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Posts posted by dasboot

  1. 12 hours ago, ShawnGlade said:

    5/4 - 5/10


    1. Now that our season is officially over, how do you feel about this team?

    2. Is there anything you wish was done differently this season?

    3. Out of the teams remaining, who do you think will win the cup?

    4. What comes next in the career of your player?

    5. Are you being drafted this offseason? If so, where are you aiming to go?

    6. What's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

    7. How much TPE are you aiming for by the end of the offseason?

    8. Who's your favorite teammate on this team?


    1. Was a good season, good team. Thought we had pulled it all together at the end with that 16 game winning streak so pretty gutted to go out the way we did. 

    2. Yeah, win in the playoffs. 

    4. Get drafted to whoever wants to pick me and become a VHL star.

    5. Yeah not sure where I'm gonna go, both team and position in the draft. Haven't heard anything from any teams at this point.

    6. Cookie dough

    7. Hoping to be over 300 before I start my VHL career.

  2. MINNESOTA - The Storm came into the playoffs on a loss to the Yukon Rush, but prior to that a massive 16 game winning streak is the high that they were on. All things clicked for the team and they thought they could continue that through the first round. The opposite happened though as the Marlins came out strong and surprised Minnesota with a 3-1 lead in the first 4 games. The offence for San Diego was firing on all levels and the Storm's offence and goaltending just couldn't keep up. Things were a bit grim in the locker room but there was confidence that they could come back and win the series. "We aren't done yet, let's go out there and do what we've been doing all season and win these next 3 games and go on to the finals," said defenseman and alternate captain Latrell Mitchell after a disappointing game 4 loss. "You know we can do it, I know we can do it, so all that's left is to go out there and get it done, no more excuses." With Minnesota coming off a championship year, expectations were high for the fans and the players of the team themselves. Mitchell being a first year player for the Storm also took the pressure on himself to go for a repeat. Game 5 in Minnesota, a potential elimination game was do or die. Squirrely dan got the Storm on the board just 4 minutes into the game and that got the momentum going. From there Minnesota connected for 4 goals on the PP which led to a 6-2 win over the Marlins and kept them alive for another day. Latrell Mitchell contributed 1 goal and 2 assists in the win. When being interviewed after the game, the reporter informed Latrell that he had gotten the first star, "I didn't even realised, doesn't matter about that though, all that matters is that we got the W and that I was able to help play part in that. This game is behind us now, we have 2 more to win and that's what we're looking ahead to, we aren't done yet."

  3. On 4/30/2020 at 3:51 AM, Mr_Hatter said:




    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 TPE


    1. Well, it’s time for playoffs? Is this your first time making a run for the cup, or have been around the block before?

    2. We had a really nice run of games there towards the end of the season. Do you feel that is more a fluke, or how our team has come together? 

    3. We are going to match up against the San Diego Marlins. Predict how you think the series will go!

    4. Unfortunately we narrowly missed out on 3rd place, by just one point, to Yukon. Do you think that home field advantage might come back to bite us?

    5. Do you think this season will find any first round upsets? 

    6. Congrats to both Aleelee Kiak and Robin Winter for tying for most points on the team! How important are those two to our team’s success?

    7. What are you most looking forward to about the playoffs?

    8. What are you least looking forward to?


    1. First time in a competitive league, looking forward to it.

    2. I think the team really came together and showed that we are an elite force. The development of our goaltender really helped out a lot too.

    3. I thought we would have cleaned up, but not looking so great as it is. Hopefully can pull a come back.

    4. I think we probably should have passed Yukon and beat them in that last game, it will come back to bite us if we can't even get out of the first round.

    5. Maybe us, lol.

    6. Yeah those two drove our offence all year, so obviously super important to team success. Feel like we had good options all the way through our lineup but.

  4. I’m not sure why but I didn’t think I’d actually hit the VHLM cap before the season ended. Keep in mind that there’s only a few games left in said season, but technically I did hit it with about 10 games to go. And to be completely honest I’m happy that I didn’t hit the cap earlier because I already thought damn, I can’t even apply the TPE that I earn now so what’s the point? Needless to say, I don’t plan on missing any available TPE going forward so it’ll just be banking for now, that is until playoffs are over. What did surprise me though is it seems that as soon as I hit 250 and got updated into the sim, my player seemed to start performing like crazy. Latrell Mitchell is how far and away above point per game which I didn’t expect going into the season and even had a 5 point game in there! Unreal, would have been cool to see what he could have done in a whole season. Looking forward to playoffs now and then the draft. 

  5. 9 hours ago, Mr_Hatter said:




    Answer 6 question to claim 2 TPE


    1. We just hopped over the Reapers for 3rd place, though they have a game in hand. What position do you think we will end up with at the end of the season?

    2. We only have 13 games left. What personal milestones are you hoping to hit by the end of the regular season?

    3. We have a fairly kind run out, except for playing Yukon twice near the end. How do you think that will go?

    4. Who are you hoping to avoid playing in the playoffs? Anyone?

    5. Are there any team’s you would prefer to play?

    6. Who do you think will end the season with the most points on our team? Winter currently leads with 97.

    7. Give me your favorite fun fact!


    1. Think we can hold onto 3rd, just need to get over the hump of playing the Rush.

    2. I'm currently there, but hoping to maintain a point per game and a + rating. Ideally would like to get +12 or higher to cancel out my - last season.

    3. Yeah hoping to get some good confidence in our last games before playoffs, and beating Yukon at the end would definitely do that for us.

    4. Well like I've said I don't think we've won against Yukon yet, so unless it's in the finals let's avoid them.

    5. Nah Minnesota has been good to me so far, wish the locker room was a bit more active but. 

    6. Winter is the guy that's been carrying our offense all season and I expect him to continue that, so pretty easy choice there. 

  6. For whatever reason, every time an update of mine is approved I check the S72 TPE Rankings to see where I stand in the draft. And almost every time I sit in 5th in TPE. There's the odd time that I am above pennypenny by a TPE or two but that's just because I earn at the start of the week and he earns at the end of the week. There's zero chance of catching McWolf, Sonnet or Jubo07, and as far as penny doesn't miss anything, I'm gonna remain 5th. oilmandan donated too, and is closing in on me, but don't think he can pass me. So as it stands, I sit at 5th. So why do I keep checking? Coronavirus? Bored as fuck? Yeah probably those things. Now being ranked 5th in TPE obviously has no say where I will go in the draft. As it stands I'm the top ranked defensemen and I have no idea what needs are in the league, but let's start it early anyways. #dasboot1oa 


    Why not? Sure you can take the sure thing in McWolf but where's the fun in that? I read a couple times that first gens are "risky" and whatnot, but take the risk, don't be scared. I'm not going anywhere. See what happens come closer to draft time



  7. 1 hour ago, Mr_Hatter said:




    Answer 6 question to claim 2 TPE


    1. What do you think about the new GM hirings for Ottawa and Las Vegas?

    2. Do you think you would like to be a GM some day?

    3. Are you excited for the WJC? Think you will be on a team? Do you know what the WJC even is?

    4. What job in the VHL do you think you would like the least?

    5. Have you been on the recent Tiger Kings Hype? If so, is it worth it? If not, why not?

    6. Rate our performance over the past 5 games, using whatever criteria you feel like. 

    7. What is the best kind of jam/jelly?

    1. Yeah don’t know too much but hopefully they aren’t great so we can succeed more. 
    2. It’s a possibility, think it would be fucked trying to do some stuff with the big time zone difference. 
    3. Guessing it’s world junior competition, and Australia probably won’t have a team in it lol 

    4. Not really sure what all the jobs would be. Updating may be annoying but not sure what the portal looks like for that so it’s probably easy 

    5. Watched last week over all the hype, it’s a big meh from me, not as drama filled as I thought it would be. People in this world are crazy but 

    7. Raspberry is probably the go to, although if you can find it pineapple is absolute fire 


  8. MINNESOTA -  One of the big questions coming into the season for the defending champions Storm was between the pipes. Taking what was thought to be a risk at 7th overall, goaltender Woody McPine has turned out to be worth it all. He's been improving at a steady rate and becoming the starting goaltender that the Storm need to make another run at a cup this year. Woody boasts a 21-8-1 record with .876 SV% and 3.16 GAA which are much improved over the .855 SV% and 5.31GAA he had last season in Las Vegas. With that he has 2 shutouts on the year. But those numbers are only improving with a massive performance in his last two games, only allowing 1 goal in each and obviously picking up the wins. It seems that by playoffs come, he will be a premiere starter in this league and will likely see one more season in the VHLM before graduating, and whoever he plays for next season will have the best goaltender in the league without a doubt. But for now, let's see if McPine can back the Minnesota Storm to that repeat.

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