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  1. Haha
    solas reacted to eaglesfan036 in Can we have a constructive conversation about the BoG?   
    The BOG and Blue Team are corrupt they take our donations and split it between them to have an annual ice cream sundae party in victors basement
  2. Like
    solas reacted to Quik in Can we have a constructive conversation about the BoG?   
    So yeah, not sure how much I can add that hasn't already been brought up, but here goes...
    As several have alluded to, there is no strategy of keeping people in the dark just because. Most discussions in the BOG are about potential avenues of helping the league, and whether or not they're feasible/worth implementing. Some make sense and end up happening, others don't and aren't brought to light because there's no reason to have people be up in arms about something that isn't happening. Just as an anecdote, someone did find out about a discussion that was taking place, and messaged Bek and myself asking if it was true, because it could have negatively affected their enjoyment of the league. This is exactly what we're trying to avoid, because the issue they were asking about was brought up only in passing, and never really had a chance of being implemented - yet, this user still thought enough to ask about. Now amplify that to the entire league: it would form more negative opinions and anger, unnecessarily, all because it was discussed.
    It isn't a paid job, so there's not always something to update: as Victor said, it's a group of people volunteering their time to the league in hopes of maintaining/improving it. Recently, the big talk has been how to deal with potential roster room issues, something that started before the whole live sim incident, and continues to be discussed today.
    This entire league is meant to be a fun pastime, it is nobody's first priority in life or source of income. While we strive to do our best, there will never be a strict governance over the league with rigidly defined roles and bylaws, because, at that point, you're asking people to give more to the league than realistically possible, and even those who believe they can/will maintain that standard will burn out and lose interest. Ask anyone who has been commissioner, and they will tell you that they entered the role enthusiastically, but it isn't some glory role (heh) that is taken on because it's fun and makes things easier.
    At the end of the day, whether the general populace of the league believes it or not, the Blue Team + BOG are doing their best to make sure things continue to run smoothly. We aren't ignoring people - the entire live sim incident, if not started on a fair or right footing, shows that - we aren't trying to fuck people over, we're doing our best to keep this place running without causing issues that can become catastrophes down the road. While people think they have the answers to all the league's problems, there is truth to the meme that the league has discussed most everything that is brought up, and there's a reason why most of it has not been implemented. If it's something that didn't happen because it wasn't possible in the past but is now feasible, of course we're open to it, but the key is it has to make sense.
    As for the people who complain that BOG is in here defending themselves, that's what happens when people attack the BOG endlessly without reproach, which, I find interesting because the individual members in the BOG are widely respected members, as well as a mix of both newer and older members, so even the OBC memes don't make sense when I count 8 members who have joined the league since S60 (aka are on their 2nd, maybe 3rd, players in the league at most).
    I agree, there needs to be a two-way street of respect, but it needs to start somewhere, and the amount of attacks on the BOG as a whole, and its integrity, are wholly unfair to the members in it, and start the entire discussion on the wrong footing. I think it's clear that, in some members' eyes, there is no correct path for the BOG that will maintain the integrity of the league. Open polls for BOG members will lead to meme inductions or members being hurt because the community doesn't want them for one reason or another. League-wide polls/discussions on league business will end up in massive shouting matches, ultimately going nowhere, or leading to a league that might work today, but down the road will end up collapsing and requiring more solutions to these "solutions".
    Ultimately, the league has operated for nearly 14 years now, so while, yes, there needs to be adjustment to grow with the current generation and not strictly rely on the workings of the past, I think there also needs to be a bit of an understanding and trust that it's carried on for a reason, and those who are running it understand what works, and aren't just running it blindly.
  3. Like
    solas reacted to Gustav in Can we have a constructive conversation about the BoG?   
    Fishy: asks for information
    BoG: gives information
    Community: oh look the BoG is posting in this thread, this must be a conspiracy!
    I don't know when the BoG existing turned into a hot-button issue and it's become clear that way too much is going to be interpreted as some sort of plot to destroy everyone who isn't a part of it (I know this seems like I'm calling out Boot here in particular and I am to some extent but I'm speaking more in general terms than anything else, I like you boot). So when saying anything is going to be pointed out as an act of conspiracy, and so is not saying anything--can anyone understand why reading through things that criticize us in a non-constructive way might be a bit frustrating?
    This is why I'm saying this debate is a two-way street--I want to help the community and so does everybody else. I want to listen to constructive criticism and so does everybody else. Points that aren't points at all but are rather just "lol stupid BoG is dumb and bad" accomplish neither of those things.
    Sorry if my brain sounds a bit fried here, it just is at the moment.
  4. Haha
    solas reacted to McWolf in VHL GM Increased Activity Proposal   
    having GMs burnout would open spots for the overqualified candidates, though. Discuss.
  5. Fire
    solas reacted to Esso2264 in VHL GM Increased Activity Proposal   
    in 3 years i havent done a media spot yet, im not gonna start doing this and i shouldnt be fired cuz of that but because i cant make my team win
  6. Like
    solas reacted to Spence King in Chicago Phoenix Press Conference   
    We were thinking the same way my friend !
  7. Cheers
    solas got a reaction from Spence King in Chicago Phoenix Press Conference   
    1. The season is starting today. How are you gonna wake up and get back to business after a long offseason? 
    Pretty easily.  I'm ready and excited.  I think we've got a great team here so I'm really looking forward to how this season goes.
    2. Time for too early predictions! Who's gonna be the MVP of the season? 
    I picked Landry II for predictions and that's who I'm sticking with for now.  I suspect Lahtinen will still do well, of course, but I think the fact that London also has Tonn would make him less "valuable" per se, assuming Tonn continues his performances from last season.
    3. If you were lost on an island, who would u bring along and why? 
    Someone who's good at building boats.  Or maybe some kind of survivalist.  Maybe Bear Grylls?  Ideally it'd be someone who does all the work so I can relax, or who can get us off the island and back home.
    4. What's one thing that you like but others find overrated? 
    This is a really cool question but also unfortunately one that I do not have a very good answer to.  I'm sure there's something but nothing is really coming to my head.
    5. Did you know that the Earth has a butt hole? Can u figure out where it is? 
    Is it Indiana?  I've heard it might be there.
    6. If your could tell your younger self one advice, what would it be? 
    Try to put yourself out there more.  It doesn't have to be really big, but just look for small opportunities to be a bit more outgoing or to find places where you could meet new people.  Of course, this is advice that I'd have to give myself now as well but I always feel like I missed a lot of opportunities in the past.  Maybe it's just a hindsight thing.
  8. Haha
    solas reacted to JeffD in VHL GM Increased Activity Proposal   
    DMAX really out here trying to expose me for being an inactive general manager.

  9. Like
    solas got a reaction from enigmatic in Luc Tessier   
    This is crazy good.  Colors and shapes work so well.
  10. Like
    solas reacted to ke1vi in a message to my fellow vhl comrades   
  11. Like
    solas reacted to .sniffuM in Luc Tessier   
    the VHL is a better place when enigmatic is making graphics here
  12. Fire
    solas reacted to enigmatic in Luc Tessier   
  13. Fire
    solas reacted to Victor in S77 Trivia Week 1   
    We back @Members
    Each correct answer is worth 1 capped TPE at the end of the week. Don't reveal the answer in public, but if you're not sure, ask around, here, or in the special trivia Discord channel.
  14. Fire
    solas reacted to Quik in Games: 1-15   
    Firing on all cylinders in the home opener. Also, banner raising ceremony is here:

  15. Fire
    solas got a reaction from Quik in Games: 1-15   
    Elsby first star, what an addition  
  16. Haha
    solas got a reaction from .sniffuM in frank pack   
    "hey you got any games on your phone"
  17. Haha
    solas got a reaction from enigmatic in frank pack   
    "hey you got any games on your phone"
  18. Haha
    solas got a reaction from gorlab in frank pack   
    "hey you got any games on your phone"
  19. Haha
    solas got a reaction from mediocrepony in frank pack   
    "hey you got any games on your phone"
  20. Like
    solas got a reaction from Quik in Chicago Phoenix Press Conference   
    1. The season is starting today. How are you gonna wake up and get back to business after a long offseason? 
    Pretty easily.  I'm ready and excited.  I think we've got a great team here so I'm really looking forward to how this season goes.
    2. Time for too early predictions! Who's gonna be the MVP of the season? 
    I picked Landry II for predictions and that's who I'm sticking with for now.  I suspect Lahtinen will still do well, of course, but I think the fact that London also has Tonn would make him less "valuable" per se, assuming Tonn continues his performances from last season.
    3. If you were lost on an island, who would u bring along and why? 
    Someone who's good at building boats.  Or maybe some kind of survivalist.  Maybe Bear Grylls?  Ideally it'd be someone who does all the work so I can relax, or who can get us off the island and back home.
    4. What's one thing that you like but others find overrated? 
    This is a really cool question but also unfortunately one that I do not have a very good answer to.  I'm sure there's something but nothing is really coming to my head.
    5. Did you know that the Earth has a butt hole? Can u figure out where it is? 
    Is it Indiana?  I've heard it might be there.
    6. If your could tell your younger self one advice, what would it be? 
    Try to put yourself out there more.  It doesn't have to be really big, but just look for small opportunities to be a bit more outgoing or to find places where you could meet new people.  Of course, this is advice that I'd have to give myself now as well but I always feel like I missed a lot of opportunities in the past.  Maybe it's just a hindsight thing.
  21. Haha
    solas reacted to fishy in Chicago Phoenix Press Conference   
    really conflicted because gary sucks and i hate indiana but also this is my state and u canadian scum don't get to talk shit
  22. Cheers
    solas got a reaction from mattyIceman in Chicago looks to build on cup win   
    It’s been a long ride for the Chicago Phoenix to get to this point, but if you ask many within the team this is just the beginning.  Coming off of the franchise’s first-ever Continental Cup in just their fourth season of existence, the Phoenix are now looking to transition to a new phase and go even further than before.  Now, the team that was once the underdog darlings of the playoffs are the favorites that everyone will be looking to knock off their pedestal.  It’s a new challenge for a team that is still relatively young in many departments.
    “Going into the next season, we honestly have to approach things in a different way,” says goaltender Jean-Pierre Camus.  “Before it wasn’t as much pressure, we knew we’d already made it pretty far considering where we came from.  But now all eyes are on us.  Now we know that whenever a team plays us, they’re going to be motivated by the fact that we’re the defending champs.  We’re going to have to accept that, plan for it, and come in with an adjusted mentality.  Before, we could just get away with making the finals or the conference finals, now if we don’t win the cup that’s going to be a disappointment to a lot of people.”
    Chicago has made some interesting roster adjustments in the offseason, signing forward Jungkok (who had been traded from Malmo the Prague in Season 76) and acquiring defenseman Spencer Elsby from the Helsinki Titans in a trade.  At the same time, two members of the original Chicago Phoenix roster in Adam Syreck and Squirrely Dan (Chicago’s top two regular season scorers) have left in free agency due to cap restrictions. The team has also let some of their younger players and prospects - Steve Eso, Yuuto Kira Cloudera, Jordan Tate, Maksym Janikowski - go via trades.  How will this affect the Phoenix’s attempt at a repeat championship?  Only time will tell.
  23. Fire
    solas got a reaction from STZ in really good goalie   
  24. Like
    solas got a reaction from Jubis in really good goalie   
  25. Thanks
    solas reacted to Juice in really good goalie   
    Bruh, @solas you keep killing it whenever I stumble upon your graphics. This looks almost like a poster that'd you see for a movie or something else professional along those lines. The waves effects at the bottom with the colours used is very aesthetically pleasing, and the player name text is bold enough to catch they eye, but faded enough to not draw your eyes directly to that and only that. I have no critique or negatives I can give, as I absolutely adore this so I'd give it a 10/10. Great job ❤️
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