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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. I'd like to congratulate the Oslo Storm on a great season and playoff series. Honestly, I expected to make it this far but I never expected it to be a fight until the end battle against you guys. Although we fell short of the only prize, winning, I still feel as though there was slight victory with how far we came as a roster and organization. Best wishes to you, Oslo, in the final round. I've had Saskatoon pegged as the champions long before the regular season was over so it's going to be exciting to see if you can slay the Wild.
  2. Shit god damn. Honestly surprised me made it this far! Good luck in G7, Oslo.
  3. Thank you, my friend, for the kind words. At the start of the season, obviously we had our doubts but Bratislava truly flipped around throughout the duration of the season. It could have been better, but it def. could have been a lot worse. Couldn't have done it without your support, as well as Smitty's. Especially when both of you wished to stay and stick around to see if I could actually make my vision a reality.
  4. and we'll free claim Brandon Lapham Jr. Villa should be ours also. Thanks and god bless.
  5. "I can almost seeeee it, that dream I'm dreaming but, there's a voice inside my head saying, you'll never reach it. Every step I'm taking, every move I make feels lost with no directions, my faith is shaking, but IIIIIIIIIIIIIII, I gotta keep trying, gottaaaa keep my head held high" When I took over at the helm of the Bratislava Watchmen, it would be very generous to say that we were not at all a competing team and were more or less in shambles and pieces. We had 2 active players, to which now we have numerous of players considered active. We went from being goalieless to having 3 active goalies play for us this season - one being a guy who I feel can carry us deep into the playoffs. I never expected our team to come out on top for the standings and always knew 2nd place would be our home, and I'm fine with that. It's the regular season. Playoffs are where it matters. The team that I have now, compared to then, is so much stronger with so much more depth. I believe it will be tricky with how strong Oslo has become too, but it CAN be done and we will do everything in our power to defeat Oslo and wreck what was otherwise an amazing season for them. After all, that's what it's all about. This is our last year of really competing before the roster is blown to pieces and nothing is left. At the start of the year, I figured I owed it to my 2 boys that were active. It wasn't in my nature to roll over and die, especially that early. So we made a push and wherever we land, I hope they enjoyed the ride because I sure did. A lot of great guys in this LR so it is my mission to give them the best possible outcome.
  6. When he first joined the league, Blake Campbell was a name that quite a few people were familiar with. He entered like a summer storm, clanging and banging and coming on quickly. He carried on this way for multiple seasons, Completing a majority of his tasks, training like there's no tomorrow and showing the league that he could potentially be the next big thing. However, as of late, things have changed quite a lot. Blake Campbell has been seen slacking at team practices and hasn't been putting in the effort like he used to do. Of course, over the course of ones career it is normal to see one's motivation die down, but what is the story behind Campbell's die down? This morning, we spoke to the young guy at his beach house in Stockholm where he gave us the whole scoop. VHLN says: You started off hot. Likely as one of the top rookies from your class. What has caused you to slow down? BC Says: Everyone gets busy in life and I think that's the case for me As a player, you have a lot of things to focus on - especially as a goalie. First, there's you. You need to be the best you can be and that takes a lot. Then, you need to focus on your team and what their needs are and where they're at as a team. For me, I just got busy and I'm still in the process of figuring everything out. Will I return to what I was? It's extremely doubtful, for right now anyway. Would I like to? Who wouldn't. VHLN Says: This season, you've really brought a decent level of playing to Stockholm. With a record of 44-15-5, a save % of .917 and the only goalie to have a GAA below 2.00 - what do you think is the best reasoning for your great play? BC Says: My team. It always comes down to the team that plays in front of you. I mean, yes, it has a lot to do with me too because If I suck, they suck. That's not overly the case though. The boys I got in front of me play solid almost 100% of the time and throughout our locker room is a crazy amount of elite talent. I'm extremely fortunate to be apart of this organization and have a feeling if things keep going and we stay loyal, it will be our time shortly. VHLN Says: I do believe you're right. I suppose we got time for one last question before we let you continue on with your sun bathing and drinking of your jack and coke. For this season, who are your top 3 goalies based on play? BC Says: Hmm, good question. I guess I'll start with 3, go to 2 and then give you my #1. For 3rd, It's tough and between Sinclair and myself but I will give myself the benefit of the doubt. Reasoning behind this is due to the fact that I'm the only goalie in the league with a GAA below 2.00, have a .01 better Save % and have more minutes played as of now. For second place, I'll give it to Mikaelson. He's had a hell of a season and this may piss him off not being 1st, on a much weaker club than myself. Honestly, he's close for deserving first to some maybe but there's one guy who largely stands out and that's Winsgate. You look at his 1st, 2nd and 3rd star placing and it just goes to show that this guy is extremely important to his club. Not to mention his organization is fairly weak, yet he manages to post huge numbers. He's why his team is where they are. VHLN Says: Thanks Blake. BC Says: One love, brah. (August 3rd to 9th)
  7. Bratislava will throw a claim on Lucas Villa
  8. Went through multiple people to get the "okay" for this. Had been in the works for a while, however, due to me being busy with work/life, looking for a trade partner and tfong and myself playing cat and mouse - it had taken a while. Although the season is basically over, Lundy still will get to experience playoffs with Brampton and take the helms for a team. When I got him, he was a huge asset for us. Then we signed Cola and things changed. He was a great guy at one time in the LR and we hope that he is still kicking around the VHL and becomes a goalie to compete against for myself. To Brampton - Fillip Lundqvist (G) To Bratislava - Shipment of Doritos Yep.
  9. I still love you Valmount. Unlucky game. Bratislava, go home - you drunk, girl.
  10. Bratislava will FREE CLAIM Stumppell Aurinkoinen Jr. He will win with us. He will get points with us. Moscow drop your claim, brah. Be the good guy
  11. Bratislava will claim Shawn Muller.
  12. Bratislava would like to sign Hudson for the remainder of the season pending any further priority claims from teams ahead of us. LW - Hudson Backbauer http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/topic/7422-s39-lw-hudson-backenbauer-tpe-99/
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