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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. Calgary Offers: Good fortune in the wars to come
  2. sorry I think you are getting things confused @Banackock is the one who signs a bunch of free agents and then trades them away
  3. for frodo
  4. wtf I'm not able to vote
  5. S51: 4.5M with NTC Join the Wrangs again it's been long since you been here :3
  6. Nevermind sorry
  7. S51: 4.5M with NTC You know you want to
  8. Retracted sorry
  9. Retracted sorry
  10. Calgary Offers: S51: 4.5M with NTC Back to Back to Back to Back
  11. Calgary Offers: S51: 4.5M with NTC Join us Steezy!
  12. chrisf is back! yay
  13. Jardy forgot to put him in an extra game lol
  14. Gowecny, Axelsson, Hyvarinen, Weinstein, are all active and have a good chunk of tpe. @Mr.Baller does weekly graphics for 6 tpe and they are beautiful graphics. @Cuffy was doing graphics but got caught up with some real life stuff but is back with us now. Lazy sweeping generalizations are silly. It's fine that you don't like me and Calgary
  15. that is not the national anthem??? I googled it and that was the original but it's not like that is what's sung anymore
  16. Draper has an excellent taste in music
  17. 1) Best goalie - Now that WinGod has retired, Ariel Weinstein is the best goalie in the league as he had the next best save percentage last year behind WinGod. Also @Smarch is a really cool guy. 2) Cheap Rookie Contracts - Gowecny, Solas, Cuffy, Baller, Doughty are all cheap and productive young players. The cap space we get from having them cheap gives us room to sign you wonderful people :3 3) I am an active GM who always tries to have one of the most active locker rooms 4) Look at North America - Quebec and New York are in rebuild. Toronto is a ? but I think probably is rebuilding? Seattle might be our only competitor. 5) We are going to be trading for more talent as our S53 picks are up for sale. 6) You can come up with our new catch phrase. Wrangs gon Wrang? Hurley gon Hurl? Graper gon Grape? Thank you and have a blessed day!
  18. lahey
  19. congrats smarchy! Glad you can win a cup somewhere
  20. yay experience
  21. way to make a solid squad that almost took down Toronto
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