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Everything posted by IamMOOSE

  1. Actually, I cranked out a Media Spots venting my frustrations in a way where I could not only earn 6 TPE but also keep it out of the game thread. I wrote an article about my frustrations and how those frustrations with the results has made me feel. What I also said in this article you clearly DID NOT FUCKING READ is: "I know for those 3/4 of series there needed to be one and for the way that STHS works and the way sim results come back they couldn't do anything differently." I've also discussed that yeah, I'm frustrated and disappointed and you know what, THAT'S OKAY. I'm sure I'll get over it and move on soon but when people like yourself actively follow me around to different threads to pick a fight it keeps that frustration and "whining" going. You want to throw a tantrum cause I'm pissed off fine, but do not ignore the irony of you continuing to follow me around whining and crying about my article of your perceived whine and crying. At least when @Beketov comes at me for my outburst he does it with some sense. Get over yourself Goon.
  2. You're just looking for a fight dude. You don't read, you pay attention, clearly evidence by the fact you were looking for a fight in the game thread till you realized I wasn'tsaying much in there beyond congrats to the advancing teams. So, I'm gonna pass on this bai my dude, go elsewhere with it.
  3. I realized that after the podcast lol
  4. As angry, frustrated, and disappointed as I am right now, I completely support @Devise. Shit happens, we all have a blip on the radar somewhere. No one should be trying to crucify him when he's been so great and will continue to be great long after everyone has forgotten about this season. 

  5. Kevin King Official Statement on the Postseason: “I want to say so many things right now. Talk about how some very high up people in this league are willing to die on the mountain that what's gone on this postseason is completely fair. That it really feels like the league went ahead and said fuck that other 1/4 of series who weren't affected by the first sims before the reset. I know it doesn't matter. I know for those 3/4 of series there needed to be one and for the way that STHS works and the way sim results come back they couldn't do anything differently. I want to say I understand and that yeah, it’s completely justified because it is. There’s also a part of me that feels like I should be this angry about it. That the response from the league has kinda warranted my response to it in the first place. My camp has been through this before. I’ve been pretty vocal about my thoughts on the resim and how it’s been handled. I’m angry. I’m hurt. After the way the EFL went for my group I wanted to believe that if the same had ever occurred in the VHL that it’d be okay because it was a better league ran by better people, and they would find a way to make it work. Unfortunately, it just didn’t happen. And I’m left so disappointed. My faith in this league has been broken, my trust for those running it has been shattered. And for the most part it’s because of the response the higher ups have come back with for it. To take the route that it’s just a fair distribution of events feels like a spit in the face to those who were just eliminated by it. I expected more and I suppose that’s on me. I believed this league was better, they would do better. They didn’t. I'm mad, I'm frustrated, I’m so extremely disappointed. I realize it means nothing to the people running this league. I know now to expect a hostile response from those in charge, but much like they’ve shown in response to this glaring crack in the foundation of how sims run, ‘it is what it is, can’t change it’. I realize I’m not gonna reinvent the wheel. I realize this league only listens to the ideas and commentary from those within that inner circle. So, this will just be my outlet. Where I can get even 5% of my frustration out and collect all the wonderful comments, I expect to from those who either benefitted from this postseason or just skimmed through it so they can comment about complaining with no context or awareness of anything I’ve said. That’s what I’ll expect now. From this league. From Management, from Commissioners, from people who I thought were gonna figure it out. From a league I trusted to figure it out. So that we can keep the game thread clear for the series head of us in DC/Chicago & Malmo/Moscow. Congratulations to Chicago, Malmo, DC, & Moscow for moving on. I hope the Conference & Finals series go on without controversy. May the best of you win. And congrats to those players who are getting a chance to potentially win a Continental Cup this season. It’s a great feeling. That’s all for now.”
  6. Good series man. Unfortunate turn of events but it is what it is. Good luck in the Chicago series.
  7. Is it really the first time ever series has gone 7-games in a round? That is actually kinda neat.
  8. Holy fuck the amount of people who miss the concept of moving on literally said: meaning it's over and done with, let's move the fuck on. No one is crying, nothing is going to change, but real classy calling someone a child. You don't know me dude, how bout you step back into your lane and mind your business? Okay? Glad we talked.
  9. Your series was one of the ones effected by the lines. Not even a 2-0 issue, I've spoken very openly about it. It's game 7s all around so at this point it's whatever. But please, keep trying to start some shit.
  10. You know exactly what I'm talking about, don't be that guy.
  11. Shouldn't even be a Game 6. I see where this is going already though. Absolute shame.
  12. UPDATE: The resim literally only fucked Vancouver.
  13. Resims in every league are busted and should NEVER happen to a game where there was no issue.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Beketov


      With how STHS functions there is literally no way around it. Backups just go back to the last save so every game done between those saves needs to be re-done. If we could avoid it we would but unfortunately we can't.

    3. IamMOOSE


      It's whatever dude. It's over now. Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.

    4. Beketov


      I'm not saying you have to be happy about it, I'm saying that being angry isn't going to change anything because it isn't a choice, it's an unfortunate drawback we're stuck with. I asked Simon for a feature that would fix it but sadly got no response.

  14. Love how the resim literally did exactly what I knew it would. Vancouver getting screwed.
  15. Oh no... Resims... @Spartan it's gonna happen to me again!!! *EFL PTSD Intensifies*
  16. Sim loving some Chicago right now
  17. This is the most valuable personal award in this league, no discussion. Amazing way to recognize the work and the commitment that those nominated put in every season. I was fortunate enough to be nominated last season, can't wait to see who gets the nod this time around. I'll be looking to get my name back in it for s76 now that I'm healthy again!
  18. Hey Pickle, my name is Moose, the Assistant General Manager of the San Diego Marlins. As Rice mentioned, we are currently in the playoffs and so no one is really signing players at the moment. However, San Diego would also like to extend the offer to join our Discord where we can help you get started in the league and answer any questions you may have. If you’re interested just let me know and I’ll give you the link to join.
  19. Press Conference, week of December 28th – January 3rd 1. Amazing series against Miami with the big sweep. Was the Miami series what you expected? 2. We’re onto round two in a matchup with Philadelphia I believe. What is the strategy to taking on the top team in the East? 3. Who was the MVP of round one? For San Diego? For the VHLM? 4. With Chicago and Moscow moving on, what is your prediction for the Continental Cup of the VHL? 5. Which series has surprised you most so far across both, the VHL and VHLM? 6. With the New Year coming, what are some goals you have for our next loop around the sun?
  20. Mexico City just casually NOT getting it done today versus Halifax...
  21. The big squad's are as advertised and the Vegas/Sasky series may end up tied tomorrow. Slugfest between heavyweights.
  22. Why does it feel like London is the favorite in this matchup??? Chicago is a matchup nightmare right now too.
  23. After the chaos of 2020, the metric shit pile that was the year in its full, do you remember the murder hornets? I don’t, they didn’t even make the top 10 on the list of all the things that went on for this year of abject pain and suffering. But alas, hope is on the horizon as the final week of this RJ Umberger of a season comes hopefully to a close, I’d like to remind 2020 that like Thanos, “You should’ve aimed for the head” because as the great scholar of new world order and mainstream professional wrestling once said, I’m back, and better than ever. See, just over four weeks ago I reluctantly had to shelf my entire season of the VHL in terms of programing. I had fun plans for a new podcast I’d host, a well developing article with its own following in The Long & Short of It and had begun to actually create graphic that while never the quality of some of the masterworks on here, were at the least passable and usable for my articles and pods if needed. Then an unfortunate injury required that the repair my arm because well, it was exactly connected together properly and that’s not how arms are supposed to function so I sat here stricken to guest spots and shaky versions of graphics that were less quality as I hunt and peck my way through maintaining my capping. All this of course, leading to what the real lead is that beginning in January, I will be back and writing full time again. Now I had plenty of arrangements that I had to put on hold and I will get back to those in a short while but my first order of business will be to revive The Long & Short of It. I want to thank everyone who poured support out to me when I first broke the news and of course afterwards. I’m back, and it feels good.
  24. 3.Jimmy Spyro @DarkSpyro had an amazing showing with two back to back shutouts , against Ria and Malmo, How does having a goalie of Spyro’s caliber impact the team ? King: Spyro is a future HoFer no questions asked. I think having a premier goaltender gives you a chance every night and I would go as far to say that Spyro deserves more credit as an elite goalie than he gets in this league. 4.Egg nog or hell to the no? Always 5.)The IRL WJC are starting IRL what is your home country and who will you be cheering for? I am American but I have a lot of vested interest in how the Swedish team performs as a Wings' fan. 8.)Which Wolf has made the biggest improvements throughout the S75 season ? King: "I think @fonziGG has been an underrated star for this team all season. Whether he's been up or down the lineup he's been exceeding at any point he's asked and is a top player here." 9.) The Wolves have a significant lead in the league team Goals For by over 10 goals and a game at hand over 2nd place Team. What has been the key to the teams balanced scoring with almost half roster scoring at a point per game pace? King: "Lot of help up and down the lineup. I know my production, Sands, V, even Stallion had to really take a leap to be the present and future of this team and I feel we've done a great job in the regular season but gotta keep that going in the playoffs." 10.) Thanks to @TMGSosa we’ve just been made aware that our Shootout win last night put the S75 Vancouver Wolves etched into the history books with the most OTW in a season. How does it feel to be apart of history ? King: "I think it speaks to how this team continues to fight and crawl away for success even in tougher moments. We've had to grow into a contender role this season with some of the departures we had so it's great to see us get that success and for it to translate into 2 points the way it has. Super proud of this team." 12) How do you feel about Covid-19 ? Fuck Covid-19
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