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  1. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from .sniffuM in S43 Discussion Thread   
    So when I took 5 straight 12 hour shifts...I must have been high (was actually driving with Ryan and Kyle lol).
  2. Like
    Advantage reacted to Devise in My Thoughts on the Pajodcast In Person Meet Up   
    So for those of you who don't know, on the 8th of May, Jericho, (Kyle Snow) Advantage (Chris Miller) and myself (Ryan Power) had an in person hang out/meet up. Kyle and myself traveled to Ontario where Chris is located. We hung out for 10 days and we got up to lots of various activities such as; Indy Wrestling shows, Blue Jays game, doing a Marvel marathon before watching Avengers 2 in theaters, and visiting tons of tourist attractions such as Casa Loma, CN Tower, and the Science Center. 
    It was probably the all around best vacation I've ever had. I usually end up going on vacation to other places for other people. Whether it is being dragged to Newfoundland with my family, or having to be the best man at a wedding and landing in Jamaica. For those who don't know, I hate the heat. Honestly there was a bit of hype in my mind about this trip before I left. I road tripped down to Ontario with one of my current roomates, a trip that took us roughly 3 days. We drove around 3400 KM. The day I was scheduled to meet up with Kyle and Chris for a brief second I anticipated, would it be awkward? 
    For those who don't know on top of doing a regular podcast with Chris and Kyle I have skyped with them on a regular to semi regular basis for the better part of the last 3 years. However this was my first time ever meeting a group of friends I knew online in person. The moment I saw them however and got into the car? The awkwardness never reared it's head. Realistically speaking it was like meeting two people who I already knew, because in fact I did. I had a laugh as when they pulled up in the SUV, Kyle yells out the window driving in "pew pew pew" and with that the trip was underway. 
    On top of the highlights listed, our other highlight was meeting up with Phil from the site at a pub called Hoops in downtown Toronto. Again, another situation where I thought "this is a person I don't see or talk to as regularly, how awkward will it be?" But the moment he showed up and sat down, zero awkwardness. We chatted for a bit over an hour while VHL conversation was in some of the topic, others was our trip, random sports talk and just general conversation. 
    Ultimately the lesson of this trip for me was that despite the fact that we are on a site, online, and some of us have reservations about what that means, maybe some have some nervousness etc. We are still all regular ass people behind the keyboards. Jardy is still a bloody farmer who drinks too much. Victor is still British. Brovy is still a CoD loving teen. Boubabi still barely has a grasp on the English language. Phil is still a fun loving dude. A lot of the qualities and attributes most would have on this site can be relayed in person. 
    However some qualities aren't. Chris is more of a troll/ "big brother" in person. Kyle is far less of a troll, although he did his best to play up the persona at the right moments. Both Chris and Kyle felt I was more "fun" in person. Granted I had a lot to drink. Speaking of that, I attempted to count everything I drank during my 10 day stay in Ontario and the 3 day drive down, so in the 13 days I was gone. I had near the 60 beer mark during my trip as well as nearly half a bottle of wine at the fancy dinner and some scotch. While I won't argue that Jardy probably drinks more than I do, there was realistically only 2 days the whole time I didn't at least have 3-4 beer or more. Oddly enough I only really got drunk feeling the day we went to the CN tower. Mostly because I had like 6 beers before dinner. 
    To close, this to me was a great trip to help solidify and define a friendship, as well as just be so bloody fun. Kyle, Chris and I hope to do it again this time with the platform switching to either Alberta or Moncton. (Please be Alberta, fuck HST!) In the words of apparently me while we were driving from Pickering to Peterborough.....LONT! Thanks for not reading or reading if you did.  
  3. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Will in Claimed:Archie talks top teams for VHL Draft [Final 5/6]   
    Meh missing the best GM Draper
  4. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from BOOM in LIVE PAJODCAST TODAY!   
    We will get the video up this week.  
  5. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from NotAVHLM-GM in LIVE PAJODCAST TODAY!   
    We will get the video up this week.  
  6. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from BOOM in LIVE PAJODCAST TODAY!   
    UStream auto-records.  No worries Green
  7. Like
    Advantage reacted to Jericho in S43 Discussion Thread   
    Well it kind of got done. Davidson got about 10-12 mins in each game.
    Not ideal, but it's more than zero and it got you an assist! Like I said as well, I'll be fixing that stuff soon.
  8. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Sixersfan594 in New Bratislava GM   
    Would like to welcome Jericho in as the new GM of the Bratislava Watchmen.
  9. Like
    Advantage reacted to eaglesfan036 in Bratislava Watchmen GM Position   
    Thanks to all who applied! Due to Bratislava being a playoff team in the middle of the season, we have decided to hire someone quickly so the team get regain a GM. Sorry if you didn't have time to apply. 
    We have decided to hire Jericho as the new Watchmen GM, so congrats to Jericho! He's done an excellent job as GM in the past and I'm sure he can do so again. 
    For those of you who did not get the job, do not fret. We will have at least one position open this offseason, and possibly more. 
  10. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from eaglesfan036 in New Bratislava GM   
    Would like to welcome Jericho in as the new GM of the Bratislava Watchmen.
  11. Like
    Advantage reacted to Jericho in S43 Discussion Thread   
    Hey gents, glad to be here. I know that we have an over-saturation of forwards and I'll be looking to remedy that as soon as possible. I care more about getting you guys ice time (preferably with other people) than winning, but I'm not exactly planning to lose. New member activity is the most important thing in the VHLM.
    It might take a few days because I have to take stock of my assets and reacquaint myself with the VHLM. If anyone has any concerns or requests my PM box is always open. I'll be looking to remedy the situation as quickly as possible, but until we have few enough guys to play everyone every game I'll be doing a rotation.
    For today I sent Higgins a PM asking him to put in anyone who hasn't been getting ice time. I didn't give specific lines since I was more concerned with getting those guys in than having them right on the first day. If the lines are wonky today don't worry, it isn't permanent.
    I'll keep you guys updated as the situation progresses. Let's have some fun this year!
  12. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from STZ in ALL THE REST OF YOU CAN SUCK ON A SPACE TAILPIPE!   
    After some hanging out and sushi (pics that Ryan mainly took)..we went to a Jays game.  This was both Ryan and Kyle's first baseball game.  Ryan was looking forward to seeing if the Jays could put up some runs while Kyle....well he just screamed YEAH! every time Encarnacion was involved in a play.



  13. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from JardyB10 in ALL THE REST OF YOU CAN SUCK ON A SPACE TAILPIPE!   
    After some hanging out and sushi (pics that Ryan mainly took)..we went to a Jays game.  This was both Ryan and Kyle's first baseball game.  Ryan was looking forward to seeing if the Jays could put up some runs while Kyle....well he just screamed YEAH! every time Encarnacion was involved in a play.



  14. Like
    Advantage reacted to Tagger in ALL THE REST OF YOU CAN SUCK ON A SPACE TAILPIPE!   
    That's absolutely the right thing to do in that situation!
    Sucks that he got his home run a day early.
  15. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Tagger in ALL THE REST OF YOU CAN SUCK ON A SPACE TAILPIPE!   
    After some hanging out and sushi (pics that Ryan mainly took)..we went to a Jays game.  This was both Ryan and Kyle's first baseball game.  Ryan was looking forward to seeing if the Jays could put up some runs while Kyle....well he just screamed YEAH! every time Encarnacion was involved in a play.



  16. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Kendrick in ALL THE REST OF YOU CAN SUCK ON A SPACE TAILPIPE!   
    After a tough loss by the Jays we went to a local bar for our second time of the day.



    We had an awesome time and look forward to potentially hanging out again with him next weekend.
  17. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Phil in ALL THE REST OF YOU CAN SUCK ON A SPACE TAILPIPE!   
    At this point...Ryan had like nine or ten drinks that day and since we were that high up, it messes with you more..







    ...and that was our trip so far! More will obviously come
  18. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from stevo in ALL THE REST OF YOU CAN SUCK ON A SPACE TAILPIPE!   
    At this point...Ryan had like nine or ten drinks that day and since we were that high up, it messes with you more..







    ...and that was our trip so far! More will obviously come
  19. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Phil in ALL THE REST OF YOU CAN SUCK ON A SPACE TAILPIPE!   
    Then we had dinner at the CN Tower 360 Restaurant.  For those that have never been there, the restaurant spins (not too fast obviously but enough to notice when looking around.
    Also...it was like 80 dollars for a 3 course meal and given we had all that and also a 50 dollar bottle of wine..you can probably imagine how expensive it was lol.
    This was definitely the fanciest place any of us had ate at and it was brilliant.








  20. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Molholt in ALL THE REST OF YOU CAN SUCK ON A SPACE TAILPIPE!   
    After a tough loss by the Jays we went to a local bar for our second time of the day.



    We had an awesome time and look forward to potentially hanging out again with him next weekend.
  21. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Phil in ALL THE REST OF YOU CAN SUCK ON A SPACE TAILPIPE!   
    Then we were off for our final and most expensive trip of the day.  To the CN Tower.  Ryan and I had never been up and Kyle only when he was a kid.








  22. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Phil in ALL THE REST OF YOU CAN SUCK ON A SPACE TAILPIPE!   
    After a tough loss by the Jays we went to a local bar for our second time of the day.



    We had an awesome time and look forward to potentially hanging out again with him next weekend.
  23. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Phil in ALL THE REST OF YOU CAN SUCK ON A SPACE TAILPIPE!   
    After some hanging out and sushi (pics that Ryan mainly took)..we went to a Jays game.  This was both Ryan and Kyle's first baseball game.  Ryan was looking forward to seeing if the Jays could put up some runs while Kyle....well he just screamed YEAH! every time Encarnacion was involved in a play.



  24. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Phil in ALL THE REST OF YOU CAN SUCK ON A SPACE TAILPIPE!   
    Ryan quickly realized we are just as immature in person..


  25. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Phil in ALL THE REST OF YOU CAN SUCK ON A SPACE TAILPIPE!   
    Now to upload all of my pics.
    I started on my road trip Friday..


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