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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. I propose a curious test to see what we can make: Everyone who donated sigs takes 1-2 sigs from another user in the pack and collabs on it to see what a combination of styles can make. So, for example, I collab a sig from Boubabi and Jackim; Jackim collars myself and Noah, etc. Thoughts?
  2. Welcome? I was playing a goalie (and a bust for that matter) before you even joined this league But yeah, it seems to always be the way. There's a point you hit that you do well, then another like 150 TPE where you do crap for no reason whatsoever. The amount of TPE to hit these points seems to just change every time.
  3. I definitely agree on game modes. I too hate domination and Search so I've been playing mostly TDM and Cranked which kinda sucks. I really wish they would bring Hardpoint back, definitely my favourite game mode from any CoD game. As for the maps, I think the confusion you're feeling is mostly from the lack of 3 lane maps. In pretty much all previous CoD's there were 3 distinct lanes through every map and very easy spawns to control. Ghosts mostly did away with this so everything is a lot more chaotic.
  4. I'd actually put ghosts ahead of MW2 in campaign and extra (extinction vs. spec ops) and on par in multiplayer. Its maps aren't as good IMO but the game is a lot more balanced and (personally) I've experienced fewer lag issues.
  5. apparently the only time we can win now is if the opposition gets less than 20 shots. Not sure why I bother updating, I did better before I hit 500 TPE
  6. How could I resist that offer haha. James did get in first though and rules are rules so I'll give this one to him. Next week I'll make you one though.
  7. What is it you don't like? I have my gripes with it but personally I find ghosts to be the best CoD game since at least MW2. BO2 probably would have had that title for me if it hadn't constantly had connection problems.
  8. I've already got one started but had to come to work before I could finish it. It's currently got no text so its up for grabs. The render is Martin St.Louis so all goalies are out. I don't intend on doing a JC so the render is obviously blue. This makes Toronto guys the most obvious but it really doesn't matter; I've made non-team colored stuff before. Just know that it's gonna be a blue render no matter what. So yeah, most if you want it. First come first serve but please don't bother responding if you don't intend on wearing it anyway (unless it sucks, then I don't blame you haha). I would rather give a sig to someone who actually wants a new one. GO
  9. Seriously though he already included this in his update…1 TPE or not this is not update worthy.
  10. With the stats removed my word count comes up with 49. Even if we included the player names which are obviously copy and pasted I doubt this would even hit 75. It's not hard to write 50 more words stamkos, hell I've probably written nearly that much in this response alone. Edit: Yup, 48 words...
  11. I re-exported my old typography one. Where are we sending links to?
  12. That seems fair enough. Although technically I’m going to change the link in the video so its a little different Also, if we submit more than one do we get more than the 3 TPE or is it just 3 TPE for submitting not per submission?
  13. I know, I was just saying that if they had wanted to use a video they could have. Now I have to go and make a new one That said, if I still have the file can I change the site on it, submit it for the contest, and then use it as a non-doubled PT since I already have 6 points from it?
  14. I totally did this in like June of 2012 and no one ever bothered to use it
  15. Wanted to get some CnC on this so I might as well post it here instead of just as a PT. Couldn’t really get anything going sig wise so decided to try a WP. Also wanted to try for a cleaner look than what I’ve been doing. Found some nice water-colour brushes and worked with them a lot. There aren't many stocks (Only I think 4 total, duplicated a few times) so a lot of the work was done with effects and colouring. http://www.sportzin.com/forums/uploads/images/1388800993-U12444.png Linking to avoid dealing with a stretched page. Full resolution is 1920x1080
  16. Couldn’t really get anything going sig wise so decided to try a WP. Also wanted to try for a cleaner look than what I’ve been doing; don’t let the look fool you though, this was no 3 layer piece. http://www.sportzin.com/forums/uploads/images/1388800993-U12444.png Linking to avoid dealing with a stretched page. Full resolution is 1920x1080
  17. If you're looking for just a photo slideshow iPhoto can do the job. If you want a little more control go for iMovie. If you have enough power and want more control than that go with a trial copy of Final Cut Pro X.
  18. Thanks for the mention man, I wasn't really expecting it. Nice to see that my work isn't going unnoticed.
  19. We'll total we had more PIM but just because Glass is crazy haha. GG
  20. Good way to start the season, well done boys. GG Bears.
  21. Man, it's always rough being a goalie in the ASG haha
  22. This. If a $200 pair of headphones with a mic can't use the mic than I'd be amazed. Chances are it either needs some drivers or isn't set up as a recording device. Then again, most audio ports on computers are designed for output only (with a different port for input) so its possible that the (I assume) inline mic is only really designed for things like phones that use one port for input and output.
  23. Well I don't know if the DNA's are somehow massively more amazing than beats I wouldn't expect them to be worth that price. In my sound design class last year someone did one of their projects on a blind headphones test between a set of Bose ($300), Sony ($50), Logitech ($30) and Beats ($200). They were blindfolded and given each set of headphones with the same song and section of movie played on each. In over 90% of the test subjects the Bose were unanimously first in quality, with the Sony's tying the Beats for second and the Logitech coming last. So idk, maybe some people just have more sensitive ears but I saw the results of 20 different people that showed Beats (at $150 more) were no better than the Sony cans. If you're really an audiofile, buy Bose. Otherwise, don't waste money on Monster. I guess that's just my opinion though.
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