A, 13 PTS, -15, 73 HIT, 75 SB.
    Joseph McWolf (NYA). 16 GP, 1 G, 11 A, 12 PTS, -22, 72 HIT, 63 SB.
    These stats place both in the top 10 in rookie scoring (Crosby is 4th, McWolf is 6th), in hits (Crosby is 6th, McWolf is 7th) and, most of all, in shots blocked (Crosby is 1st, McWolf is 2nd). Saying both are getting a nice amount of shots blocked is an understatement. Actually, saying both are leading the shots blocked leaderboards would also be an understatement. To put it in perspective, the player with the 3rd most blocked shots, Joseph Bassolino, has 45 so far. 30 behind Crosby and 18 behind McWolf. To put it in another perspective, Crosby is in pace for 317 on the season, while McWolf is in pace for 283, which would ranked them 2nd and 5th on the all-time list. If their teams continue to do fairly bad and they continue to be strong presences in their defensive zone, they could both have a shot at beating Tyler Owens record of 325 shots blocked, set in the 37th season. Crosby and I Everyone is excited to see how this will end for the two young stars, both promised to a bright future.
  10. Haha
    SidTheKid87 reacted to Jubo in Crosby Titan   
    Alex I’ll take “Things I didnt expect to see today” for $500 please.
  11. Like
    SidTheKid87 reacted to ColeMrtz in Where in the world is Cole Mertz?   
    Hey boys, been a minute.
    I was kind of a hypocrite for getting on people for disappearing with no communication but life gets in the way sometimes. I’ve had a lot to sort out in a short period of time and how my imaginary goaltender was performing wasn’t exactly my top priority. I want to apologize to everyone on the magazine because you guys are great and put in a lot of work on that, but I can’t put the time commitment to it anymore. I’ll try to come back to the league though, I just needed to drop this for a while. I lost and uncle, almost lost a brother, so as you could imagine I wanted things sorted before I came back. Once again I apologize to everyone I ended up screwing over by vanishing but I’m back for now. This league was honestly really fun and it sucked to have to leave it especially knowing how great a lot of you guys are but I promise I’ll be around here for a while now. Also I don’t remember the word count for VHL.com articles so this is like 200 words if it’s supposed to be 250 then rip. #bringbackthepeppervmertzbeef 
  12. Like
    SidTheKid87 got a reaction from Esso2264 in Crosby Titan   
  13. Thanks
    SidTheKid87 got a reaction from Jubo in UB Sports VHL 63 - Cover Art Reveal [1/2]   
    This is dope!
  14. Like
    SidTheKid87 reacted to Jubo in UB Sports VHL 63 - Cover Art Reveal [1/2]   
    To be claimed as future media spot
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    SidTheKid87 reacted to DollarAndADream in Sidtha Kid [2/2]   
  16. Like
    SidTheKid87 reacted to Nykonax in A Breakdown of Jolt Juice   
    Calgary - JoltJuice is one of the biggest energy drink producers, and its no wonder why the decided to sponsor the VHL along with many other brands that include Viking, True North Gear, NETFLEX, and Haterade. Brands were rushing at the opportunity when the VHL announced they were finaly open to allowing sponsors. The VHL also went further to support sponsors by having the Sponsors Shield, a battle royale tournament alternating every year with the World Cup. The VHL announced they would only allow 6 brands, but many brands applied and the VHL left it to a fan vote. The 6 brands chosen were: Haterade, Jolt Juice, NETFLEX, True North Gear, Ubuyalot Games, and VIKING. These are some of the biggest hockey brands in the world, and as they recruited players some favourites emerged and some not so favourites emerged. With the rosters being finalised I've decided to do a personal breakdown of my personal favourite, Jolt Juice.
    Jolt Juice, the most electrifying drink also brings one of the most electrifying teams. You know what they say, "defense wins championships", and Jolt Juice executive Rhett Stoffiday followed this method to a tee. Signing some of the top defense including first and second picks in the S63 VHL Entry Draft Kastelic and Wolf, and the 4th pick Sidney Crosby, there is no doubt this team is stacked on defense. Jolt Juice is also one of the youngest teams signing multiple rookies in the VHL and VHLM including Elias Dahlberg, Joel Ylonen, and Crosby, Wolf, and Kastelic. Even though the team is stacked on defense don't overlook their offense who includes Charm, Mulligan, Davis, and Pajari. Charm and Davis seem to be the two who will drive the offense, Charm putting up 90 points and Davis with 70 in the VHL. They are projected to play together but executive Stoffiday may scramble the lines a bit to spread out the offense. Some overlooked players who could be great together are Dahlberg and Ylonen. Two of the top 10 projected picks in S64 could both be on a line together and could be the dark horse of the Sponsors Shield. If the 2 prospects keep developing and training over the VHL season they could definitely help out a lot in Jolt Juice's Shield run. Backstopping the team are goaltenders Stoffiday and Pepper. Stoffiday the 22nd pick in the S63 draft is another VHL rookie on Jolt Juice, coming off a not so good season on the rebuilding Yukon Rush with 16 wins in 70 games, a 0.849 SV%, and a 3.60 GAA he is looking to improve these numbers next season. With multiple picks in the first 2 rounds of the VHLM draft Yukon looks to be a solid team and Stoffiday could improve those numbers with some hard training and a solid team in front of him. With the stacked defense Jolt Juice has Stoffiday could have an easier time in the Sponsors Shield then the VHLM, but he is facing the best of the best. Pepper is the second goalie and probably the starter for Jolt Juice, another rookie on the team he was picked 10th by Helsinki. Posting a solid 50 wins, a .896 SV%, a 1.99 GAA, and 10 shutouts he had an amazing season on the Aces. He is definitely the favourite starter for Jolt Juice, and playing in Helsinki this season he will get a taste of the tougher competition. Some tough training and practice in the VHL could really help him backstop Jolt Juice to the championship.
    Jolt Juice has some good offense, great goaltending, and even better defense. They are definitely my favourite to win, followed by Haterade to win the Shield.
    616 words, for week ending 21/10
  17. Like
    SidTheKid87 reacted to Quik in Crosby Jolt Juice Endorsement Pic   
    This is both incredible and the fuel of nightmares! Great job @SidTheKid87 ?
  18. Like
    SidTheKid87 got a reaction from Esso2264 in Crosby Jolt Juice Endorsement Pic   
  19. Like
    SidTheKid87 reacted to Enorama in Crosby Jolt Juice Endorsement Pic   
    This is phenomenal
  20. Like
    SidTheKid87 reacted to Stoffiday in Crosby Jolt Juice Endorsement Pic   
    Welp, thats the greatest thing ever!
  21. Like
    SidTheKid87 got a reaction from BarzalGoat in Helsinki Titans Press Conference   
    1. What are your thoughts on the moves made by Helsinki prior to the draft? Do you think it was a risk in moving their top S64 pick?
    I think it was a smart move. It helped load up the team and gives us an opportunity to be very competitive for the next few seasons.
    2a. For new draftees, what is your first impression of your first VHL organization?
    So far it has been awesome! It has been an very active first week from the whole team and it looks like we are going to have some good chemistry.
    3. Which player(s) are you most excited to play with this upcoming season?
    Im very excited to play alongside the man, the myth, the legend, @BarzalGoat . He gave me a chance to start my career and it is going to be fun playing with him now.
    4. Do you have any personal goals for the upcoming season, and would you care to share them?
    My goal for this season is to give Kastelic a run for his money for ROY.
    5. What is the first big purchase you made after signing your first VHL contract?
    tbh i havent even looked at the store yet
    6. In which city, other than Helsinki, would you like the titans to hold training camp, and why?
    Las Vegas baby. It seems like a breeding group for hockey talent as of late.
  22. Like
    SidTheKid87 got a reaction from Enorama in Crosby Jolt Juice Endorsement Pic   
  23. Like
    SidTheKid87 got a reaction from Quik in Helsinki Titans Press Conference   
    1. What are your thoughts on the moves made by Helsinki prior to the draft? Do you think it was a risk in moving their top S64 pick?
    I think it was a smart move. It helped load up the team and gives us an opportunity to be very competitive for the next few seasons.
    2a. For new draftees, what is your first impression of your first VHL organization?
    So far it has been awesome! It has been an very active first week from the whole team and it looks like we are going to have some good chemistry.
    3. Which player(s) are you most excited to play with this upcoming season?
    Im very excited to play alongside the man, the myth, the legend, @BarzalGoat . He gave me a chance to start my career and it is going to be fun playing with him now.
    4. Do you have any personal goals for the upcoming season, and would you care to share them?
    My goal for this season is to give Kastelic a run for his money for ROY.
    5. What is the first big purchase you made after signing your first VHL contract?
    tbh i havent even looked at the store yet
    6. In which city, other than Helsinki, would you like the titans to hold training camp, and why?
    Las Vegas baby. It seems like a breeding group for hockey talent as of late.
  24. Like
    SidTheKid87 reacted to Quik in Crosby Got Drafted Where???   
    I have faith in 87, no gamble here!
  25. Like
    SidTheKid87 reacted to BarzalGoat in Feel Good Feels from your Fav Drunk GM   
    Guys, first of all let me say it wasn't easy to get to the point I'm at in the VHL and VHLM. FIRST I was handed a VHLM team on the CUSP of winning it all, and obviously mess up the lines and blow the finals. We all remember that, it's a little gross. Next, I had to be good enough to be a quality pick in the VHL draft, 6th overall to be exact, so that I could be a lottery pick. With that, I was a top 2 player on a tanking team, the Titans, who would win sooooooo few games. When we did win games, it was because @Pandar and I would go for like 4 points each. It was tough to be a fan of the league, but I trusted the god damn process. Then, @Quik rattles off an amazing offseason, and grabs some of the better prospects, guys like @Jubo07 and @Sonnet to name a couple, who I had resented all season, and even @SidTheKid87 who I reluctantly traded away my VHLM rights to. To say I'm grateful for the work he's put in on the VHL level would be an understatement, but what I'm here to talk about is MYSELF AND WHAT I WAS ABLE TO DO.
    I was able to draft an easy 200 TPE cap guy in Quik, but @Kisshan, @Advantage, and keep together the group of Yukon Free Agents I had previously signed in @RyanZabby @Philliefan @NathanN for what looks like an awesome season. Couple this with keeping the now FANTASTIC @pierogituxedo (Rhett) alongside both @BBNAT and my dude @803, we look to really compete this season. As a whole, I think Yukon will be a really really scary team to face this upcoming season, and I'm excited that I got to put all of the pieces together, and that the pieces were guys I've gotten to know, talk to, and have made sure they WANT to be here, to win with us. I'm excited to see what the boys in Helsinki, and Yukon, are able to do this year, and hope it's a 2 cup year for me. 
    Cheers boys,
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