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Posts posted by okifenoki

  1. After 2 hard working years in the VHLM, Pietro Angellini has been gaining experience and excelling as one of the Top Forwards in the Minor League. With his eyes set on the Big League next season, S73 may very well be his very last chance at the Founder's Cup. An elusive prize, Pietro saw his first postseason action in S72 as a member of the Mississauga Hounds. After an early round exit, Pietro had a chip on his shoulder. Traded to the San Diego Marlins shortly after, Pietro planned on using his new surroundings to his advantage, working as hard as possible, and helping his new teammates rise to the top of the VHLM.


    S73 was a whirlwind for Pietro. We saw his natural abilities help him blossom into an elite two-way Center. He plays a tough, but balanced, game. Ending the regular season with 125 Points (46G / 79A), Pietro was fired up for the S73 postseason and the Marlins were slated to square off with the Ottawa Lynx, a team that had bettered them all season long.


    The Marlins came out hot, winning the first 2 games of the series to take a nice lead. Pietro was quoted in the locker room after the second win "we are on the right track, boys, but we can't let up. We have to push through and win the next one. Stay focused, one game at a time!". The Captain Angellini's speech was well received and the Marlins came out again in Game 3 looking to take a commanding lead but the Lynx, led by Alec Volchenkov @SirRupertBarnes, were just as determined to keep the series under control and took the game 5-4 in Overtime. The Marlins were taken by surprise, leaving everything on the ice in that overtime match. Again, the Captain sounded off: "We gave it everything tonight, boys. Took them to OT but just couldn't find the twine. We have another shot coming up quick, so be ready. One Game at at Time."


    With a gritty confidence, the Marlins looked at a 2-1 lead in the series and came to play as if they were facing elimination. Led by the stacked pads of Doug Dimmadome @Esso2264, the Marlins took Game 4 by a score of 2-1 and Dimmadome recording 25 saves on 26 shots. The Marlins were another step closer and, with Game 5 being played the next afternoon, Pietro addressed his team again: "We are tight out there. Playing a defensive game, Han @Dtayl and Lucy @InstantRockstar are playing out of their minds on the blue line for us. Dougie shut the door tonight. One more game, boys! One more!"


    Game 5. Marlins with a series lead, 3-1, looking to eliminate one of their regular season rivals and advance to the 2nd round. This was uncharted territory for Pietro and a true team goal for the Marlins. The next step. Game 5 was almost a mirror image of Game 4. About 15 minutes into the first period, an early goal from Kuchar @S. Kuchar put the Lynx on the board. The teams went to the locker room with the Lynx having the advantage. The Marlins were playing a defensive game and slacking on the offensive end. Needing to put up shots, Pietro spoke once again: "Take your chances. We are all here to help each other defend but if you see that twine, SHOOT!". The Captain's words were foreshadowing, after 10 minutes in the second period, Schwarzy @Enorama lit the lamp with the equalizer. The only goal of the second period. The Lynx and Marlins were deadlocked in an elimination game.


    Game 5, 3rd Period. Elimination or Advancement on the line. The tension on the ice was palpable. The series storyline had become the battle of the backboards, with Dimmadome and Krishna @Hooperorama both showing out and denying shots left and right. A slashing minor at 5:18 into the 3rd gave the Power Play to the Marlins who took quick advantage. Again Schwarzy was involved, taking the pass from Lucifer and feeding it to the young Joakim Lund @Bouncyelf who buried the go ahead Power Play Goal at 5:36 in. The Marlins were ahead and never took their foot off the gas, drawing 2 additional penalties (holding and tripping) showing they were a step ahead of the Lynx. The time ticked down and the buzzer sounded, the Marlins Win! Dimmadome held the fort with 21 saves on 22 shots and the boys were moving on!



  2. 1.      With the regular season coming to an end this week, who has stood out to you in the lockeroom?


     Man, HJK @Dtayl has worked tremendously this season to cap out and he reached that goal this past weekend. His point production has gone up significantly and he contributes heavily on our blue line. He will be an even bigger asset come playoffs.


    2.      How would you evaluate your regular season performance?


     I think I've had a good season. High point production, not as many hits as I would like for a two-way center but I am liking the way my player is developing.


    3.      We will finish the regular season 2nd in the Western Conference and could be as high as 4th in the League. How do you feel about SDM’s season?


     We have had some hot streaks and a few question marks. Simon has been friendly at times and others just downright baffling. I think SDM has had a stellar season with a lot of players developing immensely. We have a shot at the Cup.


    4.      With our opponent likely being Ottawa, a team we struggled with this season (1-4-0), what do you think the strategy should be to overcome the Lynx this season?


     Defense, defense, defense. We know we can score. We need to keep the Lynx off the board.


    5.      Who do you think has the most momentum heading into both the VHL and VHLM playoffs?


     Houston is riding a 5 game streak right now and look just as hot as they have all season. The Bulls are going to be a tough opponent throughout the playoffs.


    6.      A little off topic for this one: Now that we into round 2 (it’s really 3 but okay), how has your bracket faired for the NHL playoffs?


    Well, my Penguins were eliminated before it even started so I have a bad taste in my mouth. I have the Lightning going deep as well as Colorado. I am hoping the Isles take out Philly and Vancouver takes out LV. 

  3. In his first nomination to Team USA in the WJC, Pietro Angellini and his fellow Americans brought home the Gold! After going 6-3 in the qualifying rounds, Team USA entered the semi-finals against Team World. Team USA was victorious, 4-2, and Angellini registered (1) one assist with (2) of each: hits, shots, blocks. Team USA looked forward to the Gold Medal Game, a showdown with the stacked roster of Team Europe. It was a hard fought game, with Team Europe leading 2-0 early in the second period. Team USA was looking upside down until, at 2:40 on the Power Play, Angellini buried a wrister past Nils Friedriksen @Biggreen10, set up by fellow Americans Keith Krestanovich @Boragina and Gary Rush @G_Rush. The American Boys were on the board and looking for more. Intermission.


    3rd Period was a battle but the USA came out determined and buried the equalizer at 1:52 on the Power Play, once again, it was Chance Rust @turkey2349 assisted by Keith Krestanovich & Pietro Angellini. The USA had fought back and evened the score. The next 15 minutes were a brutal standoff. Tons of shots from both teams, with the USA racking up 43 shots on net before fellow Marlin John Merrick @Steve was able to light the lamp with 9 seconds left in the game!


    USA WINS GOLD!!!!!!!


    It was a fantastic game and, at times, evenly matched, but Team USA came out on top, 3-2, with Angellini grabbing a goal and an assist and 3rd Star Honors.


    Angellini was quoted after the game, between swigs of champagne: "Man, what a wild ride. This Tournament was everything I thought it could be. I was able to learn from players from around the world, catch up with old friends, and take home the Gold Medal. I have been dreaming of this kind of thing since I was a little kid. Very proud of my fellow countrymen and to be an American today. USA! USA! USA!"




    Now back to your regularly scheduled S73 VHLM Action...

  4. 1.      What are the Top 5 hockey jerseys you want to have?


     To be honest, it would be awesome to have a Jagr sweater from every team he played on. But if I had to list:

    Jagr - Pittsburgh Penguins 80's RoboPenguin

    Chris Kunitz - Pittsburgh Penguins Vegas Gold (Because of his 2OT Goal to push the Pens to the 2016 Finals and beat Ottawa)

    Roberto Luongo - Florida Panthers

    Marc Andre Fleury - Pittsburgh Penguins Vegas Gold & Vegas Golden Knights (I'd like to have them both)

    2.      We need a thing. Vegas has Taylor Swift love, Vancouver has Lord of the Rings shitpost memes, Miami has Cards Against Humanity and Chess Battles. What should be San Diego’s Discord exclusive thing?


    Highbrow Anchorman References. 60% of the time, it works all the time.


    3.      What are your favorite movies/films?


    Ghostbusters (Original 80's/90's), Stripes, LOTR Trilogy, The Shining, Eyes Wide Shut, Old School, Road Trip, I could go on for days with Movies.



    4.      A couple weeks ago, had a 50/50 draw on who has the most luscious locks between Dimmadome and Merrick. This week we move on to the most important talking point in VHL history. Who has the best beard in the VHL/VHLM?


    That is a tough question. Can we see some of the contenders? I would like to peep these chin-salads to be sure whose is best.


    5.      What’s a food recipe you’d like to share with the group that you’ve personally tried/cooked?


    I make Ropa Vieja (Cuban). It translates to "dirty laundry". It is slow cooked flank steak in a tomato based red sauce with A LOT of olives. Served over white rice. It is good but you have to like olives quite a bit.


    6.      Are you a gamer? If so, what is your favorite genre of games and how do you think that genre could be even better?


    I am an avid PC Gamer. I play Rocket League and PUBG mainly. I have recently added Fall Guys and CS:GO to the mix and have been enjoying them. I really don't have a particular genre I prefer. I like to try as many as I can.



  5. A little past the halfway point of S73, Pietro Angellini and the San Diego Marlins have gone from the outhouse to knocking on the doors of the Playoff Penthouse. Sitting in 5th place, only 10 Points back from the league leading Houston Bulls, the Marlins look to have found a stride they intend to keep rolling into the postseason. Recently, Pietro was selected to represent the United States on the World Junior Team and was also ranked highly among the Top 50 Forwards of the VHLM. Riding a four game win streak, we caught up with Pietro after Game 282...


    Interviewer: "On another streak out there! The Marlins look to be meshing and you're flying up and down the ice. What keeps you going as hard as possible in the midseason?"


    PA: "Just a lot of mental fortitude, to be honest. Ever since I was little I was told by my Dad that I could always keep pushing and give more when others seemed to be gassed. I never really knew what he meant but I guess he was on to something."


    Interviewer: "Your hard work is paying off. The Marlins are playoff hopefuls after a season at the bottom last year. How did you guys turn it around?"


    PA: "I think the potential was always there, even before I landed here in the offseason. Guys like Han @Dtayl and Lundy @Bouncyelf have worked hard to bring this team up to playoff caliber. I was just lucky to land in such a great place."


    Interviewer: "You were recently ranked #8 in the Top 50 Forwards of the VHLM with your teammate John Merrick @Steve right there with you at 7. Do you think the rankings are accurate?"


    PA: "I leave the stats to the analysts. It is great to be noticed, and even better to see Merrick @Steve getting some love, but I try to live in the moment and focus on the present. I appreciate the acknowledgements and it always feels good to know you're doing well among your peers but at the end of the day the Team matters more to me and we have our eyes on a Cup."


    Interviewer: "Well said. And great to hear a team-first attitude. The WJC Rosters were announced and you were selected, along with fellow Marlins John Merrick @Steve and John LeClair II @flyersfan1453. How does it feel to be asked to represent your home country on a national stage?"


    PA: "I am humbled by it, honestly. I have always wanted to compete internationally and this is my first chance. It will be great to have Merrick and LeClair there with me. I'm hoping the American Marlins can help Team USA go out there and impress the world."


    Interviewer: "We'll all be watching and rooting for USA and the American Marlins. Thanks for your time, Pietro. Reading any good books lately?"


    PA: "Haha, good question. I just finished one and started a Thomas Pynchon novel. This dude can write. Keeps me going after long workouts. You should give him a read!"


  6. San Diego Press Conference week of August 10, 2020 – August 16, 2020:



    1.       With WJC fast approaching, which team looks the most dangerous to you?


    USA ALL THE WAY BABY. We have some solid Skaters and I think the US will surprise some people this year.


    2.       8 Points separate the top 6 teams in the VHLM, and there’s 4 points between 2nd and 6th, why do you think it’s so tight this season, who’s been the most surprising team?


    Honestly, Houston is just ridiculous. Their +100 Goal Differential is insane. They look VERY strong.


    3.       San Diego had really hit their stride, having won 4 of their last 5. Are you confident the team can maintain this run or are you worried at all about peak fatigue like Miami is experiencing now?


    I think we're just finding our groove and we haven't peaked yet. I am hoping for a late season push to carry over into the post-season.


    4.       With the trade deadline fast approaching, is there any area you think San Diego could get better in through the deadline?


    I think we are pretty solid top to bottom but it is always good to solidify lines. Picking up an extra Winger or a D-Man could give us the push we need to maintain success.


    5.       IT’S THEME WEEK EVERYONE!!! What are your plans to capitalize on the event and claim that sweet TPE?


    I like the Futures idea. I have been thinking of creating a Defenseman with my next create. I plan on working up a Graphic for a potential young d-man in the future.


    6.       I’m always looking for new ways to engage people in things like these Press Conferences. Do you have any suggestions for things we could add to spice up these pressers?


    I think you've kept it pretty spicy @Moose. Keep up the good work!

  7. In the early goings of S73, Pietro Angellini has been on a monstrous pace. On target to flirt with a 150-Point Season in the VHLM, Angellini is blossoming into an elite Centerman with his eyes on the Bigs next season with Moscow. In Game 163 of S73, Angellini's San Diego Marlins faced off with a personal rival of Pietro's, the Philadelphia Reapers. We caught up with Pietro after the game:


    Interviewer: "I don't think I have ever seen you play quite as hard as you did tonight, Pietro. Can you tell us what had you so motivated?"


    PA: "Things were just going well for us out there. I was having fun with my boys on the ice. Passes were tape-to-tape, forechecking was phenomenal, we were just on tonight. I couldn't tell you exactly what it might have been."


    Interviewer: "We have been following you since the start, Pietro. Last year in Mississauga, the Philly Reapers were your kryptonite. Are you telling me last season wasn't in the back of your mind tonight? At least a little bit?"


    PA: "I always try to play in the present. Past, future, hard to determine. I can control the now. But, yeah, you got me. I had a bit of a grudge from the happenings of last season. It was nice for us to play so well tonight against Philly."


    Interviewer: "3 Goals, 2 Assists, a +3, 2 PIMs, 2 Hits, and ELEVEN SHOTS! Not to mention your 27 faceoff wins out of 39. YOUR FIRST HAT TRICK IN THE VHLM! You were a man possessed tonight!"


    PA: "Like I said, I was feeling it out there with the guys. It is hard not to succeed when you have guys like Merrick @Steve and my boy Lucifer @InstantRockstar out there grinding. I think Luci and I shared 4 scoring plays tonight. There is definitely some chemistry coming along with us. Even our new addition, BuildHelp @BuildHelpAnum got his first goal tonight. Love to see it, man."


    Interviewer: "Huge wins for the Marlins. The scoresheet has been in your favor recently, 7-3 in your last 10 games. I think you might be on to something with the chemistry you're talking about. What have you guys been doing differently?"


    PA: "Same mantra. Get better everyday. We all push each other to be better. We watch gametape every day, we hit morning skates hard and train even harder off the ice. We're all here to get better together and it's great to be in such a supportive atmosphere. Our GM @InstantRockstar and our new AGM @Moose have given us every opportunity to make history this season for San Diego and every last player is on board."


    Interviewer: "Great to see such a tight knit group. You and HJK @Dtayl been getting on any of that Soju lately to celebrate?"


    PA: "Man, I had to tell Han we need to save that stuff for when we win the Cup this season. Han and I will fill the Founder full of Soju!"



  8. 1. 7-4-1 in last week's stretch for 15 points. How do you feel your player did during this week of games?


    Angellini is out there killing it. Tossing up apples to his teammates and grabbing a couple grapes for himself. Looks like the whole team is eating well lately. Love to see it.


    2. With WJC coming up, the GM race is heating up. Which team do you think has the best chance of taking the crown in WJC this season?


    Hoping the good ole' USofA has a chance this season. Even with everything going on I am still a proud patriot and love seeing US Hockey succeed.


    3. A lot of people hate Media Spots. Why do you think that is? If you're one that does hate them, why?


    I don't mind Media Spots. It gives a player the chance to flex their writing muscles. I would think that if a player is quiet by nature that it may be difficult to come up with topics/opinions/content. But I love to see all the individual opinions/experiences of players at every level.


    4. If you could add one thing to the Player Store for purchase what would it be?


    Bulk Up/Gymrat - Add pounds to your player to increase HITS! Hits are a very underappreciated part of the game. They throw off opponent's offenses and offensive forechecking is HUGE.


    5. Who has better hair, Merrick or Dimmadome?


    Tough call. I think we need a solid comparison of the respective Lettuces. LET'S SEE THEM MOPS!


    6. What is IR's sexiest quality? The more uncomfortable answers the better. 


    Dude must be an attentive lover with the ladies. He stays on top of the team and makes sure everyone has a chance at a "happy ending"

  9. A little over a week into S73 in the VHLM, Pietro Angellini seems to have found a home in San Diego. Voted Team Captain, platooning with top ice time, and producing on both sides of the ice, Pietro is well on his way to a great season and the possibility of San Diego looking like a Cup hopeful in S73. Our interviewers caught up with Pietro in the Locker Room after Game 97, a tough loss against the Ottawa Lynx:


    Interviewer: "Tough game tonight, Pietro. How are you feeling about your new team in the first week of the season?"


    PA: "Man, we played tough tonight but were just outskated by Ottawa. They're a good squad and I hope to see them again soon. I feel great here in San Diego. Lines are meshing well, our GM @InstantRockstar takes great care of the players, I've learned a lot working with Merrick @Steve and made a good friend in Han @Dtayl. I think we're going to surprise some folks when it comes down to it this year."


    Interviewer: "You're plugging along at a pretty blistering pace. Averaging almost 2 points per game, over 7 shots per game, over 2 hits per game, and a solid Faceoff Win Percentage. What would you say has brought you so much success early this season?"


    PA: "Just hard work. Working alongside my linemates Merrick @Steve and Schwarzy @Enorama during morning skate and just pushing ourselves as hard as we can as a team. I've always been a firm believer in the fact that no one player succeeds without the rest of his team. I'm in it to win it this year with the boys."


    Interviewer: "Great words from a Captain. The Marlins have had decent success in the early goings of the season but suffered some close losses. How do you plan to get over the hump?"


    PA: "Again, just hard work. The more our lines start to mesh, guys figure each other out, and we can all be on the same page and one step ahead of the opposition. I try to push all the guys in the locker room to get better everyday. I've gotta drop a quote from my man Hemingway on this one: 'There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.'"


    Interviewer: "I didn't take you for a bookworm!"


    PA: "Never underestimate a Hockey Player. They're full of surprises."



  10. 1.    With a 7-3-0 start in our first ten games, is that above, below, or right around your expectations for this team?


    I think we are underperforming, personally. We are gaining some steam as of late and I expect a solid rest of the season going forward. 


    2.    After ten games, you have a sample of what your player is doing this season. What are your expectations going forward for the season for your play personally?


    So far Angellini has been 2PPG and solid in the faceoff circle. I think I'm going to have a solid season.


    3.    What skills, other than SC and DF are your looking to build on for your player?


    PH, SK, and FO. I believe a well rounded Centerman needs a great faceoff win percentage to help his team maintain puck possession efficiently.


    4.    When it comes to recruiting, why do you feel San Diego is a prime destination now and in the future?


    I feel we have a great LR. The Discord is always populated. And in my short time with SDM, @InstantRockstar has been a very attentive GM. He always takes player suggestions and votes on decisions. It is refreshing to have a GM rely on his players opinions as well as his own instincts.


    5.    A lot has been said and debated on when it comes to the STHS (sim), what role do you feel morale plays on the sim, if any? And what do you think the primary factor is in shifting the tide in games?


    Simon is an enigma. I know there was a secret sauce/formula centered around a few key categories. I believe this formula works but also believe that the better the skater (SK/PH) the better the opportunity is for every player to defend/score/pass.


    6.    After the BoG conference from this week, are you excited for the continued testing and potential move to the 1.5 system, or do you have other thoughts on the subject?


    I think having a 3rd Party/Independent Correspondent is a great idea to promote transparency and inform the League as a whole of what may be going on in the Gilded Top Offices of the VHL.


  11. I would like to apply for the opportunity to become an AGM in the VHLM. I am relatively new to the league, have no prior experience with STHS, but I have learned the VHL ropes pretty quickly and maintain highly active participation both in the forums and in the Discord LR's. Willing to devote time to learn, I believe I can be an asset to any VHLM team.

  12. 1. Looking to start off with a bang, do you feel this team has what it takes to win?


    All biases aside, I think we have a legitimate shot at the Cup.


    2. What are you willing to sacrifice to get the win?


    I skip breakfast everyday, so maybe sacrifice some time playing Rocket League?


    3. What, in your opinion, is the most important factor for success?


    Defense. Defense. Defense.


    4. How do you feel about the captains named?


    @Dtayl is just as deserving of and A as he is a C. I was absolutely flattered to receive the C. Still can't believe it.


    5. Who is your favorite player to play along side with?


    So far @Dtayl on the blueline


    6. Who will be an underdog team this season?


    I think Mexico City has some surprises up their sleeve.


    Thank you for posting @Viperxhawks19. I apologize for being a pest!!!

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