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Baby Boomer

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Everything posted by Baby Boomer

  1. where can we see the standings
  2. 1. Disappointment, we worked very hard all season long to finally lost in 5 games in the final. Also sad, because it was my last season in the VHLM and my last chance to win the Founder's Cup, but i didn't. 2. A little, event though Seattle is a very good team, Malmo is just too good. They are a very good team with a lot of great player. 3. I think i will go in the VHLE to be a part of the first ever VHLE season. 4. Article all day long, because i don't know how to do graphics and i my i am not really good to speak in english, so i am not doing podcast. 5. I played with the Watchmen during the tournament and i really liked the atmosphere in the locker room, so i wouldn't mind playing with them again. 6. I don't think they will be contender next year, but depending on what N0HBDY will do, i can see them being good again in two season.
  3. Hello everyone, Welcome to the thirteenth chapter of Baby Bob's life story. In this life story we will talk about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob will also respond to questions from the fans, from the GMs and from the leaders of the VHL and the VHLM. In this chapter, we will talk about the playoffs. How did the team do during the postseason? How far did they go? How did Baby Bob do? At the end of the season, Mississauga was at the top of the standings. With 56 wins in the season and 116 points, the Hounds had 11 more points of their closest competitors. Because the team finished first in the league, they faced the San Diego Marlins. The Mississauga Hounds scored eight goals in their first two games to win the series 4-1 and make it to the next round. In the second round, it was the time of Mexico City to play against the Mississauga Hounds. This time, the Hounds scored six goals in their first two games to win the series in seven games. A big game seven that the Hounds won by only one goal, by the score of 5-4. It was now time for the last and final round, the final of the Founder’s Cup. The Mississauga Hounds faced the Miami Marauders, the same team that swept them in the final two years ago, during the S77 playoff. The series did not start the way the hounds wanted it to go, Miami won the first two games 5-4 and 5-3. Mississauga won the next game 6-5, but lost the fourth game 6-3 to make the series 3-1. At this moment, The Hounds couldn’t lose another game, they needed to win the next three games if they wanted to win the Founder’s Cup. Unfortunately, Mississauga lost game five 5-2 to lose the series and the final in five games against Miami, again. The team went pretty far in the playoffs even though they did not win the final. This is a reason why Baby Bob had a lot of games played and also a pretty interesting amount of points. Baby finished with 8 goals, 12 assists and a total of 20 points in 17 games. With that total of points, Baby Bob finished tied in second place on the team for the most points and tied in sixth place in the entire league. He also finished fifth in goals and ninth in assists. Mister Bob played well offensively, but he did not only do that, he also played very well defensively as he is +7 in the plus/minus category. In the entire league, Baby Bob is ranked third, tied with four other players. During the past season, Baby Bob reached the 250 TPE mark and will quit the VHLM to go either in the VHLE or in the VHL. Thanks for reading and see you next week for more of the life story of Baby Bob. 513 words 6 - 12 september
  4. 9/10 Woow!! Incredible article, i love how you described each season of Mikko Lahtinen and tell which seasons were his best and why. I can see that you did a lot of research for that text and it is very nice to see. Keep up the good work and i hope to see more of these article.
  5. How are the Mississauga Hounds doing in the playoffs this year? At the end of the season, the Mississauga Hounds were alone in first place of the standings with 56 wins 12 losses and 4 overtime losses for a total of 116 points. The first opponent of the Hounds were the San Diego Marlins. Mississauga scored 8 goals during the first two games of the playoffs and won both of them. They also won the third, but lost the third game by the score of 3-2. The series was 3-1 and the Hounds were determined to close the series in five games and that is exactly what they did by winning 4-3. In the second round, the Hounds are playing against the Mexico City Kings. Mississauga again won the first two games, but lost the third one. After that, the Hounds and the Kings exchange one win, one win to make the series 3-2 for the Hounds. The sixth game of the series is today and we will see if the Hounds decide to finish the series now or play a seventh game.
  6. 1. I will definitly miss Z even if i am leaving the Hounds, but i am sure that N0HBDY will do an excellent job 2. We will win, obviously. 3. My player is only 18 and he doesn't have one. He is trying, but it doesn't work. 4. Last year was very difficult, because we finished last and won only a few games, but this year we are doing very great and i really love to play with my teammates and how we are performing right now. 5. Almost every player are leaving the team, so i don't really know, but i think that Hogan 6. I won't be on the team anymore, but no matter which GM i will have to play for, i will give my 100%.
  7. My favorites VHLE logos Recently, the logos of each VHLE team came out and I really think that all the logos are beautiful. I don’t really know who did them, but I would like to congratulate them for their work. I will immediately start with the third most beautiful logo, in my opinion, the Cologne Express. The colours and the theme of the logo just match really well, that is why i love the logo. Let’s continue with the second second logo in my list, the Istanbul Red Wolves. I really love the font in a circle around the logo. I also really like the design of the wolf in the middle. And now, the team with the best looking logo, the Stockholm Vikings. I have to say that my two favorite colours are blue and yellow, but the head of the dragon is very beautiful and it really represent the vikings.
  8. 1. I happy about this win, but this is definitly not the only trophy that i want to win this season. 2. We will surely win and i hope that we play against the Miami Marauders, because we could take our revenge. 3. I am very excited to live a new experience in the VHL or the VHLE and met new players. 4. I am very happy for him and he deserves it. He played extremely well for the past two years, even with the though season we had last year. 5. We had a very great group of leader and this is one of the reason why we enter the playoffs with the Prime Minister's Cup. 6. I will describe it in two words, Not Over.
  9. Hello everyone, Welcome to the twelfth chapter of Baby Bob's life story. In this life story we will talk about the life of Baby, when he was young, his thoughts and his impressions before the drafts, during the seasons and during the playoffs. Baby Bob will also respond to questions from the fans, from the GMs and from the leaders of the VHL and the VHLM. The regular season just ended in the VHL and the VHLM. It is now playoffs time and we will talk about what could happen during the playoffs and how the end of the season went for the Mississauga Hounds and Baby Bob. As expected, the Mississauga Hounds continued to dominate the league in the second half of the season to help them finish first in the entire league and at the same time win their second Prime Minister’s Cup in the last three years. They finished the season with a record of 56 wins, 12 losses and 4 overtime losses, for a total of 116 points in 72 games. The Saskatoon Wild, the Miami Marauders and the Mexico City Kings finished second, third and fourth in the league with 105, 103 and 103 points. We managed to join Baby Bob and asked him about how he thinks the team will do in the postseason. « We obviously played very great in the season and I think that the standings talk by themselves. I also strongly believe that we will win the Founder’s Cup, but I know that it will not be without giving a lot of effort. Our first opponents are the San Diego Marlins and they were last in the league around the middle of the season and they managed to make the playoffs, so this is not a team to underestimate. We will have to play each game of the playoffs as if it was game seven of the Founder’s Cup Final. » Halfway through the season, Baby Bob was at 50 points in 34 games which was very good. Now that the season is over we can see how good he did. In 72 games, he has 30 goals and 67 assists for a total of 97 points and is the third player with the most points on the team. With his 67 assists, he is second in the team and tied at tenth in the entire league. Baby is also +56 in the plus/minus category, which places him tied at seven in the league. Now that Baby Bob’s journey in the VHLM is coming to an end, we will look at how he did during his passage with his only team in the VHLM, the Mississauga Hounds. In the regular season, Baby is the fifth player of all time with the most points, with 172 points in 144 games. He is sixth in goals, fifth in assists and also fifth for the number of shots with 613 and an average of 4,3 shots/games. Thanks for reading and see you next week for more of the life story of Baby Bob. 513 words 23 - 29 august
  10. What if the VHL Europe was the VHL Quebec? It is now time to close the mini-series of the hypothetical with the third and last part of the mini-series. We currently have four cities in the VHL Quebec, Gatineau, Trois-Rivières, Montreal and Rimouski. So it means that two spots are still available. The first spot will be taken by Quebec, the capital city of the province of Quebec. With 570 000 inhabitants, Quebec is the second most populated city after Montreal. Since the Quebec Nordiques moved away, the team always tried to have a team back, but they never succeeded. I strongly believe that they deserved one soon. For the second and last spot, the city will be Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke currently has 170 000 inhabitants and is the sixth city with the biggest population. At the moment, the city has a team in the QMJHL, the Sherbrooke Phoenix and they need more than a junior team.
  11. 1. It is not even a question, we definitely will. We have almost 10 points more than the second team in the league. 2. My player is battling for the third player with the most point on the team, so i have to say that he is doing great, but i still think that he can do better 3. The big majority of our losses were against Miami and Saskatoon, so i would say that these two are our biggest threat. 4. Individually, Minion has been, by far, our best offensive player, but as a line, i would say that Williams, Numminen and Petrenko were very good. 5. Whitemore is the best player of the league in the plus/minus category and he is nine in the shot blocked. So, i will go go with him. 6. I live in Quebec and i just started Cegep, something between high school and university, that you guys don't have if you don't live in Quebec. I am very excited for that new experience.
  12. Hello everyone, As you may know, this week was theme week and we needed, in any possible way, to talk about the VHL awards. There are a lot of possible subjects about the VHL awards and I decided to talk about some new rewards that the league could add. So that it would be more fun to do point tasks, supplemental point tasks and even participate in the fantasy zone. Here are the trophies and their names: 1. the Fantasy Master’s Trophy A lot of people do the VHL Fantasy Zone and the VHLM Fantasy Zone and I think that everyone loves the idea. Plus, it's free TPE, it does not take long to do and you don’t have to do a lot of things to have TPE. Each week you won uncapped TPE depending on if you guest right the winners of four games and the score of one of them. However, I think that there should be a leaderboard with the players who have won the most uncapped TPE. At the end of the season, the player with the most who should win the Fantasy Master’s Trophy. 2. the Media Spots Champion I don't really feel comfortable doing podcasts, because I don't really know what to talk about and my spoken english ( and writing ) is not really good. In addition, I just literally don’t know how to do graphics, so I just don’t do them. For my part, I only do media spots for my point tasks, because I really love to write and it is really nice when people give you positive feedback about your articles, but I don't feel like there is enough meaning about these point tasks other than the TPE you earn. This is why I think that the most read articles should win the Media Spots Champion. 3. the Best Graphic of the Season Trophy As I said in the previous paragraph, I don't do graphics for my point tasks, because I don't know how to do one, but sometimes, just for fun, I go see some in the forum and I am always very impressed how some of them are really beautiful and well done. I really think that some people put in a lot of effort and I don't think that the effort is fairly well rewarded. This is why I think that at the end of the season the five most beautiful graphics (decided by the league) will be put in a poll and all the players across the league will vote for the best graphics and the player who did it will win the Best Graphic of the Season Trophy. I honestly don’t even know if these ideas can work and if it is possible to create these trophies, but i really think that the Point Tasks and the Fantasy Zone should be more recognized by the league and by the other players. Thanks for considering my idea (I hope to see the trophies in the next VHL awards ceremony) and have a great day. 506 words 16 - 22 august
  13. all the logos are beautiful, but here are my favorites : 1. Stockholm Vikings 2. Istanbul Red Wolves 3. Cologne Express 4. Rome Gladiators 5. Bratislava Watchmens 6. Vasteras Iron Eagles
  14. I really don't know if these ideas were already said by other players, but i think that these would be fun 1. Make all-star teams and an all-star game 2. Find some new supplemental point task to make each week less repetitive 3. Make the attribute mean more, like if your player as a better shot then make him score more goals and so on
  15. What if the VHL Europe was VHL Quebec? Welcome back to part two of the mini-series, what if the VHL Europe was the VHL Quebec? Last part I presented two cities, Gatineau and Trois-Rivières. I will now start with the third city, Montreal, as you know, Montreal already has a team in the NHL, the Montreal Canadiens. With that being said, there is now way that Montreal should not have his team in the VHL Quebec. With its 1,78 million inhabitants, Montreal is the most populated city in the entire province of Quebec. After a city that everyone expected, let’s go with one that no one expected, Rimouski. With only 50 000 inhabitants, Rimouski is a small city, but with a big hockey history. Rimouski currently has a team in the QMJHL, the Rimouski Oceanics. The team had a lot of great players, for example, Sidney Crosby, but not only him, Brad Richards, Alexis Lafrenière, Vincent Lecavalier and many others.
  16. 1. i always listen to music that hype you up. The music you listen too should always make you ready for the games. 2. I never train the same day of my games, but i train all the other days of the week. 3. The morning of a big game i always go to Tim Hortons and i eat a wrap with the patatos and a big chocolate milk. 4. Not really, i play my best every game and i train as hard as i can to win games for the team. 5. I think that i started my Tim Hortons thing maybe two years ago, but other than that i don't really remember. 6. Never, it is a thing that you start, but never stop.
  17. What if the VHL Europe was the VHL Quebec? As you know, a new league was recently born. The new league is only made of teams located in Europe. In this series, I will recreate this league, but with only teams located in the province of Quebec. We will start immediately with the first city, Gatineau. Gatineau is a big city located in the west of Quebec along the border of Ontario just besides Ottawa. There have been talks about relocating the Ottawa Senators to Gatineau, but the talk has never been really serious. Gatineau is a city with 285 000 people and a big hockey city who should have its own team. The second and last city for part one of this mini-series is Trois-Rivières. Trois-Rivières is a city with 138 000 people. They are currently hosting a team from the ECHL, the Trois-Rivières Lions. The Lions will play their first season ever this year. They are the affiliated team. 160 words
  18. 1. Music, i always listen to music, when i go running, when i wanna relax and even when i am home alone and i can sing as loud as i want. 2. I try to always be in the firsts players to arrive at the arena and i listen music that i know to relax. 3. spaghetti with my grand-mother's sauce. 4. Handball, i am playing handball since i am 10 years old and i really like it. 5. listening to music, there is nothing compare to music. It is relaxing, you enter in your bubble and no one can distract you. 6. Quebec, because they deserve a team since a very very long time.
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