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Posts posted by Advantage

  1. 7 minutes ago, Mr_Hatter said:

    I RB'd Alex because I was expecting CL to control him into shooting someone. I'm not convinced he isn't evil still. Probably him and N0h both evil. 


    What is your claim anyway? You keep saying you aren't important yet aren't saying anything about what you are, despite very clearly not wanting to die 

    He claimed Tracker.

  2. 3 hours ago, NSG88 said:

    That’s actually helpful!


    Now we know Goli has to be bad since he’s slandered OMG and Alex


    You vote out Goli as well

    Do we trust the N0HBDY psychic claim tho? 


    Seems sus to me.

  3. 21 minutes ago, rory said:

    Tf? Jericho is alive??

    Yeah no one killed him.  I couldn't duel him twice in a row and it was determined because when I RBd him town still got destroyed, that he wasn't a killing baddie.  In theory one could say that about Goli too if he is one.



  4. 5 minutes ago, NSG88 said:

    Any advice as to who we should vote

    I prob wouldn't vote Goliathus.  He's not wrong that we got destroyed despite the RB.  Tbh Town prob has already lost, but we should target someone other than him and Jericho.


    Anyone else not claim yet?

  5. 4 minutes ago, NSG88 said:

    It's been an hour, could you exmplain

    Sorry I got out at 8 lol.


    Well, I'll take a fun little risk here.


    I am the Pirate.  Here open to working with town to help them take out the Mafia/Coven in hopes of a shared victory.


    N1: Didn't realize I had to say it in the day? (My bad)

    N2: I dueled NSG and lost


    When I had messaged in the day to Gustav I honestly thought you were taking control and in my last few games of ToS, that person has turned out bad every single time (Wentz and Omg in one of them, bigAl in a recent one).  So I thought you could be just being a very active Mafia/Coven and getting in everyone's good graces.  I have since learned people confirming you, so I definitely feel better about you being confirmed Town now.


    I know that duel will look like bad faith, but I'm hoping to go on someone who has been quiet/suspect mafia/coven tonight.

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