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Posts posted by okifenoki



    Unsatisfied with his personal production, Pietro had been grinding hard over the last few weeks. Making sure to go all-in at practice and push himself to the limits, Pietro was hoping things would start to turn around for him. A few games of being left off the scoresheet had put a sour taste in his mouth which, judging by the 2+ Hits-Per-Game he had been averaging, he had begun to take out on his opponents. But Pietro wanted a more well-rounded game on the ice and took to the passing and shooting drills with his linemates, Brewitt @JBrew42 and the new 2nd Line LW Michael Mac @LastOneUp. The Hounds are a well rounded squad and it is all about the team but the 2nd Line is hungry behind the 1st Line's Production.


    Monday, 6/8/2020, the arena is packed and the Hounds face-off with the Halifax 21st. It's sure to be a good battle. Angellini is feeling good tonight and looking to capitalize on the recent hard work. Play begins and the Hounds are disheveled, leading to letting in an early goal. Halifax up 1-0 only 2:34 into the game. The Hounds needed to tighten up. The battle continues, a stalemate is forming in the middling minutes of Period 1. Then, at 9:22 into the period, Big 6'8" D-Man @Kisslinger finds Mac @LastOneUp down low, who feeds it to Angellini in front of the net. GOAL! Pietro is overjoyed and the 2nd Liners bask in the Light of the Lamp. 1-1 Tied Up. 


    Again, a stalemate develops between the Hounds and the 21st. With Goaltender Tonn @MexicanCow123 doing what he does best, the Hounds are free to push the puck hard and try to get the forecheck moving. Just then, newly acquired D-Man Teriyaki Chicken @Hpep steals the puck in the defensive zone and stretch passes it up the left-hand boards, IT'S A BREAKAWAY! Mac @LastOneUp is skating top speed but is trailed by two Halifax defenders. Mac looks over and Angellini is screaming down Center Ice, seemingly uncovered. Mac dishes a sexy saucer over the defenders stick, freezes the goaltender, GOAL! 2-1 Hounds! Second Line Magic tonight, boys!


    The rest of the Game was a Goaltender Battle between Tonn @MexicanCow123 and Hex Valentine @DrHexDex of the 21st. With the Hounds pushing hard and firing 44 total shots, Valentine put up one hell of an effort to give his guys a shot. But, just the same, Tonn @MexicanCow123 matched Valentine's performance, letting nothing by him for 2 solid periods.


    Hounds win!



    1 - Pietro Angellini (MIS)
    2 - Michael Mac (MIS)
    3 - Jacob Tonn (MIS)


    Pietro's hard work had paid off. Only better nights are sure to come!




  2. Mississauga Press Conference for Week Ending June 14th

    1. We've been battling with Mexico City and Philadelphia for fourth all season. What do you think you it will take to overtake them for good?


    Solid production across the board. Getting the defense more involved on both ends of the ice and making sure we offer goal support for Tonn in net.

    2. It's WJC this week! Who are you cheering for and why?


    USA. Because they really need a win right now.


    3. Who has made the biggest improvement this season? Can be anyone in the VHL or VHLM!


    Honesty, Michael Mac @LastOneUp has been very impressive.


    4. The trade deadline is next Monday. Are there any moves you would like to see for the team?


    I'd like to see us add a D-Man or maybe a nice Winger.


    5. What's your pre-game ritual?


    70's Soul Music. 


    6. Have you acquired any new skills during the isolation period?


    I have been steadily working on my graphics/photo editing skills. I am also getting ready to build a high-end PC.

  3. 1) A strong set of sims has pushed us into 5th in the league and 2nd in both our conference and division, sitting only behind the Minnesota Storm. How do these results motivate you for the rest of the season?


    Huge games, boys. I am hyped and looking to max TPE every week to help the squad.


    2) Where do you think our biggest strengths lie as a team?


    First line and in net.


    3) To the same token, what are our biggest weaknesses?


    We have had a bit of a rough go on goals-against. Need to tighten up defensively.


    4) When you first created, what did you value more? Ice time or team success?


    I just wanted to be part of a team and try to chip in where I could.


    5) Who has had the biggest breakout season for second/third season players?


    JaredN @jared has been raking lately.


    6) If we had a Hound fight club (IF we did...), who would be the scariest to go up against?


    I feel like Tonn @MexicanCow123 would pull some streetfight moves.

  4. Good Afternoon, All,


    As a proud member of the VHLM's Mississauga Hounds I felt it pertinent to take a look into a middling team's propensity for greatness.


    Now, this may be an unpopular and even outlandish opinion, but I believe the Mississauga Hounds are set-up to be a Darkhorse to contend for the S72 Founder's Cup. Before I go on, I do see the monumental task ahead of the Hounds, with Minnesota, Vegas, Saskatoon, and Mexico City sitting ahead of them in the standings an ALL looking like strong candidates in their own right for deep runs in the playoffs. But, stay with me here. With (2) two players already with over 40 points on the season, Mississauga has some firepower deployed on the top line. Led by JaredN @jared and Michael Mac @LastOneUp, with 45 and 41 points respectively, the top line of the Hounds is firing on all cylinders, only further solidified by RW Marshall James Frostbeard @FrostBeard, with an impressive 29 points already himself. That puts the top line of the Hounds with 115 points combined, demanding a deeper look into the Hounds current 5th Place standing in the VHLM. Chipping in on the second line are Gainer @joeg, Angellini @okifenoki, and Brewitt @JBrew42 combining for another 41 points themselves and a beastly 130 hits, cementing themselves as a physical change of pace line coming on the ice to spell the top dogs. The Hounds are shaping up to be an entertaining underdog for S72.


    But wait...


    Behind the magic of the points, the ferocity of the hits, appears Jacob Tonn @MexicanCow123 standing on his head in between the pipes. With 14 wins and a 0.904 SV% Tonn has himself in the Top 3 of the best Tenders in the VHLM. The Hounds backstop only furthers the magic of the upper middle ranked Hounds. 


    With a strong push, the Hounds can set themselves up for a Cinderella Story Run towards the Founder's Cup. They'll have to best some pretty solid squads in Minnesota, Vegas, Saskatoon, and Mexico City but they have a shot. And sometimes that is all it takes!

  5. Mississauga Hounds Press Conference week ending May 31 2020


    1. We are off to a bit of a rocky start, how hard do you think it will be to turn this around?


    Absolutely. I think with a good run of wins and goal support for our goaltender we can get back on track.


    2. If you were to guess what place do you think we will end up in end of season?


    I think we will contend. Maybe 4th or 5th.


    3. Who do you believe is Mississauga's biggest competitor this season?


    Las Vegas and Philly both look pretty strong.


    4. Now that we've started the season how well has your player preformed compared to what you expected from them?

    I think we tripped out of the gate but we are on our way to being solid. A few nice trades by @ColeMrtz and we are back in the mix.


    5. Are there any improvements that could be made to the Mississauga Discord LR and if so what are they?


    I enjoy the discord. Lots of activity and everyone is friendly.


    6. What part of the world are you from? I don’t need you to give exact town or city. A country, or state/province will work just fine.


    Born in Western PA. Grew up in FL. Now I'm in NC.

  6. After a roller coaster of an offseason, Pietro Angellini was gifted an opportunity as he was drafted by the Moscow Menace of the VHL and the Mississauga Hounds of the VHLM. Still developing, Angellini was assigned to the 2nd Line Centerman duties with the Hounds and hit the ground running, grinding through early morning skates and long gym sessions to bring everything he could to the table. Pietro had been improving but he had yet to bury his first goal with the Hounds. Pietro knew it would come with time and kept working with his linemates during line rushes, working out some kinks they had been struggling with early on in the season. The 2nd Line seems like it starting to mesh as a tough unit with dangerous scoring capability. 


    Before the Game, Angellini and his linemates, @JBrew42 and @joeg went over some last minute adjustments in the locker room. The 2nd Line was ready tonight. Gametime.


    It's late in Period 1 of Game 38, the Hounds are putting the pressure on the Marauders, up 2-0 with 5 minutes left on the clock. Keeping the pedal pushed, the Hounds rush the Zone, with @Ben Mills quarterbacking from the Blue Line, the big LD dishes the biscuit down the boards to @JBrew42. Avoiding a heavy check, @JBrew42 keeps his head up and sees Angellini jocking for position in front of the net. @JBrew42 protects the puck and sees Angellini curl around the net, creating an opening on the left of the crease. @JBrew42 saucers it in, tape-to-tape, and Angellini buries it past the Miami Goaltender @Bacon. The lamp lights and Angellini celebrates, crashing into the glass and celebrating with some young Hounds fans at the Paramount Fine Foods Centre. Hounds up 3-0. Now this was the type of Game the boys from Mississauga were looking to have. The Buzzer sounded and Period 1 came to an end.


    During Intermission, the Hounds were hyped in the locker room. With Jacob Tonn @MexicanCow123 out there standing on his head, the Marauders were stymied. But it was early on in the Game and the Hounds knew they had to keep pushing against a tough Miami Squad. Gainer @joeg, Brewitt @JBrew42, and Angellini went over some of their 1st Period miscues they felt they could develop on. Seeing a few opportunities, the 2nd Line discussed some alternate strategies to capitalize on a hole in the Miami Defense they kept seeing develop in the neutral zone.


    Period 2. Puck Drop. The 1st Line was out with @jared taking the faceoff, flanked by @FrostBeard and @LastOneUp. The guys put the pressure on, with a few scoring chances and solid neutral zone work. Over the boards, the 2nd Liners rushed the ice, replacing their winded teammates. Almost on cue, Angellini gets the puck in the defensive zone, turns sharp and rushes the open spot in the neutral zone, just outside the left faceoff dot. Out of a cannon, @JBrew42 flashes down the right boards leaving his defender to chase him. With the Goalie's eyes on Angellini, Pietro dishes a backhand pass to the sneaky @JBrew42 and Brewer buries it top shelf, gloveside. Hounds up 4-0. The boys celebrate once again by the glass of the Paramount with the Fans, Angellini gifts the puck to a young fan, maybe a future Hounder one day.


    Period 3. Silence. Nothing but the stacked pads and quick glove of Jacob Tonn @MexicanCow123 could be found by the Marauders. Tick-tick-tick, IT'S A SHUTTY FOR TONN! What a night for the hounds, rewarded for the recent hard work and looking forward to the next game. The boys were feelin' fine.



  7. After his first stint in the VHLM with the Mexico City Kings (S71), Pietro Angellini was released and entered into the draft.


    Reporter: "Pietro, you've come a long way from your family's farm. How do you feel looking ahead to S72?"


    PA: "I feel confident. After a season of getting my feet wet I feel like I am stacking up well and pushing myself everyday to get better. I work everyday on my Skating and Puck Handling and I am always trying to put up more points for my squad."


    Reporter: "You were recently selected in the late rounds by the VHL Moscow Menace. It looks like you are getting some big league looks after your first year in the VHLM."


    PA: "I was overjoyed to be selected by Moscow. I look up to the Centers on their team like Jet Jaguar @gorlab. I hope to stack up with guys like Jet soon. With more grinding and early morning skates I think I will be up with the big names in due time."


    Reporter: "After your stint with Mexico City you were released. Did you fear your career was in jeopardy?"


    PA: "I try not to let those things get to me. I believe with enough hard work and grit that anyone can push their way to the top. All it takes is a Scout or GM to notice and take a chance on you"


    Reporter: "It looks like that may be what GM @ColeMrtz of the Mississauga Hounds may have seen, selecting you in the VHLM Draft 43rd Overall (S72). What do you think of your new Team?"


    PA: "Great bunch of guys. Really supportive locker room. They had me feeling right at home on Day 1. I slotted in on the Second Line between Gainer @joegand Brewitt @JBrew42, two great wingers who really help me drive the puck, get in deep, and push the puck to open up scoring opportunities."


    Reporter: "Well we're all looking forward to see what you can do in S72. Thank you for speaking with me today. Anything to say to the fans?"


    PA: "Keep working hard and good things will happen. Let's Go Hounds!"

  8. Pietro Angellini
    Center, 6', 225lbs, Age: 23


    Pietro was born to an Italian/Hungarian farming family in Western Pennsylvania. Closed off from modern society, Pietro's childhood was humble. From bailing hay to chasing down stray cattle, Pietro honed his skills and built his strength the "old-fashioned" way. Early on, Pietro's father, Giovanni, noticed his son's winter fascination with the frozen pond on the farm and began to look into offering Pietro a way to explore new ways of life. 

    When Pietro turned 5, Giovanni started showing him old highlight reels of Mario Lemieux who took the hockey world by storm during Giovanni's lifetime and galvanized himself as a household name in Western Pennsylvania as well as the entire world. Pietro was overjoyed watching the tapes and, as he turned to his father, was handed new skates, a stick, a puck, and a worn "66" sweater. Faster than his Father could see, Pietro was out on the pond doing his best Mario impersonation, naturally taking to the ice.

    Pietro joined a local peewee squad and the rest is history. Quickly learning the fundamentals, by his teen years Pietro was highly touted in the local talent pool. Pietro joined the WPA Pens Elite Youth Leagues and worked his way up, finding his position at Center using his natural strength and toughness. By his 16U year he was lighting the lamp an average of once per game and assisting regularly, amassing 64pts in 32 games after finding his stride. As the years went on, Pietro was surrounded by and faced off with higher tier talent and found his play needed some improvements. After his PPG slipped in his 18U year (43pts in 32 games) he decided an overhaul was needed. That summer, Pietro went back to the farm. The training was brutal and any time off he had was spent again with the haybails from his childhood. Pietro emerged from that summer a new young man, stronger and more determined than ever.

    During that Summer, Angellini received a letter curiously as mail day was few and far between on the farm. Pietro had been unknowingly recruited by the Minnesota State-Mankato Mavericks and offered a partial scholarship. Overjoyed, Pietro told his Father and they dreamt of the special days to come.

    Angellini played four seasons in the NCAA from 2012 to 2016. Angellini was named to the All-Tournament Team for the 2016 WCHA Men's Ice Hockey Tournament. In 2015–16, Angellini was named to the All-WCHA First Team. Angellini  was a four-year letterwinner for Minnesota State from 2012-16 and finished his career with 62 goals and 82 assists for 144 points in 155 games played. As a 2015-16 First Team All-WCHA selection, he led Minnesota State in scoring and assists as a senior with 22 goals and 34 assists for 56 points in 42 games.

    Upon graduation, Pietro opted for a few years abroad, wanting to see the world. He left for a pilgrimage to his family's home countries of Italy and Hungary. Enjoying the Old World of Eastern Europe, Pietro felt refreshed. One evening, he received a call from a VHLM Scout of the Mexico City Kings and the rest is yet to be written...

  9. On 5/18/2020 at 9:46 PM, Zetterberg said:

    Mississauga Hounds Press Conference week ending May 24 2020


    1. The VHLM draft has come to a close did you end up where you expected? If you weren’t drafted did you end up where you expected in your draft season?


    Selected higher than I anticipated. Happy to be selected. 


    2. How well do you think our team will preform this season? I’m asking again to see if answers are different post draft.


    Going all the way!


    3. Who on Mississauga do you think will preform the best this season?


    Hopefully Pietro Angellini 


    4. In either the VHL or VHLM draft what pick surprised you the most?


    My own selection 

    5. What NHL player would you say your player is most like?


    Evgeni Malkin


    6. What’s your dream vacation?


    Eastern Europe


  10. 1. Welcome to the kings (or welcome back for some of you). We are throwing a pitch in party, what are you bringing?


    Tecate. Fine Mexican cerveza.


    2. For those of you who were drafted, are you surprised at your draft position. For those not drafted how do you feel about Chris Hylands @Hylands33 going first overall?


    Just happy to be on the squad. Hylands deserves the spot.



    3. What is your main goal this season?


    Improve across the board and contribute as much as possible. 


    4. What do you think the Kings chances are this season?


    I think we have a good shot with a deep squad and solid goaltender. 


    5. The kings are looking for a new mascot, what do you think it should be?


    King Julian.


    6. Who are you picking as your training partner on the team this year?


    No idea. I'm open to training alongside any of the boys


    1. What's your favorite skill to work on in practice?


    Puck Handling and Skating. Can't drive play in either zone without those skills


    2. What's a question you'll use to get to know your new teammates?


    Favorite NHL Team? Favorite NHL player (current & all time)?


    3. How do you feel about the new measures to limit TPE inflation?


    I am new here so I support limiting TPE inflation so I can catch up!


    4. If we had to postpone the VHLM season for some reason, how would you spend your time?


    Playing Rocket League and reading tons of books


    5. What's your pump up song for the first game?


    Kyuss - Son of a Bitch


    6. Why do you think Motza likes Taylor Swift so much?


    She is obviously the reincarnation of Betty White, this world is trembling having 2 of them walking it

  12. 21 hours ago, Motzaburger said:



    Welcome to the VHL @okifenoki!!! :) 


    I am the GM of the Mexico City Kings. I can offer you 1st/2nd line minutes on our squad.

    We'd love to have you join and become a part of the infamous Cartel ☠️


    Quote this and say "acepto" if you want to join the team!


    Please let me know if you have nay questions or need any help getting started!


    - Motza



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