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Posts posted by InstantRockstar

  1. I've seen a lot of hate around the league lately, more-so than I usually see. Some bickering, some people stepping over some lines, you name it. I've got to say, it's depressing honestly. I can't sit here and be a saint, my past is what it is, but I've left it just there, in the past. I haven't been part of any type of 'drama' for quite a while and honestly it's allowed me to enjoy the most out of this league, but lately I have to say, I'm so annoyed with the drama that is allowed to unfold in the league its baffling to me. It seems like the narrative switches so quick, when certain people are involved, it's deemed okay and 'just a joke' but when others are involved it's suddenly a big deal and a big problem. The divide is felt more than ever also, and this childish behaviour needs to just stop. This community, while never having been 'perfect' has seen better days for sure, and the very clear lack of direction towards a more 'positive' presence like is so commonly referenced is just the beginning in my mind. If this kind of stuff continues, it's only going to get worse, it needs to be put to bed before it continues. 


    Be better... do better... and think before you speak. 

  2. 1). What is your favorite holiday?
    Probably any of the one's where family comes together, so like Thanksgiving, Christmas? 


    2). What is your favorite New York color?  Red White or Blue?  Which one would you like to see as the home jersey base color?
    Blue is my favourite colour so that would always win haha. 


    3) Who has been the most successful player you've created/managed in the VHL?
    My own player was probably Radislav Mjers, overall managed? Probably Lincoln Tate. 


    4) What number is on your jersey?  What is the significance?
    69 cause I figured why not meme it for once y'know? 


    5) Where is the best place to watch fireworks?
    Well I am bias because Old Montreal is gorgeous and always has a firework display, worth the drive imo. 


    6) When the Americans win the championship, where are you taking the cup when you have it for a day?
    Back home to Quebec! 

  3. When rookie goaltender Augustus Kennedy won his VHLM championship with the Saskatoon Wild, he thought life throughout the leagues (VHLE, VHL) would be somewhat similar. Of course, he never expected to be good right away, but he was hopeful since he was a goalie, he'd be going to a team that would be attempting to at the very least fight for a playoff spot. When he arrived in the VHLE, his thoughts of a championship were squashed when Oslo chose to not fill their team and instead plan for future seasons by stacking up the assets. While a good insight for the team, it was not a good mentality for Kennedy and he ended up near the bottom of the standings despite putting up insane numbers, this also caused him to lose out on any kind of 'hardware' for goalies. After that defeat, he went to the Americans that had showed a bit of promise the season prior, with adding some pieces to the team and poising themselves to be a decent team, however to start the season they officially have the worst record in the league and don't seem to be finding their edge. So the question now is, will Augustus eventually find that winning mentality in the pros? Or will he not? Time will tell... 


    For Week-Ending of June 26, 2022


    1). Is there a player in the VHL that you aspire to play like?
    Cal G


    2). Your significant other is paying for dinner - seafood or steak restaurant?
    Surf N Turf? Best of both worlds ;)


    3). Citizenship aside, is there another country your player would want to play for?
    Probably Europe, being I do have some family from France, would be cool! 


    4). What VHL team do you think needs to improve the most this off-season?

    Probably the one I run (LA). I'd just like to see some vast improvement in skill but we're working on it. Fresh in a rebuild. 


    5). Did you play in the VHLE?  Would you skip it next time?
    I did, and I loved it. Being I was a VHLE GM I guess I have just loved it since it came into existence so I am not one of the few that dislike it. 


    6). What member have you learned more about in the past week?

    Honestly... no one haha. I haven't really spoke to too many people this week, at least in a 'deep' or 'personal' sense. Just my folks in the LR, and some in the gen chat & gfx chat. 

  5. The only question that should be asked of those that voted to get rid of this policy is, which one of them is raising all of the children that will now go into foster care, orphanges, not be loved, possibly dumped, and more? Who is going to financially support all of these babies that now "must" be born because the government chose to waive the right to make a decision for yourself? 

    My wife & I willingly chose to create our family... when we were ready to do so. At our own free will. No one FORCED us to have our kids, no one FORCED us to provide for our kids. We were financially stable, in a good place in our lives & thus, chose to have kids. 


    That is not the case for everyone, but it's so simple for those people to make a ruling when it doesn't affect them. Those in power that chose to get rid of this right aren't even in the position or being put in the position so many people will now be forced to be put in... 


    It's just sad. In 2022 it should not be a matter of removing a legislation that has been around for years... we've gone backwards & I can only feel sorry for anyone this impacts. The burden it's going to put on people is going to be massive, and those poor kids that are just going to be left to fend for themselves... awful. 

  6. We spoke earlier about the draft, and spoke about it's successes, and after the draft completed, the roster still had to make some final changes to be considered 'complete' also. The first big step was signing the rookies that LA intended to have play up, and then of course just fill out the roster as best they could. This season, is going to be the season of rookies as Cameron Elsby @Spence King makes the jump to the pro league after officially signing an extension with the club, as well as Art Vandelay @Gustav (1st OA pick) and Callum Murray @Berocka (3rd OA Pick). Returning teammates included Finn Davis @M1nT, Nic McMuffin @Ente2997, DB III @wcats, Deagun Rust @Spade18 and Barron Kruulenstein @LefLop. As also mentioned in our previous article, James Glove Dropper @Jamomayo joined the team and now... Bob Vladovechsenkchushkin @Grape has filled out the roster. 


    6 Forwards, 4 Defenders & 1 Goalie... this team looks like a dream. While they may be underdogs and may look less fierce than some of the other rosters, the LA Stars do plan to make a push this season & especially next season as they look to continue to grow together. 

  7. Presser: 

    1. How did you see our draft going? 

    2. Would you say any of our picks were 'predictable'? 

    3. With our current roster, where do you see our season ending? 

    4. Who is your favourite singer/band? 

    5. Which movie was your favourite you watched this year? 

    6. What is your aspiration for your player? 

  8. With the draft now wrapped up and in the books, the LA Stars are already putting some focus onto the start of the season, and as part of that preparation, they are getting things in order for opening day. Before the draft, LA would trade for @Wheaties (Brian Kowalski) as their defense was looking a tad thin. Into the draft, many questioned the moves LA would make as 2nd OA Davos had made a fleurry of moves, however sticking true to his word, the 1st OA pick would go to @Gustav (Art Vandelay). Many thought this was odd because Davis had been dealt to Davos just prior to the draft and a goalie was not their focus, however with two picks in the 1st and none until the 2nd, it only made sense to take the franchise goaltender with the top pick. Just two selections later, and they would be found taking @Berocka (Callum Murray) which would further bolster their defense. Both players were told ahead of time that they would be selected with these picks should the draft go in their favour, and both also told immediately prior to the draft, that should they land in LA, the goal was to call them up to be part of the team immediately. LA had one heck of a draft, also drafting @Bayley (Loki Baker DMD), @l1l KRZY l9l (can't tag for some reason) and @Ripper (Jack the Ripper). Finally, they'd also move their 3rd rounder to pickup @LanerDUST(Rusty Dusterov) who should see some pro ice time in a season or so. Overall, LA is very excited for the season and happy with their draft. 

  9. Hello everyone! With the draft now done, I can focus on finding myself a new AGM. 


    Looking for very easy asks here, hopefully haha. See below a list of tasks: 

    - Line discussion/help

    - Active in LR

    - Weekly pressers (if you can't do it, I always can!)

    - Help with scouting during draft season


    Looking for someone who is just eager to learn and eager to have fun! :D

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