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Posts posted by jhatty8

  1. 56 minutes ago, Arce said:

    San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 6/4/2023


    1. Final presser for the S88 Marlins if you choose, it is officially the off-season! Any plans?

    2. What was your favorite moment of the S88 season?

    3. If you are leaving the Marlins this upcoming season, what are you hoping your next GM will be like?

    4. Thoughts on the London United pulling off the upset for their first ever cup led by the one and only Marlins legend, Jacob?

    5. What is your passion in life?

    6. What relaxes you the most?


    1. Just gonna keep climbing up my class' tpe ranks, no rest in the offseason.

    2. Probably when I scored my first ever goal.

    3. I have no clue if I'm leaving to another VHLM team or not. But if I am, I would love to play for AJ and Triller in Houston.

    4. I support it, carrying on @McWolf legacy. At least I think he created london idk.

    5. Probably running and staying active, it is where i'm the most accomplished and when I don't do it I feel bad.

    6. Driving at night listening to music is peak.


    League - Victory Hockey League Minors

    Team - [REDACTED]

    Class - 90

    Prospect Name - Xiver Zilla

    Prospect Nationality - Maltese-American

    Date - 5/28/2023








    Season 90 VHLM Combine Results



    148 lbs.








    Notes - Prospect has one of the smallest frames ever seen. Hard to overlook. Weight listed at 140 lbs. entering VHLM, measured at 148.


    Bodyfat %



    Notes - Incredibly fit physique, one of the lowest % of this class.


    Grip Strength R

    138 lbs.


    Grip Strength L

    132 lbs.


    Notes - Average grip strength.


    Bench Press @ 50% body weight

    8.05 watts/kg


    Notes - Advantage due to smaller body weight and strong frame, still high finisher here.


    Standing Long Jump



    Vertical Jump (force plate)



    Notes - Impressive numbers for stature.


    Pull-Ups (Max Consecutive #)



    Notes - Advantage due to smaller body weight, finished w/ most consecutive.


    Agility Test Left

    4.35 sec.


    Agility Test Right

    4.32 sec.


    Notes - Fastest agility of class by a mile, VERY quick prospect.







    Prospect carries obvious concerns with incredibly small height and weight. Injury history includes a right fractured wrist at 14 years of age and a left knee sprain at 17 years of age. Prior history is not a major concern but physical nature of professional hockey COULD be a risk. Class standout in terms of quickness and agility, holds his own in strength categories. 

    Athletically gifted, physically ungifted


    Strengths (on ice skills)

    Taken from VHLM S88 game tape

    Shows most effort out of anyone on the ice at all times. First guy to the puck and first guy back on defense, quality two-way center. Slightly better defensively than offensively. Offense is suitable enough and he can provide quality ice time on that end. Stamina is very high.


    Weaknesses (on ice skills)

    Taken from VHLM S88 game tape

    Shot is not the most developed. Can get bullied off the puck and does not have enough finesse when pure quickness does not work. Will take time for him to adjust to new system no matter what - can look lost out there.




    Draft Projection


    Late-first round

    Talent level is worthy of a top-five selection, could be taken there as a boom/bust pick, but size concerns may scare teams off.  I do NOT see this prospect falling out of the first round whatsoever, it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that this prospect is taken with a top-three selection. I would recommend this player as one this organization should draft if a need for a center arises, he would fit well within our system. Strength training and a team-organized diet plan will be a necessity to ensure this prospect can continue to play.




    Word Count - 437

  3. Review:


    Really like this. The composition and the way you staggered the renders/shapes/text is near perfect and the colors bring everything together. I also love the extra details you put into this, such as the shadows underneath the front render and the smoke effect only being applied to the back render so that more pronunciation is placed on the front. The text is clean, a bit uninspired, but it does the job. Only major critique would be the players being too bright, especially the head of the back render. Might be some clashing with the smoke effect?


    9.5/10, great work

  4. Review:


    Cool stuff here, I absolutely love the border surrounding the graphic, it makes it all feel cohesive. I like the idea of having a lion as the background, but it distracts a bit from the player itself and I would probably do some work either fading out the lion or making the player more prominent. Jersey swap is clean. Text isn't really my favorite, I'm not sure if it fits the lion/reign vibe. I think of something like this for lion-themed.


    8.5/10, visually pleasing

  5. On 5/22/2023 at 7:42 AM, Arce said:

    San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 5/28/2023



    1. Obviously we did not get the final result we wanted, but what a season it was. What are your final thoughts on the S88 San Diego Marlins season?

    2. How do you feel about your players performance in the S88 season and playoffs?

    3. What are you hoping to improve about your player in S89?

    4. What is the next step for your player? VHLM again, moving up the VHLE, VHL?

    5. How was your experience in S88 with the San Diego Marlins locker room?

    6. Any plans in real life as we await the off-season and have a few weeks off until S89?


    1. I wasn't here for much of it, but I had a great time overall.

    2. I definitely wish my player showed up a bit more later on in the season when we needed big performances.

    3. Hopefully he'll be good enough to finally make it onto the 3 stars.

    4. Back into the VHLM I think, don't really know how the system works.

    5. It was great, it was very active and I couldn't have asked for a better first team LR.

    6. Graduation is coming up very soon for me.

  6. Xiver Zilla - Biography


    It’s rare to see a hockey player represent the small and lesser-known island nation of Malta, but that’s just one part of the peculiar story of Xiver Zilla. His father, Xavier Zilla, who is a fairly wealthy individual due to his work as a doctor, went on vacation to a beach resort in Malta. However, that vacation ended up lasting longer than expected when he met Xiver’s mother, Alessia. She was also looking to become a doctor and was currently studying at the University of Malta’s doctoral research school. Although it’s a bit cliche, it was love at first sight. The two hit it off immediately and were nearly inseparable throughout the two weeks Xiver’s father was supposed to be there. When it was time for him to return to his home country of the USA, he didn’t want to leave without her, but she had another two years left of university. So he made the life-altering decision to stay in Malta and be with her. There’s a lot that could go wrong with this plan, but fortunately, it worked out for the better. After just under a year together, they got married, and shortly following that, Alessia became pregnant with Xiver. They decided that they would move to United States together after their child was born, which coincided with Alessia finishing her doctorate program. Everything went according to plan and they ended up back in Xavier’s hometown of Atlanta with their new baby. They picked the unusual name of Xiver because it was similar to Xavier’s name, but altered enough to be unique.


    Growing up, the Maltese-American youngster was incredibly active and was always looking to play sports, or even just to be outside. His parents were very busy and could not spend a lot of time with him, but because of their wealth, they were able to support him financially with whatever he wanted to do. Xiver attended expensive football camps, played club soccer, traveled around his state to play basketball, you name it. He even was a natural at baseball and made it to the little league world series. He was successful in almost all of his athletic endeavors, but never truly fell in love with a sport until he tried hockey.




    It is a bit atypical to see the average kid in Atlanta playing hockey. The city loves its sports, whether it’s baseball, football, or basketball, but that love seems to stop once it reaches the ice. However, Xiver was a natural. He picked up skating quickly and, soon enough, was dominating his local organization in the winters. His parents noticed how much he loved hockey and how talented he was at it, but there were minimal opportunities for him to improve outside of the winter season, so he had no other choice but to continue to play other sports during this time. This was the case for Xiver throughout his middle school years and wouldn’t change until he reached high school. That’s when he became eligible for the GSHL. The GSHL, or the Georgia Student Hockey League, opens the door for high-school aged students to participate in a competitive league and hone their skills against other talented players. The best part about this league was that it ran from September all the way through the spring, so Xiver finally got the chance to focus on his favorite sport year-round. His freshman season was a bit rough, there was a period of adjustment going against stronger competition and, as one of the youngest players, he didn’t see the ice much. On top of this, he suffered a broken wrist that ended his season before it was even halfway finished. Despite these setbacks, it was clear that the experience and extra training was valuable. Xiver was fully recovered just after the season concluded and he immediately went to work. He made incredible strides over the offseason training with his teammates and he was ready to put it all together during his sophomore season. When that time finally came, there was one word to describe his play: unfair.




    Xiver Zilla was nearly unstoppable on the ice as a sophomore. His history as an athlete gave him a lot of speed and stamina on the ice and his competitive spirit made him a whirlwind of chaos. His technique was also greatly improved after a year's worth of training and it only continued to get better. He continued his impressive play into his junior and senior years and attracted the attention of college hockey scouts. Although the level of competition in Georgia is not quite as high as other areas, the talent was undeniable. After his senior season concluded, Xiver officially committed to Northeastern University, a smaller school in the Boston area that excelled at hockey. He received attention from schools with a better reputation, but he opted for Northeastern to maximize his time on the ice. After three seasons of success at Northeastern, Zilla signed with the San Diego Marlins to help with their playoff push and to prepare for the VHLM Draft. He is also the first player in VHL history to declare Malta as his official country. Hopefully, Xiver can live up to his potential and blossom into a star, but only time will tell.

  7. Review:


    To be honest I think you nailed what you were going for here. It's simple but it works really well. I like the subtle outer glow on the logo to really make it pop and the larger lower-opacity logo in the background is another good touch. The background is great and I like how it is faded out so that it doesn't distract from the focal point. I think the only concern I have is that the Legion logo is a touch low-quality and not as crispy as it could be, which is important when it's one of the only elements. Other than that, fire



  8. Review:


    I always love some Zberg eye candy. The jersey change is clean (when is it not??) and everything is high quality. I am not totally sold on the edited picture behind the render and I feel like another element should go with it, such as a couple of rectangles around or on it, but it is sufficient. The only major critique is the cut job on the render's hair, which I get is the worst thing to do but I still gotta mention it.


    9/10, don't go to barber school

  9. (in no specific order - I just went down the TPE list and picked the first cool people I saw)


    1. @Doomsday

    Dooms is about to lap me in TPE which isn't cool but other than that I like him. No matter what sim league I go to, he's always a friendly guy there and I can't think of anything bad I've ever heard about him. For someone who has been in sims for over a decade, that's not an easy feat.


    2. @Enorama

    I feel like I've done a lot of sim stuff with Eno but when I try to think of specific examples my mind goes blank. He might've been my GM at one time, he's good at graphics and I like talking to him about that, and he seems like a chill person in general. Plus, he created the best SBA player of all time whose name I cannot spell.


    3. @Moon

    Moon is a great guy and all my interactions with him have been great. I think I coached him on my SBA or SBDL team but my memory is a little fuzzy there. I also like how he is passionate about graphics and always works hard to improve himself, which is the most valuable quality in design imo.

  10. On 5/15/2023 at 1:30 PM, Fradin99 said:

    San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 5/21/2023



    1. Playoffs are well on their way! What did you think of the Houston series?
    2. Do you or your player have any pre-game rituals for playoff games?
    3. Obviously we're going to make the finals, we're the Marlins! Who do you hope to see in the finals, Mississauga or Philly? (Unless Halifax comes back from it's 3-1 deficit by the time you answer this, lol.)
    4. Mexico City's up next for us, How will your player contribute to the series?
    5. By the end of playoffs who do you think leads the Marlins in Goals, Points, or Assists? (One player for each or one to get all three if you really believe in someone.)
    6. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. What's your go to if you're not in a rush?


    1. Can't do much better than a sweep, hopefully we can continue it into the next round.

    2. I personally have a jumping exercise/ritual that I do before my races but I don't think it'd be very easy to do while on ice.

    3. Mississauga, it would be cool to beat the team that I opted not to go to.

    4. Hopefully by winning some faceoffs and now screwing up.

    5. Baby Moo Moo is going off I think they'll be our team points leader for the playoffs.

    6. I typically just stick with cereal, too tired in the AM to put anything nice together.

  11. Review: As a whole, I like where you're going with this sig. You're trying a lot of cool ideas and I feel like you're really gearing up towards a banger. That said, there are a few tweaks here and there that I think would improve the sig. The biggest critique I'd give has to do with the text - I think the drop shadow is too jarringly dark and, especially on the left side when it interacts with the light, its a bit funky. I would lower the opacity on it by a lot. The rotations on the two texts are a bit off, the SDM part is slanted more downwards than the player text and they should be on the same level. I would also move the text (or scale it) away from the right border as it comes a bit too close to touching the edge. The font I'm not crazy about but I think it works decently enough. Lastly, the overall contrast is a touch too high and the darker parts should be a touch less dark imo. If you're on Ps/Photopea, make an exposure adjustment layer and nudge the offset slider a bit so that the overall darkness is slightly less. For the stuff I do like, I think that you did a great job of combining your elements. The lighting effects and background really comes together well and it creates a complete piece. The render also has pretty solid quality despite the size and is lit well.


    7.5/10, don't let the huge body of critiques make you think that this isn't still a really solid sig , good job

  12. Review: I could block out the username and still know that this is a Steve sig lol. The type of effects you use are very distinct and I respect that. You've got everything down well - render is high quality and well-pronounced, background is very cool, text is alright. I think my biggest gripe would be how the text and render seeps into the background. With that style of font and the render being big and bold, I think that it would look better to have them standalone in the front rather than meshing with the BG.



  13. On 5/8/2023 at 9:36 AM, Arce said:

    San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week of 5/14/2023



    1. As we gear up for the playoffs, who do you think could be a darkhorse team?

    2. When the weather is really nice, what is your favorite thing to do?

    3. The S88 season is coming to a close, how do you feel about your player's performance?

    4. What are you hoping to improve on your player for next season?

    5. Do you have a celebrity crush? If so, who?

    6. Are you modeling your player after a real life player? If so, who?


    1. The Reapers are on a hot streak coming into the playoffs and I think they could be a surprise.

    2. Going outside and being active.

    3. Still hunting for that first 3-stars appearance but for having double-digit TPE my player is doing fine.

    4. Definitely want to net more goals.

    5. Kirsten Bell for sure.

    6. Nope I don't know what a hockey playstyle is.

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