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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. a bold statement when it takes 2,5 Tre Kronors to make up one Canadian Dollar
  2. It is reinstating the status quo for ageing as it was before the hybrid change, I heard from several people that they do not need to buy fighters until maybe the fourth season of depreciation, because they could out-earn old age, which is probably not what the intention was for this mechanic.
  3. This includes a donation on @leandrofg behalf
  4. And here I thought said Australian would claim the title of a see you next Tuesday
  5. I like shiny things, is there a realistic chance that it gets implemented while I am still a first gen?
  6. And what is the occasional Blue who does disappear unexplicably out of the blue (pun intended) if not a human sacrifice to please our lords and masters?
  7. I cannot complain about a lack of sigs, but love your work so here goes nothing: Player: Daniel Janser Render: Claude Lemieux Team: Calgary Wranglers If there are others who do not have a sig yet, please do put me at the back of the queue, at this point I am kind of an art collector
  8. In this day and age I am genuinely not surprised if people get insulted about facts (not Leandro or you, though)
  9. My first attempt on a signature As many of you may already know, my brother and I are first gen players. I joined in August 2021, following a youtube advertisement on Adam Couser's channel. Since I enjoy hockey and good old fashioned pen and paper RPG's, I thought to give it a go. If I recall correctly, I probably joined at the worst possible point in time if we consider retention, as it was the playoff time. However, the league just had launched the JST (Junior Showcase Tournament) with the four original Brigade, Steel, Warriors and Royals (no Team Clue or Dil's Pickles shenanigans back then) and I was immediately flooded with waiver pitches. Without previous experience I decided (as so many do) to join the first one who reached out to me. The Brigade under JB123. Somewhen during that time, my brother saw me frantically navigating on the page, and asked me what this is all about. So I explained as good as could with my then limited knowledge and he decided to give it a try as well. He first joined a different team (I cannot recall which), but luckily JB123 and whoever was on the other end (either Zetterberg, youloser1337 or Alex) agreed to let us play together in the Brigade. At the time I thought 'I cannot be bothered to write a fivehundred word article every week.' and clicked the wellfare button. Then I rediscovered my love for writing essays and Spartan was so kind to unclick the Welfare button and to allow me to claim my Media spot (not without remarking that the Welfare button is best clicked at the deadline, when one is absolutely certain that no further 6 TPE task will be produced, a sound advice I wish to pass on to any rookie). So I posted several Media spots per week for some time when I notice that actually, I could back claim them as .coms. Again, Spartan came to the rescue and allowed me to do so within certain limitations and again some sound advice to be more efficient for both my earnings as well as the updaters. The Brigade did not win the title in the inaugural season of the JST, but the pieces I wrote, as well as my player being chosen to captain the team, drew attention and so my brother's and my player were drafted as number 40 and 36 respectively by N0HBDY for the Mississauga Hounds. The Hounds' locker room at the time was a bit desolate with mainly my brother and I being active (we had four real players iirc) and mid season both of us were traded to the Reapers, where the locker room was more vibrant. In that season my player achieved 40g/40a and again, due to my max earnings as well as my articles, which I kept improving based on the reviews I have received, my player attracted the attention of several VHLE and VHL GM's. In many mock drafts my player was predicted to go in the first round and potentially as the highest first gen. There were a lot of recreates in that draft class with Spartan, Baozi, Frosty, McWolf, Beaviss, Hylands and Hogan to name but a few. So draft day came and I was very excited. At the end, Daniel Janser was not the highest first gen in the VHL draft (this honour went to Cadmael Ixazaluoh, Vice's player, who played with us in the Reapers) and the Wranglers picked up both Janser brothers at 8th and 28th overall. I dare say this was a steal for the Wranglers, as both player rank higher than their draft pick in the TPE race (curse you Nico Pearce). In the VHLE draft, Marcel Janser went to Vasteras, while Daniel was drafted by Oslo (managed at the time by none other than Horcrux/Kachur). As in Daniel's VHLM season, he was traded mid season, this time to Istanbul. Just a word of encouragement: it took me some time to land a gig as AGM/GM of a team and several failed applications until I got there. Just believe in yourself, be an active member and keep applying to jobs which you are interested in. Overall, my experience in the VHL is very good (otherwise I would have jumped ship a long time ago) and I take the rough with the smooth. There were few instances where I was not happy with interactions with other members of the community, but I accept this as inevitable if so many people from so many different cultures and backgrounds meet at one place. And of course it helps to be in such a terrific locker room like the Wranglers, where I felt welcome from day one and where I check in daily to see how my fellow Wranglers are doing (and to talk trash about Ricer's beloved Canucks and Phil and Leandro's Maple Leafs, of course). So if any of the newer first gen is not yet fast asleep over my meandering, kindly note that you can always get in touch with me if you need help with any league related stuff. I am willing to help if I can and help you find help if I cannot. live long and prosper
  10. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The VHL approaches the final quarter and the Wranglers are looking sharp. Here are the game summaries for the past six matches. 4-2 Calgary cemented their position as the top dog in the league by defeating New York 4-2. Wolanin was on the board first with a power play marker, which was the only goal in the first period. The Americans tied the game in the second, but GoodBrandSun on even strength and Justice in a power play put the Wranglers ahead again. Alas, it did not take the Empire State team long to cut the lead in half before the bell rang. It was the Captain who sealed the deal with one of his rare goals on the man advantage. The Swiss had an attempt on goal which Wolanin deflects, but the shot is blocked by Carter. GoodBrandSun picks up the orphaned disc and lets loose. Kennedy with the rebound. AirRig again on the biscuit and shoots, but Matchett throws himself in the way. Dan hoovers up the puck, dekes around Kennedy and squeezes it between post and blocker. Colors (2g/0a), Janser (1g/2a) and GoodBrandSun (1g/1a) were named the three stars of the night. Calgary's rookie Pedersen (.900) had the better of veteran netminder Kennedy (.895) but not by much. Calgary's power play was uncannily effective (3/5) and combined with a disciplined effort in the penalty kill (4/4) won the game. Marcel had 0g, 1a, -1, 1 hit and 2sb Daniel had 1g, 2a, +0, 2 PIM (Tripping, no effect on the score), 6 hits and 51.43FO% 4-2 The table turned when the Wranglers faced off the Phoenix in a 4-2 loss. Chicago went ahead first, but Daniel tied the game before the first intermission. Johansson dumps the puck into Calgary's zone, where it is found by the Rotkreuz native. Seeing that Chicago is changing lines, he immediately sends GoodBrandSun and joins the attack. AirRig back to his Center. Dan is already at full speed and cannot be seperated from the rubber and cuts through Chicago's disarrayed defence like a hot Swiss Army knife through butter, scoring an air-hook marker. The second period saw no goals. Early in the third frame, Chicago reinstated the one goal lead. Less than a minute later GoodBrandSun tied the game anew. Alas, with two goals (one of them in the Wranglers' deserted net) in the last two minutes, the Phoenix took the win. The three stars distinction went to Bob (1g/2a), Johansson (0g/3a) and Sundin (1g/1a). Dahl (.921) lost the clash of titans against Pearce (.956), who stood on his head to give his team a fighting chance. Calgary's power play was poor (0/5) while the penalty kill was okay (3/4). Marcel was noted with 0g, 0a, -1, 4 hits and 2sb Daniel was noted with 1g, 0a, +0, 2 hits, 1sb and 61.22FO% 3-4 In a direct rematch, Calgary lost again versus Chicago with the final score being 4-3. The Phoenix came hot out of their nest and scored three goals (one of them on power play) within sixty seconds from first to third. In the second period, the Wranglers came back with a vengeance. First Dan scored in a similar way as in the last match. The Phoenix dumped the puck and the Wranglers displayed a textbook transition game, taking advantage from Chicago's line change. Strasmore picked up the puck, pass to Justice to Janser who beats Pearce on the five hole. Vladovechsenkchushkin scored for the Albertan team in the third to tie the game. However, Chicago would have the last word and goal in this match, adding two points to their tally. Dahl (.900) and Peace (.900) came to one of the very seldon stale mates in net. Calgary fluffed on the one power play opportunity they have had, while playing okay on the penalty kill (3/4). Marcel ended the game with 0g, 0a, +1, 2 hits and 3sb Daniel ended the game with 1g, 1a, -1, 2 PIM (Hooking, did not lead to a goal), 2 hits and 45.45FO% 2-1 In a very balanced thriller, the Wranglers found back to their winning ways in a hard fought 2-1 victory. The first period was more of a testing ground for the two teams, with neither being able to score. The second frame saw two goals by Ablar and Vladovechsenkchushkin (both assisted by Leandro and Marcel). In the final period, Davos spoiled Dahl's potential shutout but it was too little, too late and the Wranglers rode into the sunset with two points in their saddlebags. Dahl (31 saves), Gonçalves (0g/2a) and Ablar (1g/0a) were given the post match honours. Dahl (.969) and Booberry (.939) fought a battle worthy of a cup final, with the better end for the Canadian netminder. Calgary's power play was inexistent (0/2), the box play was immaculate (0/1). Marcel had 0g, 2a, +1, 2 PIM (Interference, no effect on the board), 2 hits and 3sb to his name Daniel had 0g, 0a, -1, 3 hits and a 76.32% win rate from the hash marks to his name 3-2 (OT) Calgary extended its series by a 3-2 overtime win agaisnt the Stars. Vladovechsenkchushkin scored in the first period. The second frame saw a Wolanin goal, surrounded by two Davos markers plus a fight between Gonçalves and Rust which ended in a draw but saw the Portuguese being expelled for instigation. The third period was without a goal and so the Sudden Death had to decide the game. After less than two minutes in the extra time, it was Vladovechsenkchushkin who found the back of the net. No wonder was he (2g/0a) elected as the first star, followed suit by AG (0g/2a) and Justice (0g/2a). Pedersen (.929) convinced against ART VANDELAY (.919) in net. No goals for Calgary on the one power play opportunity. At the same time, the PK-unit shut the door in five shorthanded situations. Marcel left the ice with 0g, 1a, +0 and 3 hits Daniel left the ice with 0g, 0a, +1, 2 PIM (Hooking, no effect on the score), 7 hits and 54.55% success rate on the draw 2-5 In a direct rematch the Wranglers gained another two points in 5-2 victory to stay at the top of the league. LA was hot and scored within 37 seconds of the first face off. But Janser and Wolanin corrected the score to Calgary's advantage. Calgary on the power play, Pedersen fetches the puck-dump and plays the disc to his Captain. Dan launches the attack via Wolanin, who enters the Stars' zone on the rush. Once in position, he plays back to the blue line to Janser. The Swiss shifts the game along the blue line to AirRig and takes his position in the slot. GoodBrandSun to Strasmore, to Wolanin who sees a gap in the box and dishes the biscuit to his Center in the slot. Quick release by Calgary's topscorer who beats Vandelay between blocker and glove. The teams neutralized each other in the second period with no goals scored. In the final frame, Gonçalves, Vladovechsenkchushkin and Wolanin scored three consecutive goals, before LA did some damage control and found the back of the net a second time this night. Wolanin (2g/1a), Janser (1g/2a) and Gonçalves (1g/1a) were named the three stars of the game. Pedersen (.889) as well as Vandelay (.881) had rather mid matches with the edge for the rookie between Calgary's pipes. The Wranglers' power play was okay (1/5), their box play spotless (4/4). Marcel logged 0g, 1a, +1, 2 PIM (Hooking, no effect on the result), 5 hits and 1sb Daniel logged 1g, 2a, +1, 4 hits and 55.81FO%. The brothers' stats for this season so far read as follows: Marcel: 46gp, 2g, 31a, 33pts, +8, 56 PIM, 78 hits, 73sb, 2ppg Daniel: 46gp, 32g, 43a, 75pts, +29, 78 PIM, 190 hits, 27sb, 3gwg, 5ppg, 62.27FO%, 12 First Star awards Stay tuned for further updates on our hockey exports. https://vhlforum.com/topic/130178-a-tale-of-two-brothers-moving-on-quickly/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130233-a-tale-of-two-brothers-quarter-and-diming/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130353-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-captains-disclaimer/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130505-a-tale-of-two-brothers-halftime-summary/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130553-a-tale-of-two-brothers-another-brick-in-the-wall/ GM 325: Calgary Wranglers vs. New York Americans (vhlportal.com) GM 331: Chicago Phoenix vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 339: Calgary Wranglers vs. Chicago Phoenix (vhlportal.com) GM 347: HC Davos Dynamo vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 356: Calgary Wranglers vs. Los Angeles Stars (vhlportal.com) GM 361: Los Angeles Stars vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com)
  12. Of course you used the Sedins as a render...
  13. Regardless how many there will be, I #blamecole for any single one of them...
  14. In Germany and Switzerland there is a Holiday classic called 'three Hazelnuts for Cinderella'... it is a Czech movie from the 70s and Christmas feels wrong without having seen it. Also in my youth there was always 'Dr Zhivago', 'Gone with the Wind' and 'Ben Hur' on the Television. And of course 'Die Hard' is a Christmas staple.
  15. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The Calgary Wranglers have now played forty matches. Without further ado let us dive into our summaries. 3-5 Despite a clear shots advantage of 42-29 the Wranglers had to concede the game 5-3 due to the Velociraptor jinx. In the first period, neither team could break the dead lock. In the middle frame DC scored three unanswered goals. The Wranglers replied with goals by Ablar in power play and Wolanin as well as Gonçalves on even strength. Unfortunately, the Dragons recovered from that shock and scored two more goals to take the points in this match. The three best players were elected to be Lavelle (3g/0a), Vidot (0g/4a) and Kitson (1g/1a). On the goalie front, Dahl (.828) could not keep up with Utonium's (.929) performance. Calgary's power play was sub-par (1/6) the penalty kill without fault (2/2). Marcel logged 0g, 1a, -1, 5 hits and 2sb Daniel was reported with 0g, 1a, -1, 2 PIM (Tripping, no effect on the score), 4 hits and 57.14FO% 5-4 (SO) In a match of two teams battling for the first seed in their conference, Calgary defeated Prague in a tight match 5-4 after shootout. The Czech site took an early lead and extended same to two in a power play, after Dan made his presence felt for the first time, when he checked Fire. The officials were of the opinion that the Swiss center showed too much enthusiasm and sent him to the sin bin for roughing. A couple of minutes later, the captain ironed out the kink by scoring and cutting Prague's lead in half. GoodBrandSun picks up a puck dump by the Phantoms and passes it to Wolanin, who sees Daniel lurking on Prague's blue line and sends him with a lob. Dan is first at the puck and is one-on-one with Wallob. The veteran gets tripped from behind, but Dan has the presence of mind to chip the puck above the netminder's blockers, while hitting the deck. In the second period, Wolanin was the only player to find the back of the net and so the game was tied going into the third. Daniel brought the Wranglers a lead for the first time this match with his second of the night at the start of the third frame. GoodBrandSun intercepted a pass by Love and relays the disc to Janser who onetimes it in the crossbar. The telltale 'ding' was audible even in the nosebleed section. Prague answers with two back-to-back power play markers, before Gonçalves ties the game again with only thirty-one seconds on the clock. The Sudden Death did not bring a decision, so it was shootout time. Wolanin, Gonçalves and Janser all showed that they have nerves like steel cables and converted their attempts, while Dahl parried Godlander's shot. Janser (2g/1a), Jokinen (1g/1a) and GoodBrandSun (0g/3a) were named the three stars of the night. Dahl (.902) had the upperhand on a rather mid duel with Wallob (.892) between the pipes. Calgary's lackluster special teams prevented a regulation win in this match with the power play being useless (0/4) and the penalty killing looking like a sieve (4/7). Marcel had 0g, 0a, +1, 4 PIM (Slashing and Hooking, did not lead to goals against), 1 hit and 3sb to his name. Daniel achieved 2g, 1a, 2 PIM (Roughing, Calgary got scored against), 4 hits, 2sb and 56.60FO% 2-3 (SO) In a rematch of the first game featured in this article, the Wranglers took revenge in a 3-2 shootout victory. The Dragons were on the board early, with a power play goal within the first minute. Around the half-time mark, they increased their lead to two markers. The second period came and went without a goal being scored. In the third frame it was Gonçalves and Vladovechsenkchushkin who scored to tie the game. As is so often the case this season, the teams neutralized each other in the overtime and so the match went into shootout. Janser and GoodBrandSun converted for the Albertan team, while only Lavelle was succesful for DC. The three stars were awarded to Gonçalves (1g/1a), Vladovechsenkchushkin (1g/1a) and Dahl (40 saves). The latter (.952) also outplayed Utonium (.942) in a highclass showdown in net. Calgary was not able to convert the one power play opportunity they have had, but shut the door on five of the six penalty kill situations against them. Marcel left the ice with a 0g, 0a, +2, 2 PIM (Hooking, no change to the score) , 4 hits and 1sb record Daniel was noted with 0g, 0a, -1, 2 hits and 63.83FO% 4-5 (SO) Before this match, Wolanin was apprehensive about getting the 100th Assist for the Red,White and Black. Daniel approached him in the locker room and said to his linemate: 'No worries, I got your back, bruh.' And the Captain delivered. He scored his first hattrick this season in a 5-4 shootout win against a surprisingly feisty Riga Reign. The Latvian site was on the score board first, but Janser equalized a mere two minutes later. After a puck relay, which included all five skaters of the first line, Daniel hammered the puck into the net from the hash mark. Less than a minute later Riga went ahead again. Daniel replied with his second of the night. Justice intercepts a pass, gives the biscuit to Janser. Janser to AG, the defender to left wing Wolanin, who sees Janser high in the slot and passes to the Rotkreuz native. Dan takes the rubber disc, and buries it backhand after a spinorama around his opponent. Riga tied the game in the second period with the only goal scored. Early in the third frame, the Swiss forward strikes again. Wolanin picks up the orphaned puck and passes it to his Captain. Dan needs a few attempts, but he is always first on his own rebounds, and Riga's defence is just not able to get him out of the danger zone. So the center prevails and finally beats the netminder. Not a beauty of a goal admittedly, but luckily they count as much as highlight reel material. Riga is able to tie the match again halfway through the period. Again the Sudden Death does not determine a winner, so the players have to line up for the shootout. Daniel does not even need to show up for this as all of Riga's attempts are either thwarted by Pedersen or lack of precision and Landon scored on his attempt. Janser (3g/0a), Frenchman (1g/1a) and Wolanin (0g/3a) were given the post-match honours. Pedersen (.789) could rely on his forwards to get the coals out of the fire and could not beat Riga's Tucker Jr (.925) who showed a solid game. Calgary's power play was a no-show (0/4) but the penalty kill was immaculate (3/3). Marcel had 0g, 1a, -2 and 2sb Daniel had 3g, 0a, +2, 10 hits and 64.29FO% to his name. The brothers' stats for the current campaign read as follows: Marcel: 40gp, 2g, 26a, 28pts, +7, 52 PIM, 61 hits, 62sb, 2ppg Daniel: 40gp, 28g, 38a, 66pts, +28, 72 PIM, 166 hits, 26sb, 3gwg, 3ppg, 62.84FO%, 12 First star awards Stay tuned for further updates on the Jansers' careers. https://vhlforum.com/topic/130042-a-tale-of-two-brothers-chugging-along/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130178-a-tale-of-two-brothers-moving-on-quickly/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130233-a-tale-of-two-brothers-quarter-and-diming/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130353-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-captains-disclaimer/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130505-a-tale-of-two-brothers-halftime-summary/ GM 290: Calgary Wranglers vs. D.C. Dragons (vhlportal.com) GM 297: Calgary Wranglers vs. Prague Phantoms (vhlportal.com) GM 304: D.C. Dragons vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 315: Riga Reign vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com)
  16. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) It has been a while since we last reported from our two intrepid hockey heroes. In the meantime, Calgary reached the halfway mark and we think it is a good time to catchup with some states and the Janser boys. The Wranglers are the cock on the dungheap (so to speak) and show a 24-4-8 record, with 127 goals for (league best) and 91 goals against (tied fifth in the league). The power play efficiency is at 18.87% (good for ninth in the league) while their penaltykilling shows a successrate of 84.40% (fourth in the league). Despite having physical players such as Janser and Strasmore in their ranks, the Albertan team is only 8th in hits dished and 7th in penalties suffered. The designated centers Janser and Gonçalves (who stepped up to the hashmark more than 3'000 times combined) show a successrate at the draw of 63.11% (Janser, league leader) and a respectable 58.96% (Gonçalves) respectively. This ensures that most of the time, Calgary starts the game in possession of the puck, and does not have to waste energy chasing the same. In the shots against category, the team does a good job to deny the opposition shot lanes. Only Chicago allowed less than Calgary's 1111 shots against (1005). This combined with Dahl's best saving rate since he entered the league (.928) explains, why the Wranglers tend to win more often than they lose. If you add the improved offensive output from everyone who already wore a Wranglers uniform last season, this is a recipe for success. One question mark remains, as the Canadians have still some backup games to fit in their schedule and Pedersen sofar was not able to shine in net. Alas, he needs time to grow and we are convinced that his play will improve. Wolanin and Janser have been amongst the most prolific goal scorer for most of the season and Dan even mounted the peak of the scoring race. He scores at a lower pace than last season, however he sets up Wolanin more often. It is also remarkable that all skaters show a positive +/- rating, which indicates that the second line is pitching in as well. Indeed if we look at the first forward formation compared to the second line the score is 55:44 and in game winning goals the score is 11:5. We had a chat with the Captain about his take on Calgary's outlook for the season and this is what he said: DJ: 'We are certainly in a good spot. However, we need to keep working hard and cannot be complacent. The other teams are just waiting for a sign of weakness from our squad and will certainly take advantage should we not give 100% in any given match.' JLL: 'At the moment it looks that you will need to pass the Brooks trophy on to someone else this season. Does this bother you?' DJ: 'Not as much as it probably should. I think the team's offense is in order and as long as I contribute to the tally, I do not mind who gets the scoring title. It is also of note that Landon has improved his scoring compared to last year and I have focused on the face-off's and kind of neglected to better my offensive tools. It is just natural that he would catch up in the goal department.' JLL: 'Some fans compare you and Leandro and think that the Portuguese Wonder does not play as hard as you.' DJ: 'Look, if someone plays professional hockey, they are not soft. Do I have more checks than Leandro? Absolutely. But let us not forget that Leandro is a different kind of player. He is an exceptional skater, has smooth hands and his wristshot is lethal. Gonçalves is clearly been drafted for his pure offensive talent, while I was drafted as a two-way forward. Hard work, a never-give-up mentality and let's be honest, some luck meant that I scored more than my usual point per game last season. I need to work hard for my points and I do not want it any other way. The physicality of my game fuels my passion for the sport and gives me energy. I need to be on the edge to be at my best. Leandro is more of an artist. You should see him in practice. This kid has a passion for the sport I have rarely seen and he tries out new moves every practice until he can do them blindfolded. Once he mastered one to perfection, he looks for the next one, rinse and repeat. He makes getting on the highlight reel look easy, but we know how many (sometimes frustrating) hours he spends to get there. So you could say that we both work hard for our points. It is just that my work is in the limelight during the matches, and Leandro's is during practice, when there are no cameras around.' JLL: 'Marcel has already surpassed his last season's points total. Any thoughts you would like to share?' DJ: 'Of course I am happy for him. He is very dedicated and more adjusted to the VHL's level. He will never be an offensive star on the blue line like GoodBrandSun or Johansson. But he is a reliable shutdown defender, who is not taking unnecessary risks.' JLL: 'Okay that are all the questions I had. Thanks for your time.' DJ: 'My pleasure.' Please find the stats of the Swiss siblings posted here below: Marcel: 36gp, 2g, 24a, 26pts, +7, 46 PIM, 51 hits, 54sb, 2ppg Daniel: 36gp, 23g, 36a, 59pts, +26, 68 PIM, 146 hits, 24sb, 3gwg, 3ppg, 63.11FO%, 10 First Star distinctions https://vhlforum.com/topic/130003-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-new-hope/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130042-a-tale-of-two-brothers-chugging-along/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130178-a-tale-of-two-brothers-moving-on-quickly/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130233-a-tale-of-two-brothers-quarter-and-diming/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130353-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-captains-disclaimer/
  17. Okay our family recipe includes eggs (obviously), powdered sugar, cream, vanilla sugar and Kirsch (Cherry liquor)
  18. Just because you do not want to be called Wranglerssuck13 for the next month or two
  19. Is there any eggnog which is non-alcoholic? In Germany and Switzerland if you speak of eggnog (or 'Eierlikör') it is always alcoholic... will certainly listen to that drunkcast
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