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  1. Like
    Rayzor_7 reacted to DoktorFunk in Doktor's Update   
    I suppose I should start in the beginning. A lot has happened to me since I was last super active on this forum! I kind of let Jolly Greene Giant's career peter out and I haven't really committed to Chip Stone like I should. That is something I desperately want to change. The biggest and most recent change in my life has been that I left my job. I couldn't stand being there anymore as it was a super weight on my psyche every single day. I quit, I'm on unemployment while I look for another job, and I couldn't be happier. I'm focusing on my school and classes are going well! I should have my degree by the end of next year. This has left me with a modicum of additional time, and it's given me some ideas:
    1. Bring back my podcast. I'll probably be doing it alone at first. It would be a great way to refamiliarize myself and work on my speaking skills while I'm not in a public facing job. It's still my favorite way to make TPE and I should have more time to do it now. Unless @DarkSpyro has the time again. 👀 I really enjoyed my podcast with him, and I hope he's doing super well! I have no idea how we'd react to the league now! Are any of the old heads still around?
    2. Do a VHL Alumni game/exhibition game and either broadcast it live on Twitch or record it and post it as a video. This is an idea that me and @DarkSpyro had years ago and I'd finally have the time to make it happen. I think it would be fun to see some of the players in the league actually competing against each other and calling it. Especially with how much better NHL 22 is with customization options, players could submit exactly what they want their player type, stats, abilities and everything to be well-represented.
    4. Well, you tell me! Is there anything that the site is lacking as far as immersive elements are concerned? Is there any kind of content that doesn't exist here that you'd like to see more of? I'm game. I really enjoy making content and I do find myself with plenty of time to do so even if I do lack the motivation.
    I'm glad that there isn't really a consistent meta. The old TPE system led to way too many of the same build type, and I feel like this is the perfect time to get back into it. Chip Stone seems like he might actually have something, so I'm going to keep trying to develop him. I'm hoping I can make this a consistent thing. Seeing Seattle win the cup today has actually reinvigorated my desire to be active on here again. Who knows? Maybe Chip may even end up in Seattle? I would really like to play there or Davos, but I'll play anywhere as long as the culture is strong and fun! Let's see if it sticks!
  2. Haha
    Rayzor_7 got a reaction from Arce in Tension in Helsinki   
  3. Like
    Rayzor_7 reacted to Arce in Tension in Helsinki   
    With the S83 season winding down, we are down to the final few games of the final. It is almost that time for off-season, which comes with the drama and speculation of what will happen. What a whirlwind of a season it was for the Helsinki Titans. Entering the S83 season, the Titans were highly favored to be a top tier contending team in the European Conference to compete with the Moscow Menace and Riga Reign. By the trade deadline, the Titans found themselves well outside of playoff contention and the locker room started to unravel. Players were calling out management, which resulted in the Titan's AGM, the beloved Mr_Hatter to step down. Rumors were swirling about what the team would do. Would they try to stick it out? Would they try to sell some assets? The deadline came and went very quietly, and the Titans chose to hold the ship, and almost got into the playoffs. It came down to the last set of games, and Helsinki fell just a point short to London for the final spot in the European Conference. With the disappointing season at the end, GM Frank Funk finds himself having quite the offseason ahead. His three star forwards are set to be UFA, as well as his two defensive standouts. Will they be able to maintain most of these deals? What is the latest?
    Negotiations with Nico Pearce Have Begun

    Close sources indicate that GM Frank Funk has been in touch with his star center Nico Pearce, and has begun negotiations. Apparently these negotiations have started off on a very sour note, as both camps are very far apart from making progress on a potential deal. Helsinki's initial offer allegedly was not taken well by the Nico Pearce camp. One member close to Peace said he found the offer insulting, and it has left a sour taste in his mouth. This has caused early tensions in one of the most important negotiations, if not the most important negotiation the team will have to draw. Remember Helsinki gave up two important role players to acquire Pearce in S82, so losing Pearce would be detrimental for Helsinki. To make matters worse, it is said that Pearce has high interest in testing the free agency market. He has a list of teams in his back pocket that he has interest in. News the Titans did NOT want to hear, as they were hoping to prevent any of their big 3 from even being able to talk to other teams. It is no secret that Pearce was not happy with the team in S83, and made a vocal effort to try to right the ship. The last thing that was needed here was a weak offer to turn Pearce off from the team. It appears barring some miracle, Nico Pearce will be at least talking to other teams this off-season. The massive bridge between the two parties will have to be taken down in order to prevent this. After the opening meeting at the Helsinki facilities, Pearce flew home to Greece to be with his family to think things through. Now that Pearce isn't even available country side, this is not looking good for a future relationship in the early going.
    Ripple Effect on Nezuko Negotiations?

    To add a little salt in the wound, the tensions between Helsinki and the Nico Pearce camp have also had an effect on the early negotiations with Nezuko per source. This is an unfortunate ripple effect as Nezuko has expressed playing with Pearce would be incentive for him to stay. This seems to be a mutual feeling, as without the other Peace and Nezuko's production would suffer as well as Helsinki's chances at being competitive. The Nezuko camp has reportedly been keeping close tabs on what is going on with the Pearce negotiations, and keeping it in mind with their own. This could result in Nezuko testing the market, as there is no indication of a deal with the two parties coming together anytime soon. It also doesn't help that Helsinki is trying to give both team friendly deals so they can secure all their important assets under the salary cap and have some flexibility to make other moves. it makes complete sense from the team perspective, but the player camps are not happy. Many teams find themselves at a crossroads when having to pick between two stars, but what does one do if both could be an all or none stay?
    Could it Trickle Down Further?

    The Titans also have Gustislav Nasherov heading for free agency for his final season. It is unknown if he will re-sign with the Titans for his final season. This has to beg the question, could what happens with Pearce and Nezuko trickle down to what happens with Nasherov? It absolutely could if Nasherov is chasing hardware for his final season in the league. Nasherov may play the waiting game and see what the Titans plans are if they are able to get both or one of Pearce or Nezuko, or see what the backup plan could be if both walk. It is almost certain defenseman Erlantz Jokinen is going to walk right? He called out management and blew up the locker room mid season. To this point, there have been no reports of contact between Funk and Jokinen, so it is unknown at this time if the two parties will even attempt negotiations. It would be a surprise with all things considered that Jokinen would want to come back to Helsinki, or even if Helsinki would want him back. It is also unknown if the team will bring back defenseman Flynn Remy, as the team was not overly impressed by his work ethic this past season. After training camp, Remy was very quiet and was not seen at the facilities for practices during the season. He is set to enter free agency, and we have not heard any reports of negotiations between the two parties. The team has star goaltender Xaiver Booberry locked up through S86, so the Titans will always have him to build around which is the one pro we have so far for them. It is amazing how far down the ripple can go just from negotiations with one player. It is still early, and things could take a turn once again. What will the Titans fate be in S84? Updates to follow this off-season!
    Word Count: 1073
    Claim for 6/19, 6/26
  4. Haha
    Rayzor_7 reacted to Tate in Tension in Helsinki   
    For my sake, and my sake alone, would you mind updating the title of this MS to, "Tension in Helsinki" ? 
    Let's just get rid of that extra S so the tension in my chest can subside. Thank you.
  5. Haha
    Rayzor_7 reacted to Shindigs in Tension in Helsinki   
    Arce just cause you're in the Moscow LR doesn't mean you can call yourself a "close source" and write whatever you feel like, regardless of it anyone actually said it. Though it is hilarious, so you may as well keep going.😅
  6. Haha
    Rayzor_7 reacted to Dil in i give every VHL GM a ranking based off of their skill as a GM   
    Hello, today I will be ranking all current VHL GM's based off of their skill as a GM. To calculate their skill level, I have come up with a BRAND NEW, STATE OF THE ART formula.
    Through this formula, we will be able to judge who is the best, and who is the worst, VHL GM. This formula and metric is simple. This morning I asked all 16 current VHL GM's if I could have a hug. Based off of their replies I will be judging their skills.
    Here are the results:
    @Spartan: Spartan was the first to respond to my question, potentially hinting at an underlying and constant need for love. His response to my question?:

    At this point, any other, normal, person would move on and give Spartan a bad assessment. Me, I can see through his disguise. Through Spartan's reply I can see that he in fact wanted and desired a hug from me. To keep up his appearance he blasted off that response, but I know he felt pain with every fibre of his being. A+
    @Alex: Alex was the second to respond to me. Instead of words, he chose to respond to me via art:

    This gif is one I use very commonly. The average person would see that gif and assume Alex is weirder out and has no way of replying. Me on the other hand, see that by using one of my favourite gifs Alex is displaying his deep desire to give me a hug. A+
    @Acydburn: Acydburn, my loving VHLE commissioner fellow Canucks nerds. His reply was the first to display his love for me openly:

    Acyd went a step further to ask how I was doing, displaying his DEEP and PROFOUND love for me. A+
    @hedgehog337: The sleepy boy himself didn't sleep on my message. He responded within 60 seconds with: 

    Being so open with his love for me, he gives me a hug. I feel the passion, and I feel the love. A+
    @Rayzor_7: Rayzor's response was a tricky one to unravel.

    I know Rayzor holds great feelings for me in his heart but is apprehensive due to needing to keep up the image that comes with his tough appearance. Through all of that, I can still see his burning desire to hold me in his arms. A+
    @Doomsday: One of the hugs I had been looking forward to the most, was Dooms.

    Dooms started off with a visual representation of our glorious hug, and continued on by making a beautiful statement regarding the greatest team to every exist across any VHL league, Vasteras. I don't have to look any further, I don't have to infer, I just know. A+
    @Nykonax: Nyko's response was short, but sweet.

    He asked no questions, he didn't make me ponder his response, he just gave me a hug. A+
    @JeffD: Yet another one of the GM's who is unable to show their affection for me right off the bat.

    Jeff makes a sly, slightly funny comment, in order to draw my attention away from the truth; he too wants to give me a hug. Jeff and I have been the best of pals since the dawn of time. A+
    @Ricer13: Ricer, the love of my life. In true ricer fashion, he got straight to it:

    This hug represented that no matter how far we are, his hugs can travel across space and time to get to me. A+
    @McWolf : I awaited McWolf's reply more than any other GM. McWolf is a world-renowned hug giver.

    I asked my mom. She agreed, his hug was spectacular. A+
    @Banackock: Oh Bana. The greatest source of joy in my life.

    Oh Bana. Oh.... A+
    @MexicanCow123: Cow, my soulmate. His response honestly confused me I have no idea what the fuck he's on about.

    So uh yeah idk. F-
    @Dom : Is gone somewhere so I don't want to wait for him. A+
    @Enorama: I didn't even need to ask eno, I know his love for me runs deep. I can imagine he is sitting back at his desk, waiting to find out how he can reply to my request in a way that can meet his high expectations for himself in displaying his love and affection towards me. A+
    @InstantRockstar: Also didn't want to wait for him, I already know how much he loves me. So much in fact, that he photo shops me into his family Christmas card every year instead of his wife. A+
    I also asked @Josh:

    fuck you
  7. Like
    Rayzor_7 reacted to Beketov in S83 Brett Slobodzian Trophy Voting   
    I mean they weren't really.... Helsinki would have been 2nd in NA; they just got lost in the shuffle of an insane conference.
  8. Like
    Rayzor_7 reacted to Alex in VSN Presents: Top 5 Goalies   
    Hey Everyone! Welcome to the third installment of our top 10 series, today we’ll be switching things up a little bit and taking a look at the top 5 goalies. Many of the players here are the backbone of their team and will be for some time to come. While you’re here please check out some of the other recent VSN posts.
    S83 VHL Playoff Preview |  VHLM Illustrated Edition 4 5/26/2022 | TPE Max Earners #26-28 | Top 10 Defensemen
     1 - Xavier Booberry @CowboyinAmerica 
    Hands down the best goalie in the league right now, Xavier Booberry has been good enough this season to almost carry Helsinki to a playoff spot in an extremely tough European Conference. This past season Booberry finished with a 40-18-5 record, tied for the league lead in save percentage with a 0.929 SV%, the best GAA in the league with a 1.92 GAA, and the league lead in shutouts with 10. Booberry was a bright spot on a struggling Helsinki team this season that finished 6th in the European conference bringing them within 1 point of the final playoff spot. Next season we can look for Booberry to will Helsinki into the playoffs and potentially pick up some hardware along the way.
     2 - Em Em Flex @oilmandan 
    Em Em Flex has had a career season and led the league in wins this past season with 50. The season 81 Christian Stolzschweiger Trophy has improved each season and finished this season with an impressive 50-12-2 record, a 0.927 SV%, and a solid 2.08 GAA. Flex also had 8 shutouts for the top team in the North American Conference. Flex was a major reason for Seattle’s success this season and has continued their impressive play so far in the playoffs as they look to take Seattle back to the top of the league with only 4 more wins. So far in the playoffs Flex has only allowed 19 goals against for a GAA of 1.73 which is really impressive given how tough the competition has been.
     3 - Papa Emeritus @Beketov 
    Another goalie that has had a career season, Papa Emeritus was unbeatable in season 83. Emeritus finished the season with a 47-14-3 record, a 0.926 SV%, a 2,21 GAA, and 4 shutouts. Emeritus has continued their play in the playoffs and even taken it to the next level as they currently have a ridiculous 0.948 SV%, allowing only 20 goals on 388 shots through 11 games. Emeritus seems to be on a mission to not only finally win a cup for Moscow, but to bring home the Kanou Trophy. Only time will tell if they can continue this play, if they do there is no doubt that Moscow will finally win the Continental Cup having already punched their ticket to the finals for the fourth consecutive season.
     4 - David Davis @Josh 
    David Davis was crucial this past season for Prague as they managed to squeak into the playoffs by 2 points. Davis finished the regular season with a 37-18-9 record, a 0.928 SV% and a 2.01 GAA. Davis also added 5 shutouts. Davis’s play continued in the playoffs as they were solid for Prague and are the main reason why they made it past London. This offseason there is a chance that Davis goes to free agency and if he does any team without a starting goalie will be sending him offers as a goalie of this caliber doesn’t go to free agency too often, if Prague can retain them they will be in good shape for next season.
     5 - Brandt Fuhr @Tate 
    Rookie sensation Brandt Fuhr was selected 2nd overall in the S83 VHL entry draft. Despite being a rookie Brandt Fuhr  stood on their head all season long and while Vancouver didn’t make the playoffs Fuhr earned each and every one of their 19 wins. Fuhr also finished the season with a remarkable 0.929 SV% and 4 shutouts. Vancouver will eventually make their way back to contention and when they do Fuhr will be a big reason why. 
    On the bubble:  Oskar Lindbergh @Doomsday, Ben Dahl @Ben, Tobias Reinhart @Spaz, and Cole Pearce @N0HBDY
  9. Like
    Rayzor_7 reacted to FrostBeard in "Those who have impacted my time in the VHL"   
    "Those who have impacted my time in the VHL" 

    Theme week Appreciation
    Alright, I haven’t written anything for a very long while so this could be a disaster. That said, I have been in the league now for 3 years. I have met quite a few amazing people and have quite a few to say thanks to. 
    Firstly, the person who showed me the first steps here - @BladeMaiden. I know we have had a very up and down relationship here in the VHL but even then I believe that without you I wouldn’t be here, I probably would have left VHL in a month or two. You made me want to become something more than just a player - you pushed me to become a GM and for that I will be forever thankful. 
    Secondly, people who have been there for me going through all of this. VSN people - @McWolf, @Doomsday, @Mr_Hatter, and many more. You did an absolutely amazing job. You made sure that my job as an Editor-in-Chief was easy and that VSN was able to achieve new heights! Thanks for that, you all rock!
    Thirdly, my Bears. @Rayzor_7, @Berocka, @DoktorFunk, @Hogan, @Acydburn and @HenrikZoiderberg. After going through the Wranglers, I had no expectations for the Bears. After having a very depressing time under Bushito, I thought that VHL has nothing for me to offer. VHLM was more fun, there were no real issues between players and it seemed to be more of a home. Trade seemed like a curse at first as I was promised not to be traded, however it did turn out to be a blessing. You made that team feel like home, you showed passion, willingness to be a true team and helped me grow as a member of the VHL. Out of all the people I have met, you have made me want to go back to that locker room, to you all and have those fun times relived again.  Thanks to you all for being so amazing. 
    There are quite a few people I could name from my time in Malmo Nighthawks, that said - @OrbitingDeath, @Zetterberg, @hylands, @Baozi, @Sharkstrong, you made my time as the Nighthawks GM a truly memorable one, a time where I felt we could achieve anything. From lengthy conversations to strategies on how to win, we did it all together! 
    Ivo, I know I mentioned you already with all the amazing Nighthawks, but you do deserve an individual mention too. We made some magic together there and I hope that at some point, I will be able to be your GM again. You were one of the few I talked to about my political career and you helped me immensely. When I had to no one else to go to, you were there. It was so much fun and your friendship I will hold dear forever!
    @InstantRockstar, well, what can I say? You are a true friend, a person I can always rely on and who will always be there for me if I need to chat about anything. From being fellow VHLM GMs, to VHLE GMs and being teammates, you never stopped to amaze me on how passionate you are for everyone around you. You are a true shining star of VHL even though some might think otherwise.
    We have had our differences @samx, but in the end, since Malmo days, I believe that I can call you a friend. Bees, school, life, sleep, VHL, food… Well, anything, you always listened and chatted when I needed it the most, you were there even though you probably got annoyed at me quite a few times. Thanks. 

    @thadthrasher, you good looking beast. I guess there aren’t that many people I have had truly philosophical conversations with. You pushed me and helped me be more vocal about how I feel about VHL, things going on, you made me realize that staying silent is not an option. You are a good friend. Truly. Also, Wesley is awesome!
    @Banackock Alright, I could go and say all the things I have said throughout the years about this man. A comrade who was an integral part of taking over VSN. A comrade who in my time here has arguably been the best VHLM Commissioner. A comrade who I have had deep conversations with and a person that is the most misunderstood in the VHL. I have thought about many things that could have happened, should have happened and yet I always look back at only one thing. Honesty. Honesty that you expressed in every conversation we have had, an honesty in talks as opposing GMs, an honesty towards your team. You made me realize that honesty is the most important attribute to be a great person and a great GM. You are amazing, thanks for pushing me to reach new limits, thanks for making me understand my value in this community and thanks for being such a truly stellar guy. You are awesome!

    @Shindigs. Alright, whatever I say here has already been said but you are awesome, I am truly glad I had a chance to meet you and share a season together with you as my AGM. You are the most hard working person I have ever seen in the Sim league environment, you are a friend and a person I am hopeful I will share many more conversations with. Cheers!
    And now, 4 names I want to get to know a bit better than I have till now - @Moon, @Spartan, @Ricer13 and @leandrofg. Moon, we have had numerous conversations, you pop on my stream on Twitch quite a bit and that always puts a smile on my face. Spartan, I think you are wickedly amazing and I believe there is still a lot to uncover for me about you. Ricer, well, can’t really say anything else than - you seem incredibly genuine, hard working and caring - exactly what I value the most. Mr.Leandro. You could say that “How do you not know your own AGM?” but I believe we have a long journey together and through that I am hopeful we both can leave as true friends. 
    I guess that is it. I know I have probably missed quite a few names there that I should have listed. In any case, I appreciate this community, I appreciate the opportunities I have got and I appreciate that I am not yet banned. Thanks. 

    Over 1000 words so will claim for 2 weeks  
  10. Like
    Rayzor_7 reacted to InstantRockstar in Thank You Post - VHL Edition (Theme Week)   
    Typically I am a GFX person, and I thought about just doing some lame GFX thanking one, or two people for my experiences here in the VHL however there are so many amazing people I've met over the years here, I figured even with my shitty English, I'd type something out to just show my appreciation to everyone that has made my experience absolutely phenomenal. Without further ado... 
    @Beketov @McWolf @diamond_ace@Josh@Acydburn@rjfryman @Victor- I think every appreciation thread should start with the top of the 'chain of command' and that is our commissioners. I've dealt with every single one of you at some point through my recent stint here in the VHL, starting back in like S61 or S62 when Josh took me on as AGM, and then it went from there. D_A and Bana (Bana will get his own section later in this) took me on as San Diego GM during expansion and really helped me feel welcomed back to the league with my first GMing role in years. I then got to work with Acyd & Victor as the VHLE became a thing, and I once again was selected after a long wait to move up the rankings and takeover the newly created Rome Gladiators. I've had the pleasure of knowing both of these guys for years (especially Victor) so working with them was always very simple, but they really made the E experience fun. And then of course we have Bek, who has heard me complain a million times about not getting a VHL GM job, wondering why, the usual back & forth, but also always being professional, and good at what he does. I've always appreciated the humble nature and the role that you play in the league, so thank you Bek for really just being there for the league, and keeping it a fun place to enjoy for all of us. 
    An appreciation post wouldn't be an appreciation post if I didn't show some love to my AGM's over the years, the people that helped keep me afloat and make the GMing experience even more fun than it has ever been. 
    @MexicanCow123 - My first ever AGM, you've gone on to achieve amazing things since you left the position and proven to be a very capable person in your roles. From becoming a GM yourself, to an updater, a simmer & so much more, you've done incredible things. I really appreciate the time your time in San Diego, it'll forever be an amazing memory to me. 
    @Minion - Another AGM that really enjoyed the role and made my role as GM much more enjoyable. Constantly wanting to help, being present and just throwing out suggestions, you helped make Rome what it was. I was so very happy to see you move into a GMing role as I know you deserved it, and I truthfully always want what's best for you in the league. Thank you for helping me succeed in Rome. 
    @Baby Boomer - Another excellent member, excellent AGM, someone that once again always stepped up and was available when needed. Rome was successful with a lot of help from you, and while we didn't get to be the dynamic duo very long, as I would depart Rome, there was a big reason I chose to push for you to get the GM job there. You're going to do big things in this league and I am very excited to see where Rome goes from here. 
    @comrade cat- No AGM regonition post would be complete without my current AGM, right? I had the pleasure of being your GM in Rome for a little bit before I moved on to LA, and when the AGM spot became available & you chose to apply, you made my decision quite easy. You've always been eager to learn, asking a lot of questions to understand the GMing role and always wanting to be involved. I'm very happy & blessed to have such an outstanding AGM. 
    Now... I know I had more AGM's in-between but either their account is gone, or they have unfortunately gone IA. I'm very blessed and thankful for all of those AGM's, but I won't do a huge write-up on the rest from there. 
    Let's move on to ALL the friends and people I have met in this league that I actually talk to either on a daily basis or... regular basis. Don't worry, if you don't fall in this category, it doesn't mean I don't appreciate you, there will be more
    @Banackock - Probably one of the people I enjoy talking to the most, just always around & willing to chat, never someone who takes life too seriously and can just shoot the shit whenever. No matter the reason we first met, you've become someone that I truly do trust in the league and enjoy having regular conversations with. You've been my commissioner, my GM and I would absolutely consider you my friend here as well, so thank you for all you've done that has helped shaped my time here in the league and made it full of enjoyment. 
    @Rayzor_7 - While the conversations aren't AS often as they used to be, I'll always have appreciation for you just simply because you've been someone that has always chatted with me and we more or less became GM's together, and worked our way through the system together also. We were at one point the longest reigning 'duo' of GM's down in the minors until you ditched me (traitor lol) but now that I'm in the VHL, the duo has been reunited. I look forward to what the future holds. 
    @Acydburn - Surprise... you're on here twice! While I appreciate what you've done as a commissioner, I've also enjoyed the "non-job" talk that we've had over the years. Whether it's talking about our teams recently, or just talking about really anything, I've always enjoyed our conversations and appreciate having someone around that can just listen when needed. You're a good person, and I feel like maybe some forget that beyond your roles, but just know I appreciate it. 
    @FrostBeard - My comrade, and someone that I would absolutely consider a friend. Like Rayz, we grinded the rankings together through various leagues and always managed to stay in touch along the way. You've always been humble, honest and someone that I can rely on if I ever need advice. You're an extremely loyal person, and quite frankly I cannot wait to see you make it to the VHL, so we can GM together once again. Thank you for being real, and thank you for always bringing that competitiveness out of me. 
    @a_Ferk - Another person I've known in the league for quite a while and still chats every now and again. While I know you've been a little more busy recently, it's always nice to chat & catch-up when the time allows for it. I've had the pleasure of getting to talk to you over the years now and it's never a dull conversation, always a good conversation and one that I thourgouhly enjoy. Thank you for making my time here that much more enjoyable. 
    @STZ @jhatty8- I'm grouping you two together because you both have helped me so much when it comes to creativity & my gfx work. You've always been more than willing to answer my questions no matter how simple or dumb they may have been, and because of all your help, I've grown so much in making graphics, and for that I am forever grateful. You two have such a gift for creating digital masterpieces, so thank you both for shaping my gfx into what its become today. 
    And now onto the final section, the people that I have so much love & appreciation for even if we don't talk that often. These people have made an impact on me, the league & my experience within the league during my stints here. I likely won't go super in-depth on this one because... there are a lot of people! 
    @Molholt - Am I dumb for tagging someone I absolutely betrayed the trust of? Likely... but my sim league experience all around would not be the same if it weren't for Molholt. We became friends years & years ago, and you've seen me at my highest, as well as my lowest. I made the dumbest decision of my sim league 'life' when I betrayed your trust, and for that, I truly am sorry. No amount of apologizing or anything can excuse my actions, and I don't expect you to so much as read this, but just know I truly am sorry for doing what I did, and even without forgiveness, I hope one day way in the future, you may be willing to forgive me for what I've done. For now, I will just leave this here, a thank you for being real since day one, and being there for the highs and lows. 
    @Dil @fishy@samx@Baozi@dasboot@Dom - Collectively, I'd like to thank the mods for doing what they have to, in order to keep this league in order. Your job is never easy, and I'm sure there is some resentment from those that don't understand how tedious the job can really be, and unforgiving too. While I don't talk to many of you super often, I will always have a respect and mutual understanding with everyone in the moderator team for simply keeping the league safe & enjoyable. So thank you for your work! 
    @thadthrasher- The man, the myth, the legend now known as ThaddyDaddy within the VHL haha. I've enjoyed our talks, while sometimes brief in the league and enjoyed watching you grow both as a father, and person, as well as a GM. You're tremendous at what you do, and I'm really glad to see your life is headed in such a bright direction. 
    @KaleebtheMighty @Advantage - The other pioneers of the VHLE movement, and the guys I was lucky enough to make history with when the VHLE was first established, really fortunate to have had such an amazing crew to develop the league & make it as enjoyable as it was. 
    @Alex @dlamb @Enorama- The rest of the GM's that I haven't already spoken about (well, most lol). Ever since I got promoted, I've had nothing but encouragement from most of you, if not all of you, and I really appreciate the warm welcome to the position. Most of you, I've also interacted with prior to becoming a VHL GM, and it's been nothing but positive interactions, so again, I really do appreciate those times. 
    @Nykonax - Known you also for quite a long time, while I could've thrown ya into the "GMing" post I figure with how long I've known you, you should get a section of your own. We've not talked a crazy amount but in the times we have I've always felt the interactions were positive. You're an awesome member, good GM and despite the whole Meta bullshit, you are well undercreditied for your achievements. 
    @Ricer13 - Another GM I go pretty far back with, in this league and many others. Similar to Nyko, we don't talk A LOT, but our talks when we do talk have always been positive & bright, and I do enjoy getting to catch up to you when time allows for it. You've been an awesome GM in your time as GM and always been an excellent member to the league. 
    @Spartan- In the infamous words of DJ Khaled... anotha one. While you're GM, we go back quite a while WELL before either of us became a GM and we've both had quite the lengthy tenure within the league. In that time, I've gained nothing but respect for you and enjoy our chit chats while not frequent, they are always positive & fun. You're a great person, and truthfully I hope you never change. 
    @DollarAndADream @Brandon - Two more guys that deserve a lot of recognition for their graphics work. While I may not always get the chance to comment on your work, just know I really enjoy seeing the work and having known you both for so long, it's honestly amazing to see where you've come and just the amazing work you can put together. I almost feel like we SHOULD talk more, but just don't lol. 
    I'm going to cut it off here, maybe make a part-two when I have more time to type things out, but for now, this is it. 

    To those I left off of part-one, don't be offended please. I'm typing this while dealing with quite a bit of family emergencies only some of which people know. Just know my years & years of being here, have been nothing short of amazing, and while some of my time was wasted here by being an absolute jackass, I regret nothing because I've met so many amazing people ❤️ Thanks to all for being a part of my VHL journey. 
  11. Like
    Rayzor_7 reacted to ROOKIE745 in My gratitude for all   
    It's finally theme week, right when the regular season is about to wrap up, of course I'm doing this late cause that's what I do. It was a bit of a rough week as I got sick and such and did my VSN article with my head hurting, despite that I'm still rather happy with how it came out, even if I made some stupid mistakes. In fact let's start there, with the VSN, I was shocked to be considered for it just because I know I make quite a few spelling and grammar errors. But still I have to thank @Mr_Hatterfor reaching out to me and giving me a chance to contribute in a bigger way to the league. Also for editing my work, making sure the grammar and spelling is more top notch. I want to both say thank you and I'm sorry to @Acydburnand @dlambfor pointing out my dumb errors, no real excuse for it, I just messed up. I don't take those kind of errors lightly on myself and it makes me want to better myself and my work, especially as a VSN writer now.
    How about some team appreciation? I've been apart of the Helsinki Titans for five seasons now and while the future is uncertain for Ori at the current moment I want to thank everyone who has helped grow the team, I know I'm rather quiet in the locker room but I know you guys are there, chatting and making it lively and the end of this season was frustrating. I want to thank @Will3@zepheter@Vat@Baozi@Spartanon the forward core with Ori, @solas@jhatty8@leafsman@jRuutuon the blue line and our amazing goalie @CowboyinAmerica. You guys have been great teammates and thank you so much for making the team so fun to play on, I know there's past teammates as well but I just want to shout out one here, @Alexand his player Alex Johnston for being a fantastic teammate for a few seasons in Helsinki, you were a great line mate. I can't not mention management either, I already mentioned Hatter but @Rayzor_7too, thanks for picking me back in season 79, I am super glad to have joined you on your first VHL GM team (if I'm not mistaken) and rest assured I've been happy with ya!
    I want to return the favor to some degree for those that have shared the love with me, @JardyB10thanks for the shout out of not just me but others in the VSN in your podcast, it means a lot to all of us. It is fun to work on a series that has multiple parts but it can be tiresome to, thank you my fellow VSN writers! And @SlapshotDragon, my rival, my friend and my teammate thank you for the graphic! I really wish Ori and Petrenko could have a battle in the playoffs but it's unlikely given the current situation, they would have to meet in the finals since they're in different conferences. I don't believe this is the first time the VHL has had an appreciation theme week, I wanna say I remember doing one shouting out a lot of the people who got me into the league and helped me learn it, I've thanked those people a lot and if any of you read this, you know who you are!.
    (word count 553)
  12. Like
    Rayzor_7 reacted to Berocka in Who I am Thankful for   
    Hello world, this is Berocka. I am here to tell you all who has made the VHL a wonderful place for me in the past 3 years. These are the people who have had more of an impact on my time here. If I had to write about everyone who has positively impacted me here this Media Spot would last until S150.
    So, in ascending order of beauty here are the people who I wish to thank.
    This man has provided me with the most happiness and interest in the actual sim league in my small time here. He is honestly one of the nicest caring people here even though most people just see his spiky exterior. I have had plenty of conversations with him over my time here and they have always been pleasant. They should change the Seattle Bears to the Seattle Teddys due to how nice Bana is. I will never forget my time here and enjoyed the 4 cups we won together.
    True Aussie comradery has occurred between Boom and myself, every time I chat with him it is an absolute hoot. He is always the first to reach out and I really have appreciated everything he has done for me. If only he lived a touch closer would love to share a alcoholic beverage of some sort. Maybe a nice Shiraz.
    @ctots & @Shindigs
    The newest members on this list. A frequent listener of the Berocka podasts and it is always great to see their comments on my podcast and them answering the questions. Ctots has given me my first podcast intro and I feel like listening to and or reading their responses means I have a decent rapport with these two without even speaking to them directly.
    Man, where do I even start, the only bloke I have met in real life from the VHL. I think if you added up all the hours, we have spoke off air it would probably equal the time we have recorded. Always great to have a chat to boot and to throw around some friendly sledging and banter. Even though I joke you are only half Australian you are definitely a person I consider more than half a friend. P.S. Sorry for buying you the smallest, weakest beer possible, honestly wasn’t even an attempted power move.
    I appreciate all the times you have overstepped the rest of the mod team and removed all of my bans from the league for my toxicity. But in all seriousness, I have never really had much direct conversations with you but the times I have you have been very nice to me. Please keep listening to me and Boot to remind you of the insurance dude you spoke too once.
    Frosty! Ever since being on the bears with you I have liked every time we have talked. Even though our time zones never really seemed to line up. Thank you for the offer of the VSN job, and I really appreciate how you always tried to help me improve my podcast week in week out. I don’t think I would have still been podcasting if it wasn’t for you.
    I think I could write a whole bloody media spot about you if I was forced to. You are genuinely a very clever guy and I don’t think I would be in the VHL if it wasn’t for you. I can’t believe I worked for you for so long but if you ever got the itch to GM a team again let me know and I would do it all again. The one thing I miss most since you stepped down is that I don’t talk with you anywhere near as much as I use to. So thank you for all the time you spent helping me with the VHL and the Cricket Sim. If you ever need my help with anything please reach out.
    It seems like sometimes you are like a B-List celebrity due to your podcasts and I will always despise you as you “Brought podcasting back to the VHL” even though Boot and I had been doing it before you even returned. But in honest truth have appreciated the chats we have had and love the banter back and forth in our podcasts. So thank you for making more people listen to the shit I talk every week.
    The Season 66 Hounds
    @DoktorFunk, @Rayzor_7, @cody73, @GlowyGoat, @No_Dangles
    I think without you guys as well as Gustav and Radcows leadership I never would have spent the last three years here. The conversations every day on discord are still some of my best memories on this site.
    My Podcast Guests and other listeners.
    There are a long list of you and I probably should tag you all but I am quite lazy, so if you have ever featured on my podcast thank you. I quite enjoy speaking to people and learning about them, so thank you if you have ever been on my podcast and if you ever want to be on again hit me up. Also if anyone wants to be on one and never has before also hit me up.
    Town of Salem players
    I know a lot of the time I probably don’t pay as much attention to the thread as I should but I have a ton of fun every single time I play a game, so thank you to you all. Especially @Gustav, @Devise, @omgitshim & @eaglesfan0366 who run the games.
    The long-lost people I use to spend hours and hours with and don’t talk to as much
    All the people I either GM’d, were team mates with or participated in other sim leagues with. I am sorry we don’t talk as much as we use to and I hope that in the future we will end up on a team together and can keep in touch. @enigmatic, @diamond_ace , @Cxsquared, @DarkSpyro
    I think that is probably enough from me. See you all next theme week!
    1000+ words 2 weeks claimable
  13. Like
    Rayzor_7 reacted to samx in Being nice to people   
    I would like to start by saying I am guaranteed to miss at least one person if not like 20 so I apologize.
    These are in no particular order its just whoever came to mind as I wrote enjoy me being nice to most of you for probably the first time and possibly the last
    (this ended up way longer than expected)
    @DoomsdayI mean i could probably write a 500 word media spot on you alone however, I will not.....at least not today. When you aren't sending awful memes to me you are actually a pretty cool human. Thank you for all you have done for me. I know I can always trust you with my insanity at 1am and then continue to fall asleep before answering and stress you out : ) sorry not sorry. Our brains are oddly similar and I don't know if I hate it or not. You are an amazing human being please never change genuinely. I am no longer scared of you congrats!
    @Dilprobably one of the people I bully the most. You genuinely are pretty funny like 82% of the time. I enjoy that you answer my dumb questions every night and play along with my dumb bread game. You've done amazing work for this league weather it be portal or the app you've done a good job for my standards of you. No but genuinely great work. 
    @BeketovHi sir beketov, I like to take at least 3% credit for this theme week cause i did technically tell u it. I mean I think most people can agree you have probably put the most time into this league, agree or not with decisions made the league wouldn't be where it is almost 15? years later if you weren't around. Thanks for all your fun facts which I deeply miss and i look forward to the return of when you sim the M again. Thanks for recording a podcast with me that will never see the light of day because of Craig fuck you craig.
    @Joshthanks for the one candle stream you gave me. I shall cherish it forever.
    @Moondamn sometimes I cant believe you haven't been in this league a year yet cause i feel like i have known you for so long. You've been there a lot for me and also carry me in rocket league so thank you for that. I highly enjoy teasing you about murdering fish its alot of fun. You are a really great kid like genuinely bring me a lot of joy and laughs to be around.
    @Mr_Hatter  You have literally some of the best taste in music of a person I've met. Like I don't think you understand how often i jam out to the music you send me.
    @Daniel Janser @Gustavyou guys are just fun to be around tbh. Its always a fun time when either of you are around. Although you may have bad cereal or sandwich takes it always a pleasure and a joy to have a conversation with you.
    @RenomitsuI mean you taught me organic chem and like honestly the real basic things you taught me were actually really helpful for most of the semester cause named so much god damn shit.
    @Spartanthe dude who high key forced me out of my shell.... idk how u did it but you did and now you must deal with the wrath of sam talking mwhahaha. I'm still waiting for that parkitect stream btw. I will not forget. Thanks for making Moscow a place I can go to and hang out. Its one of the few lrs i'm actually active in that I don't play for.
    @Shindigsman, did we become friends at one of the strangest points in my life. You saw a side of me I never saw of me... aka very sleep deprived. What an introduction. I appreciate all you have helped me with and also that you drafted me to Vegas even though i asked to be traded a lot. I hope you had fun with that. Genuinely one of the best first gens I have come across. Also sorry for spoiling the draft for you... WHOOPS
    @Alexyou often confuse me with all of your words and I never know what you are actually talking about but i pretend like i do. You were an amazing M gm as much as i hated you 98% of the time after trade talks because well you are you. They kept me on my toes that's for sure. You are a wonderful friend and a great human who brings alot of insight into the league.
    @Ricer13The first agm i ever had and probably the only reason I stayed around originally. Its been really cool to see you climb up the ranks as a gm and being able to play for you in calgary was a blast. I'm a little hurt that I am stilled banned from counting but ill get over it. You are an incredible gm and overall human except for when you yelled at me about the canucks. I do not appreciate it.
    @Acydburn @diamond_ace Thank you both for giving me a chance in Halifax. I don't know how i got that job originally but like genuinely its one of the best things I have ever been apart of in this league and you gave me that opportunity.
    @BarzalGoatIt really angers me that no one else knows you as dan because they never know who I am talking about. Anyways, you were the first agm I hired and I dont think I could have made a better choice. You were so helpful in that first season and made my life 10x easier as I figured out what in the world I was doing. You are like one of the most under appreciated members imo. You bring so much to the table and im still very mad at mcwolf and DA for stealing you away from me. I really hope we get the chance to work together again some day because it was so much fun.
    @SpicyGeckoYou arent super active anymore but you were my 2nd agm, honestly alex told me to hire you and I said bet. Alex was very right you again were another amazing agm who dealt with my tom foolery. It was a genuine pleasure to work with you
    @JardyB10Oh the 3rd agm... I mean dude i feel like half the time i just say things and you pretend to understand. You have been a great gm and human and I love that i can make fun of you and threaten to fire you every 3rd day and you don't care. You aren't allowed to leave Halifax. You are stuck here forever. I still enjoy laughing at the fact you thought my original username was about beer. 
    @ArceI dont know that you will be able to read this cause of your eyes... oh shoot I am supposed to be nice rn. You have been such a joy to be around and annoy. You are very prepared for your children's teenage years cause I don't think they can get more annoying than I already am. I am sorry for not being your gm, however, I also had no control over that. You are incredibly funny and its been a joy working alongside you as gms even though trading with you was pretty painful sometimes.
    @fishyI was like gonna try to make a fish pun but i couldn't think of one. You re got me into poetry which like honestly thank you. You are actually so funny and it makes me kinda mad cause I feel like you aren't even trying half the time. I also appreciate you reading my essays. I apologize for how bad they were, however, I got really good grades on all of them soooo that is pretty sick. I do really look up to you and admire you as a human being and i could go on for paragraphs as too why but I will not for the sake of length. You were all ears as I ranted about the things that needed changing in this community and worked so hard with me to find ways to make this place a better place for everyone. I shall stop now, however, you are incredible and your work doesn't go unnoticed. Thank you.
    @Baozii mean one thanks for the job. I've weirdly learned a lot that has been helpful in life so I suppose that is cool. You are so good at your job and its a little scary sometimes. You are a  cool person when you aren't bullying my food takes. You were all ears when I wanted change and took a lot of steps to work towards what needed to be changed and it is appreciated by me at least.
    @FrostBeardYou are one of the coolest people I have ever met. Like you are so interesting to talk to and get to learn about. I think I have learned more from you about bees than I have about anything else in 13 years of schooling if i am being honest. You are a lot of fun to be around and are a very funny human being.
    @Rayzor_7I mean we talked about this like yesterday but I mean you were a wonderful gm in Minny and its still one of the best locker rooms ive been in my time here. You also inspired me to start trying to get gm jobs and here we are. Thank you for that I really do appreciate it.
    @MexicanCow123I mean you dragged me back here so I suppose I can be appreciative of that. Or maybe i secretly hate you for that, the world may never know....Youve done alot for me. I appreciate it all more than you'll ever really know.
    Thats all from me. I totally forgot some people but honestly I'm pretty appreciative of most people here good or bad experiences youve taught me something. A lot of what not to do. so thanks for that peace out.
    about 1700 words claiming for 3 weeks
  14. Like
    Rayzor_7 reacted to Spartan in My Theme Week Submission Was Shut Down   
    I initially had the idea of opening up Excel, and typing out usernames as they popped into my head, one cell per row, until I hit 500 rows in the sheet. To me, this was basically to kind of see whose names popped up in my mind the most when I thought about "who do I appreciate" in the VHL. Full disclosure, I got about 150 rows in and then started struggling to put more names down, so I just copied the list until I hit 500 rows. Then @Beketov told me to piss off and do a real PT, so my 500+ words is below!
    @Bayley - Obligatory first person mentioned, since you were the first GM I had. You drafted me in the 3rd round of the S71 M Draft, and were the largest influence on me from the start, for obvious reasons. I appreciate your efforts and then Proto's (I miss him) to help me stay engaged and active in the league, and for developing my interest in the league.
    @Beketov - I did some flattery here I suppose, and our relationship is rather newer than some of the other larger names on here. But we have communicated one of the most out of the folks listed on here, both through the excessive number of seasons (to me) together in the Moscow LR. The time spent in DM's is also significant, so I think that some appreciation for the time you put into the league but then also manage to lend Moscow and myself is warranted. Even when the community blames you, know that I do too .
    @Acydburn - Probably one of my closer friends in the community, we chat about daily and you've been a great advocate in my corner for quite a while. The raging is fantastic, being my gaming buddy is amazing, and your passion for the league even when it's sometimes not appreciated by others is undeterred. I don't think enough people appreciate you, so I hope you accept my appreciation.
    @McWolf  and @BladeMaiden - You two sort of go hand in hand, mainly because my time with both of you has overlapped so much. Both of you were two of the first faces I saw in sim leagues, and were mentors and friends from day 1. Even when we had differences of opinion, we didn't let that impact friendship, and thanks to both of you, I'm still around today.
    @Victor  - You drafted me and then told me to replace you, literally in everything. Thanks, it keeps me busy during my free time ❤️ 
    @Renomitsu and @Mr_Hatter - Honestly I think you're both the two nicest people I've ever met. We've voice chatted together for way too long, usually letting me rant about some stuff that no longer bothers me anymore. I don't want to say it was therapeutic since that feels one-sided, but your presence simply is - and for that, and all the other amazing gaming moments and shared LR interactions, I appreciate you guys.
    @Doomsday (I feel like you're not up there despite me adding you in the list), @N0HBDY, @Arce @Shindigs, @samx - You guys are basically honorary members of the Moscow Menace just because of how much time you guys spend in the LR despite not being on the team, or even alumni (in most of your cases). I'm always appreciative of having good people around me, to have a good time with, and to form the KGB along with the other members of the team and fellow BoG members.
    @Steve - Despite being a bit lower on the list in terms of time we've known each other and spent together, you've been a joy to me and a welcome respite from some of the struggles I've had in the league. One of the surprisingly pleasant faces I first saw in the LA LR after I was traded there, and someone I chat with weekly about life, the league, and our players. It's nice to have that kind of consistent check-in from someone who cares about you, beyond just what services you can offer them. I appreciate that more than you know.
    @Gustav - I just think you're also a cool dude. It's a damn shame we've never been on a team together, or that neither of us GM'd the other. You're one of the consistently rational/productive members of the BoG and I genuinely think you've had a solid, underappreciated part in keeping this league running well the past bit. I don't think people know how much thought you've put into what you communicate to the BoG. But outside the league, you're a constant reminder to me (more recently) that life outside the VHL exists and that I should sometimes go and smell the roses. It's nice to have someone nudging you with perspective, especially someone my age.
    @VHL GM - Yeah I added all of you just because you guys give me motivation to stick around every season as a GM and bring out the best (or worst) side of me - my competitiveness. I wouldn't be continually striving to be a better GM without you guys pushing me with your own shrewd and calculated moves (when you're not missing the Draft). I appreciate you guys being fodder for Moscow .
    @STZ - Best AGM ever!
    @fonziGG @Dil (Dil gets a -1) - Y'all know why, I'd add Quik too but he never showed up. It's nice to have this commonality when there aren't many others.
    Everyone on Moscow - From S77 through now, you're all amazing. Ridiculously good people, you guys make it worth sticking around as a GM.
    Everyone on Helsinki and DC and LA - Or just teams I've played for, it's always been a good time no matter how we perform. I enjoy the people in the LR's and think the best experiences happen in there. 
    Anyways, I mentioned a bunch of people but I would like to go ragequit over League or Apex or something for a bit. There are more folks who I thought of and went into the Word Cloud above, and others that I am thinking of as I write this, but am simply a bit too tired to finish writing. I apologize to those of you, maybe if we recycle this prompt again, I'll mention you guys then. Until then, I'll take the free reputation that seems to come with these MS'.
    1,054 words
  15. Haha
    Rayzor_7 reacted to Banackock in [S83] Frank Funk Jr has retired!   
    Good career 
  16. Fire
    Rayzor_7 got a reaction from NSG in Halvar Torbjorn Commitment Thread   
    Welcome all to the final decision on where Halvar Torbjron will play out the season.
    I hope you all had fun and enjoyed your time tonight watching the thread and chatting in the discord!
    Now onto the teams:

    This team is set up to make a long run at it for certain and the GM is in a place to do so as well. 3 very strong lines and two great sets of D with a capped out goalie. 
    You went back and corrected the copy paste after it was pointed out and came back with a much nicer more pointed and thought out offer as well as things slot in.
    My problem comes with maybe overpromising the playing time at the cost of the team. 
    While it's a great offer you put forward, is it enough to put you through the final cut?

    Well you obviously pitched me more in Discord than on the forum post which is nice honestly. You made good points about how you're setup and where I slot into the lineup currently.
    You spent a lot of focus on your LR and how the team sticks together more so than your team and the upcoming playoffs. I don't know a lot of them so I'm going on your word for it.
    The minutes starting L4 and possibly moving to L3/2 in playoffs is a tough buy, but the sale of the LR and the teams potential was good. 
    But was it enough to put you through the final cut?

    Love the pitch honestly, if the competition wasn't so stiff it would normally have me. Focusing on how my player can fit and how he team is looking to run the remaining games and playoffs is great.
    The 3 D is a bit of a hole but not the end of the world. Some good chats in the Discord from the AGM which is much appreciated and entertaining. 
    It was nice that in the end the GM was a contact for the last batch and came to the front.
    At the end of the day a good place to go for this run, but do you make the final cut?
  17. Fire
    Rayzor_7 got a reaction from Spartan in Halvar Torbjorn Commitment Thread   
    Welcome all to the final decision on where Halvar Torbjron will play out the season.
    I hope you all had fun and enjoyed your time tonight watching the thread and chatting in the discord!
    Now onto the teams:

    This team is set up to make a long run at it for certain and the GM is in a place to do so as well. 3 very strong lines and two great sets of D with a capped out goalie. 
    You went back and corrected the copy paste after it was pointed out and came back with a much nicer more pointed and thought out offer as well as things slot in.
    My problem comes with maybe overpromising the playing time at the cost of the team. 
    While it's a great offer you put forward, is it enough to put you through the final cut?

    Well you obviously pitched me more in Discord than on the forum post which is nice honestly. You made good points about how you're setup and where I slot into the lineup currently.
    You spent a lot of focus on your LR and how the team sticks together more so than your team and the upcoming playoffs. I don't know a lot of them so I'm going on your word for it.
    The minutes starting L4 and possibly moving to L3/2 in playoffs is a tough buy, but the sale of the LR and the teams potential was good. 
    But was it enough to put you through the final cut?

    Love the pitch honestly, if the competition wasn't so stiff it would normally have me. Focusing on how my player can fit and how he team is looking to run the remaining games and playoffs is great.
    The 3 D is a bit of a hole but not the end of the world. Some good chats in the Discord from the AGM which is much appreciated and entertaining. 
    It was nice that in the end the GM was a contact for the last batch and came to the front.
    At the end of the day a good place to go for this run, but do you make the final cut?
  18. Boring
    Rayzor_7 got a reaction from Dil in Halvar Torbjorn Commitment Thread   
    Welcome all to the final decision on where Halvar Torbjron will play out the season.
    I hope you all had fun and enjoyed your time tonight watching the thread and chatting in the discord!
    Now onto the teams:

    This team is set up to make a long run at it for certain and the GM is in a place to do so as well. 3 very strong lines and two great sets of D with a capped out goalie. 
    You went back and corrected the copy paste after it was pointed out and came back with a much nicer more pointed and thought out offer as well as things slot in.
    My problem comes with maybe overpromising the playing time at the cost of the team. 
    While it's a great offer you put forward, is it enough to put you through the final cut?

    Well you obviously pitched me more in Discord than on the forum post which is nice honestly. You made good points about how you're setup and where I slot into the lineup currently.
    You spent a lot of focus on your LR and how the team sticks together more so than your team and the upcoming playoffs. I don't know a lot of them so I'm going on your word for it.
    The minutes starting L4 and possibly moving to L3/2 in playoffs is a tough buy, but the sale of the LR and the teams potential was good. 
    But was it enough to put you through the final cut?

    Love the pitch honestly, if the competition wasn't so stiff it would normally have me. Focusing on how my player can fit and how he team is looking to run the remaining games and playoffs is great.
    The 3 D is a bit of a hole but not the end of the world. Some good chats in the Discord from the AGM which is much appreciated and entertaining. 
    It was nice that in the end the GM was a contact for the last batch and came to the front.
    At the end of the day a good place to go for this run, but do you make the final cut?
  19. Angry
    Rayzor_7 got a reaction from nurx in Halvar Torbjorn Commitment Thread   
    Welcome all to the final decision on where Halvar Torbjron will play out the season.
    I hope you all had fun and enjoyed your time tonight watching the thread and chatting in the discord!
    Now onto the teams:

    This team is set up to make a long run at it for certain and the GM is in a place to do so as well. 3 very strong lines and two great sets of D with a capped out goalie. 
    You went back and corrected the copy paste after it was pointed out and came back with a much nicer more pointed and thought out offer as well as things slot in.
    My problem comes with maybe overpromising the playing time at the cost of the team. 
    While it's a great offer you put forward, is it enough to put you through the final cut?

    Well you obviously pitched me more in Discord than on the forum post which is nice honestly. You made good points about how you're setup and where I slot into the lineup currently.
    You spent a lot of focus on your LR and how the team sticks together more so than your team and the upcoming playoffs. I don't know a lot of them so I'm going on your word for it.
    The minutes starting L4 and possibly moving to L3/2 in playoffs is a tough buy, but the sale of the LR and the teams potential was good. 
    But was it enough to put you through the final cut?

    Love the pitch honestly, if the competition wasn't so stiff it would normally have me. Focusing on how my player can fit and how he team is looking to run the remaining games and playoffs is great.
    The 3 D is a bit of a hole but not the end of the world. Some good chats in the Discord from the AGM which is much appreciated and entertaining. 
    It was nice that in the end the GM was a contact for the last batch and came to the front.
    At the end of the day a good place to go for this run, but do you make the final cut?
  20. Like
    Rayzor_7 got a reaction from diacope in Halvar Torbjorn Commitment Thread   
    Welcome all to the final decision on where Halvar Torbjron will play out the season.
    I hope you all had fun and enjoyed your time tonight watching the thread and chatting in the discord!
    Now onto the teams:

    This team is set up to make a long run at it for certain and the GM is in a place to do so as well. 3 very strong lines and two great sets of D with a capped out goalie. 
    You went back and corrected the copy paste after it was pointed out and came back with a much nicer more pointed and thought out offer as well as things slot in.
    My problem comes with maybe overpromising the playing time at the cost of the team. 
    While it's a great offer you put forward, is it enough to put you through the final cut?

    Well you obviously pitched me more in Discord than on the forum post which is nice honestly. You made good points about how you're setup and where I slot into the lineup currently.
    You spent a lot of focus on your LR and how the team sticks together more so than your team and the upcoming playoffs. I don't know a lot of them so I'm going on your word for it.
    The minutes starting L4 and possibly moving to L3/2 in playoffs is a tough buy, but the sale of the LR and the teams potential was good. 
    But was it enough to put you through the final cut?

    Love the pitch honestly, if the competition wasn't so stiff it would normally have me. Focusing on how my player can fit and how he team is looking to run the remaining games and playoffs is great.
    The 3 D is a bit of a hole but not the end of the world. Some good chats in the Discord from the AGM which is much appreciated and entertaining. 
    It was nice that in the end the GM was a contact for the last batch and came to the front.
    At the end of the day a good place to go for this run, but do you make the final cut?
  21. Like
    Rayzor_7 got a reaction from samx in Halvar Torbjorn Commitment Thread   
    Welcome all to the final decision on where Halvar Torbjron will play out the season.
    I hope you all had fun and enjoyed your time tonight watching the thread and chatting in the discord!
    Now onto the teams:

    This team is set up to make a long run at it for certain and the GM is in a place to do so as well. 3 very strong lines and two great sets of D with a capped out goalie. 
    You went back and corrected the copy paste after it was pointed out and came back with a much nicer more pointed and thought out offer as well as things slot in.
    My problem comes with maybe overpromising the playing time at the cost of the team. 
    While it's a great offer you put forward, is it enough to put you through the final cut?

    Well you obviously pitched me more in Discord than on the forum post which is nice honestly. You made good points about how you're setup and where I slot into the lineup currently.
    You spent a lot of focus on your LR and how the team sticks together more so than your team and the upcoming playoffs. I don't know a lot of them so I'm going on your word for it.
    The minutes starting L4 and possibly moving to L3/2 in playoffs is a tough buy, but the sale of the LR and the teams potential was good. 
    But was it enough to put you through the final cut?

    Love the pitch honestly, if the competition wasn't so stiff it would normally have me. Focusing on how my player can fit and how he team is looking to run the remaining games and playoffs is great.
    The 3 D is a bit of a hole but not the end of the world. Some good chats in the Discord from the AGM which is much appreciated and entertaining. 
    It was nice that in the end the GM was a contact for the last batch and came to the front.
    At the end of the day a good place to go for this run, but do you make the final cut?
  22. Fire
    Rayzor_7 reacted to nurx in Halvar Torbjorn Commitment Thread   
    Have you ever wanted to walk to the beach and accidentally step on a used heroin needle? Well now you can in Miami. Who knows maybe heroin can help you perform in the playoffs. Don't tell the GM in Halifax this though, they tend to overuse the same line every day.
    In Miami, we pride ourselves in our ability to have fantastic Cuban food. I mean have you tasted the Cubanos on the beach?
    Plus imagine your face on the VHLM Illustrated Cover when you come to Miami. Miami truly is the place to be because how many days do you hate shoveling your driveway. We never have to do that here!
  23. Haha
    Rayzor_7 reacted to Gustav in Halvar Torbjorn Commitment Thread   
  24. Haha
  25. Cheers
    Rayzor_7 got a reaction from Arce in Halvar Torbjorn Commitment Thread   
    Welcome back to the fourth elimination and the one that decides your final three!
    Once again things are scrambled as usual!
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