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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. not quite right: If you hurt someone else's feelings and continue to do so despite being asked to stop, then you will get a ban...
  2. it's a me *read it with Mario voice*
  3. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) It is the time of the year, where families gather in front of the hearth with food and alcoholic beverages to celebrate the merriest of times of the year, putting aside all the quarrels of the year past. No, not Christmas. We talk about playoff hockey. The Wranglers had a brief pause to recharge their batteries while Seattle and Chicago battle out, who will face Calgary in the first round. And the winner is... Windy City. Please find our summaries of the first two playoff clashes between the Phoenix and the Wranglers. Some of the Calgary veterans will have a déjà-vu as Lazeski dressed for the Red, White and Black two seasons ago while having the most productive year of their career. 5-2 Apparently the break had Calgary lose some of its impetus, as they lost the first match 5-2. Nano was the first one to score and bring Chicago on the board. Kotkakoivu shortly after tied the game. However, Bob, Schubbekuteveen and Nano netted for the Phoenix for a 4-1 lead at the end of the first period. The second period ended with a 1-1 tie, with Butts and Daniel being the marksmen for their respective team. It starts with Daniel's win at the draw in the offensive zone. The puck lands with Jokinen, the back passes to Tessier, back to the veteran defender. Erlantz to Gonçalves who snaps a shot, which is deflected by the Swiss forward. Pearce parries at the expense of a rebound. Jokinen digs out the puck and shoots, this time the Portuguese Wonderkind attempts a deflection, but Box blocks the shot. Daniel hoovers up the disc and shoots wide, Jokinen takes charge and makes an attempt on net, just to see his shot stopped by Johansson. Janser is first on the orphaned biscuit and buries it backhand over Pearces shin pads. The third period did not bring any change to the score and the Wranglers lost their starting game. Nano (2g/1a), Butts (1g/2a) and Skates (0g/3a) were named the three stars of the night. Dahl's (.886) rather underwhelming performance was effortlessly topped by Pearce (.933) all-star display in net. The Wranglers' power play was a no-show (0/4) but their penalty kill was without fault (3/3). Marcel had 0g, 1a and -3 to his name Daniel was recorded with 1g, 0a, +0, 1 hit and 70.83FO% 0-6 The Wranglers were not happy with their defensive play in the first much and swore redemption. And redeem themselves they did in an unanimous 6-0 victory over their rivals. Wolanin at the end of the first, Jokinen, Tessier and Gonçalves in the second and Strasmore with his first ever postseason marker as well as Gonçalves with his second of the night in the third frame sealed the deal for the Wranglers. The post game honours went to Jokinen (1g/3a), Gonçalves (2g/1a) and Dahl (29 saves). This time the roles between the pipes were switched and Dahl (1.000) clearly outplayed Pearce (.857). The Wranglers had no power play opportunity and obviously kept their noses clean during the five minors they took. Marcel logged 0g, 0a, +1 and 4 PIM (Roughing, Double Minor) Daniel left the ice with 0g, 3a, +4, 2 PIM (Holding), 2 hits, 1sb and 60.00% win rate at the draw. The Jansers' stats for the S85 Playoffs as of yet are as follows: Marcel: 2gp, 0g, 1a, 1pt, -2, 4 PIM, 0 hits, 0sb, 0gwg, 0ppg Daniel: 2gp, 1g, 3a, 4pts, +4, 2 PIM, 3 hits, 1sb, 0gwg, 0ppg, 65.59FO% https://vhlforum.com/topic/127638-a-tale-of-two-brothers-on-track/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/127728-a-tale-of-two-brothers-interview-with-the-gm/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/127819-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-little-ebb/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/128227-a-tale-of-two-brothers-dirty-deeds-done-dirt-cheap/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/128286-a-tale-of-two-brothers-games-for-the-na-throne/ GM 1: Chicago Phoenix vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 5: Chicago Phoenix vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com)
  4. soon As far as I know, you just copy the link to the table and Spartan is more than happy to give to you what you deserve. (on a more serious note: don't do it else *spartan smash*)
  5. It is also extremely frustrating (especially for newer players, who are not aware of this) if certain data in the portal cannot be trusted and the 'real' answer is buried in one of the aforementioned spreadsheets.
  6. 6. Only if they treat you in traditional Roman way
  7. Off season tournaments. One for non- drafted players the other for any player who chooses to sign up for it.
  8. Whatever it is called when there are seven of a kind.
  9. Septubles now, beks hates the proam and jst confirmed.
  10. Dear VHLer, I was considering doing this trade tree for a while and here it is in all its glory. I will address every individual part of this trade in detail as it is kind of complicated. The initial trade was like this: Here is also the excel table I created to keep track of all the parts involved. Here is the link to it in case you want to look at it in more detail. A little disclaimer upfront. All the game and scoring related data are based on end of regular Season S85 and include playoff as well as regular season games combined. We start with Helsinki's half of the trade. Helsinki would acquire Alex Johnston. The winger played parts of two seasons for 122 games, 93 goals and 101a before being traded to Riga. Helsinki would receive in exchange Jolly Greene Giant, Los Angeles' 3rd round pick in S83 and Riga's S84 1st round pick. Giant would play 22 games and score 11 goals and 10 assists for the Titans before retiring. The S83 3rd round pick, the Titans would you use to draft Hungarian defender Hunor Solyom, who is yet to make his debut in the big show, but remains in the Finn's prospect pool. Riga's S84 1st round pick would be flipped together with earlier acquired Defender Erlantz Jokinen (who played 72 games for the Titans, scoring 19 goals and 59 assists) and Helsinki's fourth round pick to Calgary, after the Veteran back had a fallout with Helsinki's management. In return, Helsinki would acquire London's S85 2nd round pick, Calgary's S85 2nd round pick and Calgary's S86 first round pick. The London S85 2nd pick would be bundled with Riga's S84 3rd round pick to Prague to acquire Reylynn Reinhart, who played 79 games and scoring 51 goals and 46a before retiring with Helsinki. The S85 2nd round pick from Calgary would be used to draft Vinny Lecavalier, who is still in Helsinki's system, but has yet to make an appearance in the VHL. The S86 1st round pick from Calgary is still in possession of the Titans. Riga's S84 2nd round pick would be bundled with veteran Left Wing Magnus Verlander and prospect Defender Cameron Elsby to Los Angeles for Florida Man. The Right Winger has played 223 games for Helsinki so far, scoring 93 goals and 103 assists in the process. The second piece of the original deal was Los Angeles' S81 first round pick, which Helsinki would use to draft Wattson Power. The Canadian would never skate for the Finnish team but instead would be traded together with Kyosti Karjalainen to Moscow for star forward Nico Pearce and Moscow's 3rd round pick in S83. Pearce would play 223 games, contributing 128 goals and 137 assists for the Titan's tally, as well as winning the Brooks and Campbell Trophy in S84 before hitting free agency. The 3rd round pick would be combined with Helsinki's 2nd and 4th round pick in the S83 draft to acquire Defender prospect Deron Nesbitt, who so far has played 151 games and scored 20 goals and 62 assists. The third and final piece on Helsinki's side of the Johnston-Trade, Los Angeles' 2nd round pick in S81, the Titans would use to draft Swiss Defender Janet Snakehole, who only ever played in the Minor Leagues and retired in S83 from professional ice hockey. Now to Calgary's side of the trade: Calgary would acquire Right Wing Gustislav Nasherov, who played 164 games for the Albertan team, scoring 112 goals and 111 assists before being traded together with Jokinen to Helsinki for Bob Chicoine, Lenny Sanderson, Seattle's 1st round pick in S83 as well as Helsinki's 2nd and 3rd round pick in S84 (note that is the trade before Erlantz had the aforementioned disharmony with HSK's upper echelon). Chicoine would play 28 games with the Wranglers, adding 1 goal and 5 assists to his tally, before being shipped to Vancouver for veteran Forward Brenden Telker. The latter dressed for 51 games, scoring 14 goals and 23 assists, before hanging up his skates for good. Calgary used Seattle's 1st rounder to select Portuguese Wonderkind Leandro Gonçalves. The center played 151 games in a Wranglers uniform for 60 goals and 70 assists so far with an upwards trend. Helsinki's 2nd round pick was packaged with Calgary's 1st round pick in S83 to acquire New York's 1st rounder in S83. This pick was then used by GM Ricer to draft S83 Jack Wylde Award winning Pylon Defender AirRig GoodBrandSun into the team. AG has played 227 games, scoring 43 goals and 141 apples for the Black, White and Red. He will remain a staple in Calgary's defence for years to come. Helsinki's 3rd round pick in S84 was used to draft Lorenzo Cobberson, who this past season played for Oslo Storm in the VHLE and is still in the Wranglers' prospect pool. Davos' 2nd round pick in S81 was used to select Defender Ragnar Hagstrom, who hung up his skates in S80 after a career-ending injury (read: the player was part of the multi-'outbreak' in the 2021 Holiday season). Calgary's 1st round pick in S81 was used to select Left Winger/Center Daniel Janser. The Swiss forward has played 316 games for the Wranglers, scoring 143 goals and 195 assists, was elected Captain prior to the S85 season (and served as alternate in S83 and S84) and won the Mike Szatkowski, the Brett Slobodzian as well as the Kevin Brooks Trophy this past season. Kindly note that the trade, which brought Jokinen back to Calgary was not included on the Wranglers' side of the deal, as technically it is not part of the original trade tree on their side. For good orders' sake (and for the interested readers and not-so-nitpicking connoisseurs), Jokinen played 151 games for 34 goals and 132 assists since his return and has a contract with the team for his final season. The Riga 1st round pick, which was involved in that same trade, was used to select Center Sax Justice, who played his first season with the Wranglers and scored 5 goals and 15 assists. Helsinki's 4th round pick in S84 acquired in the Jokinen-deal was waived by the Wranglers. I hope this was something of interest for you and I hope Ricer can stop to make such intricate deals, as it took me quite some time to unwind it all
  11. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The Wranglers played their final six games of the regular season and clinched the first seed (against all odds if the pundits are to be believed) in the NA conference. Please find without further ado our summary of said games. 4-0 In a very lopsided game, Calgary took the win against Helsinki in a 4-0 game. GoodBrandSun with his 20th of the season secured the win 2:30 minutes into the game. Sixteen seconds later, Kotkakoivu raised the lead by one. In the second period netminder Gaming picked up a puck dump and passed the biscuit to Tessier. The ad-hoc winger relayed the disc to Jokinen in the neutral zone. The veteran defender enters Helsinki's zone and dishes the puck to Daniel. The Swiss center fakes a toe drag and burns Nesbitt between the legs, in order to beat the 6'8'' defender's superior reach and nets the puck off the post, leaving Davis no chance to block the shot. Gonçalves then scores in the last frame to make it 4-0. The three stars went to Janser (1g/0a), Kotkakoivu (1g/0a) and Jokinen (0g/2a). Gaming with his shotout was clearly better than Davis (.909) but also had to face less than a third of the shots his opponent had to (12 vs 44). Calgary could not profit from the one power play they had, but obviously shut the door on the three penalty kill situations. Daniel logged 1g, 0a, +2, 2 PIM (Hooking, no effect on the score), 6 hits and 64.52FO% Marcel logged 0g, 0a, +2, 2 hits and 1sb 10-5 In a very entertaining match, the Wranglers beat the Reign in a 10-5 victory. Gonçalves opened the score in power play, 4:11 minutes into the game. Riga then equalized with a power play marker of their own. Then Kotkakoivu and Wolanin both make an attempt to score, but fail. However, Landon's shot was stopped at the expense of a rebound, which Marcel dutifully buried in the net and reinstated the one goal lead. Riga ties the game again, before GoodBrandSun puts the Wranglers ahead for the third time. In the second period, Tessier and Kotkakoivu score for Calgary but every time their marker was answered by one of Riga's. Wolanin (2x), Kotkakoivu and Gonçalves score for consecutive goals before Riga can react. However, their marker is immediately countered by Justice's fourth goal of the season for the final score. Kotkakoivu (2g/2a), Wolanin (2g/2a) and GoodBrandSun (1g/2a) were given the post game honours. Gaming (.828) was worse than both Reinhart (.848), who was relieved midway through the game and G1 (.875) but also face only 29 shots against a combined 73 for the Riga keepers. Calgary's power play was decent (2/7), the penalty killing was lack lustre (2/3). Daniel was credited with 0g, 2a, +0, 2 hits and a 65.38% success rate from the hashmarks. Marcel was credited with 1g, 2a, +4, 2 PIM (Hooking, penalty was converted) and 2sb. 5-3 After the previous defeat at the hands of the Albertan team, Riga was out for revenge. And revenge they got in a 5-3 win. Things started well for the Wranglers though, when Wolanin scored for his colours. However, Riga took advantage from two minor penalties against Calgary and went to the intermission with a 2-1 lead. The Reign scored two consecutive goals in the second frame, one of which was an other power play marker. Daniel cut the lead when he scored on the man advantage. He stood his ground in the slot and deflected Jokinen's shot from the point after the latter received the disc from Wolanin. But Riga would have none of it and reinstated the three goal lead still in the middle period. Kotkakoivu scored late in the third to gain momentum, alas it was too little, too late and Calgary had to concede the game. The three stars awards were given to Wolanin (1g/2a), Groves (1g/3a) and Kotkakoivu (1g/1a). Gaming (.833) had one of his weaker matches while Reinhart (.950) stood on their head to give his team a fighting chance. Calgary's power play (1/3) was decent, whereas their box play (3/6) was not. Daniel had 1g, 0a, -2, 2 PIM (Hooking, penalty was killed off), 2 hits, 1sb and 69.57FO% to his name. Marcel had 0g, 0a, +2, 2 PIM (Slashing, resulted in a goal against) and 3sb to his name. 3-4 (OT) From the result one could not conclude that best placed team was facing off the worst placed team of the NA conference. Too tight was the 4-3 overtime win for the Wranglers. 'Ronto started hot with two consecutive goals, one of which was a power play marker. Tessier responded on Calgary's behalf with a converted penalty call of his own. In the second period, the table were turned when the Legion scored a single power play goal against the even strength goals by Justice and Tessier. The third period saw no further goals, so the teams went to sudden death. Wolanin delivered the dagger after twenty seconds. Tessier (2g/0a), Wolanin (1g/1a) and Janser (0g/1a) were nominated for the three stars. Despite G1's (.902) heroic efforts in net against his counter part Dahl (.885), he could not drag his team across the goal line. The Wranglers' power play was okay (1/5) the penalty kill had room for improvement (3/5). Daniel was recorded with 0g, 1a, +1, 6 hits and 65.31FO%. Marcel was recorded with 0g, 1a, +0 and 2 PIM (Tripping, lead to a goal against). 3-2 Toronto was giving Calgary a run for their money again in the direct rematch, which went to the Wranglers 3-2. The first period came and went with neither team finding success in the scoring department. In the second frame Tessier with a power play goal and Jokinen netted for the Albertan team, whereas Toronto only found the back of the net once. The Legion tied the game with a marker on the man advantage, but Kotkakoivu secured the win with his fortieth goal of the season, with less than three minutes to play. The distinction for the best players went to Tessier (1g/1a), Kotkakoivu (1g/0a) and Dahl (36 saves). The latter (.947) also won the netminder duel against G1 (.912) in a gloves off fight. Calgary's special teams were decent with 1/4 in power play and 4/5 in the penalty kill unit. Daniel achieved 0g, 1a, +0, 2 PIM (Holding, lead to a goal against), 6 hits and 62.22% win rate at the draw. Marcel achieved 0g, 0a, +1, 2 PIM (Tripping, no effect on the score board) and 1 hit. 1-2 (SO) The final match of the season brought a 2-1 shoot out win for Calgary. Whoever missed the first ten minutes of this encounter was in for a Shakespeare play 'Much ado about nothing'. With Wolanin converting a minor against DC at the 8:21 minute mark, all the scoring was done and the crowd was sentenced to over time and shoot out to evaluate a winner. Calgary won the dice throw ultimately and ended the regular season on a high note. Utonium (55 saves), Dahl (26 saves) and Sova (0g/1a) were named the three stars of the match. Dahl (.962) lost one of the most epic battles in net against Utonium (.982) who dragged their team screaming and kicking into OT and SO. Calgary's power play was okay (1/5) and the box play immaculate (3/3). Daniel was reported with 0g, 1a, -1, 1 hit, 1sb and 54.72FO% Marcel was reported with 0g, 0a, +0, 1 hit and 2sb The Jansers' final stats for the S85 regular season read as follows: Marcel: 72gp, 8g, 16a, 24pts, +41, 30 PIM, 62 hits, 110 sb, 3gwg, 3ppg Daniel: 72gp, 51g, 57a, 108pts, +28, 140 PIM, 243 hits, 36sb, 7gwg, 11ppg, 59.29FO%, 11 1st Star awards We will revert with the playoffs in due course. https://vhlforum.com/topic/127619-a-tale-of-two-brothers-competing/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/127638-a-tale-of-two-brothers-on-track/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/127728-a-tale-of-two-brothers-interview-with-the-gm/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/127819-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-little-ebb/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/128227-a-tale-of-two-brothers-dirty-deeds-done-dirt-cheap/ GM 532: Calgary Wranglers vs. Helsinki Titans (vhlportal.com) GM 535: Calgary Wranglers vs. Riga Reign (vhlportal.com) GM 543: Riga Reign vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 553: Toronto Legion vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 559: Calgary Wranglers vs. Toronto Legion (vhlportal.com) GM 570: D.C. Dragons vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) To be claimed week ending 23/10 1300+ words
  12. I am a noob on discord. If he was given the same role as all the players he should have access to the same channels, right?
  13. Damn should have thought of using that one...
  14. you only need one channel when 'Curiosity Show' is running on it 24/7
  15. Can you please give me the lotto numbers next?
  16. 1. Certainly not Daniel Janser iirc he fluffed every time he took a penalty shot. 2. Looking at the penalties it must be AG. Knowing Janser though, he will bide his time and repay in equal coin. 3. Well I am sure with Bonnie Ferguson moving in with Dan, he will find a way to pass time... 4. Just max earn and bank the excess TPE. and maybe fight the regression with one of the trinkets in the player store. 5. I had to google for that: since apparently the Blackhawks are the biggest rivals of the 'Nucks, Ricer should dress as Patrick Kane (if I got the team wrong replace with an appropriate player). 6. Toronto, because they are as likely to win the cup as the 'Nucks. And it is Vancouver because no franchise can go 53 years without a cup. right? right? (Alternative reason: because Hell just froze over)
  17. Now this does not take anything away from your graphic, I just wanted to mention that Dawson retired after the S83 season... so the title for this thread is utterly deserved...
  18. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) It has been a while since we last reported from the Janser brothers. Their Calgary Wranglers played 22 games in the interim and conquered the first seed in the NA conference with a 38-20-8 record and a five point lead over Vancouver. However, the standings are tight with every franchise having at least arithmetical chances to make the playoffs and/or the Wild Card games. However the Albertan team cannot fall below the fourth seed anymore and with a schedule which works in their favour it is unlikely that they will give away the pole position. Daniel has crossed the 100 point bar in a game against the New York Americans, where he contributed a goal and an assist. He is leading the league in goals (49) and points (101) at the moment and is amongst the league's best when it comes to winning face-offs and converting chances. When our Canadian correspondent called Daniel to congratulate him to this milestone, the Wranglers' captain was quick to state, that it does not matter who scores and who does the dirty work as long as the deed is just done. He also observes that Calgary is the only franchise with five 30+ goal scorer in their ranks and the only team which can field seven ppg skaters. This season seems to be indeed a breakout season for the veteran Swiss center as he combines physicality (220 hits dished (15th in the league)/248 received (8th of the league)), decent defense play (+28 (tied 9th), above average SO% (58.91% (7th)) and uncanny scoring abilities (11.37 shooting percentage (9th/1st of skater with 250+ shots) in an almost perfect combination. GM Kris Rice makes a fair point in critizing the centers all-to-frequent visits in the sin bin and the hesitation displayed when the body needs to be put between the puck and the net, but hastens to add that this is complaining on a high level and this were already known weak points in Janser's play at draft day. Our newspaper would be surprised if no silverware at all would come Daniel's way. Marcel mainly contributes on the defensive end of the game, as can be expected from defensive-first back. He sports an even better +/- rating than his brother with a + 32 and while his PIM's have steadily increased, he has only a sixth of his elder brethren's totals. The stats for the Jansers' are as follows: Marcel: 66gp, 7g, 13a, 20pts, +32, 22 PIM, 58 hits, 102sb, 3gwg, 3ppg Daniel: 66gp, 49g, 52a, 101pts, +28, 134 PIM, 220 hits, 34sb, 7gwg, 10ppg, 58.91FO%, 10 1st Star nominations On non-hockey related news, we are happy to report that Ms Bonnie Ferguson has moved in with Daniel. We also learned from a press communique that Bonnie is an athlete herself and participates in the Highland Games in her native Scotland. She is sister to three elder brothers called Callum, Fergus and Angus. We will revert with news on the brothers' careers as soon as they are available. Please stay tuned for our updates. https://vhlforum.com/topic/127598-a-tale-of-two-brothers-almost-mid-way-through-the-season/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/127619-a-tale-of-two-brothers-competing/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/127638-a-tale-of-two-brothers-on-track/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/127728-a-tale-of-two-brothers-interview-with-the-gm/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/127819-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-little-ebb/ GM 358: Moscow Menace vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 367: Calgary Wranglers vs. Helsinki Titans (vhlportal.com) GM 377: Los Angeles Stars vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 385: Calgary Wranglers vs. Moscow Menace (vhlportal.com) GM 390: Chicago Phoenix vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 401: Calgary Wranglers vs. Chicago Phoenix (vhlportal.com) GM 407: Seattle Bears vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 413: Calgary Wranglers vs. Seattle Bears (vhlportal.com) GM 422: Helsinki Titans vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 433: Calgary Wranglers vs. Prague Phantoms (vhlportal.com) GM 438: Calgary Wranglers vs. Warsaw Predators (vhlportal.com) GM 444: Chicago Phoenix vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 455: Riga Reign vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 461: Calgary Wranglers vs. Los Angeles Stars (vhlportal.com) GM 469: Calgary Wranglers vs. Malmo Nighthawks (vhlportal.com) GM 475: D.C. Dragons vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 486: Warsaw Predators vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 500: Warsaw Predators vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 510: Calgary Wranglers vs. Riga Reign (vhlportal.com) GM 514: Helsinki Titans vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 516: Calgary Wranglers vs. D.C. Dragons (vhlportal.com) GM 524: Calgary Wranglers vs. New York Americans (vhlportal.com)
  19. Why of all people would you ask jardy how it is to grow up? That is like asking a vegan person which beef burger tastes the best.
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