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Everything posted by IamMOOSE

  1. I'd love to see him get a really good run before he's done. So good.
  2. F - Patrik Tallinder F - Ola Vikingstad @Matt thunderis up next.
  3. Not an exact quote but Fishy on Podcast: You want to pick 6th Moose? Group 15: *Moose picks 6th* Also, I'm just messing with ya Fishy, it's cool.
  4. Guess it was more of a break than a departure. Thank @Spartan he convinced me.


  5. Sign me up
  6. I'm officially announcing my exit from the VHL today. I can accept if a league wants to issue a first offense warning for something or even a ban but this I'd obviously more personal as i wasn't even contacted. I wasn't told there would be any issue. Just blindsided by a ban. No hearing. No dialogue. Nothing. This isn't fun anymore. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. IamMOOSE


      My apologies @Banackock, again. It's not so much about the ban. I could live with it had the blues actually contacted me about it originally. There's no excuse to blindside a member without sending them at least a message first.


      Side note, glad I got to see the back half of the Seattle dominance, amazing work from you man. Take care brother.

    3. Banackock


      I was only bugging. I get your side of it too and then their side as well. Probably could of been handled better. It seems

      to be the norm honestly lol. I didn’t realize this was weeks old - I thought it was from today or this week even... so something tells me they took weeks to discuss it but couldn’t take a few minutes to even contact you. Don’t act surprised all at once. I get it. Either way, ya still made a mistake. That’s all. Mistakes happen. Some on here like to think they’re perfect even though they won’t admit they think it, but nobody is except victor. 

      I wouldn’t leave though. It’s a mistake. Still enjoy the good in the league. That’s just me. I’ve made mistakes too. Some people will see it as that, others like to hold into grudges. Can only control yourself mate. It just must suck to hold onto shit lol :) 

    4. Laine


      I hate to see this. I hope you stay, but if this is really the end, I enjoyed having you around. Take care, Moose.

  7. Amazing season from the underdog Phoenix. Awesome work put in by every member. Congrats to DC moving on and good luck to both DC & Malmo in the Finals!
  8. Anyone but Mexico City
  9. Actually at this point I'm rooting for DC to win it all.
  10. “I’ve spent a lot of late 2020 discussing and “shooting” on the things that have bothered me for a while and even though I do feel I have some valid points I’d like to address something I may have judged too quickly. Game sims… Now, I’m only doing a short thing on this because it’s mostly things we know but it’s still food for thought and a rare opportunity for me to say hey, I misjudged this one. When the league first announced the shift from the bot feeding results to instead feeding out the page for the sims, I was very against not only the change but how it was presented. I spoke about it in a podcast when it was first addressed and honestly, those comments made sense at the time. What I missed was where it would go next. Next from the single game whatever that was first came this new system of bundling sims into a group and posting it as one thread. Again, at first, I didn’t see the appeal and I didn’t see where it would last. I figured it would be muddled, confusing, and congested with no real focus of conversation on the season’s matchups. That isn’t what happened though. Instead, we’ve seen complex conversations, rivals explode, a few short tempers, and overall, the community experience within the forum setting the league’s blues were looking for. After a full season of this successful format, I can honestly say I’m behind it in its current form. I wouldn’t mind seeing like a GOTW type deal but I don’t think it’s necessary. I will take my humble pie on this one, I believe the league got it right here.”
  11. 1) It's the playoffs!! We currently have a 3-2 series lead against Saskatoon. Will we finish them off or will they force a game 7? THE INVASION IS HERE! FEAR ME FOR I AM MOOSE!!! You guys really eeked one out versus Saksatoon and I had high hopws for you taking down Mexico City but unfortunately it wasn't meant to be. You took a game but time to come play golf with your Marlins friends. 2) Since Christmas is now over, what did you get this year? Or if you didn't get anything for Christmas, what was a gift you gave to someone else? I don't really get gifts but I bought my nephews some stuff for it. They're still young so I got some nerf guns for them to shoot each other with. Hours of entertainment lol 3) With the new year on the horizon, is there any resolutions you plan on making? If not, what do you hope for 2021? (Also you can't use no more COVID as an answer because we all want that) I'm kinda porting my 2020 goals to 2021. Last year was very stop and nothing really happened but I want to take the good vibes and solid plan I had for 2020 and make that my 2021 because I believe in that plan. On a more league level I want to get back to the more analytic side of my presentation and do something to separate that "Heel Moose" stuff that's gotten taxing on me and many of the members of this community. It was something I wanted to try for an edge but it hasn't yielded the right results. 4) It's time for the World Juniors again! Which team are you rooting for? Do you think you'll be make it to a roster this season? Meh. Sweden IRL but for the league, USA! USA! USA! I should with 94 points but I've been FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY before and expect to be FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY again. 5) Do you think we'll make it to the finals? If so, which team do you think will be our opponents? Unfortunately not. Was hoping for Marlins/Aces but instead we got Reapers/Kings, the Bills/Cowboys of Finals matchups. 6) Would you like to see a pair of great tits? (Please click the link embedded in the text before you answer) Uhmm... Is this a trap? I feel like this is a Rick Roll. *Checks Video* Nevermind. The tits are beautiful.
  12. Love the work here. For a Marlins graphic it's top quality as I find the Marlins' logo to be the most difficult to make work on a logo swap. Background is simple for me but the font and color is solid. I like the detail that went into blending the image together between the background stuff and the player. 8/10 for me, super quality.
  13. Amazing work for a legend. Logo swap is super quality and the render work is perfect. Background scratch is a good touch and honestly this is one of my favorite pieces as of late. Only wish Rice had got a chance to win a championship for his player. This is a great graphic though, 10/10.
  14. Congrats to the nominees!
  15. Adding my name in
  16. Hope you have a great 2021 too
  17. Probably should've won Game 1 too. Sim getting behind the expansion squad lol
  18. No. I probably haven't been okay since April of 2011. I was really just trying to spitball some ideas. I do like the idea of custom group rules but that's probably the one I'd hang my hat on to do but I can understand the hesitation to it. Yes. Also damn dude, I didn't know we had an issue. I'm just giving my opinion, I say something I get called out for not giving suggestions, I give suggestions I'm told I'm just complaining that the league isn't run the way i want it (to paraphrase what the Moose slander has been recently). I'm not sure who I rail on and belittle in this league (probably should've gone back and listened to the whole podcast again, oh well). Fishy and I were having a debate and sure I get loud but I would expect that if Fishy had an issue Fishy would tell me to chill the fuck out and I respect them enough to do so. The money rework thing? Yes, I am a genius and I should be showered with gifts from my adoring public, you're welcome. It is a grand conspiracy that it has not gone further. It's a secret working between myself to be lazy and pursue it further than a passing bitch and the higher ups to ignore the nonexistent additional work to pursue it. Pure evil from all involved. As for other conspiracies, who bought the corn flakes? How did they get in my house? Wait a minute... I don't even ear corn flakes *squints eyes suspiciously* As for the rest of it, you really want to discuss it message me, I'm more than happy to iron it out as I have no issue with you. Little bummed you chose to ignore the good times in Miami while you were AGM in favor of the playoff nonsense but again, I got no beef with you. You were always cool in Miami.
  19. Small doses
  20. It just sucks. Nothing more to really say at this point. It just sucks. Tomorrow I'll move on.
  21. If I wanted anything for this article it's for anyone who is upset with it to vent here, get it off your chest, then we all move on.
  22. You got it. Just needed to vent. Felt this was better than nothing and carrying it. I'm not mad at you, I maybe wish a blue would've just said hey that sucks man, but regardless it is what it is. There was nothing to be done. I hate the sim engine a little more today than at the start of the season but that should be expected. Again, I'm just blowing off steam.
  23. Honestly there was nothing. The sim does let games go individually so it was never gonna not mess with something. I mostly wanted to vent my frustrations for some points and so I wouldn't continuing the argument in the game thread. Congrats on moving on by the way.
  24. As for your comments man. I'm just frustrated. I've been frustrated and as it's been pointed out by others, I'm obviously not enjoying myself right now. I don't have the answers for the sim, as I said in the article, there's not much to be done under the current format, I get that. So I apologize for the fuck the blues stuff. Quite frankly, I'm just frustrated because I thought things were gonna be handled differently based on my expectations.
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