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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. With Samsonov in the system and Holtbeast manning the crease right now makes me wonder what the future holds for Grub:( think hes an Nhl starter just wont be for the Caps. For me is between Vrana and Bowey
  2. I just want my caps to win a cup, having one of the best regular seasons in history to probably choke in the first/second round again
  3. That top line chemistry just too good
  4. Somehow i end up with 4th overall and have to draft a guy ranked 16th in TPE (not serious just having some fun im allowed sometimes haha)
  5. Got two firsts, and a second in this draft im fine with that and Davos is so bad thos year 1st overall is basically ours unless we get fucked by head office again lol jk
  6. Came in here expecting a star, all i got was a career 4th liner
  7. How to Run a Successful franchise into the ground Step 1 Let All Your Best Players Walk For Nothing I think the title says it all, but for all those people who want to ruin a franchise this is the first step. Got a big name star? Maybe a guy like Mason Richardson, or Thomas O'Malley heck even the slightly lower tier guys the Freedom McJustice, or Maxime Perron. If you don't ever want to win games, hell even compete just let them walk to FA let them go for nothing. Why trade them for a serious asset that could help speed up the rebuild you don't want. I mean come on winning is for losers, we want to dig this franchise into the ground losing is the way to go now a days. That means avoiding big marque type players let them walk from your team you don't want them. Step 2 Trade All Your Draft Picks That is right, you don't want to draft good players so trade your high end picks for guys who are retiring, or even can barely play hockey. You want to surround your team with the worst assets possible, no star just a bunch of guys who can barely skate. Maybe teach a chimp to play the game so you can sell seats, just make sure he does not get too good, if he does trade him too. Purge all your draft picks every year that you can trade do it, helps other teams and shows others your serious about losing for a long time. Step 3 Create A Toxic Environment. Nobody want to play fora douche bag, if you make the market the least attractable thing out there, maybe even the worst players will not show up.If you can manage to, do that you guarantee losses. Can't play if you can not ice a roster, you will just have to forfeit every game that is a huge bonus for you, as nobody likes winners anyways always bragging and cocky. Make sure nobody wants to come near that franchise even for the entire cap that you would be willing to pay them given you have no other players anyways. Step 4 Sell The Franchise To Owners Without Money How can you sign free agents, or even a coach and general manager without any money? The answer is you can't well maybe, just get a team of chimps or maybe even a race of super intelligent dogs.Reality is without an owner with money you can not ice a team, without a team there is no way you can win. That means the owners are selling tickets to fans who get to see the other team warm up for there next game, instead of watching two teams play. That is genius its free money after all which they probably will just spend on drugs, booze and prostitutes that way they can not buy players after words. Step 5 Do Not Show Up For Work Nothing smells greater then the stench of not showering, no pants on doing whatever you want well some team pays you to not do your job. You can just relax by the beach, maybe hit up the local strip joint? Who knows, but as the general manager of a team that has no players, and just wants to lose so they pay you millions of dollars to do so is just great. The cars the women and not a care in the world. This is all made possible by your lack of showing up for the job they pay you for, its a pretty awesome perk isn't it?
  8. King robbies not a bad guy. Weve had our differences for sure, but he seems driven to succeed
  9. It sucks for sure im sorry Holik wish your rookie year could be smoother man
  10. Accept, Its always tough dealing a loyal foot solider, but with his inactivity and our need for picks to help speed along the rebuild this just made sense. If Ahma comes back i wish him the best of luck. And hope you can win a cup
  11. Gotta take my 3 this week been very busy all my time heres been for GM duty
  12. Holy shit i won an award!!!! Never thought i would
  13. Im a GM, i wont be slacking lol thats for sure. First time since my sons birth ive been really active around here. Usually kept to my lr and welfare
  14. 7.5mill and cuz i got cap to burn:p
  15. Davos new GM, has fans of the franchise feeling alive again. Its been a long time since a GM, has such passion and drive. Despite lacking a roster, only a few pieces to work with you wouldnt be able to tell the situation was bleak by asking the GM. I expect we will shock a few people, we are going to work our asses off. Nobody is going to come here and have an easy game. We want our opponents to earn their ice. If a player doesnt buy in star or not they will sit, im a no nonsense type of guy. This infectious attitude, has seens to renew faith in those players who lost it with the whirlwind tour. I want to bring stability to this franchise, i want to bring the next great dynasty. I have kept an open door, kept my players in the loop of all my plans. I think its fair, will they always know everything no, but i believe in letting them know if it effects them. That creates a trust, thats crutial if you want everyone to buy in.
  16. Guess i should say some words Its certianly interesting to see what occured, and how it changes. As ive stated over and over i dont really care much. I knew id be in for a tough show, given my only real tradeable assest is Sinclair. And the goalie market does not exsist. Lucky for me it appears i managed to gain some faith, from my top prospect King Robbie. In which he will give me a shot to prove the team will be great again. Now one things i cant say is what these franchise looked like when they took over. But my franchise might aswell be a ghost town. At best i figure 3 seasons before i can even make the playoffs. Right now i have a semi active, a goalie close to retirement that i couldnt trade for bloody peanuts, a top tier prospect, and well now my two current draftees. So basically i have 4 players, dont mistake it im not whining. Id rather have added some higher end prospects but not gunna argue with the call. End of the day, i just hope this can be fixed, atleast come up with something that covers most situations. I didnt really want to be a GM till isaw what happened with Davos, i hates seeing the team i gave everything too like this. I wont quit, or let what occured stop me from winning a cup and making the next dynasty
  17. S48 2.5million Want an upcoming team well doesnt get any better than Davos
  18. Maybe we found a mini me i wasnt afraid to voice my opinion when i started either
  19. Its unfortunate you didnt want to be here, im going to build something special. Youll regret it
  20. Thanks for the heads up Just ignore this thread please
  21. Lol i def havent sat around and done nothing. Already made like 8 or 9 FA offers, talked with most of my active squad. Weighed options for my team going into next year. We may not win alot of games next year, but you can bet your ass it wont be cause i am not trying
  22. Ah didnt know this so now he has to accept? Or did he sign
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