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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. See what you have done @JB123? I hope you are happy now...
  2. 1. oh damn, I do not know. It is a good story that London made the finals after not going beyond the first round ever before. 2. Europe of course, hoping for a repeat. 3. It certainly does not hurt to get new members to see their players in action more often. 4. Hey Lindy you are always welcome for a fishing trip with me and Marcel on our dad's yacht. 5. Sunny at long last, we did some gardening and do to pentecost it was an extended weekend to boot. 6. I only do that when I go to the stadium or in a pub (and not even always then) but not when I am at home.
  3. Yeah my source was a bit muddy and just mentioned that it belonged to Spain (apparently more of a claim to possession than anything else). But yeah the first 'settlers' seem to have been pirates or Bri'ish privateers (and here the waters get even muddier, as ones privateer is the others pirate) who built a safe harbour for their illicit operations in the region...
  4. This appears to be semi-wrong. In 1617, the area today known as Belize, was part of the 'Generalkapitanat Yucatan' (which itself was part of the 'Viceroyalty New Spain', including Texas, southern California, Florida, Hispaniola etc) and was governed from Mexico (then part of the Spanish colonial Empire). Since it became independent from the UK in 1981, the official language is indeed English, but a significant part of the population speak more than one language, Spanish being the second most spoken language in the country.
  5. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) At the time of writing this article, London is facing a loss in the Continental Cup finals, whereas Seattle is one win away from their 14th title. The first since S83 when they broke Vancouver's winning streak. However, the old saying goes that the last win is the most difficult one. So there is still hope for London to premier as a title holder. Our correspondent John Holmes has had a chance to talk to Marcel, to feel out what the state is in the United locker room. John Holmes (JH): 'Marcel, London is facing elimination in the finals. How is the general atmosphere in the lockerroom?' Marcel Janser (MJ): 'Hi John. Well, I would be lying if I said we are happy with the losses. Once you made it to the finals and a cup is up for grabs, there can only be one goal. However, we are still confident. We gave the Bears a run for their money in every match, losing twice with only one goal difference. In hockey that is practically a coin flip. One game was lost with two goals difference. So we were never shot out of the stadium and kept the games close.' JH: 'So where do you see the pros and cons for each team?' MJ: 'Well, we are enthusiastic to finally have gone beyond the first round. Further, if you look at the scoring race, we have the more productive players and with the exception of Nalwa and me, no-one has won a title. So everyone is hungry for that ring. For Seattle there is of course their history and the experience of their players. Four players in De Groot, Lamb, Hogan and Kovalchuk have won a cup before. The latter two were already part of Seattle's last cup-winning team. We will see what selection of perks is a recipe for success.' JH: 'Thanks, Marcel for these insights. Good luck.' MJ: 'Thanks for having me, John.' Here are the stats for the two brothers: Marcel: 20gp, 3g, 5a, 8pts, -2, 20 PIM, 34 hits, 30sb, 3ppg Daniel: 11gp, 4g, 7a, 11pts, +4, 14 PIM, 24 hits, 7sb, 57.78FO% We will revert with updates as soon as possible. https://vhlforum.com/topic/135979-a-tale-of-two-brothers-season-summary/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/136120-a-tale-of-two-brothers-second-round-achieved/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/136133-a-tale-of-two-brothers-london-goes-davos/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/136259-a-tale-of-two-brothers-half-done/
  6. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The conference finals are played and only one Janser made it to the Continental Cup finals. To our mild surprise it is not long-standing Calgary captain Daniel, but his younger brother Marcel, who will have a chance for a repeat cup and basically pull a Claude Lemieux move. The Swiss defender is scoring at a .5 point per game pace, as he has done in every VHL Playoffs so far and even achieved a new personal goal record. However, this is not what he is paid for. He was hired for his defensive reliability, no-risk-play and his uncanny ability to attract shots. He brings continental cup winning experience to a team that is sorely lacking in this department (apart from retiring defender Nalwa). He patrols the blue line of United, hell bent to not allow a goal on his watch. Calgary succumbed to the Bears in six games and it is not easy to point a finger at what was the issue. Lindbergh could not repeat his stellar performance from the previous round, while Booberry was able to improve his performance. Both netminders are playing/have played their last campaign in the VHL. But it would be too easy and onesided to pin the out on the netminder. The forwards, chief amongst them Janser, did not produce on their usual level. As a result, Calgary lost tight games because they could not find the back of the net. Seattle is certainly a deserved winner of this conference final and worthy to represent NA in the Cup finals. However, we cannot support them as long as a Janser has a shot at the cup and we will root for the unlikely Bri'ish contender. London has not won a single playoff series prior this post-season campaign and now stands in the finals for the cup, after a hard fought, seven games series against Davos. It is almost a Hollywood plot: Here one of the Original Eight Franchises, number one with 13 Cup banners under the roof and on the other side a relatively young franchise, founded in S73 and only made the playoffs (or WC games) seven times in their short history. London is the clear underdog in this match up, regardless of the individual accolades of Molly the Cat and Co. What was also worthy of a movie is the standing ovations that Lindy received from the Calgary crowd when the final whistle blew and the Wranglers supporters shouted 'Oscar, Oscar'. Big banners were held to celebrate the netminder who brought back the cup to Calgary and was a pilar in this season again. It appears that some players and officials on the Albertan team had a sudden fit of hayfever as surely tough-as-nails professional hockey players do not cry like babies? Be it as it may, we are looking forward to the clash of European novelty against North American routine in the S88 Continental Cup finals and will keep our readers updated. Here the stats of our intrepid heroes, who journeyed out to conquer the VHL: Marcel: 16gp, 3g, 5a, 8pts, +0, 18 PIM, 24 hits, 25sb, 3ppg Daniel: 11gp, 4g, 7a, 11pts, +4, 14 PIM, 24 hits, 7sb, 57.78FO% https://vhlforum.com/topic/135957-vsn-presents-s88-vhl-playoff-preview/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135979-a-tale-of-two-brothers-season-summary/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/136120-a-tale-of-two-brothers-second-round-achieved/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/136133-a-tale-of-two-brothers-london-goes-davos/
  7. Whenever I put money on something (which is rare enough) this is exactly what I did, so I could not lose.
  8. ...to play golf as the season for Helsinki is over
  9. Gord Zilla would have been a great name as well...
  10. no it isn't. that would be here
  11. 1. Unbroken. We beat them last season, we can do it again. 2. It is nice to know to have a netminder which is able to steal the odd game or to compensate when his skaters are having a rough night. 3. In either case Switzerland is going to win. A repeat of last season's final makes a good story and so does a clash of brothers. 4. Lindbergh and Abbass. The former for the aforementioned reasons, Abbas for being so clutch with 3 game winning goals as a sophomore. 5. We are slowly getting there, could use some degrees more. 6. I am not a big cooked eggs fan. I prefer fried eggs or scrambled egg. Otherwise I just eat the ones my wife makes with a semi-liquid egg yolk.
  12. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) After a reverse sweep, Davos beat Moscow 4-3 in the series to face off against the United. This is a pairing which only happened once, in the Wildcard round of the S86 playoffs. The Dynamo swept the English site 3-0. The United Ultras hope for a less lopsided series this time around. The teams look pretty balanced, with both outfits having 6 forwards and 4 defenders of similar TPE. Davos has the slight advantage of having a real backup, while London's single netminder has more raw talent than either sophomore Summers or veteran Price. Jesse also played already more games in the VHL than Davos' goalkeepers combined. We can say with certainty that the final will take place with Swiss participation, as either Marcel will get to the Continental Cup finals or the Swiss franchise from the purple mountains will proceed there. The pairing Calgary-Seattle will be the 18th incarnation of this classic between two of the Original Eight. The tally is as balanced as it can be with 9-8 in favour of the Canadian team (a lead which fervent Calgary fans hope to extend in this post season campaign). As always, we will keep our readers posted on the latest developments. Stay tuned. https://vhlforum.com/topic/135822-a-tale-of-two-brothers-londons-calling/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135957-vsn-presents-s88-vhl-playoff-preview/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135979-a-tale-of-two-brothers-season-summary/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/136120-a-tale-of-two-brothers-second-round-achieved/
  13. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Calgary and London alike dominated their series with a 4-1 lead each. The Wranglers will suit up against Seattle, who eliminated the Vancouver Wolves 4-2. London's opponent is yet unknown at the time of writing this article as Davos and Moscow go over the full distance. It is safe to say, that for the Wranglers' front row, sophomore winger Larry Abbass Jr is the man of the hour. While Gonçalves has more points and Janser is tied in goals, everyone of Larry's three goals was the game winner. Impressive as this is for a young player in the VHL playoffs, Lindbergh tops that. The retiring Swede had a single shut out during the 64 starts he had in the regular season. In the playoffs, he denied Chicago a goal twice already. The veteran shows a save rate of mind boggling .970 in this post season. In his twenty playoff appearances in a Calgary jersey, he has a mindboggling saving rate of .946, allowing less than two goals per game. Janser is not as dominant as in years past, but still contributing to the tally. The changing of the guard is palpable and this is fine for the Swiss center. He does not get tired to praise the S83 draft class as well as the up and coming prospects in VLG, Abbas, Dilson and Lattimer. The latter was Istanbul's top scorer with well over a point per game and 6th league wide when it came to scoring goals. In London, the heroes are Molly as the top scorer and Yasilievich (#blamecole) who has 13 points to his name, none of which is a goal. Netminder Jesse Teno has even three shutouts to her name and shows a very respectable save rate of .955 in the post season. With these numbers, the young American netminder leads London's all-time postseason by a country mile. Marcel plays his known, low key game. Having said that, he sports more than .5 points per game, no mean feat if we consider that he only scored at a .333 point per game pace in the regular season. At this point in time a clash of Jansers in the final is still a possibility and it would make for hell of a story. Not only because of the Rotkreuz natives involved in the teams, but also because London got their monkey off their shoulders, by finally winning a playoff series and now play for the Terence Fong Trophy, awarded to the European Continental Cup finalist. Alas, the Wranglers face a difficult task with Seattle in the Conference final. The Bears have shown time and again that they are a force to be reckoned with. It is not by chance that this years' NA title fight is a reprisal of last year's fight for the NA crown. It is to be seen whether Lindbergh can repeat his performance and whether the Holy Offensive Trinity in Calgary with Wolanin, Gonçalves and Janser can over come Seattle's defence. The Janser's playoff stats so far: Marcel: 9gp, 2g, 3a, 5pts, +1, 12 PIM, 11 hits, 14sb, 2 ppg Daniel: 5gp, 3g, 1a, 4pts, +4, 8 PIM, 11 hits, 4sb, 1gwg, 56.22FO% Until we release our next article, why not read one of the related publications linked below? https://vhlforum.com/topic/135762-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-7-year-glitch/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135822-a-tale-of-two-brothers-londons-calling/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135957-vsn-presents-s88-vhl-playoff-preview/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/135979-a-tale-of-two-brothers-season-summary/
  14. I have no clue what they are feeding Bjornabjorkson but DJ certainly wants a piece of it
  15. not to forget that Nico also successfully avoided winning a Continental Cup when he was traded to Moscow in S86. Together with Moscow's four lost consecutive finals, this is certainly something, people may still talk about in 20 seasons' time.
  16. too late... at this point you just have to...
  17. Do what you must Berocka, hope to 'see' you again somewhen in the future in this forum, though. Take care you see-you-next-tuesday
  18. And there are people who claim that not everything is Black and White...
  19. 1. I think we can beat anyone, but this is also true vice versa. Still hoping for a repeat. 2. Spending quality time with Bonnie and Callum. Maybe Kurt is coming over as well. 3. I think a children's hospital would be a cool outlet for such funds. DJ would double the revenue of his Jersey. 4. Mainly maintenance work for these old bones. 5. I think I have a slight allergy to bee stings (not the 'I cannot breathe anymore' sort but I stepped on a bee when I was young and I could not fit into any shoes anymore, despite immediately removing the stinger). 6. I assume a bee as big as a person would be considerably stronger than a person is. Hence the former seems to offer the better fighting chance.
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