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Everything posted by gorlab

  1. This NA team may be historical tbh. I could see 10-20 years from now, it being looked back on like we look back @ the Lemieux/Gretzky Canada Cup team.
  2. Yeah Big Gold is fucking awesome. Winged Eagle is probably my personal fav tho. New WWE belts are all trash
  3. Can you give me a rundown on your history with graphics/graphic design? How did you get into graphics work, what software do you use, what would you say is your best style? Also some week in the future, pls record a live sig on twitch.tv VoD and submit it as a VHL Weekly PT. If you look to the left of my post, I am a BoG member and will abuse my power to authorize it without checking with Draper & co. What VHL decade was your personal favourite? (S0-10, S10-20, S20-30, etc.)
  4. Didn't we win a cup on NYA together with 3 Moons / Klose ? Can you please plug whatever you are doing in terms of writing? Any good books you have READ recently? You ever fuck with any audiobooks, and if so, what specific book/narrator did you really enjoy? Have a good day @ work, I'm on vacation this week smoking loud and watching shoot interviews. SALUTE.
  5. From previous experience on other sites, I could usually rattle off 5+ member names without thinking... but honestly I can't come up with a single VHLer who deserves to be named in this thread.
  6. dont listen to him, scan lines r crackkkkk
  7. Seeing as you are the GM of the Wild, what do you know about the city of Saskatoon? What do you know about the member @Kylrad ? Do you think VHL needs to hire an emoji/smiley manager because the current selection of smileys are ass besides ?
  8. sry I just left my computer on with VHL open but wasn't actually here.
  9. Do you ever listen to Coast to Coast AM with George Norry?
  10. If a squad has kendrick and higgins, it ain't a dream squad dope sig tho
  11. 2 SHLers I don't absolutely hate, this is like winning the powerball.
  12. Are you going to use your youtube money to buy the PWG BOLA 2016 DVD ? What is your opinion on Dave Meltzer, if you have one? Who do you think would win in an Indian leg wrestling match? Draper or Higgins?
  13. they need to be more worried about their next president being a reptilian robot exhibit A: exhibit B: exhibit C: shit is OD
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