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Everything posted by IamMOOSE

  1. Next idea on Expansion is very simple, it’s two VHLM teams, one in Flint, Michigan and the other in Salt Lake City. The idea feels obvious as there is a need for one team in each conference for balance. Salt Lake City is a great choice for the esthetic of the league giving cities without regular RL teams. The other is Flint, Michigan. I would go Detroit here because I’m biased but for the sake of something a little different, Flint is a good place and have held well with a junior team. I think to have two unique cities added to the fold would help expand the league on all fronts. Obviously, a lot of people are looking to the main for the expansion of the league but I feel more foundation of the VHLM would greatly improve the Minors. This is a short thing to get my article in so I will be expanding on this going forward. Stay tuned.
  2. Q: What are your thoughts on the live sims and the renewed criticism? “I think we’ve been pretty vocal in the past about resims. That said I don’t think it’s a fix. Honestly, when we had our issues with the league and resims I wasn’t looking for a change to the system as so much of what it takes to get it done is time consuming. Transparency is key in a lot of ways but sadly, this does nothing but make that job harder. When we were frustrated by the resim we were basically told to deal with it. I think the same applies here.” Q: Do you think this new development validates what you said following the s75 playoffs? “No. I think this is very different and as I said above, I think this should’ve been given the same response that was given a season ago. That’s what’s frustrating.” Q: Something you said there about frustration. You’ve talked a lot about your motivation this season, have you found that passion to reignite that frustration? “It’s a difficult question. I’m still not 100% invested right now. I’ve contemplated retiring when my contract expires as I am spread pretty thin right now. For me I’m focusing on the ProAM tournament for a third season. I’ll be going into Worlds and right now I think that’s the way to get the motor running again.” Q: Do you regret waiving your M-NTC? “No. I wish Spyro had won his cup but no, I think this will end up being the best decision for both parties.” Q: A lot of turnover this season. Are you looking for a spot and what do you think of all the moves? “I’m dipping my toe in the water. I think there’s more work to be done and I’m starting to move back to looking for an AGM role. It’s a highly skilled league and there are a lot of people who deserve spots. I think the turnover is huge right now. There’s something to be said about the feel of negativity coursing right now through the league. It seems like there’s this cloud that no one can escape. It’s tough.” Q: Who wins the Continental Cup? “It’s Warsaw. Even at 3-1 I think Chicago is almost there but something says Warsaw. What’s interesting is how Chicago responds and if Chicago can close or if they can recover from not doing so.” Q: We know you’re in a lot of things right now, what is the main goal for you next season in London and what will it take to get there? “100 points. This is about taking that step and being the foundation for this United team. We got a great group and I think we can be better than we were this season. We have some games together now. We need that to translate to the ice. So for me it’s 100 points and consistency from our lockeroom.” Q: Does Spyro deserve a HoF nod? “Absolutely. Most underrated goalie in the league. Shameful that he didn’t get more honor.”
  4. IamMOOSE

    Two New GMs

    This statement is frustrating to me because it echoes of the same issues with the "application" process that I've found with becoming a GM in this league. I get this argument on some level though to use a hockeyism for it, you make your own luck. It's kinda difficult to put out a thread for applications and speaking from experience I know who is getting the spot as soon as I read who has applied. Again, speaking from just my experiences in trying to get a GM position in this league, you feel like you're fighting an impossible battle and often it feels like the decision of who gets the spots are determined more by who people like than anything. I applied for everything and flat out wasn't even approached for a Q&A or anything. @Quikwas the only one with at least the common decency to message me to say I didn't make the shortlist. And while I can be upset that I wonder what exactly excluded me from a shortlist when I was never even approached about my inquiry, at least I got that. These other positions, basically I'm left feeling like I was left out entirely. I feel like an explanation of the "decision process" would be nice for those who feel they get left out of not only the VHLM but VHL GM spots regularly. Because to be honest, when you have a long tenured member who was/is a VHLM GM saying that they have no chance of being a VHL GM, that's a flawed process on a fundamental level. I guess to close and I feel sick that once again I have to be that guy who "complains" about something, I'm happy for all who got positions both in the VHL and VHLM. I think at this point I'm looking for more explanation in general as to how these decisions are made.
  5. 1- well, we fell short. What are your offseason plans to help push London into the playoffs? I'm still looking for that spark to get me thrown back into the league personally. It's been a little bit of outside stuff that has kept my activity down but I'm also still fighting that dread I felt all season. 2- do you have a team you're rooting for now that our season is done? Vancouver. Spyro deserves to be a champion on his way out. 3- what's the last movie you watched, and how would you rate it out of 5 stars? I've been watching Ghost Adventures lately. Not a movie, I know it's goofy but it's been fine. 3.5/5??? Sure 3.5 out of 5. lol 4- if you were going to start a side business, what kind of shop/service would you have? I would open a restaurant that is pet friendly. Bring your pet, hook their leash to spot on your table, there's food for you and for the pet. Little piece of fenced in land in the back for the dogs/whatever to run. Logistical nightmare but I'd love to work out how to make it happen. 5- the United are putting on a charity event. What kind of event would you want to participate in? Easterseals for sick kids is a wonderful charity. Steve Dangle does a much better job of pitching their impact than I can here but I've been silently donating to them for years and they really do great things for those kids. 6- Evaluate your player's performance this season. Highs and lows, or just a quick rating of production based on expectations. I'm disappointed with the production on some level but also still content it was over that ppg mark. Highs this season were the 6-game streak with Vancouver and then coming to London and finally getting that shot on #1 Center. Low point is this continuous lack of passion. I've just felt empty since returning.
  6. Q&A With Kevin King & Moose Q: Uhm King, you came over from Vancouver midseason, do you think that affected you at all this season in terms of production and overall, on the ice? King: “Honestly no. We’ve been over how this season has been mostly a haze. I think for me it was a slow but consistent pace. I’m looking for more next season.” Q: This to both of you I suppose; how much did the decision to waive the no trade weigh on both of you, and what was the defining moment that told you, “okay let’s do this”? King: “Well, speaking for myself I wanted to be a Wolf, I still love those guys/gals. Obviously, at this point I’m rooting for them to win it all. Spyro deserves that. Honestly, I wanted the opportunity to be a #1 [Center]. I know to some it’ll sound selfish and it’s hard to hear as a fan. The work that’s gone into building my profile and how much noise is still out there for me, I needed to have that betting on myself run and this to me is a great opportunity to be a part of a fresh franchise. I think it’s important to note that everyone has been super positive and there’s no animosity that I’m aware from either side. I love that organization; I love this one too.” Moose: I think kinda hits all the big points. You want to see a guy’s or gal’s hard work pay off and for King this had been a journey [being a #1 Center]. You want to see that payoff. From an agency angle you like the idea that your clients are willing to move to get to a higher ceiling in their careers and so for me this was mostly a, hey I support your decision, whether he’d of stayed in Vancouver and you see what they’ve done this season but I think King and the United will be there shortly. Q: I’ve heard from a reliable source that you were rehabbing an injury towards the end of this season. Is there any truth to that? King: No. Everyone has their bumps and whatnot but no, I was healthy for the final stretch of the season. I’m not sure where that came from. Q: This is for Moose; Your client Oliwer McNair won his second National Championship and made the decision to retire from the EFL. Were you aware of that decision? Moose: I was definitely aware. We had discussed his options before the season and he had confided in me that his interests had moved away from the game and so when we really got to the roots of it and the season not only he, but Trenton had, I think it was a no brainer. Q: For Moose, will you be pursuing the EFL for clients again? Moose: Well… You never say never but right now there’s enough spread to keep us busy and I think right now isn’t the right fit for me to take on clients in that area. Q: King, you’ve been putting feels out there for GM spots, where would you like to end up? King: “I have been. I did have to back off the World Junior interview however due to something coming up unrelated to hockey. I think right now I’m showing I’m interested but whether the league is ready for that I don’t know. It seems like that lane isn’t available to me. I’ll continue to apply, continue to look but right now I definitely feel like it’s an outsider kind of thing.”
  7. It was February 22nd when the VHL announced changes to the Player Store following leading to a wide range of comments from many members of the league. Noticeably quiet has been Moose, who is well known for his campaigning for changes to finances and of course, the Player Store. After almost a full week, we have our first comments from Moose relating to the changes in the VHL: “I think it’s great. It’s definitely a start which is what you look for. It’s been a long road and I’m glad something has finally happened with it. You think about how many new players will benefit and even returning players. I think about the future and what maybe could be added [to the store] in later seasons. These things take a while and I know from experience in plotting out just a pitch that it’s not something that you just wave the magick wand at and suddenly it works. It’s a process but I think this is a start and maybe from here we’ll start to see ideas from more people integrated into that system and maybe more.”
  8. I mean, Moscow is our very own Washington Capitals until they actually get it done at this point...
  9. Good to see this finally heading in the right direction.
  10. A bitter season 76 comes to a bitter end for Kevin King and his now London United. King began the season out of the VHL but still on the Vancouver Wolves’ roster. His return with agent Moose brought about question marks about not only his attitude but commitment to the league and while his image seemed relatively unbroken, something clearly wasn’t connecting. Through 39 games King had amassed 42 points, a 77-point pace for the season. A far cry from the 94 from a season ago and more disturbingly, King had been quiet in the lockeroom. Moose was a ghost and had said as much in later articles. It was clear King/Moose was in a rut which led to a conversation between Vancouver General Manager Beaviss and his young Center about whether to waive and possibly trade the third year forward. After some deliberation, February 7th the deal was done. Kevin King to London United. It’s a move that surprised some and meant little to other but for London it was a chance to maybe rehabilitate the interests of a member and bolster their offensive lineup at little cost. Buying low in the eyes of some and at value to the naysayers. With the United, King nearly matched his totals in Vancouver for the season, playing in 34 games, recording 38 points, an 80-point pace. It still wasn’t the season King had expected and unfortunately, London couldn’t get over the hump to squeak into the playoffs. King will miss the postseason for the first time in his career at any VHL level. It’s a blow to his overall stock but maybe the reset he needs. With a few faces leaving this offseason King will have to be a big piece on offense. He’s made his claims as being worthy as a #1 Centermen and will have a lot of pressure to succeed if given that opportunity in season 77. The focus for King now will be to continue trying and get back into a lockeroom mindset and build chemistry with his teammates in London. Back-to-back point-per-game seasons have shown King isn’t slipping away on the ice. The mental game is where King/Moose must get invested in again to be that superstar London needs going forward. King had this to say regarding season 76 and his future in London: “You know I struggled a bit this season, just with the game, coming in with a different headspace. I haven’t felt like myself in the league this season as has been addressed but I think there’s a light at the end of all of it and now it’s just focusing on going forward. I’ll be on the golf courses this postseason which is tough for me. You want to compete every season, you want to win, that wasn’t in the books so you just control what you control and move forward. Right now, I just gotta get into that lockeroom and be a presence.” King did finish the season with a combined 73 games and 80 points, including 29 goals on what many would consider to be an unusual campaign for the Michigan native. EDIT: For anyone curious, I had a schedule full of stuff this week for content but after my article this week and the season ending, felt redundant and a little late to bother with a London trade thoughts Media Spot. As for The Long & Short of It: Andrew Su, I don't want to throw an outdated piece out there without getting it right for the player and the member so I've let that go for now. I'll look at revisiting The Long & Short of It next season.
  11. Fresh questions, United! 1) What does your normal day to day look like? Moose: Right now it's a lot of working and trying to fix things around the house. It's been a tough Winter on my house and appliances within it. 2) Music talk - what's your genre of choice? Moose: I like bands and songs more than genres themselves if that makes sense. If you categorized me though it's rock and metal. 3) Some teams have a post game tradition of handing out an item to the "player of the game". It could be a hard hat, a coat, whatever. What should London have? King: "It's London. Watches. Old style gold pocket watch for player of the game because they're timeless." 4) it's almost lunch time. What's your lunch today? 5) do you have an NHL comparable for your player? Moose: Josh Anderson. I've actually been told I look a little like him (I don't see it) and play style wise yeah. Anderson. 6) Are you going to buy my debut novel whenever it comes out? If yes, thank you. If not, how dare you? Sure, what's it about?
  12. So disappointed. 

    1. Ledge


      because the habs lost? me too

    2. Spence King

      Spence King

      whats wrong moose ? PM me if you need anyone to talk to , always here for you ❤️ 


  13. I'm interested
  14. I'll throw my name in it for any team.
  15. Kevin King’s run in London has been quiet yet rocky to say the least. While still over a ppg, his production hasn’t thus far lived up to the bill he set for himself when London acquired his just before midseason. It was tonight however, after another tough couple games, culminating with a 5-4 Loss to Chicago that the dam broke on King’s temper. A noticeably fired up Kevin King took to the podium to address the team’s recent run. “It’s just not good enough. It starts with me and goes from there. The way we’re playing in front of our goaltenders we might as well sit on the fucking bench because we’re a disappointment to those guys. This is a better defense than we’re showing. We should be ashamed of how we’ve protected our net.” It was a mounting frustration, born out of a 3.20 GFPG average over their last ten games but a 3.00 GAPG average that has helped facilitate a 3-6-1 record in that stretch, including losses in 9 of the last ten. While some have argued that the United could use some big saves from their goaltenders, King chose to focus instead on the offense here, specifically his own play: “Fucking average. I was brought on to be an answer on offense and thus far the result is mediocre. I choose to come here because I believe in the future of this franchise and want to be a leader in the team’s future. I’m pissed off. I’m better than this, we’re better than this. We will turn this thing around. I’ve been too quiet in that lockeroom and too reserved as a player in this league this season. I’m at a point in my career where this just isn’t good enough and I’m pissed about it.” We’ll see if the United can rally behind their Center and right the ship to make that last minute push into the postseason.
  16. Theme Week Wouldn't let me claim.
  17. Overview After an insane couple weeks and some big changes, personally, and within the context of this league, I’ve fallen a bit behind on my articles/news. So following this week’s Theme of vacations where I have my stuff placed already I want to give a rundown of next week and what you can expect from my camp. Media Spot For my PT next week Kevin King will sit down to address his recent trade, what his future looks like in London, his Malmo apply, and more! Graphic Likely claimed the following week, I’ll be posting what I hope isn’t going to be an utter shit graphic for King in London United. The Long & Short of It: Andrew Su It’s the article I had written before the end of last season but obviously never posted. I will have reworked it a bit for this season and will be giving Su the spotlight he deserves. Polls & Discussion Topics For a few future stuff I’ll be setting out a couple polls along with what I hope will be some discussion about the topics that I can with permission quote for said future stuff.
  18. 1) How frequently do you update your player? Moose: Every week, 12 Capped, 1 Practice, more Uncapped if I can get it. 2) What kind of animal do you think best describes McWolf? King: "Hmmm. Animal that describes McWOLF, what animal describes our commander McWOLF... Mc... Wolf... I'm gonna go with an Falcon cause he snatched me up from Vancouver." 3) Would you rather London win a cup or your favorite real life sports team? Moose: The Detroit Red Wings are terrible right now so I'll take my London Cup win for now. 4) If Vegas suddenly set lines for VHL games would you bet on it? King: "Oh god no. This league is wild sometimes and that's a recipe to lose a lot of money." 5) What kind of bear is best? Moose: @BanackockDA BEARZZZ! I had to do it... 6) What NHL or pro hockey player do you think is under rated? Moose: First name that came to mind was Anthony Beauvillier for the New York Islanders. Still leaerning, still progressing, but every time I see an Islanders' game he does something well that catches my focus.
  19. Overview When I started writing this, I was tossed up between two locations for a potential vacation following the pandemic but ended up with five. So, in leu of just one place, I’d like to go as a player, with teammates, a member, and for family I’m going to go through my five in no particular order and list off why I’d like to go there and with whom I’d liked to accompany me. Scottish Highlands, Also Edinburgh Something many people wouldn’t know about me is that I love hiking. My ankle has never been good for it but dammit if the pain isn’t worth to get to that perfect spot where your field of view can cover this beautiful terrain you’ve just traversed and the Scottish Highlands are very near the top of my list of places I’d love to visit. I’ve only ever talked to one person who’s gone and they gave a brilliant review, including some amazing pictures you just can’t recreate. I’ve also tacked on Edinburgh as a feature as I have heard great things, not only about the city, but the welcoming feel you get from the people. It’s a Vegas Aces reunion for me. King, Blade, Fonzi, Fishy, Spartan, Adrienne, and Spartan. We’re gonna drink some homeland Scottish whiskey and have a grand ole time. Sweden, Literally Anywhere I hesitate to put Stockholm as I’ve heard it’s a bit hard to navigate the islands but regardless Sweden is on the personal bucket list. If you asked Moose where he’d like to live if he left the USA, it’s definitely Sweden. Whether I’m hitting an SHL game or two, going to the hundreds of tourist and native destinations in Stockholm, Abisko to the national park to see the aurora in the winter, or even Are to ski, Sweden is a personal pick. The Glory of Rome I love Roman history. It’s my favorite premodern civilization to study. So, for me I have to get to the city before anything more desecrates the coliseum. The drawback to Italy is that I’m not big on Italian food but honestly, is it really that I just don’t like the American take on Italian food? Either way, King would echo the sentiments of going to see Roman history at ground zero. The people, the place. It’s a place I’d love to see King take his best mates in the VHL (Ricer, Laine, Spartan, Prout, Fishy, Fonzi). Kyoto, Japan I would struggle with the language but King and his new London teammates are taking a trip to my boldly predicted the next VHL expansion city, Kyoto, Japan. It’s number one on any valid Japan vacation spots list and universally is regarded as the best of old-world Japanese culture while still giving you the modern vacation stuff every city can. I love Sushi as well, so that’s a big help to the cause. I will give Tokyo a little nod as well as even though congested, I’ve heard it’s a metropolis that you’d have to see to believe. Country Roads It’s a simple final here as I have to hit the mountains of West Virginia. One of my best friends goes every year and takes the most amazing photos. I’d love to go, see the horizon. I’ve been told it’s the most peaceful trip you could ever treat yourself to.
  20. Applying
  21. @der meister
  22. Bring it.
  23. Interesting to see the comments, reminds me of when I got passed over in the draft too. #MakeEmPayTwice #AlreadyAChampion #Underrated

  24. Honestly that kinda sounds like the picture I painted of it. That's why I would almost like to see a rotation of some sort. I'd love to do a deep dive historical piece one day on the "Dark Ages" of TPE Activity someday. lol
  25. 1.) What is your Fav version of our Jersey? Home, Away, a holiday or Charity one? Describe it and why you love it. Away Jersey. Crisp White jersey with trims of Black and Silver. It's the Los Angeles Kings jersey they've never been able to make right. I appreciate old school but I think a modern style works better for the muted Black/White. An Alternate for us with the two-tone fade between Black & Silver would be nice too. 4.) Name the top five hockey related things to take with you during a zombie outbreak. (Think of things that you would have in your hockey bag, locker or at home) Pads. Especially chest and leg pads (not goalie equipment). For a lot of Zombie scenarios, you can double your defense from a bite just from hockey pads. I don't even need to name others. 5.) What are things that management can do that makes you feel supported as a player? (what is important to you?) Communication. It's cliché but it means everything. If you won't talk to me, how can I know what you think of me. 6.) If the Vancouver Wolves was a Hogwarts house what house would we be and why? Slytherin cause other houses are always more favored. 8.) When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs during a game? What were you yelling about? Literal last time was yesterday watching Jeff Blashill start Nielsen, Filppula, and Helm start against the defending Stanley Cup Champions while he sat Brome, Smith, and sent Rasmussen to Grand Rapids. I'm gonna stop, I can feel the rage. 10.) Is there anything hanging in your Team Locker that motivates you? King: "Hang in There kitty poster"
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