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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. I think they made the best selection possible with each of their picks
  2. DT - What is your thought process when you create controversies on here? Are they your actual thoughts, or do you just enjoy watching the world burn? Kesler - If you were GMs of other teams, are there any picks you would have made differently in the recent draft? Both - Who do you predict to win the cup?
  3. 1) If you were a VHL GM, are there any picks you would have done differently in the draft? 2) You are loyal to Seattle and let's say that Seattle of course would be your number 1 team you want to be on, but if you could free agent to any other team what team and why 3) How is Banacock as a GM? 4) How has your experiece as a VHLM GM been? 5) Why aren't you banned yet?
  4. 1) Did the draft go as you expected? 2) Why do you think you were picked over Dangles? 3) Waw is dis?
  5. Kesler if you ever need a guest I will be happy to do one with you
  6. I"m just glad you watch The Office
  7. Calgary Offers: S50: 3M with NTC Well done with your joke! Make everyone go through your whole set of demands, and then sign with Calgary when I am bold enough to do promise none of them. Well played @KingRobbie
  8. I'm just here so I don't get fined
  9. Great career boubabi! You will be back though. You know you will miss weird chats with me
  10. Podcast! The Knight Brothers need some competition
  11. @Toast I guessed both ways to increase my odds of getting a solid amount of tpe, rather than gambling all or nothing
  12. Gowecny axelsson is going to be the next big thing
  13. Good luck in Quebec
  14. I agree with you that Brovy does take a lot of crap. I don't think he is the worst GM, as he is usually quite active and cares a lot about his team, and makes alright moves. But I also don't think he deserved the top GM award this year either
  15. Actually it wasn't really a choice, you were autod to stockholm But yes, if the person who had the first overall pick had bothered to even send in a list it would have been a very difficult decision between you two
  16. what was that
  17. Me as well, but I am pretty sure this is just part 1
  18. more people should have given this a watch it was great
  19. Just watching this now because I couldn't earlier LOL are your pictures to start an active GM how about no hahaha. And the Jardy grinding my gears one When your PM noise went off I was checking my inbox for 5 minutes because I thought it happened to me David "Top leader, why wasn't I nominated?" Phil "I thought you were inactive?" David "WHAT!?" I have to disagree with you on the Executive voting. Plenty of teams go from non-playoff to contenders, that is the natural order of rebuilding that happens all the time. It took kesler too many seasons to get to this point, and hooray to Quebec for winning the meaningless victory cup that y'all celebrated so much.
  20. Calgary is happy to select theo axelsson!
  21. Stay podcasting for the draft too!
  22. Accept. We weny from too many goalies to too little. Pumped to have smarch on the team though!
  23. I would join as a guest, listen, subscribe, and ban
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