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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. hurley is god
  2. toronto and seattle are my two fav teams this season
  3. Saskatoon uses priority on Stabby lastnamefullofshit
  4. Moscow signs Coca Cola
  5. Oslo claims R Truth
  6. he has signed in and posted lately so this would be an active free agent
  7. I'm a pussy.
  8. plz murica has dominated every war
  9. please there is a reason murica spends so much on military it's to fend off all of the candians imo
  10. It helps to tag people you are talking about to generate discussion For example, @ADwyer87 you are banned
  11. For question 3, the us didnt really enter ww1 until their merchant ships were sunk by german subs, and in ww2 didnt enter until pearl harbor was attacked. Also already had a lot of hostility with japanese before the war as they were competing for the pacific. Point is while they kinda sorta were fighting for democracy it was more they were attacked and their interests
  12. Calgary Offers: S48: 1.25M
  13. Bernie gow imo
  14. Munk is active now and has at least 100 inused tpe
  15. 8 tpe for you
  16. I'll suck your captain and make me toes
  17. this year we will nawt be but den u can stay on yer toes on de first line till next yur when we gud
  18. He has too much tpe, will be playing in VHL
  19. #MakeDavosGreatAgain
  20. The only times a gm stepped down midseason or didnt give notice is if they went inactive so that rule is pointless
  21. I agree with Coach here and brought it up in the BOG, seems like blue team is all over the place with their decisions on what to charge teams for GM players
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