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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. @fishy who’s managing? Also you put me with @gorlab again, god damnit haha
  2. INDEX @VHL GM As you all know by now lines can be uploaded on the portal. The schedule is made and all your rosters should be set, however as always mistakes can happen. If any players don't belong on your team, you are missing any that do, or you are unable to set your lines for any reason (this last one shouldn't happen, I made sure all rosters are at least complete) then let me know as soon as possible and I'll get things corrected for you. Season starts Wednesday so we have all tomorrow to fix stuff up. Here's to a great season everyone!
  3. Wait, shit, maybe I should have read the schedule
  4. Beketov


    @rory if you continue trying to make us change the team name / logo I will ban you
  5. Mentioned.... well damn now I need to listen don’t I.
  6. Wonder what happened to his predecessor
  7. Plenty of time for S76, this means they are now open. I meant I forgot for S75.
  8. Ah, my reminder that I forgot to do predictions this season haha.
  9. Only two more seasons at least. Gotta see if I can tie Thompson’s 4 Boulet’s.
  10. He also was the only person with the engine so he understood it in a way no one else really did. Basically Scotty was the perfect storm to create unbeatable records right off the bat. The fact that I even managed to get to 4th in goals in the late 60’s was crazy when you consider what these early guys were putting up.
  11. So Thompson > Campbell, gotcha
  12. Your bank can go negative so long as your upcoming contract will cover the amount.
  13. That team still should have won.
  14. Congrats Malmo, if it couldn’t be us I’m glad it was you guys. Well deserved.
  15. I’m in and will manage as usual.
  16. He ran out of funds bribing the refs for Malmo against Moscow.
  17. Additional one that keeps happening no matter how much we mention it: If something says “use this post to claim X TPE” or whatever, usually stuff the league is giving you, you DO NOT need to post “claiming X” or whatever and link to that. I know that seems backwards with the advice about press conferences but that’s work you specifically need to put in. If we are just giving something to everyone or to a list of people that have been tagged the OP is actually better to link to because updaters can quickly see what it is and that the person claiming it is, or isn’t, supposed to get it. If you link to your comment they need to dig back and confirm that you’re actually supposed to have it; which is made even more difficult when there are multiple pages of claiming spam. So please don’t spam when we’re trying to give you stuff.
  18. For breaches to the CoC in a podcast which can be found Here @IamMOOSE will receive a 1 week TPE ban to be served next week. They will be unable to claim any TPE between January 11th and 17th, 2021 and may resume claiming TPE January 18th. @Updater
  19. Been that way for me for over 13 years now, we’re good at digging our hooks in.
  20. Yeah... it doesn't work that way.
  21. Season ruined by an inability to stay out of the damn box. I think we have Malmo somewhere around 50 powerplays in 6 games really sucks to see. Give them hell Malmo, get @OrbitingDeath the cup he deserves.
  22. Tijgers have entered the chat.
  23. Wish I knew.
  24. Has Malmo scored even strength yet at all? If they had slightly less slashable faces we’d be fine. No matter though, we beat Helsinki in 7, we can do it to Malmo
  25. @Mr_Hatter with the shutout in game 3 but damn if @Sharkstrongdidn’t do his damndest to steal it. Anyway, got these fucks right where we want them, let’s finish them like we finished Helsinki shall we?
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