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About LittleRiDog

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  1. Interesting Stuff
  2. Slowly moving up. Hopefully I can hit that 21st mark to match the spot where I was drafted lol
  3. +6 https://efl.network/forums/index.php?/topic/16055-a-look-at-the-upcoming-draft/
  4. +6 https://efl.network/forums/index.php?/topic/15657-a-look-at-the-efl-championship-game/
  5. Don't come at Gary like that ?
  6. https://efl.network/forums/index.php?/topic/15583-interview-with-expansion-gm-kate-upton/ +6
  7. nice lmao
  8. Damn Gary kinda goated ?
  9. I lead the tournament in points? Am I like actually good or something lmao
  10. Yes sirrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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