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Posts posted by Advantage

  1. On 11/29/2021 at 3:22 PM, Bulduray_1 said:

    Presser Time! Answer these questions for easy 2 TPE!

    1. What's the biggest thing we can improve on in our upcoming games?
    2. What are your season expectations for our team?
    3. What's your favourite sports team jersey?
    4. How is your player fitting in with his new team on the ice?
    5. Favourite movie or show?
    6. Coca Cola or Pepsi? 

    @Alesime @Blakemac22 @DisplayName @BraydenPoint @Walllle919 @wwefan12 @Grape @GoldGear88 @Slick @Turnip67 @Thode @rotbag @MrMonkey @Strider @Advantage @N0HBDY @ToooSaucey

    1. I think staying out of the penalty box.

    2. I'm hoping we can climb into the playoffs and make some noise.

    3. I love the Capitals uniform.

    4. I think Rusty is fitting in well.  He's played a big role on the blueline.

    5. Favourite movie is Schindler's List.  Favourite show is Ted Lasso.

    6. Coke for me.  Both are good though.

  2. 3 hours ago, Bulduray_1 said:

    Saskatoon Press Conference

    It's that time again! Answer these 6 questions for 2 TPE!

    @Alesime @Grape @GoldGear88 @Turnip67 @Thode @MrMonkey @Advantage @N0HBDY

    1. How is your player preparing to ramp up for the start of the VHLM season on Wednesday?
    2. Any goals you want your player to achieve during the season?
    3. What are your first impressions of Saskatoon?
    4. Is there any VHLM team that your excited to play this year?
    5. Are you a fan of the NHL? If so, how is your team doing so far?
    6. Favourite Fruit?

    1. Just putting the work in on the ice and in the gym.


    2. Win another Founders Cup.  If I had to set personal statistics goals: 30 Points, 200 Hits, 140 SB.


    3. Enjoy it so far.  Haven't been able to get out as much yet though.


    4. I'm excited to play Ottawa since I was a member of their team last season.


    5. I am...not well lol.  Habs fan.


    6. Best fruit hmm...probably Strawberry.

  3. On 11/10/2021 at 12:05 PM, BarzalGoat said:

    Offseason Presser #2!!!!


    1. How has the offseason been going for you, did you stay in Saskatoon or go home?


    2. What's one part of your game you'd like to improve this offseason?


    3. Are there any players in the VHLM who you'd like to get a chance to play with? 


    4. Offseason means free time, any good shows on Netflix or Hulu that you've been catching up on?


    5. Taking time off from hockey can be good, what's your secondary sport that you like to play?


    6. What's your favorite lunch food? I'm pretty hungry and could use an idea :)



    1. Arrived in Sasky recently and will be spending much of the offseason there.


    2. I would like really to improve in my ability to handle the puck.


    3. No not really.  I'm happy with who I am playing with.


    4. Finished Lasso recently.  Working through Manifest right now.


    5. Baseball.  Always enjoyed the statistical aspect of it.


    6. Pizza always.



    While I know I am technically not the current GM of the Cologne Express anymore, I received permission from current GM @BarzalGoat to make one more official announcement for the Express, as this was something I had been planning ever since I was named GM of the team back when VHLE was originally announced.


    The Victory Hockey League has seemingly gone away from jersey retirements, and while I personally am fine with that, I also am a proponent of keeping it around.  For Cologne, there was one player that seemingly fell through the cracks.  Currently, Cologne's jersey retirements include Hall of Famer forward, Kameron Taylor, and long-time fan favourite, Ron World Peace.  However, now they will be joined by one of the greatest players in Victory Hockey League history.


    Thomas O'Malley was a member of the Cologne Express from S40 to S44, playing five seasons on the German club after being selected 1st Overall in Season 40.  He would immediately make an impact winning the Christian Stolzschweiger Trophy (Top Rookie) before following that up with a Mikka Virkkunen Trophy (Most Sportsmanlike) in Season 41.  The Season 42 playoffs would also see O'Malley and the Express win the first (and only) Continental Cup in the franchise's history.  From Season 43 to Season 46, the league saw arguably the greatest stretch of VHL individual success since Scotty Campbell.  O'Malley would spend two of those years with Cologne and tear it up winning the Scotty Campbell Trophy (League MVP) once, Brett Slobodzian Trophy (Most Outstanding Player) twice, Mike Szatkowski Trophy (League Leader in Points) twice, Kevin Brooks Trophy (League Leader in Goals) twice and the Alexander Beketov Trophy (League Leader in Assists) once.  He would continue that run and be a unanimous selection into the Hall of Fame and is widely regarded as the league's greatest player since the original decade.


    I have known @OrbitingDeath  since he came into the league and have had the pleasure of being a teammate of his and even his GM.  He is a wonderful person that I encourage everyone to get to know.  Therefore, I was thrilled to still get the opportunity to make this long overdue announcement.


    Please congratulate him on this great accomplishment!!




    S40-S44 Regular Season: 360 GP | 229 G | 316 A | 545 P | +221 | 44 GW

    S40-S44 Playoffs: 56 GP | 25 G | 33 A | 58 P | +2 | 6 GW


    Continental Cup (League Champion) - S42

    Terence Fong Trophy (EU Conference Champion) - S42, S43, S44

    Scotty Campbell Trophy (League MVP) - S44

    Brett Slobodzian Trophy (Most Outstanding) - S43, S44

    Mike Szatkowski Trophy (Points Leader) - S43, S44

    Kevin Brooks Trophy (Goals Leader) - S43, S44

    Alexander Beketov Trophy (Assists Leader) - S44




    *credit to Beketov for the banner creation*

  5. On 11/13/2021 at 8:46 AM, Matt thunder said:


    Week Ending November 14 , 2021 


    1 GUESS WHAT? WE JUST WON THE FRICKING VHLM, how are you feeling? you will always remember this day?


    2 Now, let's not lie, when yukon won game 6, where you scared to lose at game 7?


    3 What will be your favorite memory of this season? winng the cup? or will you have an other memory in mind?


    4 What will you miss more from this season? a player? the GM?


    5 If netflix had to make a film about us winng the cup, which title would you propose? ( I would propose the underlynx, get it? the underdog is now the underlynx as everyone thought yukon was going to win, but guess what? we won. )


    6 The offseason is started, what is your player going to do during this time? train more or just relax?

    1. So excited.  It's a thrilling experience to win the title!


    2. Not a chance.  I knew we would clutch it out in the end.


    3. Winning the Cup is the ultimate goal and that journey is the one to be retold again and again.


    4. Just the whole team and the experience of being on a cup winning team and getting to play so many games with the team.  It's great preparation for next season.


    5. Let's just go with your suggestion since I can't think of anything.


    6. Bit of both.  Definitely will be working hard though.

  6. It's great imo.


    I saw this logo oddly enough back when we were talking about logos before.  Must have been on the same site, and I thought back then it was a candidate.  Never did think to post it though since I figured we were trying to go in-house for the logo at the time.  Cool how things work out.

  7. Towering over opponents on the ice, Rusty Cannon has been playing as a depth defenseman on the Ottawa Lynx who are one win away from winning the Founders Cup.  "I want to win so bad.  This agency has a long list of Founders Cup winners and I just want to join them."  


    Cannon, who fell just short on two trips to the Memorial Cup during his WHL career, finally had a chance to kick the monkey off his back and win a title.  "It's been hard to be referred to as a choker by others despite giving everything you have.  But I can't worry about that and I'm just focusing on doing what I can for Ottawa."


    Rusty has been playing a more defensive role with 2 goals, 30 hits and 19 blocked shots in 15 playoff games.  He has been solid defensively though and a key contributor on the penalty kill for the Lynx.

    "We have one game to go.  We either win or lose and while that isn't exactly how you want to do it, you can't help but enjoy the script writing.  All we can do is make sure the ending is the one that we want and not the alternate."

  8. 1. Plans for the offseason?


    2. Any thoughts about your next player yet? I know some like to really plan ahead.


    3. 1 rule change that you could implement to any of the 3 leagues?


    4. Are you a member of any other leagues? And if so how does this one compare?


    5. How would you describe your player in one sentence?


    6.  Did you base any of your player after yourself? And if so what was it?


    @Rocket @Battlepopcorn @GoldGear88 @Craig @Darth Kaprizov @124715 @Garrett @Minion @Thunfish @Azlan @PistolP @DeeGoat @Xalen11 @ColeMrtz @Jericho @Josh

  9. 4 hours ago, Nykonax said:

    how do you miss 15 backup games... just miss 20 at that point


    also what happens if you miss all 20 backup games. the rule is you'd have to start 20 + 40 for 60 games? Aren't they just a starter at that point

    By not knowing there is a backup rule in the first place.


    One of my closest friends (who isn't that invested in the VHL) was my backup goalie so I put it on settings that allowed for a lot of goalie changes and gave him a few starts with the intention of him starting next season.  


    My fault for not reading the rulebook closely though.  Tbh would have assumed I'd get a ping or something given first season but all good, that's on me.

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