It may have taken a while, but the smoke is turning black at SHL headquarters. In replacing Bojo, the process was not simply determining who will replace him, but how the head office will run. Ultimately, it was decided to go with the following proposal written by prettyburn based upon discussion held with the head office.ElectionsHead Office elections will happen every season, mid-season, starting in S34. Every season, one spot from the Eastern and one spot from the Western conference can be voted on. For the first few seasons, term lengths will be determined based on which HO members had the highest votes in their initial election - this means that RomanesEuntDomus and Jumpier Pegasus will be up for election in S34, Pandar and belgarat in S35 and prettyburn and CRUTCHFIELD in S36. Elections will be held around the time of the trade deadline, so that succession plans are in place before the offseason - the old HO members will continue acting through end of the playoffs, with the new HO members joining in HO discussions but not as acting members until the beginning of the offseason when the old members leave. Elections will be run and overseen by Owners. Owners reserve the right to veto an elected candidate if necessary.Terms and LimitsHead Office members will have three season terms, and can only run for two terms in succession. They may run for Head Office again after one season.CommissionerThe Head Office will elect one Commissioner from their ranks who will be an active member of Head Office, but will have the extra task of overseeing the HO as well as the league and helping to ensure things run smoothly. The Commissioner can come from either league. The Commissioner will be a seventh member of Head Office, to ensure that votes do not end in ties.The Commissioner, once elected, will have a three season term in their position. Like any HO member, they can run for HO again at the end of their term, but may only serve on HO for two consecutive terms. When a Commissioner's term is up or the old Commissioner steps down, the new Commissioner will be chosen after that season's elections.When the Commissioner is chosen, another member of the SHL will be brought onto the HO to ensure that there is an even balance of East and West for the non-Commissioner spot. Depending on the results of the HO election that just happened, they may be the second most vote getter in their conference, or an extra election may be necessary. They will assume the Chairman's old HO term limit while the Chairman will have a new 3 season term.Replacing a Member of HOIn the case that a member of the Head Office is not acting as a productive member of the team, the other members of Head Office may vote to remove them. This vote requires 4 members of HO plus the Commissioner, or all 6 regular members of HO, and must be approved by Ownership.When a member of HO is removed, or voluntarily steps down, they will be replaced either with an emergency election or at the next regularly scheduled election, at the remaining HO's discretion. If multiple seats are open in an election in a single conference, the top vote-getter in that conference will get the seat with the longer term limit.A member of HO who is removed or steps down voluntarily may not run for HO until the following season.VetoThe owners hold the right to veto an appointment to the head office.To sum it up for those who do not wish to read, the important bit is the following:-There will be six head office members with set term limits. Two head office spots open each season with an election to follow.-From the head office, a commissioner will be chosen by the head office. They also have term limits.-There will a follow-up election following the selection of a new commissioner to replace them as a regular head office member. Thus, there will remain six head office members with one commissioner.Any questions regarding this will gladly be answered by any owner or commissioner.Now, onto the business. By unanimous decision, the head office has elected the new commissioner to replace Bojo. By a vote of 5-0, belgarat has been selected as the new commissioner.Please join me in congratulating belgarat and wishing him the best of luck in his new posting as the commissioner of the SHL. I know he will do a great job and look forward to seeing him take the role head on.In conjunction with this selection, another head office election will occur to replace belgart as a Western Conference representative. Link for nominations is here: