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  1. credit: @kelvi
  2. v.2


  3. LA STARS PRESS CONFERENCE JANUARY 24TH , 2022 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 1. The S82 VHL Draft has come and gone. What surprised you in this draft? 2. Free agency opens this week! Anyone you'd like to see the Stars target? 3. What is your favourite point task to do? 4. How many points to you expect to score this upcoming season? 5. What is your favourite jersey in the NHL? 6. Do you invest in the stock market or crypto? ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  4. Listened to the whole thing, of course my mention was AT THE END. You're probably 1 of the 3 people still here that knows/remembers my real name . Appreciate it and bummed I'm not still in Malmo to pair with you!
  5. In and down to manage
  6. Need the current E and M logos, same style as the VHL one
  7. gonna have a massif season!!!
  8. Transaction ID: 20903162803903145 Doubles Week 1M Cash 5 Uncapped
  9. yay less D competition
  10. Glad you are taking the high road on this! Learning and evolving while remaining confident about your skill and passion for history, travel, and writing -- love to see it.
  11. LA STARS PRESS CONFERENCE JANUARY 18TH (my birthday ) , 2022 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 1. It's finally the offseason! The Vancouver Meta have won the cup again. Do you think the league is broken in its current state? If so do you think certain members/GMs should be punished, or do you have a fix to suggest? 2. Hopefully the dreadful series loss to Toronto is in the rearview... Any thoughts heading into next season? Specific goals or milestones you'd like to reach as a player? 3. Management recently shipped Joe Madison (sam) to Vancouver, what did you think of the trade? 4. Pending FA's Sova and Rasputin have recently signed on for next season! Are you happy to see these 2 big pieces get locked early? 5. What did you eat for lunch today? 6. How many times have you gotten COVID? Or are you dodging the pandemic like a ninja? ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  12. v.2

    RIG/PRG; S82

    wow hedge go off
  13. On November 20th, at 6 PM Atlantic time, I received a DM from tfong. The DM was about a post I had made under an alt account during the S79 draft stream. The draft stream occurred on July 18th 2021, 124 days prior to the report. I had joined the stream on a twitch alt and started acting like I was somebody else (a non-existent member or player). I had then said a few small things like “have I been drafted” and “my player is Willy Langston” (made up name on the spot). My next two sentences were the ones that got me in trouble. I said “im in minors” “are you in to minors”. An obvious offensive and stupid joke that I made. After asking for an appeal for reasons I will later mention, it was denied.
  14. Hopefully with more meta players jumping to VHL teams these results become more blended in until there's a solid fix in place.
  15. Proud of u
  16. Not coming at you but maybe it should be scheduled so that a blue can ensure attendance rather than it be ran by a mod, just to monitor/oversee certain instances like these.
  17. Spartan tanked his own players draft stock no matter which way you try to paint it lol. Loophole's are bound to get exploited and now a precedent has been set until there's a true solution or punishment. Also how could blue's miss that? It literally happened in the draft and everyone in attendance saw lol
  18. Bios haven’t been a thing for a few seasons now I thought?
  19. Agreed. If I see one more bored ape im gonna scream. But I believe there is a useful spot for NFTs in the future, like Nike associating them with exclusive shoes to put a stop to fakes/resellers.
  20. I don't mind the way it is now. Perhaps ensuring solid group managers are chosen could alleviate some of your work @Spartanrather than giving just anyone a shot (idk kinda seemed like some managers were slacking last season). I love option 3 as well, would be all for that.
  22. There’s my meta keepin my fantasy dreams alive
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