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Posts posted by Advantage

  1. 1. With the VHLE GM announcement coming out, who should be the next GM of the Mexico City Kings?

    2. With a record of 21-5-0 we currently have the best record in the league.  What will we have to do to keep it up and stay in first?

    3. Sunrise and Rike are both in the top ten in league scoring.  Where do you predict they finish at the end of the season?

    4. Miami has had our number this season, contributing to three of our losses.  What do we need to do to overcome them?

    5. You can change any rule in the league...what would it be?

    6. You can GM any team in any of our three leagues...who is it?


    @FBR @Plate @Spade18 @JCV @duckberg32 @GoldGear88 @DollarAndADream  @Thunfish @bukss_a @Pengu @jhatty8 @DeeGoat @ThatsGreissy



  2. 6 minutes ago, Goliathus said:

    Okay, I think it's NSG88.

    From your vision:
    Gus could be Libertarian, which he has said so.
    Gus shouldn't be Ballot Destroyer because he voted for FLEX to get the critical 6th vote and his vote is not a -1 that reduces the vote to a 4 and prevent a hang.
    He isn't town so we cut out Owl and BO.
    He shouldn't be BS or he would have swapped something by now.

    Then, we can refer to MMFLEX's will as hacker:
    N2 - Action - Gustav Ability was used on Ricer

    The mafia composition should be Sniper, Gustav, Debt Collector. We killed Sniper and Debt Collector. Unless your psychic vision is Gustav'd(I am not even sure if your crsytal ball can be Gustav'd or not), Gustav should be Libertarian.

    This leaves NSG as the Gustav with a sniper rifle.

    Yeah thats exactly what I was thinking too.


    My interpretation of ballot destroyer is you can choose to -1 but don't have to.  I could have that wrong though.

  3. 20 minutes ago, Goliathus said:

    Can you still win as Libertarian though?

    You see I don't even know who the heck to bet on here as both Gustav and NSG have questionable claims.


    Gus claims Libertarian, which from what role page states that he can attack the mayor at night, which he hasn't done so yet, which is suspicious and means he might not be Libertarian.


    Meanwhile, NSG claims accountant but has not been audited by anyone else, and has not attacked or protected anyone -- at least no one had said anything about it. So he is accountant but has done nothing for 6 nights? Also suspicious.


    @AdvantageWhat's your take?

    I've been finding NSGs claim the most suspicious but I'm not sure.


    Could go either way.  Gus has been quiet.  I think I'm leaning NSG tho.  

  4. 20 minutes ago, Goliathus said:

    Did you see anything from your vision?

    What did you fish out now?

    I dont fish out again until tonight.


    My psychic vision was for Gus.


    Your target could be a Libertarian, Ballot Destroyer, Owl, Bunker Operator, or Brain Switcher.

  5. 1. Team is off to a great start.  What has been the biggest difference?

    2. What has been the biggest difference between where you played before the VHLM from here?

    3. Favorite cheat snack?

    4. You can represent any country that isn't your own, who is it?

    5. You can change to any position, what is it?

    6. Favourite meme?


    @FBR @Plate @Spade18 @JCV @duckberg32 @GoldGear88  @DollarAndADream   @Thunfish  @bukss_a  @Pengu  @jhatty8  @DeeGoat  @ThatsGreissy

  6. 1 hour ago, Goliathus said:

    One way to win is that you all indeed believe that I am the wizard, we vote out NSG88 or Jericho, and at night all of you just visit me. If any of you have a bomb, I will be count as attacked, and I will cast my spell on the survivor between NSG88 or Jericho to move the attack to him. This will take down both mafias in 1 day(/night), Gustav will outlast the mayor to win, and town wins as well.

    Honestly seems like a solid plan.  Is there any way that could backfire on us though?


    Also, fished out a crystal ball last night.

  7. 57 minutes ago, WentzKneeFan036 said:

    Alright I'm just gonna come out and say it since the bad guys are close to getting majority....


    I am executioner and OMG is my target


    Vote me if you wish town (if you even have the numbers) but it will be a waste

    I'll claim to since it seems like we really need it.  


    I am the Fisherman.


    N1: Fished up a Fish 

    N2: Used Fish (Invulnerable for the night)

    N3: Fished up Shield


    With me fishing up a shield I felt it was a good time to come out cause I honestly have no idea who to trust and I'm hoping I can protect someone who is actually good tonight.

  8. 4 hours ago, GustavMattias said:


    Wouldn't the more important ones to check with be the EFL rather than the people making the proposal? I still feel like if we're at the point where we're asking another league if our logo is OK to use we're at the point where we shouldn't use it though.


    I looked up the Riga coat of arms and it might be pretty difficult to come up with a logo concept based on that...but maybe suggest it and see what they do? It certainly doesn't have to be (and shouldn't be) an exact copy of it, but incorporating elements of it might work--maybe make the castle gray and put it behind the closed-mouth logo or put the keys behind/over the lion for more of a distinctive look than just orange EFL.

    Yeah 100% we have to confirm with EFL.  If they are good with it all good.  I'd use the one on the right since it's a bit more different.

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