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Everything posted by ColeMrtz

  1. *litterally anyone who isn’t a well established member* Yeah guys this is a BUST right here big fat BUST don’t know them so they must be a BUST
  2. 4th line and still got 6 points, blow me
  3. Keeping the Kidds Wang together, smart
  4. Davos is bad. Like really fucking bad. Like coming out of the VHL draft had 1 full line of VHL eligible players bad. Obviously this sticks Davos in the middle of a somewhat untimely rebuild. However, with a large quantity of picks in the S69 VHL draft, where do they stand for the future? Fernando Jokinen @Ahma - 17th Overall Jokinen is the first piece of the Davos puzzle added this draft. The 176 TPE puck moving defenseman is actively playing in Houston this season, and as a consistent enhanced welfare + PC/Trivia earner we can expect steady growth from the player. Jokinen truly came into his own at the end of last season, posting 13 points in 15 postseason games, and is poised to explode this season. Expect to see Jokinen up with the club as soon as next season, breaking into the top 4 easily. Blacker Velvet @Higgins - 19th Overall Shortly after Jokinen was selected a second defenseman falls into place in Blacker Velvet. Velvet is a true offensive defenseman, with a build that could pass as a forwards. His projected growth is all over the map, ranging from 14 point weeks to 2 point weeks. However, Higgins prominent role on the site promotes an expectation of steadier growth over time. at 154 TPE, Velvet may also crack the roster by S70. Kevin Reegsman @Reegs - 24th Overall Reegsman is yet another defensive piece to the puzzle, and hopefully can find his way back to the star potential he once had. His growth has taken a hit recently, with no updates last week, but should he return to pace Reegsman had a rather sporadic growth pattern that normalized around 12 TPE a week, a high earning player and one that could shoot up to the top pairing with some consistency. Davos would have a steal if the 121 TPE defenseman returns to activity. Milos Slavik @Frank - 25th Overall The first offensive player added to the squad, the passing winger has seen a similar fall off to Kevin Reegsman. At 117 TPE right now, Slavik likely wouldn't make the club until S71 in order to break the 250 VHLM cap, but with some steady development a winger with an emphasis on passing could become an integral part of the Davos squad. Slavik is exactly the player that could fill that gap. Kristopher McDagg @Viperxhawks19 - 26th Overall McDagg has a heavy emphasis on playing a 2 way game, already hitting the 70 DF mark at only 100 TPE. As a semi-consistent welfare + PF earner, McDagg has a very good shot at making the roster in S71, especially if he picks up the consistency of his updating. With such a strong DF attribute, seeing McDagg start to develop his offence would do wonders for his game. Boris Boris @Walter Fizz - 29th Overall With Davison entering his twilight years and Ross going inactive, Boris looks like a sure shot for the future franchise starter of the Dynamo. Already hitting 117 TPE and not slowing down, the goaltender has potential to become one of the greats. Very much a finesse goaltender, Boris' strengths come from his control, whether it be rebound control or movement, everything he does is smooth and calculated. King Krull @LefLop - 31st Overall An interesting player, Krull is incredibly strong on the puck, whilst still developing his other skills. A pretty consistent 10 TPE a week player, Krull also benefits from a monthly affiliate check. He'll be a player to watch this season as he begins to truly develop into the defenseman Davos needs. The players taken after Krull are either too early in their careers to see what they aim for or have gone inactive, however the prospect pool they've pulled from the S69 draft sets them up fairly nicely for the future. Davos shouldn't expect to compete any time soon, but with a little patience expect a team of powerhouses. 650 words
  5. 2. I’ve been working on the other side of the puck this offseason, so I could focus more on continuing my offense during the season. I knew I’d need to up my defensive ability to not be a liability in the VHL. 3. This is Wang’s first season up although he was under contract last season. 4. I set expectations for myself based on last year, I never expected a 95 point season. 5. Yeet. 8. I aim to be a key player in the rebuild and hopefully I’ll earn my first line minutes through my players actual ability rather than our teams lack of depth. 10. To fill their nets with pucks.
  6. For this week 1. The VHL draft has come to a conclusion, seeing a plethora of new faces join the Americans, most notably first round picks @Velevra and @JohnOQuinn. How do you feel we made out. 2. FA ended with a distinct lack of contracts being signed with the Americans, how do you feel this impacts our upcoming season? 3. The off-season is coming to a close, and rosters look pretty set in stone. How do you predict the season to pan out across the board? 4. Who do you think has the biggest offseason this “year”? 5. What was the biggest surprise from the VHL draft in your opinion? 6. What’s your boldest prediction for next season (player awards, team positions, etc.)?
  7. How aggressive is this policy, everything seems kind of vague
  8. After Jerry Wang's electric rise to the top of the VHLM and subsequent loss of said title, I have come back to a topic I had vastly overestimated him on before. That topic being the breaking of various Hounds single season records. Although Wang didn't finish quite as well as I would've liked him to, he still left his mark on Hounds history. His 50 goal season puts him second all time, sitting behind Callum MacElroy's 53 goal tenure in S66. Wang doesn't crack the total points or assists leaders, as his linemate Balentine Kidd outperformed Wang just enough to secure the second all time points record and knock Wang off the board. Wang does sneak onto the +/- leaders at third all time with a +39, and sits behind MacElroy at +40 and Kidd at +46. PIMs and hits aren't exactly Wang's game, and its evident in his incredible distance from denting said boards. Wang doesn't hit the shots board either despite linemate Kidd sneaking on at third all time. Unsurprisingly his shot blocks were nonexistent and thus another board missed. However Wang ties MacElroy for first all time in game winning goals, something that truly pays testament to Wang's ability to produce when needed. Despite all of these internal records, Wang walks away from the VHLM with no individual awards, no team awards, and utterly disappointing appearances in every playoff run, with under 0.5 PPG and a -9 across 16 games played. Hopefully the winger will truly break out in the VHL and prove that spark of potential is more than just a spark. 265 words
  9. Rigged, ya boy was FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY hard
  10. Everyone who doesn’t want to go back to page one, any vote that isn’t formatted as VOTE _________ Isn’t counted
  11. Town of Salem logic, the first day doesn’t count, lynch after night phase when we have some form of evidence, deaths are risky especially with a small town
  12. TLDR everyone is paranoid and accusatory while no real evidence has been produced
  13. Yeah it’s really unfortunate that we have no record of anyone ever saying anything ever
  14. As much as I am a proponent for developing our civilization, the name beaviss strikes a chord
  15. Agreed, they’re doing something... strange over there
  16. How about the town and the maf come together and get high and not kill anyone because that's somewhat disrespectful honestly
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