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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Just posting this so I can see them side by side, feel free to ignore it right now. MINE: BODY { font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #000; margin:20px 10px 20px 10px; background-color:#73b8d4; background-image: url(http://www.sportzin.com/forums/uploads/images/1340988573-U12444.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; } YOURS: BODY { font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #000; margin:20px 10px 20px 10px; background-color:#73b8d4; background-image: url(http://i578.photobucket.com/albums/ss222/Bushito/Hockeyleague.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; }
  2. Done all of the above. A few things of interest that I noted. 1) Especially for Kesler here. There seems to be a feature in IPB for setting an open and close time on a topic. Could be useful as you could, in theory (I haven't tested) set up like a month's worth of practice facilities at a time and set them to open / close at the proper times. Effectively automate the process instead of having to manually do it every time. 2) Forum moderators get a shit-ton of options that they never got on invisionfree such as changing if things are answered or not, seeing deleted content, etc. Just thought it was interesting. Keep the requests coming guys. I'm sure I didn't get everyone yet but can't really go through the forum and find every one that needs to be done either.
  3. Wanna post your code for the body section and I'll take a look at it?
  4. I don't remember the exact line of code needed for that. I believe it's "background-attachment: fixed" I know the wording of the variable is fixed but I don't recall the actual code. Do you see anything similar to that in the CSS? Edit: Went and looked at the code, what do you know, I was right haha. It all has to do with the abse body tag. In the case of the VFL skin it looks like this: BODY { font-family: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #000; margin:20px 10px 20px 10px; background-color:#73b8d4; background-image: url(http://www.sportzin.com/forums/uploads/images/1340988573-U12444.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: fixed; } Of course all that shouldn't need to be separated. I just did that to make it a little easier to look at.
  5. VHL_Skin Doesn't have it either and that's the one I'm mostly working on since I ran into a formatting issue on test2. I've actually ignored putting the chat on so far because it gets in the way of some formatting things but it will end up being added onto whatever skin we officially run.
  6. And by similar you mean take the same design and change like 3 colors But yes, the VFL skin I did. What exactly are you having trouble with BG wise? Not gonna lie, the BG was the trickiest part of that entire skin. Rounding was a bit of an issue but easy enough to fix.
  7. Just popping this in as a list of settings that I've changed so that they can be tested by the board and so that everyone knows what's being done. I'll add to the list as I go but if you're willing to test out something eel free to reply and either I'll PM you instructions or you can just do it yourself, depending what it is. First change falls under the latter category: • With the exception of global mods and commishes no one should be able to remove the "edited by" line from posts when an edit is made. Someone wanna edit a post and test this for me?
  8. It appears this tag still exists but it got moved in the newest version off of the home page and into the forum itself. For example, if you go into the point task forum and look in the bottom right corner you'll see "Forum Led by Group: Graders. Probably the best we're going to get. Anyway, gonna start working on these now so if you need mod powers get the requests in.
  9. If it's on but it might still be turned off. I'll look into it.
  10. Makes sense. I would certainly enjoy another White-like season haha. No idea where that season came from but I certainly enjoyed it. I imagine by the 20 game mark or so everything goalie wise will be straightened out to what people expect.
  11. This is the 3rd goalie I've made yet you chose to put my "nickname" as one of my skaters? Also, not to try and bring myself down but just being honest, my stats are probably a bit inflated from pretty much all my games being against Seattle.
  12. Invision doesn't have the ability for GM's to give permissions unfortunately. The only way would be to give GM's admin access to only the permission section but that could be abused because they could give anyone any permission. It's unfortunate but it's a sacrifice we'll have to make. As for your mod powers I've added it to my list. These will likely get done tomorrow unless I get down time at work tonight.
  13. I assumed they would go in automatically like they do on invisionfree but it doesn't seem to be the case. I'll look into it but if there isn't one we could always just put it in the description ourselves. If this is the same as invisionfree it should be in the settings, I'll take a look at them. Victor is right about the one commishes have but chances are not everyone has that. There's a different topic for that located HERE Not to sound rude, just don't recognize the name, who are you? Already did that one. If any specific graders are having trouble feel free to direct them here though.
  14. It's going to be easier to keep track of this in one topic than to hijack the grader one for it so this seemed best. If you need forum moderation powers for your job / if you had them on the old site and don't have them now, please say so in here. IN addition, if you are part of a group that needs mod powers in a specific section and does not have them state the group, not just yourself individually. This will save time. I believe some permissions have been done but some may have been missed so I want to make sure everything is good to go.
  15. Just a sec guys, I'm gonna make a new topic for this so anyone that needs mod powers can get them without it getting too confusing.
  16. Should be in there now. Test it and let me know.
  17. I'll take my cover job back if you'll have me.
  18. http://vhlsim.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/407-evgeni-chekhov-updates/#entry1386 Not sure if its exact but should be close. Mostly not sure about how much experience points I got but that's not a huge deal.
  19. You realize I posted that in here a few days ago, right
  20. VHLM Mag Cologne LR I also had access to the Blades LR but I never bothered looking in it so I don't need that back haha
  21. Didn't we already change it? Something wrong with it? I'm not suing the default one so idk. I'm sorry, did you want to skin something that you've never used before while collaborating with other people AND working 6-8 hours every day while trying to do it? I'm working on it, this isn't the kind of thing that's going to just come together in a day. I don't have most of the images yet, haven't had really any time to work on it and am trying to learn new code to make it work. It'll get done as soon as I can.
  22. Just copy the ones I did for the team forums and change the link / image link.
  23. That's actually helpful to know, it means things are working correctly.
  24. Given the crash and everyone losing what they had I wouldn't expect to be able to get an edition in this week. Plus it's a free week anyway so why not just start fresh on edition 16 next week? If anything this attack gives us some stuff to talk about.
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