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Posts posted by Advantage

  1. 44 minutes ago, rory said:

    I still don't like how Jericho didn't die to your duel, I think we keep on him because he guaranteed has defense, get N0HBDY tomorrow

    Yea I agree ultimately.  I can still duel him tonight too.

  2. 9 minutes ago, N0HBDY said:

    N1: Jhatty8, Ptyrell, or MMflex is evil.

    N2: Devise or Osens is good. 

    N3: Doomsday, WentzKneeFan036 or Spartan is evil.

    N4: Jailed

    N5: Alex J or Colemrtz is good.

    N6: Rory, Jericho, or NSG is evil.

    So interesting.  On odd numbered nights, you are supposed to get evil.


    I dont believe the role block effects this either.  I believe you just lose your vision for that day.


    Correct me if I'm wrong @NSG88?


    • On odd-numbered Nights, you will get three names, at least one of which is evil. On even-numbered Nights, you will get two names, at least one of which is good.
    • If you are jailed or roleblocked, you will not receive a vision.
  3. 1.  With a 4-0 sweep we destroyed it in the first round.  What do you think of our chances after an impressive showing?


    2. Who was MVP of our first series?


    3. Who needs to step it up to go all the way for us?


    4. Have you been paying attention to VHLE happenings, and if so, who do you think wins the tournament?


    5. If you were a VHLE GM and had to pick anywhere from 1 to 6 in a snake draft, which pick would you want to have?


    6. How has the pandemic been for all of you of late?


    @FBR @DollarAndADream  @Spade18 @JCV @GoldGear88 @duckberg32 @Thunfish @Pengu @jhatty8 @Lilmar @ThatsGreissy

  4. 7 minutes ago, NSG88 said:

    No idea


    School Internet is super slow rn so I may not know for a while

    My thought is lynch Jericho and I can duel N0HBDY prob.  I'm not sure of him and Rory who I trust less but I have found N0HBDYs psychic claims sus as have others and we haven't heard much from him overall.


    Super easy role to fake too so my theory is he's Coven or Mafia.

  5. 5 minutes ago, rory said:

    I mean you can duel me, I still have a shield so I hopefully won't die

    I'm not trying to pick on you specifically btw.  I just don't believe anyone 100% that isn't NSG right now.


    I believe Jericho at 0% and I can't duel him again tonight so might as well lynch him.

  6. 42 minutes ago, Jericho said:

    Yes with my infinite number of other options in a game with this few people left. Advantage is confirmed a pirate, he knew the results of the duel without my having shared them. There's at least one mafia and one coven left.


    I get that this is a game where we all lie to each other perpetually but it isn't a personal shot. You picked tried to call me out as Coven Leader when I'm roleblocked twice on nights he acted. The fuck do you think I'm going to expect with 3 options and 2 bads left?

    Also while I can't explain why you wouldn't have killed first night.  CL killed last night and would be immune to RB.


    My assumption is your Mafioso turned GF rather than CL (I personally think this is N0HBDY).  Rory isn't in the clear for me either though.


    You are most definitely not a Doctor though.

  7. 1 hour ago, NSG88 said:

    Ah yes, the big brain play: Vote the transporter!


    Nothing sus there

    I mean he isn't wrong about his point.


    But in reality I don't trust any of the 3 and don't have a good enough thought on any of them other than Jericho clearly having defense to survive my duel.


    Vote Jericho

  8. I'm fine voting Jericho out and dueling someone else.


    Hes not town at all anyway so it's safer..not that it matters at this point.


    I'm not a big brain ToS player tho so not sure what the best course of action is at this point.

  9. 5 minutes ago, NSG88 said:

    About you not wanting to vote out Goli…


    We may as well. Town is fucked, yes, but we still have a minuscule shot. May as well try and take it

    I dont mind it either way.  You guys take the lead here.  There's a number of suspect people.  Jericho is also obv not Town cause once again where is Doctor ya kno? I can fight Jericho again if you wanna vote Goli.  In reality tho, I don't trust our psychics claims at the moment nor do I trust the other quiet ones ultimately.

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