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Posts posted by SirRupertBarnes

  1. Review:
    I quite like the background and the overall style of this logo. The colouring and everything is great. However, I think even just having the Malmo logo in the design even just in the corner would make it more applicable to the team. My only other complaint would be that the white text makes it hard to read in certain areas but given the location any colour could've given you trouble. Overall great job though! 8/10

  2. Review:

    Overall i can see the effort and the idea behind this. Personally i find the background very distracting and takes away from the player BUT i do appreciate having a bit of colour instead of just the normal arena. The colours go well together and i kinda like the text you have. I would put the logo just a little lower so as to not get cut off with the colouring around the neck area but overall it was a good effort. 7/10

  3. Alec Volchenkov was born in a remote town about 3 hours east of Moscow and his family has always joked that he started skating the moment he could walk. Whenever he could hit the rink after school that's where you'd find him. Playing good defense and being able to out-skate anyone on the ice was always his area of specialty which has really helped shape him into the player he is today.


    He grew up playing AAA leagues across Russia for the first few years of his youth. When he was 12 years old his family moved to America when his family moved to his mother's hometown in Minnesota. Volchenkov trained hard and worked every day to grow into the player he wanted to become. When he hit High School, he enrolled at Northfield Senior High School to play in one of the better hockey programs in the state. He won Defensive forward of the year twice during his tenure with the team, along with 2 State Championships, 1 Nationals Championship, and a State Playoff MVP.


    After a few successful seasons in high school he moved onto a bigger stage where he played for Boston University on their second line, shutting down the opposition and recording 6 goals and 20 assists in his freshman season with the Terriers. He trained hard for the top center position and got it in his sophomore season recording 9 goals and 33 assists finishing in the top 15 in the league for points. The hard work couldn't quite pay off as they lost in the semi-finals to U-Mass who ultimately went on to win Nationals. After an injury early on in his 3rd season he only ended up playing 10 games and record 2 goals and 9 assists in that short time. The team felt that blow and failed to even make it past the first round that season. 

    His Senior year he wanted to go out with a bang and he sure did. In 32 GP he record 13 goals and 49 assists finishing first in the league in points as well as winning the Hobey Baker award which is the most prestigious individual award handed out in Division I men’s hockey. To top it off the went on quite the run only losing 4 games all playoffs including Nationals to take it all.

    Now that he's graduated and has spent time in such a great program, Alec looks to continue his career in the VHLM. He's signed as a free agent with the Saskatoon Wild and has been playing on their third line giving some extra depth to an already loaded team.


  4. Plenty of great candidates already but I’ll throw my name in the hat anyway. I’m interested in an AGM position if anyone needs one. I don’t really have any prior experience but I’m a fast learner, motivated, and willing to do what needs to be done.

  5. 15 hours ago, Doomsday said:

    1. The season is winding down, the playoffs will be here before we know it. What's something that Saskatoon will need to do in order to excel in the post-season?


    2. The scheduling lately has had the Wild play fewer games over some long stretches. How are you guys handling all this extra down time?


    3. The VHL and VHLM have both seen expansion teams joining lately. If the VHLM were to get more teams down the road, what locations make the most sense to get franchises?


    4. What's a TV show you really like that doesn't get enough credit for it's quality?


    5. Is there a specific brand of gear that you use? Any particular reason for it?


    6. Outside of hockey, what's your favorite Olympic event?

    1. Just keep rolling and figure out some lines that work. The boys need a little more chemistry.

    2. Just giving more time to train and rest up before the playoffs

    3. I think Cincinnati would be a great place for a team

    4. Community. Seasons 1-3. I don’t hear much about it online but it’s a pretty funny show

    5. I’ve always liked Bauer or CCM

    6. Favourite Olympic event other than hockey would be Downhill skiing or moguls. Favourite sport that isn’t in the olympics but should be is Golf. Could you imagine Tiger woods in his prime playing in the olympics?

  6. First of all I’d just like to state that there’s no single logo that I dislike. They’re all good in their own way, I just find some more visually appealing than others. With that out of the way let’s get right into it starting with #12





    ugh.png.3ac6bb71daa88aeb75666cead8a6cd61.pngStarting off we have Ottawa at #12. This logo is just a little too plain for me overall. The colours are all very neutral and it just doesn’t pop in my eyes. I can appreciate the shading with the lighter beige and the detail in this design. One of my biggest complaints is the eye. It makes it feel a little empty with the solid white, I feel having at least some colour in it would make this logo feel more alive.








    Onto #11 we have the...



    ...Yukon Rush. I really like the colour design on this one, I think that yellow and blue go really well together. I’ve never been a big fan of logos with just lettering so that is my main reason for such a low ranking. I also don’t really get what the wings have to do with the team identity. I do appreciate the outlining work though, as well as the shading on the ‘R’ along with the wings. 













    Next up in the number 10 spot we have the....



    ...Houston Bulls. There’s a lot going on in this logo and it’s one of the busier logos in the league. This is another colour scheme I find really goes well together and compliments each other. To me this bull kind of looks more like a goat, especially with the beard. I can’t say I’ve ever seen a bull with a grey beard but what do I know? I’m just some guy reviewing logos for fun. I do like the flames but I’m not sure I understand the connection with the bulls. My favourite thing about this one is the city name across the top. The split colour looks great along with the slightly curved text is stellar.Houston-lgsssss.png.c8f7d45eea2c4fe0d3109c37c6877a67.png










    Moving onto the number 9 spot we have the...



    ...Las Vegas Aces. This is a pretty simple design overall which is good and bad depending on who you ask. I appreciate the circle with the text going around, as well as the hockey sticks behind the ace. My first complaint with this one has to be the font choice, I feel it doesn’t fit the aesthetic of the logo design very well. My second complaint would be the center design. I feel it would look better having a yellow backdrop, and changing the hockey sticks to be white. Maybe flip the colours on the ‘A’ too? I do like the design overall, I just think it needs a minor retouch and it would take it to the next level.Aces-lg.jpg.a7b38d29575f5f7f0cd8ff1fe853978c.jpg










    Coming in at the number 8 spot we have the...



    ...Mississauga Hounds. This is a good logo and I do appreciate it, but i prefer the others a bit more which is the only reason it’s ranked so low. My only thing about this one is the dog looks kinda sad/ upset that he just lost his food, especially with the ears droopy like that. It’s not as intimidating as it could be, however it makes up for it in the colour design as well as the split colour text. The shading is a nice touch as well.










    Moving right along to numero 7 we get to the...



    Minnesota Storm. This logo is a classic and will likely be around for quite a while (watch this age terribly). I love the simplicity of it as well as all of the subtle details thrown in. There’s noStorm.png.b5f230947689e70c874c1673a173f44b.pngt really anything that sticks out to me that I’d want to change. It’s a great design, especially the lightning bolt on the shoulder. It’s a nice touch very fitting to the team. 







    Onto the number 6 spot is the...



    Saskatoon Wild. The more you look at this logo the more detail that starts to jump out at you. The colour design does a great job balancing out the neutral beige as the main. Potential change could be to add in some colour to the eye but i don’t feel it’s necessary because of how well put together everything else is. Wild-lg.png.ab46074577738d10c10cae92e3a45105.png







    Now into the top 5 we get to the...



    ...San Diego Marlins. This logo does quite a few things right in my books. It has great colour design, the font is perfectly placed as well as the two-tone colours, and the team identity is all captured really well in this. I quite enjoy how the fish is almost jumping over the name too. Marlins_V1l4Gw1.png.e5cdb54158e9977699c36f0087471532.png







    Onto the number 4 pick we have the...



    ...Halifax 21st. Initially I had this ranked at number one but after some second thoughts opted to drop it to 4th. Being from the Halifax area i may be a little biased but i feel this captures the city very well and does it justice. The life-preserver with the name on it is very fitting along with having the ship floating inside of it I really enjoy. Again, colour design works perfectly here. Excellent logo.




    Getting into the top 3 now we get to the...



    ...Philadelphia Reapers. This is one of the most intimidating logos in the entire VHL in my opinion. I love the yellow accent around the hood as well as the red scythe. It really feels like death is there ready to take you away. There’s nothing I would change about this, it will always be one of the best logos in VHL history (at least to me). Reapers.png.11517050fb6001762f033571081e0cba.png



    Coming in at a VERY close second we the...



    Miami Marauders. Pirate logos usually struggle, I find. But this one blows everything out of the water. The first thing your eyes gravitate towards is that skull which is extremely intimidating. I love the design of the captain’s hat along with the anchor sticking out of the skull. I could just go on and on about everything this does right but I have a list to finish so. It’s a spectacular logo and easily could’ve taken first. MIA.png.f34aa9db58fef68b926bd12fe94ca4d4.png






    Finally we get to the number 1 logo in the VHLM in my own opinion it has to be the...




    ...Mexico City Kings. I cannot get over how amazing this logo is. I love the shadow cast over the right side of it along with that red outline to still give it that intimidating look. This is a perfect example of a team using text on the logo to just give enough of an accent while still not taking away from the graphic itself. It’s pretty cool how the guy is sort of holding the name in-front, almost as a warning not to mess with him. Elite logo. Kings.png.35e92aa2aec71a060b8134cce6897db4.png





    Thanks for taking the time to read what i had to say about each logo and let me know if there's any you think should've been ranked higher than they were. It was a lot of fun to do so make sure you come back in the future when I do the VHL including the 4 brand new expansion teams!

  7. On 6/15/2020 at 10:03 AM, Doomsday said:

    1. After a tight race at the top of the VHLM this season, the Minnesota Storm now hold first place with a comfortable 9 point lead. However, Saskatoon now firmly holds second place. With 22 games left, is that enough time for the Wild to sneak past the Storm?


    2. Big results yesterday on the Devise Double Sim™, going 4-0 with two big wins against Mexico City and Las Vegas. Is the team starting to find that winning combination?


    3. Saskatoon's roster got even deeper with Adam Frence's return to practice, making him eligible for more ice time. How big of a lift is that for the Wild?


    4. Bombshell announcement last week in the VHL with four brand new teams announced in an expansion. Which team design is your favorite of the four?


    5. With current General Manager @McWolf tabbed to lead the London Union next season, how do you think he's going to do leading a team at the professional level?


    6. With the WJC wrapping up, how do you think the experiences Saskatoon players had there will help them this season back in the M?

    1. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is the cup. If we get first great but if not oh well. The main focus is the playoffs and staying on course to the ultimate goal.

    2. I think so. Management has done a great job putting this team together and we have potential. Things are rolling for the boys.

    3. Huge. Absolute stud and a great asset to the team.

    4. They’re all pretty decent. If I had to pick a favourite I’d have to go with the Phoenix I suppose.

    5. Obviously everyone will say he’s gonna do great but it’s true. He knows how to build a team and he’ll do even better in the VHL. I have faith he’ll be successful with the franchise
    6. Gives good experience under pressure and helps get some of the nerves off for the playoffs. Having all those fans being so loud can be pretty intimidating

  8. On 6/8/2020 at 12:07 PM, Doomsday said:

    1. Saskatoon continues to roll along, but they're still trailing the Minnesota Storm by four points at the halfway point of the season. What needs to happen for the Wild to finish ahead of them?


    2. It was a tumultuous week for the VHLM, with longtime VHLM Commissioner Banackock stepping down and a protest held by VHLM GMs. Throughout it, Saskatoon stayed open and did not go dark. What did that mean to you?


    3. Sonnet was named as a new VHLM Commissioner, what do you think he will bring to the VHLM in his new role?


    4. With the league seemingly on fire lately, what's your favorite food to cook over a fire?


    5. What player do you feel is an unsung hero on this roster?


    6. It's been ten seasons since the WJC returned in Season 62, what's your favorite WJC memory?

    1. We’ve hit a few minor slumps that I think we’ll be able to get past and push to the top. It’s only a matter of 2 wins so it doesn’t take much.

    2. I don’t really know too much about what happened I just heard a few rumours but despite that I think as a league we need to stay focused

    3. I’ve heard the name but don’t know him. I’m sure he’ll give it his all and bring to the VHLM what he feels it deserves

    4. Smores or Hot Dogs

    5. I’d have to say @Lefty_S or @Shaka. Lefty is second on the team in hits and shots blocked along with 24 points. He’s been a solid defender for us and it’s not easy sacrificing the body each night but he does it. Shaka’s been a stellar backup this season putting up a 10-1-1 record with a .914 save % and 1.9 GAA. Those are some solid numbers and has helped us tremendously get some extra points when the starters not in.

    6. I was a part of it in S66 I believe and we got smoked but it was a decent environment. Being part of it again feels about the same. I don’t really have a specific memory that stands out though

  9. 2 hours ago, rjfryman said:

    I hope that I can continue to live up to these kind words, and I'm glad you are back. As one of my early friends and rivals ?, I am extremely excited to see you come back and be active in the league. You were one of the first to give me the spark and our line was a great one. Hopefully we can play together again someday. ?

    You deserve them man! You’re a legend and Fryman should definitely be a first ballot entry in the HOF imo. We’ll see what the future holds but that would be pretty sweet

  10. For the theme week I wanted to just take the time and reflect on the interactions I’ve had that makes this community so great. After joining the league in 2018 around the same time as my cousin @Plate and both of us not knowing what we were doing or how anything worked. I reached out to a few members who showed us the ropes in a sense. I was surprised coming into the VHLM and just seeing how inclusive everyone was. Right from the start the members in the teams discord grew closer as each day passed. There’s a few members who I really had a connection with and I’d consider them to be a big reason as to what made it so enjoyable for the time I was there. 


    @Thranduil was the AGM of Halifax at the time and was pretty much my go-to guy for any questions I had regarding how to earn TPE or how the fantasy league worked. He’s one of the greatest guys I’ve met and if we didn’t live on opposite coasts I’m sure we’d be closer.


    @rjfryman what can i say about Jules? He’s one of the best guys I’ve ever had the privilege of meeting. He’d always do pretty much anything for anyone, and was always going the extra mile when doing it. His generosity is astounding and when we were working on a project he was willing to front the bill for it just to see it take off. Absolute class act and if everyone could be a little more like him the world would be a better place. When I found out he got a job working with prospects and new players I was not surprised one bit. He’s the perfect candidate for the role and extremely personable. Definitely makes everyone feel welcome all the time.


    @McWolf you’re an absolute legend. When you left the VHL due to time constraints it left a big void. You had set the bar so high for what I expected the league to be like that when you left it just wasn’t the same anymore. It’s people like you that make others want to stick around and become a part of the community long-term. When I heard you were back in the league it was very enticing to come back and be a part of this league again.


    S66 was one of my fondest memories, not because of how it went or what happened in the league but because of these people and this community.


    With recent events in the league and what’s happening in the world it’s shown me the true value of friendship and the interactions we have. Although a lot of us are a bunch of strangers to each other, but those same people could end up being close friends given enough time. To everyone in this community you guys are all awesome! Even if we’ve never talked before it’s just great being a part of this community that brings us together to share in a hockey sim. Although it’s a sim league there’s way more too it than just that and I think that’s what makes it special. There’s people constantly running things that a lot of members don’t see which we should all be more appreciative of so thank you to all the Admins and anyone who just helps keep this league on course. Although there are hiccups and some drama once in a while, I think now is a good time for us to all come together, put our differences aside and just appreciate how a forum site can bring people together from all over the world and create lasting friendships (as well as rivalries). The donation drive is a great initiative and I think it goes to show that this community can really come together to do great things. 

  11. On 6/1/2020 at 10:26 AM, Doomsday said:

    1. Big news broke out of Saskatoon last night, with forward Timothy Brown returning to the Wild through a trade with the Halifax 21st. What's the atmosphere around the team like following the trade?


    2. The Wild's strong season continues, although the Minnesota Storm sit ahead of them by two points in the standing. What does Saskatoon need to do to jump them for the top spot?


    3. What fictional animal do you wish was real?


    4. Do you expect any other changes to the roster this season?


    5. Talk has persisted that Saskatoon needs a new logo. Do you agree, or is the current logo good as is?


    6. Are scoring numbers in the VHLM higher, lower, or what you expected them to be at this season?

    1. Absolute hype. Teams pumped to have him back and rightfully so. Got a good deal to get him and he has a great offensive upside. Top 10 in goals this season isn’t an easy task

    2. Just keep to our game plan, win as much as we can but especially battle hard against teams like LVA and MIN

    3. Griffon I suppose. That could also be terrifying If they were wild though so it’s a double-edged sword

    4. I feel there could be more to play out but it has to be for the right price. We have a good squad and don’t need too much more without sacrificing the teams success in the future.

    5. New logo. It’s not intimidating enough

    6. I had no expectation of playing in the VHLM this season in the first place. With that said I’m surprised how few goals get scored beyond first line on any given team.

  12. 10 hours ago, Doomsday said:

    1. Hot start for Saskatoon, who are tied for first place in the VHLM. What's the key to sustaining this momentum?


    2. Kazimir Komarov and Lucas Brandt are both two points behind "Big" Bob Helminen's 19 for the VHLM lead with 17. Do you think they can overtake Helminen?


    3. What team do you think is the biggest threat to the Wild this season?


    4. Does team captain Keith Krestanovich follow the tradition set by Adam Frence of supplying the team with copious amounts of alcohol?


    5. Are reports of an underground Pokémon fighting ring in Saskatoon true?


    6. Who's the best-dressed member of the team?

    1. Good team chemistry. After just coming onto the team, i'm hoping to mess well with the boys and not throw things out of balance.

    2. Definitely!

    3. Probably San Diego. 1 shot against in a game is terrifying.

    4. Haven't been in the locker room long enough to know so you'll have to ask one of the boys.

    5. I can neither confirm nor deny one of the best things to do on a friday night when there isn't a game.

    6. Gotta go with the Cap here

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