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Posts posted by dasboot

  1. 2 hours ago, Mr_Hatter said:




    Answer 6 question to claim 2 TPE


    1. So, what is your favorite flavour of ice cream?

    2. Give me some movie recommendations!

    3. Predict our record over the next 10 games!

    4. Only 3 points separate 2nd and 5th. Close season so far! Have any thoughts?

    5. Do you wish we were still in Oslo or do you like Minnesota?

    6. Who do you think will win the cup in the VHL?


    1. Cookie dough for sure, Haagen Dazs is the best but it's very dear

    2. The Prestige, Lawless, Inception are a few of my all-time favourites

    3. 7-2-1, feel like we're a great team but don't think we have the chemistry figured out yet to take down some of the other top teams.

    4. Yeah, seems the top teams all have a shot this year. May come down to who is willing to make some moves to push their team over the top.

    5. Minnesota is a cool place for me to experience North America, people are real friendly here too.

    6. Think Moscow gets the repeat. They started out cold but have come back blazing.

  2. Canucks_Flames_Fight_Two_Seconds.jpg


    With the drop of the puck, S71 of the VHL and M got underway last night. Amongst all the Covid-19 pandemic, VHL Commissioners said, "Fuck it, we're gonna keep playing." And that's exactly what we have started. For youngster Latrell Mitchell of the Minnesota Storm, the continuation of the season has him excited. "I could be back in Australia in quarantine with the shit show going on over there, everyone are losing their jobs, my parents included, so I'm gonna play to make some money to support them back home." Although Minnesota didn't get off to the start that they wanted, dropping 2 of their 3 opening games, management and the players are still optimistic. "I feel we have what it takes to repeat this year. We have a great team, it's just lots of new faces so we have to get used to playing together, that's all," said Latrell. Mitchell who posted just 4 points, all assists, in 18 games last season with Mexico City has already matched that total in just 3 games this season. He started off the season strong getting his first career VHLM goal in the first game of the season. "I feel like my off-season training has really shown, I've worked my ass off and I hope I've impressed the doubters. Obviously lots of my success thus far goes to the great teammates I have, but I hope it's only up from here. It doesn't matter what my stat line is if the team isn't winning, that's number one for me." Management of the Storm has liked Mitchell's enthusiasm and leadership skills thus far, even going as far to put an 'A' on his jersey this season. Mitchell said, "It's an absolute honour to be an alternate captain in my first full season in the league. It was really unexpected too so was a nice surprise. I'm going to go out and show them it wasn't a mistake to give me that letter." We'll keep you updated as the season progresses on Latrell Mitchell and the Minnesota Storm.

  3. 11 hours ago, Mr_Hatter said:




    Answer 6 question to claim 2 TPE


    1. What body part do you most consistently injure playing hockey?

    2. Have you lost any teeth? Better question, do you have any teeth left?

    3. Would you rather never shave again or never grow a beard again?

    4. Who is your favorite musical artist?

    5. Do you like going to museums? Should we take a team bonding trip?

    6. What do you think is the weirdest pre-game ritual one of your teammates has? Or you have?

    7. Would you rather get called out for a bad performance or get ignored for a good one?

    8. Tell me how your day has been!

    1. Definitely the wrists. From taking clap bombs and other things that use the wrist

    2. Who hasn’t lost teeth playing hockey? Lucky I’ve got a good dentist 

    3. Never shave again. Got that baby face 

    4. Luke Combs gotta be up there right now, that guy can’t make bad music

    5. Depends what kind of museum it is, but for the most part nah. 
    7. Called out for a bad performance, should always get called out for a bad one. 

  4. With the VHLM Dispersal Draft concluding today, one of the prospects had mixed feelings about his selection. Latrell Mitchell was drafted 9th overall by the Minnesota Storm. “I was excited to go in the first round, absolutely thrilled don’t get me wrong, but I feel there were people that went ahead of me that I’m clearly better than. And on the opposite end, there were people picked after me that I thought would have went beforehand. So all in all it’s probably exactly where I should have went, was just surprised by the whole thing.” Upon asked about how he felt going to Minnesota, Latrell said, “Look, I’m excited to get drafted by anyone. I’m excited to go to a team with a winning mentality having won the championship last year, and hope I can be part of the solution for the repeat. However, I’m not thrilled with having to deal with winter,” he laughed. “It was exciting for me to go to Mexico last year, because the climate was very similar to back home, but now looks like I’m going to have to buy a parka. Nah I’m stoked mate. Looking forward to meeting the team.” Latrell looks to slot in on the top pairing this year which will hopefully lead to a repeat. 

  5. 1. First of all congrats on going in the first round! How do you feel about getting drafted to Minnesota?

    2. Do you feel you have what it takes to back the Storm to a second straight championship?

    3. Are you excited to design a new mask for your new team, and if so, what do you have in mind? 
    4. A big competitor for Minnesota this year will be your old team Vegas, how do you feel about that?

    5. Looking at the roster in front of you, how likely do you think the Storm are to repeat?

    6. Based on your current training regime, do you feel you need a few more seasons in the VHLM before graduating to the big leagues?

  6. Transaction ID: 12L88480SL1413054

    Doubles Week - Claim Week End March 22

    Doubles Week - Claim Week End March 29

    5 TPE - Claim Week End March 22

    Full Free Week - Claim Week End May 24

  7. .. I want to be like Berocka Sundqvist. When it comes to Australian players currently in the VHL, Sundqvist’s name is on the back of the jersey of  everyone that cheers for hockey in Australia. That also goes for young aspiring defenseman Latrell Mitchell. “Ever since I’ve watched VHL hockey, Berocka Sundqvist has definitely been my favourite player. He is exactly who I want to sculpt my game after and now that there’s possibly the chance to play with or against him, it’s just surreal.” With already two championships under his name, Sundqvist has seen success early in his career. He’s also had some very good statistical seasons and if he could push his game to that next level, he may even go down as one of the greatest Australian players of all time. Latrell Mitchell can only hope that his career path heads in a similar way and that he can have half the success that Sundqvist has had thus far. 

  8. Week 7 into the off-season


    1. What has been your favorite memory this season?

    2. What VHL/VHLM team are you hoping to get drafted to next season?

    3. Now that we've been yeeted, who's going to win the VHLM cup?

    4. What kind of payment bonuses do you think should be added to the VHLM contracts?

    5. How are you going to spend the off-season?

    6. What's your favorite vacation spot?


    1. My favourite memory was just getting to play for a team. Even though I didn't have much success, and the team got swept in the playoffs, the experience was nice

    2. I'm happy to play for any VHLM team that wants me, have already had some interest but would be happy to come back to Mexico.

    3. The Lynx will win because that's who knocked us, otherwise we would have won.

    4. Should get a bonus just for showing up. Give me all the cash.

    5. Gonna spend the off-season continuing to train and hopefully get my name out there before the VHLM Draft.

    6. Favourite vacation spot is back home in 'strays at the beach surfing 

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