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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. Hey @BrutalBoost, I think you can stop offering waivers to @ToooSaucey
  2. At one point I was in VHL, PBE, SBA, and EFL. I dropped out of SBA rather quickly, and I've been slipping from the EFL over the past few weeks. I'm not sure what it is, but my motivation to do much outside of the VHL and sometimes the PBE is dwindling. Really, the biggest reason I am keeping my EFL stuff even going is because I'd feel bad for my GMs. I know what it's like to have players go IA or retire out of nowhere, so I don't want to do that to someone else.
  3. Not many people know this, but I grew up in poverty. My mother was fighting an addiction and didn't work, and whatever my father gave her for child support was blown on drugs and unnecessary items. My younger brother and I grew up with very little, and it impacted not just my mental health, but also my physical health. The biggest impact had to do with my teeth. First, my adult teeth came in incredibly crooked. It's certainly not the worst case of crooked teeth, but it was a noticeable amount. I really don't recall ever being made fun of for my teeth, but I honestly don't remember much from my childhood anyways. What I do know is that I hated smiling. Sure, there are pictures of me as a kid where I smiled and showed my teeth, but most of them have my lips sealed. I hated how my mouth looked. Second, because of the poor parenting and lack of necessities, brushing your teeth was not a priority. The drugs my mom used caused her teeth to erode away very quickly, so she didn't really have a dental hygiene routine to show us. That, coupled with barely ever having tooth paste and a consistent diet of junk food and soda, caused for my brother and I to develop cavities early on. At one point I was given two temporary crowns which should have been replaced with permanent ones a few years later...they weren't. That was when I was about 8. 20 years later I started at my new church and finally, for the first time ever, I had dental and health insurance. I went to the dentist and watched as they were amazed that I still had temporary crowns. A few thousands of dollars, and many visits later, I now have the temporary crowns gone and the permanents in. On top of that work I began to see an orthodontist. I went to one as a kid one time, but as soon as my dad saw the price tag he said "this is why I give your mom child support" and, of course, she wasn't going to use that free money to care for her kids. So, I went without. As I said, I don't remember being bullied as a kid, but I was as an adult. I was once at a training in California for the Army when a guy said, "Hey, why don't you come over here and I'll bust your teeth out so they can fix that crooked smile for ya." I heard things like this in college too. Now, if you know me in real life you'd know that comments like these don't really bother me. However, even if they don't bother you a great amount, the comments can build up over years. About a month ago I made the decision that I was going to do what I've always had to do, provide for myself where my parents did not. So, I went to the orthodontist, wept bitterly at the price, and signed on the dotted line. Today I started my next 18 month journey. I now have Invisalign. I'm incredibly excited for this, and I'm anxious to see what happens as these next 18 months go by, but I'm very proud of myself for doing this. So, I wanted to share with you all! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
  4. When Ronan Lavelle is up for any award, I fully expect this Tweet to reemerge from President Trump.
  5. I feel this. I write hundreds upon hundreds of words each week for work and for my Master's Degree.
  6. I think every one of us have been here lol
  7. I appreciate the hard work that the Vikings did this season, especially my trusty AGM @Kisslinger. I'm thankful for the votes by everyone for the Top VHLE GM, I really am humbled by that. I look forward to another great season with the Vikings!
  8. 1. 2. I think so! Hopefully I'm able to help in that area. 3. Yes. 4. No. 5. Yes, I absolutely do think so. 6. I'm equally a dog and cat person.
  9. After 316 regular season games with a total of 18,716 minutes played, veteran goaltender Thadius Sales is trading in his red and blue sweater for something a bit different. But, what exactly led up to this trade? There have been speculations that Sales wasn’t happy, that management wasn’t happy, and even that Sales made a variety of threats. However, let’s hear it right from the mouth of Sales himself. “I had two goals after being drafted to the New York Americans. First, to be a franchise player in New York. Second, to win the Continental Cup as much as I could. Let me first talk about the latter goal. In the 5 seasons that I have played for New York we never captured the cup. It’s been 5 hard and long seasons, and at the end of every season we either just missed a playoff run, or we were eliminated rather quickly. It was hard, and disappointing. However, sometimes that’s just how things go. Despite our struggles, I loved my time on the team and I enjoyed every moment on the ice. Now, to my first goal. I wanted nothing more than to be a franchise player in New York. I moved here, established myself, and invested myself into the community. I’ve done all that I could to help the people around me, to establish assistance for those in need, and to simply be around the community and see people who were fans of what I do. Being an American was an essential part of my identity and I wanted to end my career there. However, things do change.” It was announced on November 16th, 2021 that Sales was traded to the most recent Continental Cup champions, the Vancouver Wolves. Sales went to Vancouver for the price of a S81 3rd, 4th, and a S82 2nd. When Sales was approached by New York Americans General Manager @MexicanCow123 it became clear very quickly that New York had goals to rebuild, and that included trading Sales away. At first, disappointment filled him, but then hopes for a cup came. When the news came around that Vancouver had some interest in Sales, he said, “It feels really good to be wanted. I know I was wanted in New York, and I understand that sometimes that’s how the business goes, but to hear that the Continental Cup champions want you on their team…wow. I’m hopeful that after this move we will be able to build quick chemistry, throw up an amazing regular season, and win back-to-back cups.” Sales also noted that he was hopeful that his individual stats will reflect a positive change. Through the years he’s played for New York his stats have reflected some rough games and some rough times. Seeing an entirely new team in front of him, Sales said that he believes his play and his stats will look even better than ever. While many brought up his age, Sales said, “I know I’m getting older, but I’m happy that Vancouver sees the talent and skill I have despite my age. Nevertheless, I am getting older and you can’t play the game forever.” ---- 523 words, claiming week ending 21 November 2021
  10. This is amazing and I love it. Thank you. I never thought Sales would look so good
  11. I know a guy you can talk to...
  12. Transaction ID: 20831497370185798 5 Uncapped TPE Doubles Week $1 Million
  13. I, and my dedicated AGM @Horcrux, would like to congratulate all of the players of US origins who were considered for this elite team. However, only a few can be chosen. And, guess what? We've chosen the best. No other team will be able to face us without fear and anguish. All who face off against Team USA will quake in their skates, and will likely turn the ice yellow. Without wasting your time anymore, here we go! Forwards Justin Lose @youloser1337 - RW Isabella Campbell @Banackock - C Muffbeav @.sniffuM - LW Jolly Greene Giant @DoktorFunk - LW John Merrick @Steve - C Addison McLaren @tcookie - LW Defense Hard Markinson @STZ - D Bob Tristan @N0HBDY - D Erlantz Jokinen @jRuutu - D Sportsboy57 @Sportsboy57 - D ֹGoalies Thadius Sales @thadthrasher - G Markus Emerson Jr @Xflexz - G
  14. Sometimes creativity ebbs and flows. I'm sick = creativity ebbs. So, enjoy some stories. Also, I briefly mention a bit of hostility found in VHL and the CoC, but don't worry, I don't stay there long. Claiming week ending 14 Nov 2021
  15. While this day has many different names around the world and in various countries, the United States calls today "Veteran's Day." To some people it has little meaning, or maybe it means another day off, or maybe it even means a few of your favorite stores hold discounts. For some people in the United States it has become a day where undying patriotism rises for a bit, and then shrinks down again. The official meaning/history behind Veteran's Day in the United States can be found here. No matter what this day means to most people, I hope I can shed some light onto what this day means for me and maybe other veterans. Every year, usually on November 10th, my Facebook and Instagram are flooded with friends and family members who change their profile pictures to either themselves in uniform or a family member in uniform. They share stories about what they or a loved one did in the US Military, and it's often a day of reminiscing on time spent in the service. I am among the fortunate few who never had to face a deployment. There were many moments where it almost happened, but every time the deployment was moved/cancelled and my unit was not needed. So, my time served was all state-side. I am fortunate there. The memories I do have from my time in service are a complicated mixture of frustration with how stupid the Army could be, and times where I really loved what I was doing. That's about all I can share. I have many friends who share stories on Veteran's Day. They tell about their time overseas, their time in danger, their time being shot/blown up/injured, and they share about the many times where they missed amazing moments with their families. When I read over their stories I find myself even more thankful that my service didn't end with the ultimate sacrifice of life. I was never called away from home for a long time, nor was I ever in danger due to an enemy force. But, for most of my veteran friends, that isn't the case. When I think about and reflect on Veteran's Day, I am reminded of the incredible sacrifice that men and women in the United States have made to serve their country. This isn't to fluff my own feathers, but to lift up veteran's I know. Those who deployed, and those who didn't, agreed to lay their life down for not only one another, but for the people of the United States and for our allies. They agreed to be called at any time to serve those who are in need, giving up their own personal liberty and freedom to ensure that it came to others. Regardless of your stances on foreign policy and the United States Armed Forces, the sacrifice that these men and women are willing to, and sometimes do make is astounding. Even if their personal motivations aren't always ethical, they all agree to the same thing: Oath of Enlistment (Non-Commissioner Officer): I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." Oath for Commissioned Officer: "I, _____, having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." Also, here's my obligatory picture in uniform...
  16. I appreciate that you want to listen to people's podcasts, and that you listen to mine especially As always man, I love your podcast. This morning, as I was listening and you were ranting away, someone walked into my office. I had to scramble to pause it, praying that one of your expletives wouldn't escape. I was fortunate lol
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