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Everything posted by Banackock

  2. I know... because if it were true, it would be @DilIsPickle punching me, not @Bushito
  3. Good luck in the playoffs this season.
  4. Also, agreed on the “if people don’t like it, it offends them” thing. That’s the case in a good chunk of scenarios.
  5. Frosty Boy, Thanks for the words. This basically sums up why I do what I do on the VHL and why I do so much. You know that. VSN has been a blast turning things around and reviving it from its grave at the time. We’ve/you’ve done a great job at handling things and really evolving it from a kindergarten way of running to something efficient and success and well... DA BEARZ BABY! Every day since taking the role as Bears manager has been an absolute pleasure and am still grateful to the league to allow the tenure - especially for 21 straight seasons and counting! C u in LR Frosty boy
  6. Awesome announcements. While we do love our sims, it’s important for everyone to be able to enjoy the holidays etc. Also love the live sims!
  7. Proud to be a member of the VHL today. Keep up the great work! #VHLHolidayCharity

  8. + 200 matched by VHL, FYI.
  9. Only one who voted for trees lives #TreeLivesMatter2
  10. Interesting. Thanks, Nyko, for tagging us. Well look into this but still - good, lengthy career. ?
  11. Amazing job to the VHL And the community on coming together for an absolutely amazing cause around the holiday season. It’s the very reason why I fight tooth and nail for this community as I know despite the minor things, we’re all human and come together to make the VHL as great as it is. Those on the outside looking in, can hopefully see what we’re able to see and experience on the daily. Thank you VHL for being amazing and making a difference and Happy holidays/MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE! PS - $100 CAD.
  12. GG STHS. 100% it must "pick" what it wants based off certain shit or an algorithm. Moody bitch.
  13. New York is ahead of Malmo.
  14. Damn finally some big wins
  15. DA BEARZ. I like what I see. Will do more than skim later ?
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