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Everything posted by ColeMrtz

  1. I'm actually writing pressers again For the week of the 29th: 1. Through 72 games we've seen some highs and some Lows (hehe), but through it all what's everyone's favorite memory from this season? 2. We finished 7th overall in the league, coming ahead of both Toronto and Calgary, while nearly taking 6th place from Malmo in the process. Is this better or worse than you would have predicted before the season started? 3. Going back to the highs and lows, which was more surprising? Our race to the bottom of the standings or our unbelievable redemption run to get us where we stand now? 4. Looking forward we are set to face Seattle in the first round, how do we feel about this matchup? 5. Looking into the storylines, Guy LeGrande, former Americans defenseman will be coming home to face us in this first round matchup, what impact does this have on the coming series for you? 6. Rookies Soren Jensen and Ryo Yamazuki II make up 2 of the top 3 rookies in terms of points, with Jensen looking to take home ROTY. How do you expect next seasons rookies (David O'Quinn, Jaxon Walker and Danny DeYeeto) to preform?
  2. Love to see it, thank you man!
  3. ColeMrtz

    NYA/VAN; S69

    Can’t believe Esso would make such a huge trade without consulting me smh my head
  4. Allow me to preface this article with a resounding what the actual fuck is happening. At the time of writing this, the New York Americans sit in a playoff spot, miles away from the teams who were supposed to be battling them for the position, and instead only FOUR POINTS OFF of the third place Toronto Legion. After what can only be described as an absolute dogshit start to the season, one so bad it drove former NYA star Guy LeGrande to Seattle, to say I expected this push I'd be lying. Yet here we are. How did we get here? How did this happen? GAME 203/9-16-8 0-0-0 33 games into the season, the New York Americans look b a d. And they were. A good series of games would be going .500, to win both games was unheard of. This was truly the lowest point the team faced, a general feeling of rock bottom was felt throughout the team. Despite this, Game 203 is a focal point for this turnaround, the point where this program would start to pull it together and go on a truly spectacular run. It starts with a 2-1 win over the D.C. Dragons. GAME 228/13-17-8 4-1-0 This is the first real hot stretch of their run, going 4-1 through five games, their only loss against the top dog Vancouver Wolves. It wasn't like they were playing throwaway game either, D.C. and Prauge were their first two wins, but they followed it up with a substantial victory over Moscow and a close game against Malmo. This stretch was sort of a push that set New York in the right direction, and it showed down the line as they continued to tear through the league. GAME 264/16-20-8 7-4-0 As per usual, the good came with some bad for New York, who after a strong 5 game stretch went .500 through the next 6. "But Cole, if they went .500 then why would you start this tunraround so early?" Because if you'd listen, this stretch was crucial in getting them where they are now. There losses were to Seattle (twice), who is so far out of reach it doesn't reasonably matter positionally, and Prague, and EU team. Who they beat, however, is huge. They beat D.C. once, widening the gap between New York and another 4 seed contender, and they beat Toronto twice. Let me say that again, they beat Toronto twice. The third seed NA team that was supposed to be out of reach was brought 4 points closer through this stretch. And then they walked through just about every team they played. GAME 313/24-20-9 15-4-1 New York was undefeated in regulation through 9 games. Nine games. They were 8-0-1 since Game 264. The trade that sent Guy LeGrande to Seattle brought Kevin Low to New York, and he's been an integral part of this run, rostered through all but the first game of this streak and putting up 4 points. This was also one of New York's most grueling runs, playing Seattle, Riga and Malmo once each and Vancouver in a back to back. Whether the Americans continue on this path, simply hold their seeding or fall back down to earth remains to be seen, but what's certain is that the 19 game home stretch will be an exciting and interesting one to watch. 563 Words
  5. I'm writing pressers again For the week of the 15th: 1. One of our key players Guy LeGrande was recently shipped out to Seattle for Kevin Low and a 3rd, what impact does that have on our team and locker room? 2. On the flip side, Kevin Low joins our defensive core as a solid addition to the backend, how does he impact our roster? 3. After a long stretch of brutal games, we've recently beat out Calgary in the standings to move into a playoff position. How do we keep up our current pace of play and maintain this spot? 4. Soren Jensen currently sits tied for most points by a rookie this season, how does he represent our program and where we'll be moving forwards? 5. With only 25 games left in the season, do you expect us to move in the standings much more or hold our current position? 6. Of the top 10 point leaders league-wide, who are you most surprised to see?
  6. 1. Halifax is "traditionally" my home but I played my last season in Mississauga, and have to say that's likely my favorite team to have ever played on. 2. Not bad, I'm holding my own among the rookies and producing well for the club, I'd like to do better but who doesn't? 3. My production, I've impacted 32% of all goals scored with the club this season, I'm pretty proud of that. 4. Rookie season, but I've been around the forum for *technically* a year. 5. Likely not with a player, but recreates definitely. 6. Yes, I'm AGMing in New York right now and have been applying to every GM opportunity made available to me.
  7. We sit just over halfway through the season, and the S69 rookie class is closer than most would have predicted. The top five players in terms of points sit just 6 points apart from each other, with many hailing from unexpected parts of the league. As it stands right now, let's break down each of the top 5 players and see who's having the best season. 1. Ryo Yamazuki II (NYA) Ryo was a part of the S68 draft class, and sits on top of the S69 rookie race with 24 points. Playing for the Americans, Ryo has had an impressive impact for the team, being involved in 27% of the teams total production. His offense isn't the only thing setting him apart, as he maintains the highest +/- of any of the "regular" players on New York (i.e. playing majority of the game). His impact in New York is undeniable, despite the team sitting just third from the bottom, and makes a strong case for the Stolzschweiger. 2. Cinnamon Block (PRG) Block is a true rookie being a member of the S69 draft class, the first overall pick, and also plays for a bottom 4 team in Prauge. Block has 23 points through these 39 games, made all the more impressive by the fact that they play the defensive side of the puck. Block's +/- and PIMs have a seemingly negative impact with the European program, sitting 9th and 4th respectively on the roster. However, Block also sits 2nd in hits and 3rd in shots blocked, which may be enough to bolster their case down the line. 3. Benny Graves (DCD) The best of the worst, DC is where Benny Graves calls home. His 22 points put him tied for 3rd on the roster, and his +/- is close to the top of the team as well. Being the second overall pick of the S69 draft, his going to DC helped aid him in making an immediate impact, and in doing so he's become one of the players to watch on the expansion team. It's also worth noting his -2 is the second highest of all top 5 rookies, being beat out by only fellow Dragon George Washington. Graves also has the most game winners of this list as well, with 2 goals when it matters. Only one other player has recorded a winning tally, once again falling to teammate George Washington. Graves game winning impact should bolster his case for the Stolzschweiger, despite sitting third on the list. 4. Jerry Wang (DAV) From the best of the worst to the worst of the worst, Wang sits 2nd on the incredibly shallow Davos roster. His 20 points account for nearly a third of the team's production, 32%, but an abysmal -15 makes that stat significantly less impressive. Perhaps the only redeeming secondary stat on Wang's resume is his 2 PIMs through the entire season. The only real shot Wang has at the award is if by some miracle Davos makes a turnaround before the end of the season, but things are highly unlikely to change. 5. George Washington (DCD) Washington scrapes the bottom of the top 5 with 19 points, but that's not all the GM centerman has accomplished thus far. His -1 is tied for second on the roster, and the highest on this list, as well as netting a game winner for his club. Washington was the early favorite, with a blazing hot start to the season. If he can find that pace again, he could easily become the favorite again to take home the Stolzschweiger. 596 Words
  8. I will apply here again, looking for any team but obviously Asia or World priority, I've AGMed for the NYA and have been around the league for a while, I love the WJC as a tournament because it gives new players a chance to play on a higher level team as well as win a title for "their country"
  9. I’ll apply, I’ve been running as an AGM under Esso in the VHL for a month or so and would love to continue on this path.
  10. I think this is the point where we tag @DilIsPickle
  11. 1. I feel like we shouldn't be winning the games we are, our two wins are against top tier teams. These are confusing times. 2. Not a chance. 3. It's too early to make a call there, I'm hoping I pick back up where I left off after this slow start, I'll be happy with a 30 goal season. 4. Well players mostly, we lack in that department. 5. Many in the VHLM. 6. Max out all of my stats would be a good start. 7. I've been playing since I could walk, It's just always been there for me. 8. See above. 9. Ireland, love that country. 10. I'd like to but I'm not sure it'll happen at this rate.
  12. D - Jerry Garcia @GustavMattias D - Guy LeGrande @Gaudette
  13. For this week: 1. How are you celebrating the start to the regular season? 2. New York is sitting 2nd in NA and 5th Overall to start the season, how do we feel going forward? 3. True rookie Soren Jensen has had an exceptional start to his career with 4pts in 6 games. How does this youth production impact our program? 4. Expansion teams DC and Prauge claim to have their footing under them, coming out undefeated opening night and remaining as middle of the pack teams, do you expect any breakout seasons for their programs? 5. We recently upset the cup favorite Moscow Menace, how do we feel coming out of that game? 6. Who’s the loudest personality on the NY bench?
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