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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Damn straight like step up STZ my stats are hurting
  2. I can only at this very point offer back up spot. However i will fit you into some games Offer would be 1million for the year
  3. What a mess this years been players missing. Updates not being done, lines not being uploaded, player pages not being moved. Good season to have a massive scale recruitment drive :/
  4. Its hurting me alot cuz i have so many interchangeable pieces i want to move but cant
  5. @Higgins did u not get my lines?
  6. Hey @Will http://vhlforum.com/topic/43532-s57-c-josh-stronk-tpe-133/ Stronk build is wrong can this pleasw be changed thanks! Aslo @Beaviss part of that issue might be hes not on calgary roster list not mine as hes playing down this season thanks!
  7. @Broalie34 this threat if you link it to your updates u can get 2 TPE to upgrade your player @MexicanCow same goes for you man
  8. Mathieu Bourdon Adam Warlock @Bushito
  9. Komarov family inspiring others now?
  10. Ike Arkander and Chase Keller @Bushito
  11. @Will whatever spot Oyya Arryo is in my line up when you readd Josh Stronk to my roster please place him there as Oyya has been called up an i signed Stronk
  12. Id assume ull be in it next sim
  13. @124715 As you will offically be embarking on ur 4th season since VHLM draft. You are now able to select a team you wish to play for. @Spade18 @diamond_ace @Smarch @eaglesfan036 I will likely pass as we are extremely deep on the wings. However for GMs he is a very good LR guy when around and built a very solid sim player.
  14. Saskatoon offers u second line spot on a legit contender playing with 2 high end wingers. 1mil
  15. Come play for a contender 2nd line is all yours run with an elite offense 2mill
  16. The obvious choice here is Franchise Cornerstone @Bushito
  17. @Tyler abit late? Boeser is an American
  18. Top 2 lines dominating right off the hop good job boys!
  19. Come join the Wild we are cup contenders ud get top line minutes with the best in the VHLM. 2mill is my offer
  20. I suck at these but ill try again
  21. May i ask why? NHL hands out an award for coming out on top and making it to the finals why shouldnt we?
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