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Posts posted by dasboot

  1. On 9/12/2020 at 1:50 PM, LatinViking said:

    S74 draft has just passed... Being so, this week we're gonna have draft related questions! 


    1) What is your favorite draft memory? Why?

    2) Are you surprised by any pick on this last draft? 

    3) What do you think are the strengths of s74 Wranglers draft class? 

    4) what would you made different if you had the chance? 

    5) have you been able to chat with the rookies? If so what are your thoughts? 

    6) If you could pick any trade from last draft and change it, witch would it be? 


    1. Getting drafted of course, pretty self explanatory 

    2. Surprised that Thornton dropped so far to us, but a win regardless

    3. Honestly could not tell you, seemed like a very deep draft with active players into the 3rd round

    4. With my player? Would make him not be such a plug lol

    5. Yeah talked a bit with jtv, Kyle and Byrne, seem like real good pickups 

    6. Not really sure what trades we made last season tbh, we got mongoose so can't complain 

  2. Latrell Mitchell has spent just 2 seasons in the VHL both with the Calgary Wranglers whom he was drafted to at 3rd overall. Both of these seasons have seen great team success with Calgary being the best regular season team in S72 and making it to the cup finals only to lose the Reign and losing in game 7 in the conference finals this past season. And while that team success has been good, it still hasn’t gotten us to the promise land that is a cup. Gm Jubis has continued to make moves so that we can continue to push for that much wanted championship and there is faith that we can get there, but after you win one what’s the point of playing? You already accomplished it all. I mean if you’re one of the top players in the league, individual stats and awards are nice but let’s be honest, Mitchell isn’t there and likely won’t get there.  So maybe if I can get my hands on that cup that will be it for Latrell. 

  3. On 9/8/2020 at 12:24 AM, Jubis said:



    1. You lost in game 7 vs Seattle. How painful was this loss compared to others you have experienced ?


    2. The VHL finals are upon us. Who are you rooting for ? 


    3. The S74 draft is right around the corner.  Who is someone you would like Calgary to select ? 


    4. What are your plans for the off season? 


    5. What is something you would like to accomplish in the S74 season ? 


    6. The Wranglers  billionaire owner wanted all players to have their own horse. All players were given a horse to ride to practices and home games.  What are you naming your horse ?

    inappropriate horse GIF

    @Ricer13 @Beketov @Jubis @Speed

    @Tagger @dasboot @Matt_O @Mongoose87 @SlapshotDragon

    1.  Was brutal loss especially after being up 3-1 in the series. Seeing now how Seattle handled Helsinki we probably would have won the cup

    2. Would have been nice for a new team to win but Seattle has lots of good guys 

    3. Draft has passed now but we got some great guys with our picks 

    4. Train a bit, get a bit better and hopefully come out stronger next year 

    5. Wouldn’t mind getting closer to that point per game mark but winning is always number 1 

    6. Been on horses my whole life, gonna call this new one Buck

  4. 9 hours ago, Jubis said:

    1. How do you think your team has played throughout this series vs NY so far? 


    2. A Texas Holdem cash game was played on your team's private flight to New York. Who was the big winner ?


    3. Whats your favourite tourist attraction in New York City ? 


    4. What VHL team was your favourite city to visit this past season ? 


    5. With his retirement announced is Jet Jaguar a Hof player ? 


    6. Do you take a nap every game day ?


    1. We got the win in yet another game 7, thought we outplayed them the entire series but Red Guy stole a few games.

    2. Rice cheated but we caught him so he's the big loser

    3. Any pub that has ice cold tap beer

    4. Any time you get to fly over and visit a European city is pretty special

    5. Is that gorlab's player? Not really sure what HOF threshold is but based on a user induct the poor bloke

    6. I take a nap every single day

  5. On 8/24/2020 at 12:29 AM, Jubis said:

    1.  Its that time of the season again. The playoffs are around the corner.  Your team has clinched a spot.  Are you ready ? 


    2. What are your expectations for your team going into the playoffs ? 


    3. Who do you think makes the finals out of the Euro conference ? 


    4. What two teams make the NHL stanley cup finals ? 


    5. Who will be Calgary's playoff MVP ? 


    6. Are you happy with your players performance this season ? 


    1. Let's do this. We couldn't get it done last year but we had the pressure of being the best team in the league, this year we get it done

    2. Win the cup, that's the expectations every year

    3. Probably Riga again, and this time we take them down

    4. Tampa and Vegas

    5. Lafontaine

    6. Could have been better but big improvements on last season so can't be too upset

  6. On 8/17/2020 at 8:50 AM, Jubis said:

    1. After a few weeks of .500 hockey you find yourself on a current 6 game winning streak. It is rumored that Wranglers Captain Kris Rice @Ricer13 gave the team one hell of speech that sparked this current streak.  What did he say ?


    2. With theme week just occurring.  What is your idea for a next player name and position ? 


    3. If the VHL must go into a bubble city for the playoffs, what city would the playoffs be held in ? 


    4. @Speed Willie Drege invites the team for a tube ride, floating down the Bow River in Calgary.  Which player had the most awkward looking inflatable floaty ? What did it look like ?


    5.  The equipment manager found a picture of Sigard Gunnar @Big Mac glued inside of Lafontaine's @SlapshotDragon goalie helmet.  Does this really surprise anyone?


    6.  The Calgary Wranglers have announced that every player on the team will receive a $250,000 dollar bonus if you make the playoffs.  The only catch is, the money must be spent outside of the VHL and in 24 hours.  So lets say you make the playoffs this season.  How are you spending your $250k ? 



    1. Rice didn't have to say anything, he just led by example killing it on the ice then came in the LR and said your turn

    2. My next player will be a VHLM star forward who never makes the leap to the big leagues

    3. Probably Canadian cities, Toronto or Calgary 

    4. Zod had a pink flamingo floaty, he's very comfortable with his sexuality

    5. Nah those two were always bromancing

    6. I'm getting myself a lambo

  7. On 8/10/2020 at 3:33 AM, Jubis said:


    1.  Did you even notice the forum was down for a few hours today ?


    2. How much of the NHL playoffs have you watched so far ? 


    3. If you had to give our bot goalie a name, what would it be ? 


    4.  How many seasons would you be willing to miss the playoffs, if it meant winning 1 Cup ? 


    5. It is rumoured Sigard Gunnar's helmet does not fit on his head anymore.  Why is that ? 


    6.  Rating it from 1 to 10 how do you think this season has gone for your team so far ? 



    1. Nah don't even look at the forums 

    2. Been trying to watch as much as I can, hard when most of the games start at midnight

    3. Winner, guys been killing it this year

    4. Hard question, if you're making the playoffs you still have a chance at the cup so probably rather make it every year

    5. Because he's killing it this year and obviously his head got too big

    6. Probably a 5, think we had super high expectations and while we're doing decent we aren't meeting them

  8. On 8/3/2020 at 5:46 AM, Jubis said:

    1.  Similar to S72, Calgary is almost unbeatable at home. The difference is how disastrous on the road they have been.  (HOME 10-1-1) , (AWAY 4-9-1) Why is Calgary so bad on the road so far ? 


    2.  The Wranglers obvious weakness through 26 games, has been their lack of goals for.  Calgary has 70 GF , which ranks 14th overall.  How does your team start scoring more goals going forward ? 


    3.  Which VHL team has surprised you the most so far this season ? 



    4.  If the wranglers go on a big winning streak, are you going to change your lucky underwear ? 


    5.  Which one of your teammates has the worst diet during the season ? 


    6.  what European team do you predict makes it all the way to the Cup finals ? 


    1. We miss our families too much on the road

    2. Either have to figure out some strong chemistry to get going or make a move to shake things up. Obviously losing Gunnar and Barabash was a huge hit

    3. I think DC being bad again is a surprise, I see them as one of the best on paper

    4. If we win 5 games in a row I won't change my underwear for the rest of the season

    5. The rookie Kosmo Kramerev is still young and has a high metabolism, give it a couple seasons and he'll have to improve his diet

    6. Probably Riga again, they are a strong team

  9. On 7/25/2020 at 9:14 PM, Jubis said:



    1.  The Calgary Wranglers have struggled out of the gate. The hardest loss to take was a 54 save performance by "A Red Guy " in game 1.  What was the mood on the bench mid game when no pucks were getting past him ?


    2.  What teammate would you go suit shopping with ?


    3. After a few incidents, the Wranglers management team needs to hire a new bus driver. Do you know a retired VHL player that might be interested  in the job ?


    4. You are at a restaurant with the team. You must make a split second decision. How do you like your steak ? and Soup or Salad ?


    5.  RJ Jubis sets up his music player in the locker room. Then proceeds to play " Avril Lavigne-Complicated ", while singing along.  Is this normal behavior from him ? 


    6. What is one thing you would like The Wranglers to do differently for this weeks games  ?


    1. Pretty low but optimistic as we knew we were better than that. We have already turned it around.

    2. Lafontaine is a classy mfer so would shop with him

    3. I don't follow the league well enough to know too many retirees. Maybe Smitty just coming off retirement to stick with the team

    4. Medium rare, the only way to order a steak. Salad in summer, soup in winter

    5. Sounds about right

    6. Win

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