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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. Trust the Process
  2. Trust the Process

  3. there's some good looking prospects at the 9-10 range for me!
  4. lol at this turning into a political discussion somehow Thank you for your time @Pablo and I really encouraged him to stick with the job if he was enjoying it, but he decided he didn't want it anymore. Back to the old grind :3
  5. @solas was a great pick i got right miss him
  6. no 3-1 curse yaaaaaaas
  7. helsinki has us right where they want us
  8. @BobertZ @Bushito you guys can't make trades until the playoffs are over
  9. come back @Squinty

    1. Devise


      I'v tried before.....never again will we know the greatness of one.....




    2. Kesler


      mfer has sam smith as his avy

  10. great career
  11. yeah scooter is definitely bushito
  12. someone is scared by nick grossman
  13. rigged we didnt win by 7
  14. I nominate Bushito
  15. journeyman defense i think points plus minus
  16. being down 3-1 is exactly where helsinki should want to be
  17. Travis Gowecny will turn one of these teams into a contender maybe
  18. in a hotel in virginia on my way back to college from spring break
  19. If you need a spot filled I will take one, but please let other people who want the job get it first
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