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About SlashACM

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  1. you fucking suck you idiot crab ass no423




    arnold schwarzenegger salute GIF

    1. efiug
    2. nethi99


      Calm down deep breath count to 5 ok?? 

  2. Literally stop copying shl
  3. 69
  4. 69
  5. Someone fist me
  6. I make the saves that matter
  7. Canada
  8. Wendy "Kandee" Cain was traded this Tuesday in a blockbuster move to the Minnesota Storm, here we have her comments on the matter. "Well, it fucking happened. I bought a new place, spruced it up, bought some nice art, moved all my shit out and now I'm traded. I'm in a bad mood right now because I've spent the last week in hotels, I'm not buying a new place so I'm just gonna crash at random places until the season ends and I can go home. I'll probably stay in Philly or I might go back to Chicago, I guess I'll figure it out after the season is over. I'm not happy about it but I guess I don't really have a say in the matter. As for the team... they're quiet. The fun party atmosphere of Philly is all but a distant memory. Just talking about lines, random stuff, boring stuff.. No 'Hey' or 'Good morning'. I don't like it. Remember when I complained about the emoji game or lack thereof in Saskatoon. Same story, different locker room. It's appalling. I could sit here and ride out the season and not complain but thats not who I am. If I don't like something I'm gonna tell you. And I don't like Minnesota much. Its fucking cold and boring. State of hockey my ass. Can't wait to get out of here, the sooner the better. I'm homesick." This emotional statement from Wendy gives us insight on her thoughts on the trade. Join us next week and thanks for reading!
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