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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. rocket league is pretty fun but i have just always sucked at driving games huehuehue. Also I cant figure out how to jump at the ball i always miss lol
  2. As everyone who doesn't live under a rock knows, all time league great eaglesfan has stepped down recently from top positions including VHLM Commish and Wranglers GM. He has decided to take his talents to the EASHL hockey league, where he is partnering with @Fire Hakstol and cousins to the Gow family. Their team, the Swaggy Snipers, is currently in division juan in NHL 17 EASHL OTP, and I think is ranked in the top 400 clubs though it's been a while since I checked. eaglesfan is currently playing center under the alias "garbage goals", and his brother jimothy is playing defense under the name "ICantScore". These two have partnered to bring the swaggy snipers to greatness, as well as give everyone a nice tbag whenever a big hit is laid or there is a stoppage of play. Long Live VHL
  3. Travis Gowecny @Green
  4. Lol jvr for schenn ughh
  5. I'll take the spot if needed but if any new member or new gm candidate wants it give it to them
  6. Shawn Muller @STZ
  7. All these teams trading for players is silly cause Stockholm is gonna win

    1. scoop


      Stockholm traded for players too you silly



      but they traded for bad players

    2. eaglesfan036


      stockholm traded for me and everyone knows Gowecny is the best player since Jeevan Samuelson

    3. NotAVHLM-GM


      Time for you to go back to the VHLM to make that happen :)

  8. eaglesfan036

    New Bern GM

    robbie as a vhlm gm oh boy
  9. I feel like you have made strategical mistakes, but as long as you are passionate and remain active I think you should keep active
  10. All these trades as soon as I step down wtf 

  11. I'm glad I get to travel with @Mr.Baller!
  12. nice website :3
  13. The future GM is not listed here
  14. Victor is 21 lol wtf
  15. congrats to new york
  16. I caused award voting to shift to the BOG #Seth Knew

  17. I enjoyed voting as a GM :3
  18. me and @Fire Hakstol used to always play that game together at the beach, and he used to always rage at me for using a stacking strategy, I am a little hazy on it but I'm pretty sure I would stack a lot of my pieces in a hole near the end of the game then if no more of his pieces can move I get to keep all those pieces. Also I love playing strategy board games such as stratego, risk, and chess.
  19. But for real probably Scott Laughton. First round pick and looks like a fringe nhl player at best. Morin was expected to be a project cause hes growing into his bigger body
  20. Probably Laude Giroux. I took away the C cause hes not a real captain
  21. Thanks for the kind words everyone! Part of what made it worth it was getting to know many of you great people I might not have otherwise met. And I agree @Kendrick and @Mr. Power that I was kind of like Jason in that I started off super active with an outstanding locker room, but sort of tapered off in activity towards the end (though I don't think I got quite as inactive as Jason, as our team's strategical plans were still in place, I was just less of a motivator). Perhaps after some time off I could be a GM and VHLM Commish again, but for now ima chill
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