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    Advantage reacted to BOOM in Season 53 Discussion: Our Turn to Shine   
    Keep posting.

  2. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Da Trifecta in Record Books debate   
    Go to 10 seasons.

  3. Like
    Advantage reacted to STZ in S54: Update Scale Changes   
    I love the outcry.. This literally affects everyone exactly the same.
    I likey.. I think.. Let me reserve the right to bitch next season..
  4. Like
    Advantage reacted to Will in S54: Update Scale Changes   
    In all the ways the league has changed since inception in S1, virtually the only thing to remain untouched is the update scale. That is really quite a surprising fact given how much change has gone on all around it, specifically the indisputable fact that TPE levels are higher. But today we announce some modest changes to the update scale meant to bring it up to date with today's VHL. This is a topic that's been brought up many times over the past many season and we're confident that we have found a fair solution that makes a little bit more sense while not hurting any one group of players nor unfairly benefiting another. 
    The new update scale is as follows:
    40 -> 70 ---- 1 TPE per point
    70 -> 80 ---- 2 TPE per point
    80 -> 85 ---- 3 TPE per point
    85 -> 90 ---- 4 TPE per point
    90 -> 95 ---- 5 TPE per point
    95 -> 99 ---- 6 TPE per point
    As you can see, the update scale doesn't change prior to 85 in an attribute. That leaves 99.9% of the VHLM completely unaffected and it also allows for lower TPE earners to still get to a solid level of 85 without being affected at all by the new scale. The jump to 90 is rather small as well, requiring only an additional 5 TPE over the old scale. For those reasons, we feel this scale is very fair to all kinds of members whether they're active or semi-active. 90-95 and most of all 95-99 is where the changes are significant and, especially when coupled with depreciation, even the highest TPE earners will have difficulty maintaining several attributes at 99. The introduction of this scale will force some more decision making for everyone in the final stages of an attribute, hopefully causing a deviation from the current #1 strategy which is to 99 everything you can.
    This has been discussed extensively but we've also run several test sims and conversions, so I'm confident in saying this is really a modest change that is fair to everyone.
    Implementation will occur in the S53 off-season. Until that time, all updates should continue to follow the old scale.
    Here's how implementation will work:
    Near the end of VHL Playoffs, the Updaters will stop processing all updates. This seasons depreciation will occur very early in the off-season. Following depreciation, all players pages will be converted to the new update scale directly based on how much TPE is applied to each attribute at that point in time. After everyone has been converted initially, we'll be offering a free TPE Re-Roll to anyone who wants one. This will allow you to re-allocate all of your TPE based on the new update scale. Updates will begin to be processed again at this time. Instructions on this will come later. Following the conversion, re-rolls, depreciation, etc., attributes in the sim will be updated. From there, it will be business as usual under the new update scale.
      That's about all I have for now. I will have another announcement up closer to the off-season discussing implementation more, including more details on the TPE re-distributions. We are happy to try to answer any questions posted in this thread.
  5. Like
    Advantage reacted to Smarch in A Final Undertaking   
    Sad but no point hanging on when your not having fun. Beat of luck 
  6. Like
    Advantage reacted to BOOM in Season 53 Discussion: Our Turn to Shine   
    Imagine retiring and saying you'll never be back. What an idiot.

  7. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Kendrick in Season 53 Discussion: Our Turn to Shine   
    18-0-1 in our last nineteen games...goodness.
  8. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from stevo in Season 53 Discussion: Our Turn to Shine   
    18-0-1 in our last nineteen games...goodness.
  9. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Higgins in Podarok and McChunky retire   
    Sad to see.  If you ever need to talk I have gone through some similar stuff and am there if you just ever need it.
    I hope you reconsider but I completely understand and I hope that if you are looking for a support system of some kind that you are able to find it.
  10. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from STZ in VHL By The Numbers   
    This week will look at three players who have struggled all season to meet expectations.
    4 - Okay, so maybe picking on the rookie playing as a seventh forward isn't really fair, but Brock Dragonslayer has been that bad this season.  With just four points in thirty-four games, the young winger has definitely been the impressive rookie that was expected to do anything this season.  While he has been playing limited minutes, he has played just fifty-three less minutes than Conrad Jenkins, and sits twelve points back of him.  Additionally, he hasn't been as well rounded as expected with just 14 hits, 53 shots and 1 blocked shot in the thirty-four games.  To make matters worse, only one of his points comes at even strength with the other three being produced due to the power play.  When asked about his play he had this to say: "I know I have to step up and I want to do everything in my power to set this team up to win.  I hope I can do that here going forward."  This writer certainly hopes to see a jump in his play or he may go down as an equal or even a lesser to Logan Laich.
    .916 - Jakub Holik has some really tremendous numbers and some that don't even come close to reaching expectations.  He was supposed to be the clear cut top goaltender this year and an easy favourite to win the Aidan Shaw Trophy.  Instead, he sits tied for fifth in save percentage with the young Rhett DeGrath and behind the likes of Apollo Skye and Artom Zhumbayev.  Holik does sit first in wins and GAA but given the nature of those statistics, it's hard not to believe that his team has severely been helping him in those areas but have been let down a bit by his lack of saves per shots that he has faced.  While Holik has been decent overall, that is no where near the level that was expected of the undoubted top goaltender in the league.  One anonymous GM had this to say: "I've never seen him look so shaken at times,  He's the best goalie in the league and I do expect him to come around, but our team sees some holes right now that we are not used to seeing with him."  I expect Holik to pick it up as well, and even challenge for the Shaw Trophy, but he needs to turn it on soon or the Bears and Holik could be in trouble when they hit the playoffs.
    .901 - Two rookie goalies currently sit with .901 save percentages, and while I hate to continue to pick on goalies, both of these guys are on pretty darn good teams and really need to perform better if their teams expect to go anywhere in the future.  M.T. Power, of the New York Americans, and Astrid Moon, of the Helsinki Titans, are the two goalies in question.  Power has 20 wins, .901 save percentage, 2.18 GAA and 1 shutout, and while a couple of those statistics are pretty respectable, the other two are absolutely pathetic.  Moon has 18 wins, .901 save percentage, 2.56 GAA and 3 shutouts.  While I don't feel 3 shutouts and 18 wins are anything to write home about, they are decent enough that I can't really call them pathetic.  The 2.56 GAA is probably expected given he is less developed than Power and his team is too.  With that being said, these goalies are the starters on two of the top four teams in the league, and their play is not acceptable regardless of their status, experience or the team in front of them.  They can't be this bad if their team wants to win the Continental Cup.
  11. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from BOOM in VHL By The Numbers   
    This week's article will look at three players who have really stepped it up thus far this season and deserve the recognition.
    77 - Can anyone catch Joel Jarvi? The veteran forward has recorded sixty points in twenty-six games this season and currently sits first in goals and second in assists in the entire league, while holding a definitive ten point advantage over any other player in the Victory Hockey League.  Jarvi has paced the top-heavy offensive Express team that has four players who currently sit on pace for 100 point seasons in Jarvi, AK47, MVH, and rookie, Alexander Thrower.  The Express have pretty much nothing else going for them offensively, so if they want to make noise this season and in the playoffs, they really need this quartet, led by Jarvi, to pace the way and out score the rest of the European Conference.  I expect he may be caught, but with how well he has been playing, it would take a significant slow down or a really sharp turn forward for someone like Maximoff or Maxwell, to make up the ground.
    91 - Fabio Jokinen has had a really excellent sophomore season thus far.  The Meute defender has recorded thirty-four points and also has ninety-one hits and eighty-eight blocked shots in thirty-four games.  To put this into perspective, Jokinen is on pace for 72 points, 193 hits and 186 blocked shots.  While he may be a bit back offensively from the likes of Hamilton, Digital and Velvet, his all-around play deserves to get recognized, and given that the Meute have been a decent team this year, you have to be impressed by how effective he has been in each and every zone.  I believe his play is definitely realistically capable of continuing and I hope to see his offense pick up a bit and perhaps put him around the eighty point mark, which could potentially put him in the discussion for Top Defenseman, if some of the other elite defenders slow down a bit offensively.
    .932 - I never would have predicted that Apollo Skye would be this year's stand out goaltender, but it's a pretty tough argument to counter at this stage.  Skye currently is the only goalie at the .925 save percentage level or higher.  The next closest is Ilya Kopralkov who sits at a .924 save percentage.  Skye is third in goals-against-average and while he is a bit back of Holik and DeGrath, his other statistics more than put him ahead of both.  Skye has fifteen wins this year and if any statistic could stop him from winning, it is this one.  At the moment, he is not a winning goaltender and while he isn't far off the mark needed to be above .500, his competition is well ahead.  With that being said, Skye has more shutouts than anyone who isn't Rhett DeGrath and once again, save percentage generally rules all in the grand scheme of things.  I do see Skye falling back a bit though and some of the top goalies moving closer, which could make those other statistics like wins and GAA important in the final vote for the Shaw Trophy.
  12. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Kendrick in Season 53 Discussion: Our Turn to Shine   
    Yeah ill be getting mine in this weekend.
  13. Like
    Advantage reacted to Kendrick in Season 53 Discussion: Our Turn to Shine   
    Boys we are on a fucking roll. Make sure to get your updates in and if you are stuck, update your defense.
  14. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from BluObieZ in Has Robbie turned around his image?   
    I would say your still an ass, but an entertaining one.
  15. Like
    Advantage reacted to Smarch in Season 53 Discussion: Our Turn to Shine   
    Smarch suggests line changes, Stockholm wins 10 n a row and takes over 1st place. 
    I'll hold your hand when you get called to the podium this off-season
  16. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Smarch in Season 53 Discussion: Our Turn to Shine   
    10 in a row!
  17. Like
    Advantage reacted to boubabi in One More Update Scale Thread   
    The real question is
    Why neil svokgaard had a 150 pts season
  18. Like
    Advantage reacted to Phil in One More Update Scale Thread   
    I'd be down for a 10-season career too. I'd loved to have seen that implemented in S51! 
  19. Like
    Advantage reacted to ASIANBOUBABI in Claimed:The Pajodcast - The Holy One   
    Listening now...I was worried it was going to be all religious for an hour.
  20. Like
    Advantage reacted to BOOM in Season 53 Discussion: Our Turn to Shine   
    I'm sure I will. It was lonely being a VHL Refugee with no home, wandering from thread to thread with no purpose, no friends, no opinion on team performances. You saved me from a life of desperation and loneliness. You are my very own UNHCR.
  21. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from BOOM in Season 53 Discussion: Our Turn to Shine   
    @BOOM Hopefully you enjoy the LR
  22. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from BOOM in Season 53 Discussion: Our Turn to Shine   
    @Jericho You won a cup with Boom in NY.
  23. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Jericho in Season 53 Discussion: Our Turn to Shine   
    @Jericho You won a cup with Boom in NY.
  24. Like
    Advantage reacted to BOOM in Season 53 Discussion: Our Turn to Shine   
    My supreme hacking skills have found me in this LR. Prepare your bank accounts for rape. 
    I missed having a LR to call home, so I blackmailed Chris into letting me in here. Ummmmmm, go Vikings?
  25. Like
    Advantage reacted to Will in One More Update Scale Thread   
    Total Points Earned: 569
    CK = Checking: 40
    FG = Fighting: 40
    DI = Discipline: 40
    SK = Skating: 99 --> 96
    ST = Strength: 85
    PH = Puck Handling: 98 --> 95 2/6
    FO = Face Offs: 41
    PA = Passing: 82
    SC = Scoring: 99 --> 96
    DF = Defense: 97 --> 95 2/5
    PS = Penalty Shot: 40
    EX = Experience: 40
    LD = Leadership: 40
    Red represents what his player page would look like under #2. Hardly a dramatic reduction and if you think a 96 vs a 99 is going to all of the sudden make a player awful I think you greatly overestimate the impact of 3 attribute points. Notice what attributes are affected - this change will make everyone, not just Green, consider different builds rather than jam 4 big attributes to 99. 
    Now let's look at a real mostly welfare player, World B Free:
    Player Attributes
    Total Points Earned: 614

    CK = Checking: 75 1/2
    FG = Fighting: 40
    DI = Discipline: 41
    SK = Skating: 81
    ST = Strength: 80
    PH = Puck Handling: 74
    FO = Face Offs: 40
    PA = Passing: 87 --> 86 2/4
    SC = Scoring: 70
    DF = Defense: 92 --> 90 3/5
    PS = Penalty Shot: 40
    EX = Experience: 81
    LD = Leadership: 40
    Again, red represents how his player page would look converted to #2 today. That's someone who has claimed 5/week (welfare and a job) most of his career and been depreciated 3 times. The difference is negligible. 
    So I don't buy the argument. The fact that the scale doesn't even change until 85 and only increases by 1 after that practically guarantees the average players you're talking about won't even be effected much less destroyed - realistically anyone who earns less than Stevo won't see any changes in most cases. The only difference will be that everyone who goes high enough will come to a point where they will actually have to make some decisions on their TPE. 
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